LackLackingBroaderWealth-PovertyPresentablePresence-AbsencePresentablePerfection-ImperfectionPresentableProblemUnproductive subsistence agricultureExcellentUndervaluation of systematic biologyExcellentUncoordinated international river basin developmentExcellentThreatened species of PlantaeExcellentStagnated development of agricultural productionExcellentSoil erosionExcellentShortage of natural resourcesExcellentProtein-energy malnutritionExcellentPhysical unfitnessExcellentObstacles to aquacultureExcellentMenstrual disadvantage of womenExcellentLack of skilled manpower in rural areasExcellentLack of realism in intergovernmental organizationsExcellentLack of programme methodsExcellentLack of production for domestic consumersExcellentLack of male libidoExcellentLack of job satisfactionExcellentLack of incentive to care for community propertyExcellentLack of appreciation of cultural differencesExcellentLack of a religious centreExcellentInadequate social and demographic statisticsExcellentInadequate management of refuseExcellentInadequate integrated freshwater managementExcellentInadequate health servicesExcellentInadequate drought controlExcellentInadequacy of foreign aidExcellentInadequacy of economic accounting systemsExcellentInadequacies of the international monetary systemExcellentIgnoranceExcellentHurricanesExcellentHuman immunodeficiency virus infectionExcellentDenial of social rightsExcellentDenial of right to educationExcellentDehumanization of deathExcellentDeficient business leadershipExcellentDecreasing diversity of biological speciesExcellentCrop vulnerabilityExcellentAir pollutionExcellentAddiction to sexExcellentYoung people's lack of context for the futurePresentableVulnerability of women and children in emergenciesPresentableVulnerability of telephone systemsPresentableVulnerability of marriage as an institutionPresentableUrinary incontinencePresentableUnstructured local government in small communitiesPresentableUnstable supply of raw materialsPresentableUnsatisfied need for continuing educationPresentableUnreported birthsPresentableUnperceived relevance of formal education in rural communitiesPresentableUnformed pattern of cooperative actionPresentableUnethical practice of health professionalsPresentableUnequal opportunity for vocational trainingPresentableUnderutilized animal genetic resourcesPresentableUnderdevelopment of countriesPresentableUnderdeveloped community leadershipPresentableUndemocratic social systemsPresentableUnbridled individualismPresentableTechnological underdevelopmentPresentableTax evasionPresentableStudent immobilityPresentableStructural rigidities in labour marketsPresentableStatelessnessPresentableSoil compactionPresentableSocial underdevelopmentPresentableSocial fragmentationPresentableSocial disaffection of the youngPresentableShortage of hardwoodPresentableShortage of entrepreneurial abilityPresentableShort-range planning for long-term developmentPresentableSexual unfulfilmentPresentableSexual discriminationPresentableSedentary city lifestylesPresentableScientific ignorancePresentableSacrifice of political idealsPresentableRisk of capital investmentPresentableRetarded socializationPresentableRestricted state support of the familyPresentableRestricted scope of local employmentPresentableRestricted delivery of essential services to rural communitiesPresentableReligious schismPresentableReinforced parochialism of internal values and imagesPresentableProliferation and duplication of United Nations information systemsPresentablePolluted drinking waterPresentablePolitical fragmentationPresentablePolitical apathyPresentablePermissive child-rearingPresentableParalysis of elders faced with the futurePresentablePacifismPresentableOver-specializationPresentableOfficial secrecyPresentableNon-convertibility of currenciesPresentableNoise pollutionPresentableNeglect of the role of women in rural developmentPresentableMeaninglessnessPresentableMaldistribution of agricultural landPresentableLow self esteemPresentableLoss of female libidoPresentableLimited farm mechanizationPresentableLimited available landPresentableLimited agricultural advicePresentableLimitations of allopathyPresentableLack of women in the advertising industryPresentableLack of wisdom systemPresentableLack of vocational teachersPresentableLack of urgency in village operationsPresentableLack of UN jurisdiction in administered territoriesPresentableLack of transparency in public financesPresentableLack of transparency in international organizationsPresentableLack of