Lack of individualism
In some modern societies, it is considered that a person who is not individualistic has not matured sufficiently.
Generally individualism was disapproved until the Protestant Reformation. Religions may have stressed the value of the individual but hardly tolerated extreme manifestation of individuality. Following the Reformation, the rise of classical political economy in the eighteenth century made individualism respectable by denying society's existence outside its members, asserting the advantages of economic competition of individuals and promoting the division of labour and therefore the differences among people. At the same time the rights of the individual were developed in philosophy and law. The ends of society became the integrity, independence and defence of the individual; that is, individualism. Darwinism and psychology brought science to the defence of individualistic ideology.
This is the most individualistic period in the history of humankind and to suggest that more individualism is needed is to live in fantasy land where responsibility is suspended, society is disbanded, the ruthless rule indiscriminately, the environment is disregarded, and human rights are ignored.
2. Everybody wants to peel his own banana.