RightsCivil rightsHuman rightsBroaderFreedom-RestraintPresentableProblemViolation of women's rightsExcellentViolation of the rights of male homosexualsExcellentStress in human beingsExcellentRestrictive business practices in relation to patents and trademarksExcellentInadaptation of technology to manExcellentImpunity of violators of human rightsExcellentHuman tortureExcellentHuman sexual disordersExcellentHuman sacrificeExcellentHuman inequalityExcellentHuman immunodeficiency virus infectionExcellentHuman flatulence in publicExcellentHuman eugenicsExcellentHuman consumption of animalsExcellentHookwormExcellentDiscrimination against LGBT peopleExcellentDiscrimination against lesbiansExcellentDenial of social rightsExcellentDenial of right to sufficient shelterExcellentDenial of right to educationExcellentAvoidance of copyrightExcellentArtificial inseminationExcellentAlienationExcellentAge discrimination in employmentExcellentVulnerable childrenPresentableVulnerability of human intellectPresentableViolations of private lawPresentableViolation of the rights of sexual minoritiesPresentableViolation of rights of transsexualsPresentableViolation of immunities of international civil servantsPresentableViolation of civil rightsPresentableValue erosionPresentableUnlimited practice of human embryo storagePresentableUnlawful interference with rights of innocent passage in territorial watersPresentableUnhealthy human environmentPresentableUnethical experimentation using aborted foetusesPresentableUnequal property rights for womenPresentableUnderutilization of labour forcePresentableUnderutilization of human resourcesPresentableUnderprivileged religious minoritiesPresentableUnderestimation of human potentialPresentableTrivialization of human creativityPresentableTrace element imbalance in the human bodyPresentableSuspension of rights during states of emergencyPresentableSuperficial research on the total human processPresentableStress and trauma in a context of civil violencePresentableSecularizationPresentablePsychological barriers to the judicial protection of individual rightsPresentableProscribed thinking and behaviourPresentablePremature human gene patentsPresentablePollution of water by infected faecesPresentablePoliticization of public servicePresentablePoisoningPresentableParasites of the human bodyPresentableNatural human abortionPresentableMutilation of domestic animalsPresentableMutilation and deformation of the human bodyPresentableMarket indicators' exclusion of human requirementsPresentableMaldistribution of waterPresentableLouse-borne diseasesPresentableLack of sanitation in citiesPresentableLack of political neutrality of civil servantsPresentableInsect vectors of human diseasePresentableInfringement of rights of prisonersPresentableInequitable allocation of rights to exploit sea-bed and marine resourcesPresentableInadequate disposal of hospital wastePresentableInadequate conditions of work and employment of public service personnelPresentableInadequate community care for transient urban populationsPresentableInadequate assistance to victims of human rights violationsPresentableImbalance in the human sex ratioPresentableHuman violencePresentableHuman sufferingPresentableHuman sexual inadequacyPresentableHuman infertilityPresentableHuman errors and miscalculationsPresentableHuman disabilityPresentableHuman dependencePresentableHuman denial of deathPresentableHuman deficiency diseasesPresentableHuman deathPresentableHuman birth defectsPresentableHuman ageingPresentableHealth hazards of environmental pollutionPresentableHazards to human health in the natural environmentPresentableHarmful effects of ultrasonic radiation on the human bodyPresentableHarmful biological effects of ionizing radiationPresentableGrey human hairPresentableGrave robberyPresentableGovernment harassment of human rights activistsPresentableFailure to repatriate human remainsPresentableExcessive salaries of international civil servantsPresentableExcessive human fertilityPresentableExcessive human body hairPresentableDisturbance to wildlife patterns of movementPresentableDissemination of plant diseases by manPresentableDisruption of territorial integrityPresentableDisplacement of human intelligence by machine intelligencePresentableDiscrimination against women in parental rightsPresentableDiscrimination against men in parental rightsPresentableDiscrimination against indigenous populationsPresentableDiscrimination against illegitimate childrenPresentableDiscrepancies in human life evaluationPresentableDeterioration of human environmentPresentableDestruction of rural subsistence economyPresentableDestruction of human heritagePresentableDenial of trade union rights to public employeesPresentableDenial of the right to procreatePresentableDenial of the right