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of World Problems
& Human Potential
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human value
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Related Problems:
Over-specialization in education
Education vocationally irrelevant
Competitiveness in education
Lack of physical education
Immoral education
Inadequate environmental education
Inadequate family planning education
Inadequate driver training
Lack of funds for education
Politicization of education
Inadequate rehabilitation methods for the blind
Denial of right to education
Attitudinal obstacles to practical education
Inequitable education selection
Inadequate education for peace
Denial of right to educational choice
Inadequate education system
Obstacles to education
Excessive institutionalization of education
Inadequate political education
Worktime limits to education
Obstacles to village education
Lax university standards
Lack of relationship between education and available jobs
Limited availability of education in rural areas
Inappropriate education
Restricted higher education
Resistance to technology education
Inadequate education for nomadic children
Delay in societal impact of education
Inadequate sex education
Rote learning
Inadequate secondary education
Inequality of access to education within countries
Inappropriate education of graduates
Ethnic discrimination in foreign language teaching
Religious discrimination in education
Inadequate education facilities
Educational gap between generations
Confusion of education with literacy
Inappropriate selection and examination procedures in education
Fragmented schooling
Inadequacy of agricultural education
Segregation of handicapped children in education
Lack of meaningful educational context for ethical decisions
Unnecessary education expenditure
Bilingual education
Devaluation of education by survival needs
Inadequate education concerning the nature of problems
Lack of relevant education in rural communities
Inadequate university education
Commercial exploitation of education
Downgrading of services with nonquantifiable long-term benefits
Overdependence on education
Increasing lag in education against population growth
Education image of poor communities
Racial discrimination in education
Insufficient primary education
Prohibitive cost of education
Misuse of advertising during education
Lack of appropriate education for children of immigrants
Depersonalization of responsibility in education
Unsupportive home structures for education
Lack of education for women immigrants
Ignorance of women concerning primary health care
Ineffective functional training
Manipulation of civic education
Debilitating education images
Abuse of prison labour
Denial of right to choose moral and religious education
Discrimination against men in education
Restrictive regulations for training
Professional discrimination among educators
Economic rationalism drives education
Commercially sponsored health education
Discrimination against women in education
Unrecognized relevance of education
Decline in government expenditure on primary education
Lack of emphasis on basic education
Student immobility
Radicalization of academia
Lack of education
Lack of education on human rights
Inflexible learning schedules
Unequal access to education among countries
Unperceived relevance of formal education in rural communities
Increasing lag in education against growth in knowledge
Inadequate educational facilities for gifted children
Inadequate family planning education for men
Decline in government expenditure on education
Diversion of education to qualification earning
Abstract educational methods
Unbudgeted child education
Compulsory education
Lack of family life education
Unproductive extension of schooling
Class discrimination in education
Education breaks community ties
Barriers to economic education
Unconstrained teaching
Interference of school athletic activities with education
Outmoded education system
Outmoded education system
Strengthening institutions supporting improved health of vulnerable groups
Strengthening institutions supporting improved health of vulnerable groups
Integrating demographic and sustainable development concerns in education
Publicizing negative effects of family planning education
Providing rural education
Designing sex education programmes
Studying diplomatic relations
Improving geographical education
Providing vocational training for women
Promoting home-schooling
Developing broad environmental education
Providing youth with better health education
Enhancing science and technology training
Strengthening education on urban energy and transportation services
Educating women
Providing health information and education to vulnerable groups
Providing integrative education
Providing integrative education
Expanding marine science education in developing countries
Providing public information and education on reproduction and health
Strengthening aesthetic education
Offering Montessori education
Improving basic education for the poor
Enhancing participation of women in higher education
Educating children to prevent drug taking
Innovating in education
Teaching integrative science
Teaching integrative education
Providing loans for education
Educating whole person
Integrating education
Using computers in education
Undertaking education on coastal zone management
Enabling lifelong contextual re-education
Ensuring universal primary education for children
Contextualizing education
Developing physical education
Strengthening education programmes for all water resource staff
Strengthening education programmes for all water resource staff
Promoting education about women's issues
Expanding public information on protection of the atmosphere
Reforming higher education
Developing effective education and training programmes
Including marine living resources in curricula at all education levels
Using information technology for education
Providing universal access to education
Expanding education programmes for farmers
Increasing water resource education
Conducting public education programmes on drinking water supply and sanitation
Establishing multisectoral national advisory and coordinating groups on environmental education