training in construction techniques in mountainous conditionsPresentableLack of timePresentableLack of technical infrastructure for maritime commerce in developing countriesPresentableLack of symbolism in local relationshipsPresentableLack of support for local commercial servicesPresentableLack of social disciplinePresentableLack of sharing of community skillsPresentableLack of sanitation in rural areasPresentableLack of sanitation in citiesPresentableLack of rural industrializationPresentableLack of response to monetary incentivesPresentableLack of relevant education in rural communitiesPresentableLack of relationship between wealth generation and the public goodPresentableLack of racial identityPresentableLack of qualityPresentableLack of qualitative excellencePresentableLack of professional standardsPresentableLack of processing industry for primary commoditiesPresentableLack of private sector involvement in biodiversity conservationPresentableLack of press freedomPresentableLack of political willPresentableLack of political neutrality of civil servantsPresentableLack of physical educationPresentableLack of payment for houseworkPresentableLack of participation in developmentPresentableLack of participation by local communities in democratic processesPresentableLack of parental fulfilmentPresentableLack of opportunities for practical training in communitiesPresentableLack of medical recordsPresentableLack of meaningful personal and social paradigmsPresentableLack of local services for community leadership trainingPresentableLack of local commercial servicesPresentableLack of legal aid facilitiesPresentableLack of jobsPresentableLack of international accord on water usePresentableLack of integration of transport systems between neighbouring developing countriesPresentableLack of integrated pollution controlPresentableLack of integrated management of biodiversityPresentableLack of individualism in capitalist systemsPresentableLack of individualismPresentableLack of individual historical contextPresentableLack of identity of international nongovernmental organization networkPresentableLack of grassroots involvement in economic planningPresentableLack of funerals for dead foetusesPresentableLack of folic acid in dietPresentableLack of financial information systems for international nongovernmental organizationsPresentableLack of finance in coastal communitiesPresentableLack of farming informationPresentableLack of family planning informationPresentableLack of family life educationPresentableLack of facilities for educating older peoplePresentableLack of facilities for disturbed childrenPresentableLack of emphasis on basic educationPresentableLack of educationPresentableLack of economic adaptation of indigenous systemsPresentableLack of demolition planningPresentableLack of comparability of international statisticsPresentableLack of community responsibilityPresentableLack of community planPresentableLack of coastal developmentPresentableLack of child care for working parentsPresentableLack of channels for obtaining available local fundingPresentableLack of carePresentableLack of capital developmentPresentableLack of appropriate education for children of immigrantsPresentableLack of appreciation for nuclear weaponsPresentableLack of adherence to international transit conventionsPresentableLack of access to public archivesPresentableLack of a world food security systemPresentableIron deficiency anaemiasPresentableInternational insecurityPresentableInternational economic fragmentationPresentableIntellectual inefficiencyPresentableIntellectual disabilityPresentableInsufficient technical aids for disabled personsPresentableInsufficient primary educationPresentableInsecurity of mobile telephone communicationPresentableInequality of employment opportunityPresentableInefficiency of state-controlled enterprisesPresentableIneffective systems of practical educationPresentableInadequate watershed managementPresentableInadequate water system infrastructurePresentableInadequate waste incinerationPresentableInadequate transport systems for isolated islandsPresentableInadequate training in decision-makingPresentableInadequate research on proposed solutions to problemsPresentableInadequate recreational facilitiesPresentableInadequate prison capacityPresentableInadequate maternal and child health carePresentableInadequate maintenance equipmentPresentableInadequate industrial retraining programmesPresentableInadequate human resources developmentPresentableInadequate grass-roots