UnderuseUnder-useUnderutilizationUnderutilizedProblemUnderutilized agricultural wastesExcellentUnderuse of management researchExcellentMisuse of resourcesExcellentInefficient use of resourcesExcellentIncreasing atmospheric carbon dioxideExcellentInappropriate use of low frequency acoustic soundExcellentDestructive fishing methodsExcellentWaste of waterPresentableWaste of resourcesPresentableUse of inappropriate technologiesPresentableUntested use of hormonesPresentableUnsystematic use of powerful relationships by rural communitiesPresentableUnexplored opportunities for community educationPresentableUndeveloped recreation spacePresentableUnderutilized animal genetic resourcesPresentableUnderutilization of tar sands as an energy sourcePresentableUnderutilization of second-hand equipmentPresentableUnderutilization of renewable energy resourcesPresentableUnderutilization of potential in local communitiesPresentableUnderutilization of locally available skillsPresentableUnderutilization of labour forcePresentableUnderutilization of human resourcesPresentableUnderuse of refuse-derived fuelPresentableUnderuse of high productivity methods of agricultural managementPresentableUndercapitalized waste use schemesPresentableUncontrolled use of virtual reality equipmentPresentableTying of supplies to subsidiaries by transnational enterprisesPresentableThreatened family farmsPresentableSubstance abuse during control of complex equipmentPresentableSubstance abuse by the elderlyPresentableSocially irresponsible programmes of transnational banksPresentableRival claims for conservation landPresentableRestrictions on use of personnelPresentableRape by military personnelPresentableRadiological warfarePresentablePolitical apathyPresentablePersonalistic use of trainingPresentableObstacles to the utilization of coastal and deep sea water resourcesPresentableObsolescence of rituals and customsPresentableNon-productive use of cattle and livestockPresentableNeglected food resourcesPresentableMisuse of agricultural chemicalsPresentableMilitary use of animalsPresentableMaldistribution of waterPresentableMaldistribution of resourcesPresentableLSD abusePresentableLack of rural industrializationPresentableLack of international accord on water usePresentableInsufficient utilization of renewable biofuelsPresentableInsufficient use of natural resourcesPresentableInsufficient recycling of materialsPresentableInsecticides as pollutantsPresentableIncrease in abandoned buildingsPresentableInappropriate use of the mail servicePresentableInadequate use of visual imagery for societal learningPresentableInadequate use of referendaPresentableInadequate use of information technologyPresentableInadequate port infrastructurePresentableInadequate control of weapons of mass destructionPresentableInadequacy of contraceptive methodsPresentableHealth hazards of artificial birth controlPresentableHazards of cosmetic usePresentableHazardous medical use of silicon gelPresentableHarmful drugs used during pregnancyPresentableFraudulent acquisition or use of passportsPresentableExcessive military usage of landPresentableExcessive land usage by transport systemsPresentableEnvironmental impacts of the use of wind powerPresentableEnvironmental damage by climbersPresentableDrug abuse at workPresentableDenial of right of peoples to use their own languagePresentableDeliberately unused farm fieldsPresentableDegradation of cultivated land systemsPresentableComputer piracyPresentableCompulsory use of biometricsPresentableCodeine abusePresentableChildren of drug addictsPresentableCapture and use of wild animals as petsPresentableAgricultural use of draught animalsPresentableAdverse environmental consequences of depressed agricultural pricesPresentableAbuse of sedation for behaviour modificationPresentableAbuse of authorityPresentableWasted timeYet to rateUse of unsterilized equipmentYet to rateUse of recycled waterYet to rateUse of offensive symbolsYet to rateUse of medically suspect remediesYet to rateUse of eggs from aborted foetusesYet to rateUnutilized fish by-productsYet to rateUnused landYet to rateUnproductive utilization of plantation spaceYet to rateUnimaginative facility useYet to rateUnfamiliar use of equipmentYet to rateUnexplored energy alternativesYet to rateUnethical use of languageYet to rateUnemployed skilled labourYet to rateUnderutilized women teachersYet to rateUnderutilization of world banking facilitiesYet to rateUnderutilization of wind energyYet to rateUnderutilization of solar energyYet to rateUnderutilization of popular wisdomYet to rateUnderutilization of oil shale as an energy sourceYet to rateUnderutilization of ocean energyYet to rateUnderutilization of legal rightsYet to rateUnderutilization of intellectual abilityYet to rateUnderutilization of hydropowerYet to rateUnderutilization of geothermal energyYet to rateUnderutilization of fuelwood energyYet to rateUnderutilization of facilities due to daily or seasonal peaksYet to rateUnderutilization of biocontrolYet to rateUnderuse of cervical smear testsYet to rateUncoordinated use of community propertyYet to rateTools for criminal useYet to rateRestricted beach useYet to rateReduction