Inadequate education for nomadic children
Schools for nomadic children are not based upon the particular nature of the nomadic mode of life as people constantly on the more, but are instead structured on the pattern of schools organized for sedentary children. They are often located long distances from the children's camps (so that parents are thus unwilling to enroll their children), they offer regular school hours although parents are unwilling to allow their children to attend distant schools for long hours, leaving herding tasks to them; they do not take into consideration the difference between the rainy season (when grazing grounds nearby are abundant) versus the dry season (when children must often search hours to graze their animals), and their curricula often stress knowledge which will never be applicable to a nomad's way of life.
Due to the particular nature of the nomadic way of life as people constantly on the move, school provision for nomadic children should be based on the occupational roles and other cultural values of nomads. The development of such education is necessary to ensure progress in the nomadic way of life, with the aim of enabling nomads to respond to modern ways while retaining what is good in their own culture.