EducationBroaderKnowledge-IgnorancePresentableImprovement-ImpairmentPresentableEducation-MiseducationPresentableProblemProhibitive cost of educationExcellentInadequacy of formal educationExcellentDenial of right to educationExcellentCompetitiveness in educationExcellentUnproductive extension of schoolingPresentableUnperceived relevance of formal education in rural communitiesPresentableUnequal access to education among countriesPresentableStudent immobilityPresentableRote learningPresentableResistance to technology educationPresentableReligious discrimination in educationPresentableRacial discrimination in educationPresentableProfessional discrimination among educatorsPresentableOverdependence on educationPresentableOutmoded education systemPresentableObstacles to village educationPresentableManipulation of civic educationPresentableLimited availability of education in rural areasPresentableLack of relevant education in rural communitiesPresentableLack of physical educationPresentableLack of family life educationPresentableLack of emphasis on basic educationPresentableLack of educationPresentableLack of appropriate education for children of immigrantsPresentableInsufficient primary educationPresentableInequality of access to education within countriesPresentableIneffective functional trainingPresentableInappropriate selection and examination procedures in educationPresentableInappropriate educationPresentableInadequate sex educationPresentableInadequate secondary educationPresentableInadequate family planning educationPresentableInadequate educational facilities for gifted childrenPresentableInadequate education for peacePresentableInadequate education for nomadic childrenPresentableInadequate education facilitiesPresentableIgnorance of women concerning primary health carePresentableEthnic discrimination in foreign language teachingPresentableEducation vocationally irrelevantPresentableEconomic rationalism driving educationPresentableDiversion of education to qualification earningPresentableDiscrimination against women in educationPresentableDecline in government expenditure on educationPresentableCommercially sponsored health educationPresentableCommercial exploitation of educationPresentableClass discrimination in educationPresentableMandatory bilingual educationPresentableAttitudinal obstacles to practical educationPresentableAbuse of prison labourPresentableWorktime limits to educationYet to rateUnsupportive home structures for educationYet to rateUnrecognized relevance of educationYet to rateUnnecessary education expenditureYet to rateUnconstrained teachingYet to rateUnbudgeted child educationYet to rateSegregation of handicapped children in educationYet to rateRestrictive regulations for trainingYet to rateRestricted higher educationYet to rateRadicalization of academiaYet to ratePoliticization of educationYet to rateObstacles to educationYet to rateMisuse of advertising during educationYet to rateLax university standardsYet to rateLack of relationship between education and available jobsYet to rateLack of meaningful educational context for ethical decisionsYet to rateLack of funds for educationYet to rateLack of education on human rightsYet to rateLack of education for women immigrantsYet to rateInterference of school athletic activities with educationYet to rateInflexible learning schedulesYet to rateInequitable education selectionYet to rateIncreasing lag in education against population growthYet to rateIncreasing lag in education against growth in knowledgeYet to rateInappropriate education of graduatesYet to rateInadequate university educationYet to rateInadequate rehabilitation methods for the blindYet to rateInadequate political educationYet to rateInadequate family planning education for menYet to rateInadequate environmental educationYet to rateInadequate education systemYet to rateInadequate education concerning the nature of problemsYet to rateInadequate driver trainingYet to rateInadequacy of agricultural educationYet to rateImmoral educationYet to rateFragmented schoolingYet to rateExcessive institutionalization of educationYet to rateEducational gap between generationsYet to rateEducation image of poor communitiesYet to rateEducation breaking community tiesYet to rateDowngrading of services with nonquantifiable long-term benefitsYet to rateDiscrimination against men in educationYet to rateDevaluation of education by survival needsYet to rateDepersonalization of responsibility in educationYet to rateDenial of right to educational choiceYet to rateDenial of right to choose moral and religious educationYet to rateDelay in societal impact of educationYet to rateDecline in government expenditure on primary educationYet to rateDebilitating education imagesYet to rateConfusion of education with literacyYet to rateCompulsory educationYet to rateBarriers to economic educationYet to rateAbstract educational methodsYet to rateStrategyTeaching integrative scienceExcellentReorienting education towards sustainable developmentExcellentCultural revolutionExcellentUsing innovative teaching methods in environmental educationPresentableUsing information technology for educationPresentableUsing broadcasting media for educationPresentableUndertaking education on coastal zone managementPresentableTeaching integrative educationPresentableTeaching comprehensive life educationPresentableTeaching basic health practicesPresentableTeaching