of trade union associationPresentableDenial of rights to vulnerable groupsPresentableDenial of rights to studentsPresentableDenial of rights to disabledPresentableDenial of rights of ethnic minoritiesPresentableDenial of rights of animalsPresentableDenial of right of family planningPresentableDenial of human rights in the administration of justicePresentableDenial of human rights in capitalist systemsPresentableDenial of human rights in armed conflictsPresentableDenial of economic and social rights to refugeesPresentableDecline in human intelligencePresentableCosmetic and health problems related to human hairPresentableCorruption of the good in human naturePresentableCommercialization of human embryosPresentableCoccidioidomycosisPresentableCloning of human embryosPresentableCivil warPresentableCivil violencePresentableCivil disobediencePresentableAlienation from workPresentableAgeismPresentableAbuse of privileges and immunities by diplomatsPresentableViolation of the rights of unborn childrenYet to rateViolation of human rights by technological developmentYet to rateViolation of dignity of human workYet to rateUnusually rapid human growthYet to rateUnknowable future patterns of social choiceYet to rateUndocumented violations of human rightsYet to rateUnderutilization of legal rightsYet to rateUnderpaid civil servantsYet to rateUncertainty of survival of the human raceYet to rateThreatened habitats of shelterbeltsYet to rateSymbols unrelated to human experienceYet to rateSpontaneous human combustionYet to rateResistance to medical experimentationYet to rateRepresentative artsYet to rateReligious or civil refusal of divorceYet to ratePseudohermaphroditismYet to ratePremature exoneration of human rights abusesYet to ratePolitically unrealistic strategic warfare analysisYet to rateOveremphasis on individual rightsYet to rateNational bias in international actionYet to rateMisdirection of human energies and desiresYet to rateLimited consumer knowledgeYet to rateLimited availability of therapeutic substances of human originYet to rateLack of individual rights to political asylumYet to rateLack of education on human rightsYet to rateIneffective protection of individual rights due to excessive court costsYet to rateInadequacy of international human rights instrumentsYet to rateInadequacy of civil defenceYet to rateImposition of payment obligations after expiration of industrial property rightsYet to rateImpaired human empathy toward animalsYet to rateIgnorance of lifelong human developmentYet to rateHuman weaknessYet to rateHuman racial regressionYet to rateHuman physical differenceYet to rateHuman obsession with procreationYet to rateHuman granulocytic ehrlichiosisYet to rateHuman disease vectorsYet to rateHuman contingencyYet to rateHuman cannibalismYet to rateHazards to human healthYet to rateHarassment of human rights monitorsYet to rateGovernment misrepresentation of human rights abusesYet to rateGenital wartsYet to rateGenetic surgeryYet to rateFragmentation of the human personalityYet to rateFear of the human bodyYet to rateExcitation of the human sensesYet to rateExcessive claims for human development through sportsYet to rateEndowing inanimate objects with human qualitiesYet to rateDisruption of human activities by supernatural entitiesYet to rateDisagreeable personal conditionsYet to rateDenial of transcendent truthYet to rateDenial of the rights of foetusesYet to rateDenial of rights to robotsYet to rateDenial of rights of inanimate objectsYet to rateDenial of right to develop as human beingsYet to rateDehumanizationYet to rateDeficiencies in civil justice systemsYet to rateDecline in human genetic endowmentYet to rateCrimes against lifeYet to rateConflicting land rightsYet to rateConflicting interpretations of universal human rightsYet to rateConflicting human rights claimsYet to rateCoccidiosisYet to rateBestialityYet to rateAbuse of rights of vetoYet to rateAbuse of human growth hormoneYet to rateAbsolutismYet to rateStrategyStrengthening farmer rightsExcellentReducing individual fertilityExcellentPursuing human rightsExcellentProtecting human rightsExcellentImproving agroforestry practices by clarifying land tenureExcellentEstablishing transferable pollution rightsExcellentDefending reproductive rightsExcellentUsing biotechnology to improve human healthPresentableTraining in water sanitationPresentableStudying micronutrient deficienciesPresentableStudying human dimensions of environmental changePresentableStrengthening science and technology to protect vulnerable groupsPresentableStrengthening implementation of human rightsPresentableResearching effects of air pollution on human healthPresentableRelieving stress in human beingsPresentableReducing incidence of malnutritionPresentableReducing disparity in human