Including sustainable development issues in journalistic education
Setting up training programmes in sustainable development for education professionals
Expanding programmes for continuing adult education on sustainable development
Providing education materials on effects of hazardous waste
Including cleaner production guidelines in industry training programmes
Improving community capacity for environmental education
Expanding international exchange on sustainable development education
Giving priority in education budgets to primary education
Including sustainable development in company education and training programmes
Sharing of environmental education costs by local communities with richer assisting poorer communities
Assisting education institutions to contribute more to public environmental awareness programmes
Giving priority to education literacy programmes for women
Affirming local knowledge in education programmes
Using innovative teaching methods in environmental education
Integrating ecology into agricultural science education
Giving higher priority in budgets to sustainable development education and training
Reorienting higher education towards sustainable development
Formalizing education for women and girls
Financing education
Reorienting education towards sustainable development
Reducing corruption in education
Increasing education
Integrating local planning in education curricula in small islands
Supporting debt-for-education swaps
Providing education
Providing education on hazardous waste management in government and industry
Preparing education material on regional sustainable development issues
Strengthening forestry education and training
Educating for integrated island management
Expanding education on water quality protection
Reaching acceptable racial desegregation in education system
Lifting restrictions on private schooling
Educating about national hazardous waste management
Increasing involvement of NGOs in designing and implementing education programmes for sustainable development
Managing physical resources for education
Expanding involvement of NGOs in public information and education programmes
Planning education
Improving access to computers for education
Arabizing higher education
Providing education for telecommunications sector
Expanding environmental management education and training
Including youth in task forces on environmental education
Educating adults on prevention of communicable diseases
Developing electronic interactive learning
Expanding rights education among women
Implementing health, nutrition, education and poverty alleviation programmes for children
Campaigning against religious education
Documenting sport history
Ensuring access of all youth to formal and informal education
Developing environmental education on transboundary air pollution
Increasing education for females in science
Integrating basic learning needs into environmental education programmes at all levels
Promoting public education on health effects of climate change
Monitoring implementation of education proposals in Agenda 21
Advancing bilingual education
Integrating sustainable development ethics into education, training and research programmes
Using indigenous education systems for education in sustainability
Teaching science
Strengthening technology education
Reviewing environmental education programmes in the United Nations system
Training for emergencies
Supporting local educational structures
Supporting local educational structures
Providing youth training
Improving access of girls to basic education
Beginning early learning education
Implementing imaginal education methods
Equalizing education access
Creating multi-purpose education structure
Individualizing education procedures
Enabling varied advanced education
Establishing local continuing education
Extending available formal education
Promoting music education
Providing education material
Building back-up education facilities
Securing education ministry approval
Enabling broad early education
Creating responsive education structures
Training early education teachers
Developing education materials
Providing basic education
Providing basic education
Intensifying higher education preparation
Providing specialized vocational education
Developing educational information
Developing universal teaching methods
Describing basic education structures
Structuring continued adult education
Developing higher level education
Establishing continuing education classes
Visiting government education department
Enabling formal education completion
Securing practical education assistance
Promoting personal development education
Teaching comprehensive life education
Maximizing available education resources
Ensuring adequate life education
Increasing level of learning achievement
Extending basic citizen education
Implementing comprehensive community education
Supplementing applied functional education
Providing supplemental learning resources
Enriching basic childhood learning
Expanding public education on hygiene
Providing general adult education
Offering supplemental education opportunities
Improving relevance of education
Improving relevance of education
Initiating special interest education
Developing imaginal education
Providing permanent objectives to skills development
Structuring imaginal education
Structuring formal methods of education
Establishment re-education
Programming live oriented education
Developing leadership
Educating for marriage and family life
Providing architecture education
Cultural revolution
Advancing continuing education
Educating by correspondence
Portraying communitarian sense
Teaching basic health practices
Using broadcasting media for education
Educating for peace
Providing religious education
Improving educational facilities
Giving attention to comprehensive education
Planning education locally
Recognizing relevance of education
Identifying obstacles to education
Identifying obstacles to village education
Identifying attitudinal obstacles to practical education
Limiting education
Depending on education
Providing specialized education
Emphasizing academic education
Emphasizing theories in education
Denouncing permissive education
Permitting freedom in education
Politicizing education
Depoliticizing education
Counselling early school-leavers