in symbolic celebrationsYet to ratePredominance of fast foodYet to rateObstacles to efficient utilization of timeYet to rateMisuse of sexYet to rateMedicinal use of occupational carcinogensYet to rateLimited local markets for goods and servicesYet to rateLimited access to natural resource use decisionsYet to rateLack of integrated medicineYet to rateInequitable use of medical resourcesYet to rateInefficient use of educational resourcesYet to rateIneffective scheduling of educational classesYet to rateIndividualistic utilization of expertiseYet to rateInconsiderate telephone useYet to rateInappropriate use of innovative management techniquesYet to rateInadequate utilization of volunteer social service workersYet to rateInability to make use of evening timeYet to rateHedging in the financial futures marketYet to rateFatalistic attitudes to the use of timeYet to rateExcessive use of land by automobilesYet to rateExcessive use of acronyms and abbreviationsYet to rateDissatisfaction with skin colourYet to rateDiscouragement of bicyclesYet to rateDialect discriminationYet to rateCriminalization of drug useYet to rateBlasphemyYet to rateAir pollution from agricultural land useYet to rateAbusive use of trademarksYet to rateStrategyRecycling materialsExcellentProviding access to genetic resourcesExcellentPromoting sustainable use of biodiversityExcellentPromoting contraceptive useExcellentPracticing corporate environmental self-assessmentExcellentEnsuring sustainable agricultural developmentExcellentDeveloping sustainable land use policyExcellentUtilizing volunteer task forcesPresentableUtilizing leisurePresentableUtilizing forest genetic resources equitablyPresentableUtilizing animals in farmingPresentableUsing the InternetPresentableUsing saline water for agriculturePresentableUsing hallucinogensPresentableUsing computer-based technologyPresentableSupporting use of environmentally sound technologyPresentableResearching easily operated and maintained hand-held farming equipmentPresentableReducing youth smokingPresentableReducing use of toxic products in farmingPresentableReducing pollution from energy generationPresentableReducing pesticide usePresentableReducing fossil fuel usePresentableReducing discriminatory use of languagePresentableRecycling plasticsPresentableProviding incentives for sustainable use of natural resources by farmersPresentableProviding incentives for biodiversity conservationPresentablePromoting wise use principle in wetland biodiversity managementPresentablePromoting utilization of renewable biofuelsPresentablePromoting use of common world languagePresentablePromoting sustainable use of forest biodiversityPresentablePromoting sustainable energy consumptionPresentablePromoting renewable energyPresentablePromoting effective use of fertilizersPresentablePreventing nuclear proliferationPresentablePlanning for bicycle usePresentableManaging wetlandsPresentableManaging organic wastesPresentableManaging natural areasPresentableManaging fresh water usePresentableManaging agricultural landsPresentableMaking effective use of medicinal plantsPresentableLegalizing community rights to resource usePresentableIntroducing environmentally sound productsPresentableImproving health care for the poorPresentableIdentifying national priorities for conservation of biological diversityPresentableFarming with multipurpose tree speciesPresentableExpanding research on plant genetic resourcesPresentableEnsuring sustainable development of energy resourcesPresentableEnsuring local authorities use environmentally sound building materialsPresentableEducating home-owners to use renewable energyPresentableEducating about safe sex practicesPresentableDisseminating information on agroforestryPresentableDeveloping methods for conserving biological diversityPresentableDeveloping management strategies for biodiversity conservationPresentableDeveloping civil nuclear industry technologyPresentableDeveloping available community resourcesPresentableDecriminalizing drugsPresentableDecreasing waste packagingPresentableCyclingPresentableCreating environmental monitoring and assessment systemsPresentableCountering exploitation of women's imagePresentableControlling use of herbicidesPresentableConserving energy in transportationPresentableBuilding capacity for conserving biological diversityPresentableBeing impetuousPresentableBanning growth hormones in meatPresentableAssessing environmental impactsPresentableAnalysing land cover changePresentableAccelerating use of agricultural water use technologiesPresentableUtilizing facilities in off-peak periodsYet to rateUsing wind powerYet to rateUsing synthetic pesticides with careYet to rateUsing solar energyYet to rateUsing public environmentYet to rateUsing potential of dual-use technologiesYet to rateUsing plant genetic resourcesYet to rateUsing local marketsYet to rateUsing knowledgeYet to rateUsing information technologyYet to rateUsing environmentally sound land-use practicesYet to rateUsing economic instruments to reduce unsustainable use of agrochemicalsYet to rateUsing economic instruments to encourage sustainable use of land resourcesYet to rateUsing coalYet to