initiativePresentableInadequate firearm regulationPresentableInadequate family planning educationPresentableInadequate facilities for children's playPresentableInadequate existing symbols for marriagePresentableInadequate evaluation of surgical proceduresPresentableInadequate energy supply infrastructurePresentableInadequate educational facilities for gifted childrenPresentableInadequate control over government administrative processPresentableInadequate child day-care facilitiesPresentableInadequate budgetary coordination within the United Nations systemsPresentableInadequate army disciplinePresentableInadequate administration of aidPresentableInadequacy of psychiatryPresentableInadequacy of contraceptive methodsPresentableInadequacy and insensitivity of intelligence testingPresentableInaccessibility of justicePresentableIgnored social needs of developing countriesPresentableHuman wisdom considered unrelated to daily lifePresentableHabitual overemphasis on national self-determinationPresentableGovernmental barriers to a global ethicPresentableFragmentation of religious beliefPresentableFragmentationPresentableFelt community powerlessnessPresentableExcessive dependence of local communities on outside servicesPresentableEnvironmental hazards of decommissioned nuclear power plantsPresentableEducation vocationally irrelevantPresentableEconomic inefficiencyPresentableDominance of economic motivesPresentableDiscrimination against women in educationPresentableDeterioration of development processPresentableDeteriorating rural community cooperationPresentableDependence of communities on external planningPresentableDenial of rights of medical patientsPresentableDenial of right of complaintPresentableDefective land use planningPresentableDecreasing consumer choicePresentableDeclining economic productivityPresentableDecline of handicrafts and cottage industriesPresentableDecline in employer-provided pensionsPresentableCultural fragmentationPresentableCorporation financial secrecyPresentableCommunity demoralizationPresentableCommunication breakdownPresentableCold as an occupational hazardPresentableAfter-school unsupervised childrenPresentableAbsence of agreed minimum wagePresentableWorktime limits to educationYet to rateUnregulated outdoor workYet to rateUnproven relationships among problemsYet to rateUnprofessional personal appearanceYet to rateUnorganized community recreationYet to rateUnknown conservation systemsYet to rateUnimplemented decisionsYet to rateUnhygienic conditionsYet to rateUnfair contestsYet to rateUnemployed skilled labourYet to rateUndomesticated menYet to rateUndiversified national economiesYet to rateUndesignated garden spaceYet to rateUnderutilization of biocontrolYet to rateUnderdevelopment of forestry industryYet to rateUndemocratic policy-makingYet to rateUncoordinated agency referralYet to rateUnchallenging world visionYet to rateUnavailable road machineryYet to rateUnavailability of appropriate expertiseYet to rateTerminological ambiguitiesYet to rateSubstandard abattoirsYet to rateSubjectivityYet to rateShortage of women instructorsYet to rateShortage of skilled transport workersYet to rateShifting site of employmentYet to rateSecrecy about pharmaceutical productsYet to rateScarce local cashYet to rateRestriction of abortionYet to rateReduced stock of low-income housingYet to ratePsychological inertiaYet to ratePoor managerial communicationsYet to ratePolitical immaturityYet to ratePernicious anaemiaYet to rateOveremphasis on economic progress in societyYet to rateOvercrowded public clinicsYet to rateNon-inclusive management decisionsYet to rateNon-cooperationYet to rateNeglect of worker healthYet to rateMistrust of policeYet to rateMilitary unreadinessYet to rateMediocrity of government leadersYet to rateLoss of faith in religionYet to rateLoss of cultural heritageYet to rateLimited opportunities for significant workYet to rateLimited funding expertiseYet to rateLimited functional abilitiesYet to rateLack of worker participation in business decision-makingYet to rateLack of war reliefYet to rateLack of variety of social life formsYet to rateLack of vaccinesYet to rateLack of university summer programmeYet to rateLack of unity among ChristiansYet to rateLack of understandingYet to rateLack of tuberculosis materialsYet to rateLack of transport vehiclesYet to rateLack of trans-frontier cooperationYet to rateLack of trained firefightersYet to rateLack of traffic informationYet to rateLack of trade union recognitionYet to rateLack of terminological