healthinessPresentableReducing discrimination against minoritiesPresentableRatifying convention on the rights of the childPresentableProviding environmental infrastructure for human settlementsPresentableProtecting intellectual propertyPresentableProtecting children's rightsPresentableProtecting against human health hazards in chemical-intensive agriculturePresentablePromoting women's access to land and propertyPresentablePromoting right to developmentPresentableAffirming housing rightsPresentablePromoting international cooperation in human rightsPresentablePromoting community health standardsPresentablePreventing further incidence of AIDSPresentablePreventing continuation of human rights violationsPresentablePreventing atrocious human rights violationsPresentableMonitoring effects of air pollution on human healthPresentableLifting restrictions on human rights advocacyPresentableLegalizing community rights to resource usePresentableLearning from mistakesPresentableIncreasing public expenditure on human resource development in borrower nationsPresentableImproving skill base of womenPresentableImproving quality of human lifePresentableImproving human settlementsPresentableImproving human rightsPresentableExposing human situationPresentableEstablishing fundamental rightsPresentableEnsuring freedom of association for workersPresentableEnsuring equal rights of women on family planning decisionsPresentableEnabling judicial consensus on human rightsPresentableEmploying eugenicsPresentableEducating for marriage and family lifePresentableDisplacing human intelligence by artificial intelligencePresentableDeveloping sustainable population policyPresentableDeveloping property rightsPresentableDeveloping networked documentation services in social sciencesPresentableDeveloping international human rights lawPresentableDeveloping intellectual property rights systems in biodiversity conservationPresentableDeveloping integrated educational programmes for peace, human rights and democracyPresentableDeveloping human resources to meet primary health care needsPresentableDeveloping human resourcesPresentableDeveloping economic indicators of human developmentPresentableDeveloping early warning systems for human rights violationsPresentableDeveloping civil nuclear industry technologyPresentableDesigning sustainable urban settlementsPresentableDenying rights of indigenous peoplePresentableDefending women's rightsPresentableCoordinating human rights activities within the United Nations systemPresentableConveying sociological sciencesPresentableControlling human induced coastal erosionPresentableConserving world heritagePresentableCollecting data on state of ecosystems and human healthPresentableBuilding demographic factors into national policies for sustainable developmentPresentableAssessing cost and benefits of different development policies for human and environmental healthPresentableApplying international standards on the rights of womenPresentableAnalysing human system dynamicsPresentableAffirming women's rightsPresentableAdvancing industrial ergonomicsPresentableAdapting United Nations human rights machineryPresentableWitnessing human finitude in ageingYet to rateViolating individual rightsYet to rateViolating human rightsYet to rateViolating civil rightsYet to rateUtilizing human resourcesYet to rateUsing principles of human ecologyYet to rateUsing music for promotion of human rightsYet to rateUsing military/civil defence assets in disaster reliefYet to rateUsing inequalityYet to rateUsing human rights monitorsYet to rateUsing human resourcesYet to rateUsing human physical sufferingYet to rateUsing human disease and disabilityYet to rateUsing guide dogsYet to rateUsing ecosystem approach for settlement planningYet to rateUsing double standards on human rightsYet to rateUsing civil-military cooperationYet to rateUsing animals for supportYet to rateUpholding significance of human creativityYet to rateUpholding rightsYet to rateUndertaking settlement designYet to rateUndertaking civilian protestYet to rateUnderstanding initial phase of human developmentYet to rateUndermining governments abusing human rightsYet to rateUnbalancing human sex ratioYet to rateTrivializing human creativityYet to rateTreating human infertilityYet to rateTreating human hairYet to rateTreating human flatulenceYet to rateTreating human deficiency diseasesYet to rateTreating fear of the human bodyYet to rateTransmitting human wisdomYet to rateTransfering vested rights of changing employersYet to rateTraining public service officialsYet to rateTraining human resources developmentYet to rateTraining civil societyYet to rateTracing missing personsYet to rateTolerating human physical differencesYet to rateSystematizing civil defenceYet to rateSuspending privileges of law-breakersYet