about sexualityPresentableStrengthening technology educationPresentableStrengthening education programmes for all water resource staffPresentableReforming educationPresentableReducing discrimination against women in educationPresentableReducing corruption in educationPresentableProviding specialized vocational educationPresentableProviding rural educationPresentableProviding religious educationPresentableProviding public information and education on reproduction and healthPresentableProviding loans for educationPresentableProviding environmental education in schoolsPresentableProviding education on hazardous waste management in government and industryPresentableProviding education materials on effects of hazardous wastePresentableProviding basic educationPresentablePromoting public education on health effects of climate changePresentablePromoting education about women's issuesPresentablePromoting alternative forms of educationPresentablePreparing education material on regional sustainable development issuesPresentablePlanning educationPresentableOffering Montessori educationPresentableManaging physical resources for educationPresentableIntegrating sustainable development ethics into education, training and research programmesPresentableIntegrating educationPresentableIntegrating ecology into agricultural science educationPresentableIntegrating demographic and sustainable development concerns in educationPresentableIncreasing level of learning achievementPresentableIncluding youth in task forces on environmental educationPresentableIncluding sustainable development in company education and training programmesPresentableImproving relevance of educationPresentableImproving primary educationPresentableImproving geographical educationPresentableImproving education of indigenous peoplesPresentableImproving community capacity for environmental educationPresentableImproving access of girls to basic educationPresentableImplementing health, nutrition, education and poverty alleviation programmes for childrenPresentableGiving priority to education literacy programmes for womenPresentableFinancing educationPresentableExpanding programmes for continuing adult education on sustainable developmentPresentableExpanding marine science education in developing countriesPresentableExpanding environmental management education and trainingPresentableEnsuring universal primary education for childrenPresentableEnsuring adequate life educationPresentableEducating womenPresentableEducating for peacePresentableEducating for marriage and family lifePresentableEducating children to prevent drug takingPresentableDeveloping new distance educationPresentableDeveloping leadershipPresentableDeveloping environmental education on transboundary air pollutionPresentableDeveloping educational informationPresentableDeveloping broad environmental educationPresentableConducting public education programmes on drinking water supply and sanitationPresentableArabizing higher educationPresentableAdvancing continuing educationPresentableAbstaining from environmental educationPresentableUsing inequality in educationYet to rateUsing indigenous education systems for education in sustainabilityYet to rateUsing computers in educationYet to rateUsing community education structuresYet to rateUsing advertising for educationYet to rateUpholding educational standardsYet to rateUndervaluing education by parentsYet to rateUncovering early education benefitsYet to rateTraining veterinary doctorsYet to rateTraining university staffYet to rateTraining leadersYet to rateTraining insurance industryYet to rateTraining human resources developmentYet to rateTraining for emergenciesYet to rateTraining education administratorsYet to rateTraining early education teachersYet to rateTeaching scienceYet to rateTeaching pharmacologyYet to rateTeaching adult education coursesYet to rateSystemizing educationYet to rateSupporting international community of scholarsYet to rateSupporting higher education systemsYet to rateSupporting education in developing countries on protecting marine environmentYet to rateSupporting educationYet to rateSupporting debt-for-education swapsYet to rateSupplementing applied functional educationYet to rateStudying medical educationYet to rateStudying diplomatic relationsYet to rateStructuring imaginal educationYet to rateStructuring formal methods of educationYet to rateStructuring continued adult educationYet to rateStrengthening researcher educationYet to rateStrengthening institutions supporting improved health of vulnerable groupsYet to rateStrengthening forestry education and trainingYet to rateStrengthening education on urban energy and transportation servicesYet to rateStrengthening aesthetic educationYet to rateStandardizing university educationYet to rateStandardizing pharmaceutical educationYet to rateStandardizing educationYet to rateStagnating in educationYet to rateSharing of environmental education costs by local communities with richer assisting poorer communitiesYet to rateSetting up training programmes in sustainable development for education professionalsYet to rateSegregating in educationYet to rateSecuring practical education assistanceYet to rateSatisfying education needsYet to rateReviewing environmental education programmes in the United Nations systemYet to rateResisting technology educationYet to rateResearching higher educationYet to rateResearching adult