rateUsing audiovisual methods to increase awareness of environmental issues in rural areasYet to rateUndertaking research on land useYet to rateUndermining opposition to use of natural energy sourcesYet to rateTransferring information for sustainable resources use in constructionYet to rateTraining people to use creditYet to rateTraining decision-makers in use of environmental economicsYet to rateTraining decision makers to make effective use of early warning systemsYet to rateTesting utilization of capital goodsYet to rateTaxing use of toxic productsYet to rateSystematic model buildingYet to rateSupporting use of local handling in provision of urban water supplyYet to rateSupporting regional centres on the effective use of economic instrumentsYet to rateSupporting lesser used languages in EuropeYet to rateSupporting drug useYet to rateSupporting conservation of biological diversity on private landsYet to rateStudying use of chemicals to control pestsYet to rateStudying fertilizersYet to rateStudying criminal use of transport servicesYet to rateStudying criminal use of scienceYet to rateStructuring existing resources utilizationYet to rateStrengthening national capacities to collect, assess and use environmental data in decision-makingYet to rateStrengthening national capacities on sustainable forest useYet to rateStrengthening national capabilities to use chemical classification and labelling systemsYet to rateStrengthening models on linked impacts of population, resource use and wealth distributionYet to rateStrengthening local understanding and sustainable use of marine living resourcesYet to rateStrengthening international institutional capacity for sustainable use of forest resourcesYet to rateStrengthening institutions for conserving biological diversityYet to rateStrengthening efforts to ensure communities get adequate benefits from the use of local resourcesYet to rateStrengthening capacity of developing countries for sustainable use of marine living resourcesYet to rateStrengthening capabilities for biotechnology research and applicationYet to rateStipulating use of propertyYet to rateStandardizing nomenclatureYet to rateStabilizing energy use in economic growth sectorsYet to rateSimplifying legal languageYet to rateShifting patterns of engagement in resource useYet to rateSharing international water resourcesYet to rateSetting quality criteria for agricultural water useYet to rateRoad pricingYet to rateRestricting use of personnelYet to rateRestricting use of elements of productionYet to rateRespecting pharmaceuticalsYet to rateResolving competing land use requirementsYet to rateResisting taxing fossil fuel useYet to rateResearching local anaesthesiaYet to rateResearching land useYet to rateResearching human resources developmentYet to rateResearching fuelwood useYet to rateResearching energy efficiencyYet to rateResearching charcoal useYet to rateRequiring use of resourcesYet to rateRequiring particular knowledge before implementation of resource useYet to rateRepresenting lead industryYet to rateRemoving parliamentary immunityYet to rateReleasing additional usable landYet to rateRehearsing use of abilitiesYet to rateRegulating use of radio frequenciesYet to rateRegulating use of fundsYet to rateRegulating resources useYet to rateRefusing to issue foreign currency for use abroadYet to rateReducing use of theatre as propagandaYet to rateReducing use of foreign programmes for mediaYet to rateReducing use of film as propagandaYet to rateReducing use of addictive drugsYet to rateReducing unethical investmentYet to rateReducing underutilizationYet to rateReducing underemploymentYet to rateReducing threats against votersYet to rateReducing threat of police reprisalsYet to rateReducing resource underuseYet to rateReducing private vehicle useYet to rateReducing petroleum fuel emissions to the atmosphereYet to rateReducing mortality due to alcohol and drug useYet to rateReducing military threats to vulnerable countriesYet to rateImproving media literacyYet to rateReducing inequality of use of medical resourcesYet to rateReducing inequality in energy useYet to rateReducing incidence of threatYet to rateReducing incidence of death threatsYet to rateReducing discriminatory use of medical resources to heal the privilegedYet to rateReducing discriminatory use of health facilitiesYet to rateReducing amount of undercapitalized waste use schemesYet to rateRecording terminologiesYet to rateRaising capacity utilization of manufacturing plantYet to rateRaising awareness of waterYet to rateProviding technological information for better use of forest productsYet to rateProviding symbology prowessYet to rateProviding sustainable water resource planningYet to rateProviding sufficient manpower planningYet to rateProviding public information on improving rational use of water resourcesYet to rateProviding opposition to use of natural energy sourcesYet to rateProviding necessary technological methods for resource utilizationYet to rateProviding legal framework for use of nuclear powerYet to rateProviding incentives for industry to use cleaner production technologyYet to rateProviding essential power to use