to rateSupervising application of standards of workers rightsYet to rateSubstituting natural resources for capitalYet to rateSubstituting capital for resourcesYet to rateStudying rightsYet to rateStudying human vectors of plant diseaseYet to rateStudying human vectors of animal diseasesYet to rateStudying human rightsYet to rateStudying human racial regressionYet to rateStudying human palaeontologyYet to rateStudying human intoxicationsYet to rateStudying human growthYet to rateStudying human disease vectorsYet to rateStudying human disease and disabilityYet to rateStudying hearing disordersYet to rateStudying factors facilitating human rights violationsYet to rateStudying children's rightsYet to rateStudying behaviourYet to rateStructuring inter-agency mediationYet to rateStructuring historical continuity of knowledgeYet to rateStressing collective rightsYet to rateStrengthening women's rightsYet to rateStrengthening technical cooperation on human resources developmentYet to rateStrengthening rights and responsibilities of NGOsYet to rateStrengthening rightsYet to rateStrengthening institutional development of the social and human sciencesYet to rateStrengthening cooperation in the social sciencesYet to rateSetting limits to government authorityYet to rateServing civil servantsYet to rateSeeing existence from human perspectiveYet to rateSecuring rights of public assembliesYet to rateSecuring rights of political partiesYet to rateSecuring rightsYet to rateSecuring needed rights equityYet to rateSecuring equal rightsYet to rateSafeguarding scientific rightsYet to rateSafeguarding rights of those faced with the death penaltyYet to rateReviewing violation of rightsYet to rateReviewing accumulated human knowledgeYet to rateRestricting rights during warYet to rateRestricting rightsYet to rateRestricting property rightsYet to rateRestricting communication to human experiencesYet to rateRestoring rights of released prisonersYet to rateRespecting student's rightsYet to rateRespecting rights of vulnerable groups during states of emergencyYet to rateRespecting rights of small-scale farming workersYet to rateRespecting rights of indigenous peoples and communitiesYet to rateRespecting rightsYet to rateRespecting property rightsYet to rateRespecting land rights of a peopleYet to rateRespecting individual language rightsYet to rateRespecting human rightsYet to rateRespecting human lifeYet to rateRespecting civil rightsYet to rateResearching unsociable human physiological processesYet to rateResearching mortality ratesYet to rateResearching intellectual property rightsYet to rateResearching human-animal interactionsYet to rateResearching human resources developmentYet to rateResearching human intelligenceYet to rateResearching causes of human sterilityYet to rateRequiring reorganization of labour forcesYet to rateRequiring new methodological approaches to human understandingYet to rateReprocessing spent nuclear fuelYet to rateReporting progress on women's rights and roles in sustainable developmentYet to rateReplacing suburban mode of human settlementYet to rateReplacing capital by human resourcesYet to rateRenewing structures enabling exercise of citizen rightsYet to rateRemoving human resourcesYet to rateRelieving human sufferingYet to rateRelieving human physical sufferingYet to rateRelieving human distress arising from ecological stressYet to rateReleasing sustained human engagementYet to rateReleasing potential human vitalityYet to rateReleasing human ingenuityYet to rateRelating symbols to human experienceYet to rateRelating human wisdom to daily lifeYet to rateRelating actions to rights of othersYet to rateRehearsing use of abilitiesYet to rateRegulating civil aviationYet to rateRegionalizing human rights tribunalsYet to rateRegionalizing civil defenceYet to rateRefusing to recognize religionsYet to rateReducing underemploymentYet to rateReducing threats to human securityYet to rateReducing public expenditure on human resources in borrower nationsYet to rateReducing inequality of rights for different racial groupsYet to rateReducing inequality of property rightsYet to rateReducing incidence of acquired human immunodeficiency syndromeYet to rateReducing human internal pollutionYet to rateReducing human inequalityYet to rateReducing human errorYet to rateReducing harmful impacts of human settlements in coastal zonesYet to rateReducing discrimination against sexual minoritiesYet to rateReducing denial of equal property rightsYet to rateReducing delays in civil litigationYet to rateReducing criminal violation of civil rightsYet to rateReducing collective amnesia concerning human rights violationsYet to rateReducing civil violenceYet to rateReducing antenatal foetal deathYet to rateRedistributing environmental rightsYet to