educationYet to rateReporting malpractice in education institutionsYet to rateReorienting higher education towards sustainable developmentYet to rateRelating education to lifeYet to rateReforming higher educationYet to rateReducing sexual discrimination in educationYet to rateReducing sexist education of childrenYet to rateReducing religious discrimination in educationYet to rateReducing racial discrimination in educationYet to rateReducing inequality of access to education within countriesYet to rateReducing inequality of access to education among countriesYet to rateReducing inequality in educationYet to rateReducing global inequality of distribution of family planning education and facilitiesYet to rateReducing discrimination in educationYet to rateReducing discrimination against men in educationYet to rateReducing discrimination against indigenous populations in educationYet to rateReducing cost of educationYet to rateRecognizing relevance of educationYet to rateReaching acceptable racial desegregation in education systemYet to rateRaising standards of higher educationYet to ratePublicizing negative effects of family planning educationYet to rateProviding youth with better health educationYet to rateProviding youth trainingYet to rateProviding vocational training for womenYet to rateProviding universal access to educationYet to rateProviding systems of practical educationYet to rateProviding sufficient relevant education in rural communitiesYet to rateProviding sufficient formal education in developing countriesYet to rateProviding sufficient family-planning educationYet to rateProviding sufficient educationYet to rateProviding specialized educationYet to rateProviding social educationYet to rateProviding preventative drug educationYet to rateProviding permanent objectives to skills developmentYet to rateProviding maritime educationYet to rateProviding integrative educationYet to rateProviding informal jewish educationYet to rateProviding human rights to educationYet to rateProviding health information and education to vulnerable groupsYet to rateProviding health educationYet to rateProviding general adult educationYet to rateProviding education systemYet to rateProviding education materialYet to rateProviding education for telecommunications sectorYet to rateProviding educationYet to rateProviding architecture educationYet to rateProtesting intrusion of advertising into educationYet to ratePromoting universal educationYet to ratePromoting preventative health education for womenYet to ratePromoting personal development educationYet to ratePromoting orthopaedic educationYet to ratePromoting open educationYet to ratePromoting music educationYet to ratePromoting labour market educationYet to ratePromoting Islamic educationYet to ratePromoting home-schoolingYet to ratePromoting health educationYet to ratePromoting cooperation among institutes of higher educationYet to ratePromoting audiovisual educationYet to ratePreserving inequality in educationYet to ratePreserving global inequality of distribution of family planning education and facilitiesYet to ratePreparing health education curriculumYet to ratePortraying communitarian senseYet to ratePopularizing educationYet to ratePoliticizing educationYet to ratePermitting freedom in educationYet to rateOffering supplemental education opportunitiesYet to rateOffering catholic educationYet to rateMonitoring implementation of education proposals in Agenda 21Yet to rateMaximizing available education resourcesYet to rateManipulating civic educationYet to rateLowering standards of higher educationYet to rateLocating community education spaceYet to rateLimiting educationYet to rateLimiting availability of education in the countryYet to rateLimiting availability of educationYet to rateLimiting agricultural educationYet to rateLifting restrictions on private schoolingYet to rateIntensifying higher education preparationYet to rateIntegrating local planning in education curricula in small islandsYet to rateIntegrating basic learning needs into environmental education programmes at all levelsYet to rateInsuring educationYet to rateInnovating in educationYet to rateIncreasing water resource educationYet to rateIncreasing involvement of NGOs in designing and implementing education programmes for sustainable developmentYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of health educationYet to rateIncreasing education for females in scienceYet to rateIncreasing educationYet to rateIncreasing availability of agricultural trainingYet to rateIncluding sustainable development issues in journalistic educationYet to rateIncluding marine living resources in curricula at all education levelsYet to rateIncluding cleaner production guidelines in industry training programmesYet to rateImproving traffic educationYet to rateImproving secondary educationYet to rateImproving quality of educationYet to rateImproving public educationYet to rateImproving practical educationYet to rateImproving maternal educationYet to rateImproving homeopathic educationYet to rateImproving formal educationYet to rateImproving engineering educationYet to rateImproving educational facilities for gifted childrenYet to rateImproving educational facilitiesYet to rateImproving educationYet to rateImproving dental educationYet to rateImproving basic education for the poorYet to rateImproving agricultural educationYet to rateImproving access to