Ensuring commercial rights of indigenous peoples
In dealings with indigenous peoples, business and industry should respect the same guidelines as researchers and scholarly institutions. They should agree to an immediate moratorium on making contracts with indigenous peoples for the rights to discover, record and use previously undescribed species or cultivated varieties of plants, animals or microbes or naturally-occurring pharmaceuticals. No further contracts should be negotiated until indigenous peoples and communities themselves are capable of supervising and collaborating in the research process. Business and industry should refrain from offering incentives to any individuals to claim traditional rights of ownership or leadership within an indigenous community, in violation of their trust within the community and the laws of the indigenous peoples concerned; and from employing scientists or scholars to acquire and record traditional knowledge or other heritage of indigenous peoples in violation of these guidelines. They should contribute financially and otherwise to the development of educational and research institutions controlled by indigenous peoples and communities.
All forms of tourism based on indigenous peoples' heritage must be restricted to activities which have the approval of the peoples and communities concerned, and which are conducted under their supervision and control.