
Outmoded education system

Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Other Names:
Irrelevance of educational curricula
Ineffective social education
Imbalance of educational curricula
Prescribed irrelevant curriculum
Disrelated school lessons
For essentially historical reasons, the subjects of traditional curricula are given a value that often bears little relation to their educative or social usefulness. Literature and history are generally invested with greater prestige than geography or economics, and the study of classics takes precedence over learning about the contemporary world. Even science as a whole suffers from such prejudice: pure science is often more highly regarded than applied science. Many educational programmes are therefore ill-adapted to provide knowledge of the real universe, as the present generation sees it, and to the problems facing people today: military, social and racial conflicts; worldwide famine; pollution; the status of youth and women; and the condition of minority groups. Educators may feel that they do not possess sufficiently accurate information on these subjects, or they may wish to avoid controversial subjects, or the subjects may require multidisciplinary treatment which would be hard to include in strictly subject-based timetables. Furthermore, the unwillingness to recognize that curriculum goes beyond compartments of subject matter hinders the development of non-formal efforts to make schooling more responsive to the real life needs of persons of all ages.
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 4: Quality EducationGOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
21.04.2022 – 08:36 CEST