computers for educationYet to rateImplementing imaginal education methodsYet to rateImplementing comprehensive community educationYet to rateIdentifying obstacles to village educationYet to rateIdentifying obstacles to educationYet to rateIdentifying attitudinal obstacles to practical educationYet to rateHumanizing resources educationYet to rateHarmonizing higher educationYet to rateGiving priority in education budgets to primary educationYet to rateGiving higher priority to budgets in sustainable development education and trainingYet to rateGiving attention to comprehensive educationYet to rateFurthering veterinary virological educationYet to rateFormulating education policiesYet to rateFormalizing education for women and girlsYet to rateFinancing higher educationYet to rateExtending basic citizen educationYet to rateExposing education scandalsYet to rateExpanding rights education among womenYet to rateExpanding public information on protection of the atmosphereYet to rateExpanding public education on hygieneYet to rateExpanding involvement of NGOs in public information and education programmesYet to rateExpanding international exchange on sustainable development educationYet to rateExpanding education programmes for farmersYet to rateExpanding education on water quality protectionYet to rateExchanging scientific knowledgeYet to rateExchanging adult educatorsYet to rateEstablishment re-educationYet to rateEstablishing national adult educationYet to rateEstablishing local continuing educationYet to rateEstablishing continuing education classesYet to rateEqualizing education accessYet to rateEnsuring practical education to alleviate disadvantageYet to rateEnsuring access of all youth to formal and informal educationYet to rateEnriching basic childhood learningYet to rateEnhancing science and technology trainingYet to rateEnhancing participation of women in higher educationYet to rateEncouraging parent educationYet to rateEncouraging contacts in the field of professional music educationYet to rateEnabling varied advanced educationYet to rateEnabling lifelong contextual re-educationYet to rateEnabling formal education completionYet to rateEnabling broad early educationYet to rateEmphasizing theories in educationYet to rateEmphasizing academic educationYet to rateEducating whole personYet to rateEducating nursesYet to rateEducating for integrated island managementYet to rateEducating adults on prevention of communicable diseasesYet to rateEducating about national hazardous waste managementYet to rateDocumenting sport historyYet to rateDiversifying adult education optionsYet to rateDeveloping universal teaching methodsYet to rateDeveloping through educationYet to rateDeveloping teacher educationYet to rateDeveloping student sportYet to rateDeveloping projects concerning educationYet to rateDeveloping primary educationYet to rateDeveloping physical educationYet to rateDeveloping pharmaceutical medicineYet to rateDeveloping mother tongue educationYet to rateDeveloping medical educationYet to rateDeveloping management educationYet to rateDeveloping jewish educationYet to rateDeveloping international cooperative educationYet to rateDeveloping intercultural educationYet to rateDeveloping imaginal educationYet to rateDeveloping higher level educationYet to rateDeveloping health educationYet to rateDeveloping executive educationYet to rateDeveloping electronic interactive learningYet to rateDeveloping effective education and training programmesYet to rateDeveloping education materialsYet to rateDesigning sex education programmesYet to rateDescribing basic education structuresYet to rateDepoliticizing educationYet to rateDenying right to free primary educationYet to rateDenying right to education for womenYet to rateDenying right to educationYet to rateDenying education rights of native peoplesYet to rateDenouncing permissive educationYet to rateDecentralizing educationYet to rateCovering-up education scandalsYet to rateCounselling early school-leaversYet to rateCoping with inadequate practical educationYet to rateCoordinating adult education networksYet to rateContextualizing educationYet to rateCompleting educationYet to rateCompeting in educationYet to rateCampaigning against religious educationYet to rateBeginning early learning educationYet to rateAssisting education institutions to contribute more to public environmental awareness programmesYet to rateAppreciating relevance of formal education in rural communitiesYet to rateAffirming local knowledge in education programmesYet to rateAdvancing post graduate educationYet to rateAdvancing legal educationYet to rateAdvancing educationYet to rateAdvancing creative educationYet to rateAdvancing comparative educationYet to rateAdvancing bilingual educationYet to rateAdapting physical educationYet to rateAbstaining from relevant education in rural communitiesYet to rateAbstaining from preparatory educationYet to rateAbstaining from formal education in developing countriesYet to rateAbstaining from family life educationYet to rateAbstaining from emphasis on basic educationYet to rateAbstaining from educationYet to rateAbstaining from agricultural educationYet to rateAbstaining from adult educationYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices in educationYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectEducation » EducationContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024