rateRedefining property rightsYet to rateRecreating human mythologyYet to rateRecognizing state's rightsYet to rateRecognizing human worthYet to rateRecognizing human physical differenceYet to rateRecognizing citizen's rights in relation to the environmentYet to rateRecognizing animal rightsYet to rateRecalling stories of human struggle for meaningYet to rateReaching policy consensus on human rights abusesYet to rateRatifying international human rights instrumentsYet to rateRatifying international conventions on indigenous peoplesYet to rateRatifying international agreements on women's rights and participationYet to rateRaising issues of animal welfareYet to rateQuieting civil unrestYet to ratePunishing violators of human rightsYet to ratePunishing civil disobedienceYet to rateProviding technical assistance on human rightsYet to rateProviding sufficient individual rights to political asylumYet to rateProviding sufficient economic rightsYet to rateProviding rights to waterYet to rateProviding raw materials for social mythsYet to rateProviding public mediation of wage claimsYet to rateProviding patent coverageYet to rateProviding ownership rightsYet to rateProviding organ bankYet to rateProviding innovative models for transferring human creativityYet to rateProviding inadequate implementation of human rights treaty provisionsYet to rateProviding inadequate assistance to victims of human rights violationsYet to rateProviding impunity to violators of human rightsYet to rateProviding human rights to educationYet to rateProviding human resources to other countriesYet to rateProviding human energy for common productionYet to rateProviding healthy psychosocial human environmentYet to rateProviding familiarity with legal rightsYet to rateProviding effective support to improve human healthYet to rateProviding civil serviceYet to rateProviding basic needsYet to rateProviding alternative to traditional property rightsYet to rateProtecting transport rights of land-locked countriesYet to rateProtecting subsistence rightsYet to rateProtecting rights under state of emergencyYet to rateProtecting rights of vulnerable groupsYet to rateProtecting rights of unborn childrenYet to rateProtecting rights of sexual minoritiesYet to rateProtecting rights of prisonersYet to rateProtecting rights of indigenous peoplesYet to rateProtecting rightsYet to rateProtecting property rights in rural areasYet to rateProtecting product rightsYet to rateProtecting pedestriansYet to rateProtecting minority rightsYet to rateProtecting literary rightsYet to rateProtecting jewish rightsYet to rateProtecting individual rightsYet to rateProtecting individual legal rightsYet to rateProtecting human rights for refugeesYet to rateProtecting human resourcesYet to rateProtecting human intellect from environmental threatsYet to rateProtecting human healthYet to rateProtecting foetal rightsYet to rateProtecting electronic privacyYet to rateProtecting civil rightsYet to rateProtecting broadcasting rightsYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of performers' rightsYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of human organismYet to rateProtecting against hazards to human health in the natural environmentYet to rateProtecting against hazards to human healthYet to rateProtecting acquired legal rights of womenYet to rateProsecuting serious violations of humanitarian rightsYet to rateProsecuting civil law transgressionsYet to rateProsecuting civil crimes committed during warYet to ratePromotion of rights of indigenous tribal workersYet to ratePromoting study of geographical problemsYet to ratePromoting rights of the disabledYet to ratePromoting rights of citizensYet to ratePromoting rights of children and youthYet to ratePromoting paternal rightsYet to ratePromoting observance of international labour standardsYet to ratePromoting labourers rightsYet to ratePromoting human resource developmentYet to ratePromoting equal rightsYet to ratePromoting equal ecclesiastical rightsYet to ratePromoting contact among civil engineersYet to ratePromoting consumer advocacyYet to ratePromoting alternative civil serviceYet to ratePromoting a spirituality of workYet to rateProgressing human civilizationYet to ratePrioritizing human valuesYet to ratePrioritizing human basic needsYet to ratePreventing displacement of human intelligence by artificial intelligenceYet to ratePreventing human diseaseYet to ratePreventing abuse of environmentally sound technology intellectual property rightsYet to ratePreserving traditional rights to natural resourcesYet to ratePreserving traditional property rightsYet to ratePreserving rights of dissenting factionsYet to ratePreserving land rights of the poorYet to ratePreserving inequality of property rightsYet to ratePreserving human resourcesYet to