equivalents among languagesYet to rateLack of telephone systemYet to rateLack of technological progressYet to rateLack of systems for achieving grassroots agreementYet to rateLack of specifically designed softwareYet to rateLack of specialized technologyYet to rateLack of solidarity with the poorYet to rateLack of social identityYet to rateLack of social contactYet to rateLack of social conscienceYet to rateLack of social commitmentYet to rateLack of shared machineryYet to rateLack of sexual libertyYet to rateLack of semantic equivalents among languagesYet to rateLack of self-confidenceYet to rateLack of secondary schools in the countrysideYet to rateLack of school transportationYet to rateLack of savings structuresYet to rateLack of satisfactionYet to rateLack of returnee jobsYet to rateLack of retraining incentivesYet to rateLack of representationYet to rateLack of religious disciplineYet to rateLack of relationship between social techniques and the needs they addressYet to rateLack of relationship between education and available jobsYet to rateLack of regular habitYet to rateLack of refuse binsYet to rateLack of refrigeration facilitiesYet to rateLack of qualificationsYet to rateLack of progress in establishing a New International Economic OrderYet to rateLack of programmes for dropoutsYet to rateLack of processing facilitiesYet to rateLack of practical examplesYet to rateLack of political integrityYet to rateLack of political independenceYet to rateLack of places in urban environments encouraging unstructured public accessYet to rateLack of pioneer spiritYet to rateLack of perspectiveYet to rateLack of personal transport in rural areasYet to rateLack of patriotismYet to rateLack of participation in local welfare programmesYet to rateLack of NGO access to official documents of the United NationsYet to rateLack of nearby wellsYet to rateLack of national unityYet to rateLack of national legal provision for international nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateLack of national identityYet to rateLack of motivating collegial relationshipsYet to rateLack of modernizationYet to rateLack of models of equalityYet to rateLack of method in trainingYet to rateLack of medical informationYet to rateLack of meaningful educational context for ethical decisionsYet to rateLack of lumber toolsYet to rateLack of long-term development assistanceYet to rateLack of local tractorsYet to rateLack of local industriesYet to rateLack of livelihood standardsYet to rateLack of leadership initiativeYet to rateLack of knowledge of eligibility for benefitsYet to rateLack of irrigation equipmentYet to rateLack of intimate relationshipsYet to rateLack of intersocietal resource channelsYet to rateLack of international understandingYet to rateLack of international policy on specific issuesYet to rateLack of international legal provision for nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateLack of international coordination of interest ratesYet to rateLack of international cooperationYet to rateLack of international communicationYet to rateLack of internal political independenceYet to rateLack of integration of regulatory programmes into other socio-economic programmesYet to rateLack of integrated medicineYet to rateLack of integrated energy resource managementYet to rateLack of insurance against infertilityYet to rateLack of influential backersYet to rateLack of individual rights to political asylumYet to rateLack of individual initiativeYet to rateLack of individual developmentYet to rateLack of incentives for tourismYet to rateLack of housing for teachers in rural communitiesYet to rateLack of historical recordYet to rateLack of hiring moneyYet to rateLack of health-aide backupYet to rateLack of health insurancesYet to rateLack of governmental supportYet to rateLack of government initiativeYet to rateLack of genetic counsellingYet to rateLack of gene banksYet to rateLack of funds for veterinary researchYet to rateLack of funds for medical researchYet to rateLack of funds for educationYet to rateLack of funding structuresYet to rateLack of funding for infrastructureYet to rateLack of full cost accounting of consumer productsYet to rateLack of footwareYet to rateLack of firefighting waterYet to rateLack of fire insuranceYet to rateLack of financial controlYet to rateLack of family restaurantsYet to rateLack of enforcement powerYet to rateLack of education on human rightsYet to rateLack of education for women immigrantsYet to rateLack of dairy marketsYet to rateLack