Providing youth training
- Training young people
- Expanding youth academic competence
- Broadening youth learning experiences
- Offering augmented youth learning
- Supplementing existing youth education
- Training children
The 4-H Club of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension of the Philippine Department of Agriculture is aimed at developing rural youth into progressive farmers and home managers. Members are trained in various aspects of farming, livestock raising, home management and food processing. In 1986, the programme had benefitted some 45,600 young people. The primary goal is to stem the migration of youth to the cities by stimulating the entrepreneurship and self-reliance of rural youth in the management of their own future. In all, the agricultural extension programmes of the Department of Agriculture engage over 1 million farm youth, or about 5% of the out-of-school youth in rural areas of the Philippines. The programmes aim at providing unemployed rural out-of-school youth with information and opportunities for skills training and developing attitudes toward economically productive and gainful activities. Training focuses on value formation, agri-business management, entrepreneurship, cooperative development and hands-on training on the farm.