ratePreserving civilityYet to ratePoliticizing human rights issues within the United NationsYet to ratePlanning human activitiesYet to ratePlanning development of human resourcesYet to ratePatterning human skillsYet to rateOverriding rights to common propertyYet to rateOvercoming human diseaseYet to rateOrganizing human rights seminarsYet to rateObtaining legal status for natural populationsYet to rateNegotiating conflicts concerning legal custody of childrenYet to rateMutilating the human bodyYet to rateMonitoring rights of the childYet to rateMonitoring human rights violationsYet to rateMonitoring human internal pollutionYet to rateMonitoring government involvement in human rights violationsYet to rateMonitoring civil rightsYet to rateMobilizing necessary human resourcesYet to rateMitigating undesirable effects of migrationYet to rateMeasuring human securityYet to rateMapping the human genomeYet to rateManaging employeesYet to rateMaking humanYet to rateMaintaining social managementYet to rateMaintaining social environmentYet to rateMaintaining record of past encounterYet to rateMaintaining international commitment to improving human healthYet to rateMaintaining civil police forceYet to rateMaintaining civil forceYet to rateMaintaining civic structuresYet to rateLimiting rights to landYet to rateLimiting human evolutionYet to rateLimiting employment for elderlyYet to rateLimiting civil administrative capacityYet to rateLimiting availability of therapeutic substances of human originYet to rateLiberating human dignityYet to rateAsserting LGBTQ rightsYet to rateLegalizing rightsYet to rateLegalizing defence rightsYet to rateLearning human physiological processesYet to rateKilling human rights activistsYet to rateInvolving private sector in developing human resources and infrastructureYet to rateInvesting in peopleYet to rateInvestigating human rights violationsYet to rateInterrupting human developmentYet to rateIntegrating human personalityYet to rateInsisting on basic rightsYet to rateInjecting human conscienceYet to rateInjecting fresh insights on individual rightsYet to rateInhibiting human rights activismYet to rateInfringing rights of prisonersYet to rateInfringing rightsYet to rateInfringing foetal rightsYet to rateInforming about infringement of human rightsYet to rateInforming about human rights issuesYet to rateIncreasing success of human matingYet to rateIncreasing social human interactionYet to rateIncreasing productivity of use of human resourcesYet to rateIncreasing local human interactionYet to rateIncreasing human physical heightYet to rateIncreasing general human vitalityYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of civil serviceYet to rateIncreasing availability of therapeutic substances of human originYet to rateIncreasing amount of time for human response to high technology systemYet to rateIncorporating human wisdomYet to rateImproving use of human resourcesYet to rateImproving traffic rightsYet to rateImproving social planning for human settlementsYet to rateImproving rightsYet to rateImproving public sector working conditionsYet to rateImproving living environmentYet to rateImproving legal rights of natural objectsYet to rateImproving international human rights instrumentsYet to rateImproving human settlement managementYet to rateImproving human moraleYet to rateImproving human healthYet to rateImproving human genetic endowmentYet to rateImproving human environmentYet to rateImproving human empathy toward animalsYet to rateImproving human capacity to respond to computer-generated decisionsYet to rateImproving health careYet to rateImproving assistance to victims of human rights violationsYet to rateImplementing citizen rights and responsibilitiesYet to rateIdentifying effects of nitrogen oxide emissions on human healthYet to rateHumanizing scienceYet to rateHonouring human creativityYet to rateHelping build human resourcesYet to rateGuarding political freedomsYet to rateGuaranteeing tenants civil rightsYet to rateGuaranteeing rights of victims of abuse of powerYet to rateGuaranteeing reporting rights of mediaYet to rateGuaranteeing citizens' rightsYet to rateGiving rightsYet to rateGiving attention to human resource development in transition economiesYet to rateFreeing up fertility rightsYet to rateFreeing up civil administrative capacityYet to rateFostering international cooperation in civil aviationYet to rateFostering access for civil society in multilateral processesYet to rateFortifying rights to personal convictionsYet to rateFortifying rights to group beliefsYet to rateFortifying rights of symbolized positionYet to rateForming wholesome human environmentYet to rateForming consciences regarding value of human lifeYet to rateForging a global chain of human developmentYet to rateFacilitating