of corporate achievementsYet to rateLack of coordinationYet to rateLack of cooperation with officialdomYet to rateLack of controlYet to rateLack of contract powerYet to rateLack of continuity among personnel of international organizationsYet to rateLack of consensus in regional disputesYet to rateLack of confidence of parentsYet to rateLack of confidence in the international monetary systemYet to rateLack of community voiceYet to rateLack of commitment to common symbolsYet to rateLack of collective housing schemesYet to rateLack of co-worker attunementYet to rateLack of child welfare institutionsYet to rateLack of cesspool fencingYet to rateLack of celibacyYet to rateLack of car poolsYet to rateLack of business opposition to the arms raceYet to rateLack of biocoenosisYet to rateLack of assimilationYet to rateLack of assertivenessYet to rateLack of arbitrating in the commodity marketsYet to rateLack of appropriate language to describe female experienceYet to rateLack of anti-discrimination legislationYet to rateLack of an acceptable universal languageYet to rateLack of agro-urban trainingYet to rateLack of adequate clothing supply for little people and large peopleYet to rateLack of a world religionYet to rateLack of a world governmentYet to rateLack of a system for ethical decision-makingYet to rateLack of a governing bodyYet to rateIntellectual vacuumYet to rateIntellectual arroganceYet to rateInsufficient personnelYet to rateInsufficient maritime rescue servicesYet to rateInsufficient information on plantsYet to rateInsufficient educational incentivesYet to rateInsufficient apprenticeship opportunitiesYet to rateInfrequent honour singingYet to rateInfrequent achievement of honoursYet to rateInfluencelessnessYet to rateInefficient public administrationYet to rateIneffective monitoringYet to rateIneffective legal systemYet to rateInadequate vocational trainingYet to rateInadequate toilet facilitiesYet to rateInadequate sports equipmentYet to rateInadequate social reformYet to rateInadequate power of intergovernmental organizationsYet to rateInadequate personal hygieneYet to rateInadequate manpower planningYet to rateInadequate legislation against environmental pollutionYet to rateInadequate fiscal policiesYet to rateInadequate facilities for youthYet to rateInadequate environmental educationYet to rateInadequate emergency servicesYet to rateInadequate dissemination of local informationYet to rateInadequate development of international criminal lawYet to rateInadequate credit policiesYet to rateInadequate bridge planYet to rateInadequate agricultural capitalYet to rateInadequacy of postal servicesYet to rateInadequacy of agricultural educationYet to rateImperfectionYet to rateIgnoring implications of biblical scholarshipYet to rateIgnorance of health and hygieneYet to rateIgnorance of ecoregionsYet to rateIdeological confusionYet to rateIdeological conflictYet to rateHumourlessnessYet to rateFragmented social care at the neighbourhood levelYet to rateFragmentation of knowledgeYet to rateExcessive dispersion of community facilitiesYet to rateEducational gap between generationsYet to rateEconomic dependenceYet to rateDrained social urgencyYet to rateDistrustYet to rateDisruptive behaviour in schoolsYet to rateDisrespectYet to rateDisengagement of citizens from community activitiesYet to rateDifficulty finding marriage partnerYet to rateDenial of legal representationYet to rateDenial of freedom of thoughtYet to rateDecline of psychic healingYet to rateCopper deficiency in the dietYet to rateContempt for authorityYet to rateConstrained representation of global interestsYet to rateConflicting interpretations of universal human rightsYet to rateConflicting international prioritiesYet to rateCollapse of common valuesYet to rateCollapse in the meaning of participating in societyYet to rateBureaucratic resistance to self-reviewYet to rateAnalgesiaYet to rateAbsence of organization trainingYet to rateStrategyStudying causes of lack of solidarity with the poorYet to rateProviding sufficient daily physical activity in urban environmentsYet to rateProtesting lack of integration of environmental and economic issuesYet to rateLacking pietyYet to rateCampaigning for environmental protection lawsYet to rateBanning hazardous waste exports to countries lacking safe handling capabilityYet to rateAddressing governmental resistance in response to problemsYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems » ScarcityContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024