Reducing cost of education
Resisting technology education
Exposing education scandals
Covering-up education scandals
Segregating in education
Reducing sexist education of children
Stagnating in education
Increasing availability of agricultural training
Limiting availability of education
Limiting availability of education
Valuing education by parents
Undervaluing education by parents
Abolishing unethical practices in education
Uncovering early education benefits
Appreciating relevance of formal education in rural communities
Relating education to life
Competing in education
Upholding educational standards
Upholding educational standards
Denying right to education for women
Denying right to free primary education
Denying education rights of native peoples
Using inequality in education
Ensuring practical education to alleviate disadvantage
Reducing racial discrimination in education
Reducing sexual discrimination in education
Reducing religious discrimination in education
Reducing discrimination against men in education
Reducing discrimination against women in education
Reducing discrimination against indigenous populations in education
Satisfying education needs
Satisfying education needs
Institutionalizing education
Exploiting education
Promoting universal education
Promoting alternative forms of education
Providing education
Reducing discrimination in education
Personalizing responsibility in education
Improving public education
Providing education system
Improving maternal education
Improving secondary education
Improving formal education
Improving agricultural education
Improving education of indigenous peoples
Improving educational facilities for gifted children
Coping with inadequate practical education
Improving practical education
Using selection and examination procedures in education
Completing education
Increasing effectiveness of health education
Providing social education
Providing health education
Providing systems of practical education
Reducing inequality in education
Preserving inequality in education
Reducing inequality of access to education among countries
Reducing inequality of access to education within countries
Reducing global inequality of distribution of family planning education and facilities
Preserving global inequality of distribution of family planning education and facilities
Improving primary education
Using advertising for education
Protesting intrusion of advertising into education
Protesting intrusion of advertising into education
Providing sufficient education
Providing sufficient education
Providing sufficient education
Providing sufficient education
Providing sufficient education
Abstaining from environmental education
Providing sufficient family-planning education
Abstaining from emphasis on basic education
Providing sufficient relevant education in rural communities
Providing sufficient relevant education in rural communities
Providing sufficient formal education in developing countries
Providing sufficient formal education in developing countries
Providing human rights to education
Limiting agricultural education
Limiting availability of education in the country
Raising standards of higher education
Lowering standards of higher education
Improving education
Reporting malpractice in education institutions
Manipulating civic education
Promoting christian education
Affecting education
Promoting cooperation among institutes of higher education
Developing projects concerning education
Developing medical education
Financing higher education
Educating nurses
Developing management education
Developing management education
Improving statistical education
Promoting health education
Improving quality of education
Promoting preventative health education for women
Helping education
Organizing postgraduate education
Developing mother tongue education
Teaching pharmacology
Establishing national adult education
Supporting international community of scholars
Promoting open education
Improving executive education
Improving executive education
Training human resources development
Supporting higher education systems
Encouraging parent education
Training education administrators
Adapting physical education
Humanizing resources education
Training veterinary doctors
Developing executive education
Improving traffic education
Revising education development strategy
Formalizing basic education
Standardizing university education
Supporting education
Supporting education
Providing preventative drug education
Preparing health education curriculum
Developing new distance education
Developing new distance education
Encouraging contacts in the field of professional music education
Advancing legal education
Developing student sport
Standardizing education
Developing teacher education
Promoting orthopaedic education
Improving dental education
Developing international cooperative education
Decentralizing education
Promoting Islamic education
Providing informal jewish education
Developing through education
Strengthening researcher education
Systemizing education
Exchanging scientific knowledge
Advancing education
Popularizing education
Training university staff
Assisting education
Renewing primary education
Disciplining education
Developing jewish education
Researching higher education
Promoting postgraduate education
Advancing transport education
Harmonizing basic doctoral education
Improving legal education
Formalizing formal education
Providing advertising education
Promoting agricultural education
Formulating education policies
Developing pharmaceutical medicine
Standardizing pharmaceutical education
Developing intercultural education
Advancing creative education
Studying medical education
Promoting flexible education
Reforming education
Promoting audiovisual education
Contexting education
Providing environmental education in schools
Offering catholic education
Exchanging adult educators
Providing care education
Researching adult education
Advancing post graduate education
Improving homeopathic education
Encouraging creative education
Developing health education
Advancing comparative education
Providing maritime education
Insuring education
Harmonizing higher education
Training leaders
Coordinating adult education networks
Type Classification:
D: Destructive values