sexual rights for plantsYet to rateFacilitating sexual rights for animalsYet to rateFacilitating human exceptionalismYet to rateFacilitating continual human developmentYet to rateExtending universal suffrageYet to rateExtending research on the total human processYet to rateExtending fundamental rights to the electronic domainYet to rateExtending existing human capabilitiesYet to rateExpressing rightsYet to rateExpressing human awareness of cultural meaningsYet to rateExpressing doubt regarding human ability to respond to ecological issuesYet to rateExposing violations of human rightsYet to rateExposing violation of trade union rightsYet to rateExposing violation of student's rightsYet to rateExposing violation of rights under state of emergencyYet to rateExposing violation of rights of vulnerable groups during states of emergencyYet to rateExposing violation of rights of indigenous peoplesYet to rateExposing violation of property rightsYet to rateExposing violation of land rights of a peopleYet to rateExposing violation of human rights by technological developmentYet to rateExposing violation of civil rightsYet to rateExposing human sensitivityYet to rateExposing dishonesty of international civil servantsYet to rateExploring common property rights in semi-arid and saline areasYet to rateExploiting human physical differenceYet to rateExpanding rights education among womenYet to rateExpanding human knowledgeYet to rateExercising rightsYet to rateExercising political rightsYet to rateExercising legal rightsYet to rateExchanging peopleYet to rateExaggerating human rights infractionsYet to rateEvaluating lifeYet to rateEvaluating human settlementsYet to rateEstimating human potentialYet to rateEstablishing human rights networkYet to rateEstablishing human resource banksYet to rateEstablishing human dignityYet to rateEstablishing human concern in product assembly schemesYet to rateEstablishing equal rightsYet to rateEroding human capitalYet to rateEqualizing rightsYet to rateEnsuring social rights of the agedYet to rateEnsuring rights of disadvantaged groupsYet to rateEnsuring governments respect human rightsYet to rateEnsuring commercial rights of indigenous peoplesYet to rateEnsuring civil defenceYet to rateEnhancing human resourcesYet to rateEngaging in economic civil warYet to rateEngaging human creativityYet to rateEnforcing civil safety measuresYet to rateEncouraging human relationshipsYet to rateEnabling international freedom of movementYet to rateEmphasizing individual rightsYet to rateElucidating concept of the rights of peoplesYet to rateEliminating ghost workersYet to rateDocumenting human developmentYet to rateDocumenting hazards to human healthYet to rateDistributing rightsYet to rateDistributing human settlementsYet to rateDisseminating information on human valuesYet to rateDisseminating expression of rightsYet to rateDisseminating awareness on women's roleYet to rateDisrupting human activitiesYet to rateDisposing of human remainsYet to rateDiscrediting laws in violation of human decencyYet to rateDiscrediting allegations of rights violationsYet to rateDisclosing human socialityYet to rateDirecting human energies and desiresYet to rateDeveloping plans for the management and disposal of human wasteYet to rateDeveloping noetic scienceYet to rateDeveloping marine resources for human needsYet to rateDeveloping international civil serviceYet to rateDeveloping international civil aviationYet to rateDeveloping human resources to protect vulnerable groupsYet to rateDeveloping human resources to control communicable diseasesYet to rateDeveloping human resources in coastal zonesYet to rateDeveloping human resources for management of marine and coastal areasYet to rateDeveloping human consciousnessYet to rateDeveloping essential abilitiesYet to rateDeveloping democratic rightsYet to rateDeveloping civil engineeringYet to rateDeveloping authentic human structuresYet to rateDetermining civil liabilityYet to rateDesigning using ekisticsYet to rateDepoliticizing human rights issues within the United NationsYet to rateDepicting human figuresYet to rateDenying women's rightsYet to rateDenying state's rightsYet to rateDenying social rightsYet to rateDenying rights to vulnerable groupsYet to rateDenying rights to transient populationsYet to rateDenying rights to territoriesYet to rateDenying rights to territorial integrityYet to rateDenying rights to studentsYet to rateDenying rights to soldiersYet to rateDenying rights to robotsYet to rateDenying rights to religious minoritiesYet to rateDenying rights to minoritiesYet to rateDenying rights to journalistsYet to rateDenying rights to illegitimate childrenYet to rateDenying rights to foreign residentsYet to rateDenying rights to employed childrenYet to rateDenying rights to elderlyYet to rateDenying rights to disabledYet to rateDenying rights of those punished with death penaltyYet to rateDenying rights of sexual minoritiesYet to rateDenying rights of posterityYet to rateDenying rights of mental patientsYet to rateDenying rights of medical patientsYet to rateDenying rights of inanimate objectsYet to rateDenying rights of foetusesYet to rateDenying rights of ethnic minoritiesYet to rateDenying rights of children and youthYet to rateDenying rights of businessesYet to rateDenying rights of animalsYet to rateDenying rightsYet to rateDenying right to procreateYet to rateDenying right to political asylumYet to rateDenying right to justiceYet to rateDenying right to equality because of raceYet to rateDenying right to educationYet to rateDenying right to develop as human beingsYet to rateDenying political rightsYet to rateDenying indigenous rights to resourcesYet to rateDenying human transcendenceYet to rateDenying human rights in armed conflictsYet to rateDenying equal property rights because of discriminationYet to rateDenying education rights of native peoplesYet to rateDenying economic rightsYet to rateDenying cultural rightsYet to rateDenying civil and political rightsYet to rateDemanding structures for equal rightsYet to rateDemanding safe legal abortionYet to rateDemanding disciplined internal cohesion of human knowledgeYet to rateDelivering basic human resource servicesYet to rateDelineating special rights accruing from statusYet to rateDefining rights appropriate to stationYet to rateDefining human potential for employmentYet to rateDefending private enterpriseYet to rateDefending parents' rightsYet to rateDefending human dignityYet to rateDeepening understanding of human creativityYet to rateDecreasing human contact contaminationYet to rateCulling human populationsYet to rateCovering up human rights abusesYet to rateCorrecting human sexual disordersYet to rateCoping with inadequate international human rights instrumentsYet to rateCoordinating civil aviation activitiesYet to rateCooperating in eliminating human rights violationsYet to rateControlling public sector employmentYet to rateContexting human rightsYet to rateConserving endangered species of protozoaYet to rateConniving in human rights abusesYet to rateCondemning mutilation and deformation of the human bodyYet to rateCommemorating human rights violationsYet to rateCombating discrimination in relation to HIV/AIDSYet to rateCombating discrimination in employmentYet to rateClarifying human resource requirementsYet to rateClaiming equal rights for primatesYet to rateCampaigning for indigenous land rightsYet to rateCampaigning for human rightsYet to rateCampaigning for environmental rightsYet to rateCampaigning about food rightsYet to rateBuilding right human relationsYet to rateBuilding human dwellingsYet to rateBribing government officersYet to rateBenefiting human populationsYet to rateBeing discourteousYet to rateBanning laws violating human decencyYet to rateBalancing human sex ratioYet to rateAvoiding civil warYet to rateAuthorizing association rightsYet to rateAuthenticating human styleYet to rateAuthenticating human journeyYet to rateAssisting human rights teachersYet to rateAssisting human recognitionYet to rateAssigning special grants to civil projectsYet to rateAssessing environmental consequences of human attitudesYet to rateAssessing costs to improve human settlements planningYet to rateAssessing costs and financing to improve human settlements managementYet to rateAsserting property rightsYet to rateAsserting customary rightsYet to rateAsserting customary resource rights of marginalized peoplesYet to rateArticulating utopian intention for legal systemYet to rateArrogating rightsYet to rateAppropriating resources for high cost civil engineering projectsYet to rateAppropriating human remainsYet to rateAppreciating people as human beingsYet to rateApplying civil pressure for law makingYet to rateAffirming rightsYet to rateAdvocating youth reproductive rightsYet to rateAdvocating free access to telecommunication networksYet to rateAdvocating economic and social rightsYet to rateAdvocating civil libertarianismYet to rateAdvising about intellectual property rightsYet to rateAdvancing human evolutionYet to rateAdjudicating human rightsYet to rateAcknowledging claims to committed techniquesYet to rateAchieving universal respect for human rightsYet to rateAchieving equal rightsYet to rateAbstaining from agreement on human rightsYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices related to human settlementsYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices concerning movement of peopleYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectGovernment » CivilContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024