material resourcesYet to rateProviding economic incentivesYet to rateProviding access to appropriate technologyYet to rateProtesting use of inhumane and indiscriminate weaponsYet to rateProtesting sale of tropical timberYet to ratePromoting use of unleaded fuelYet to ratePromoting use of labour-based technologyYet to ratePromoting use of filmYet to ratePromoting rational use of petroleum productsYet to ratePreventing drug taking at workYet to ratePreserving inequality of use of medical resourcesYet to ratePlanning for park useYet to ratePhasing out banned chemicals still in stock or in useYet to rateOrganizing cooperative use planYet to rateOrganizing community spaceYet to rateOrdering methods of utilization of capital goodsYet to rateMonitoring use of agrochemicalsYet to rateMonitoring drugsYet to rateMinimizing use of harmful chemicalsYet to rateMeasuring water useYet to rateMaximizing waste reuseYet to rateMaximizing use of local natural resourcesYet to rateMaximizing effective space useYet to rateMaximizing effective automobile useYet to rateManufacturing multiple-use machinesYet to rateManipulating use of referendaYet to rateManaging land useYet to rateManaging degraded river basinsYet to rateManaging computer stressYet to rateMaking use of evening timeYet to rateMaking multiple use of water through integrated agro-livestock-fishery programmesYet to rateMaking full use of external relationsYet to rateMaking effective and multiple use of existing school facilitiesYet to rateMaking economic agreements for biodiversity conservationYet to rateMaking appropriate use of bio-fertilizer in national programmesYet to rateMaintaining use of elements of productionYet to rateMaintaining integrity of building useYet to rateMaintaining databases on agricultural land useYet to rateLinking financial services to biodiversity conservationYet to rateLimiting water supplyYet to rateLimiting utilization of foodstuffsYet to rateLimiting utilization of coastal and deep sea water resourcesYet to rateLimiting efficient utilization of timeYet to rateLimiting access to natural resource use decisionsYet to rateLicensing use of public goodsYet to rateLegislating water useYet to rateLearning up-to-date equipment useYet to rateIntroducing variations of using common resourcesYet to rateIntentionalizing use of resourcesYet to rateIntensifying use of industrial equipmentYet to rateIntensifying existing resource useYet to rateIntegrating use of land resourcesYet to rateIntegrating urban land use and transportation planningYet to rateIncreasing utilization of foodstuffsYet to rateIncreasing use of resourcesYet to rateIncreasing use of nongovernmental resourcesYet to rateIncreasing use of new technology in water investment strategyYet to rateIncreasing use of environmental researchYet to rateIncreasing trained personnel for conserving biological diversityYet to rateIncreasing productivity of use of human resourcesYet to rateIncreasing efficient use of marine living resources for foodYet to rateIncreasing efficiency of use of available health careYet to rateIncreasing efficiency of labour useYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of water usageYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of governmental use of nongovernmental resourcesYet to rateIncreasing combined use of surface and groundwaterYet to rateImproving use of visual imagery for societal learningYet to rateImproving use of languageYet to rateImproving use of human resourcesYet to rateImproving standards to encourage use of environmentally sound recycled materialsYet to rateImproving soil managementYet to rateImproving natural resource useYet to rateImproving mixed-use urban redevelopmentYet to rateImproving land use practices to prevent land degradation and erosionYet to rateImproving forest utilizationYet to rateImproving coordination of scientific satellite missionsYet to rateImproving capability for environmentally sound use of biotechnology in developing countriesYet to rateImproving analysis of data on land useYet to rateImproving action plans for conserving biological diversityYet to rateImproving ability to use land for agricultural purposesYet to rateImproving ability to make use of evening timeYet to rateImposing priorities on natural resource useYet to rateIlluminating possibilities for resource useYet to rateIdentifying obstacles to the utilization of coastal resourcesYet to rateIdentifying obstacles to efficient utilization of timeYet to rateHumanizing use of technologyYet to rateHolding fatalistic attitudes to the use of timeYet to rateHeightening efficiency of industrial processesYet to rateGiving attention to natural resource product expansionYet to rateForbidding use of foul languageYet to rateFinding alternatives for chemical research methods which use test animalsYet to rateFailing to use diplomatic protocolYet to rateFailing to obey ordersYet to rateFacilitating collection of geophysical dataYet to rateExtracting natural resourcesYet to rateExposing limitations of methods for resource utilizationYet to rateExploring use of traditional energy alternativesYet to rateExploring new forms of debt relief including greater use of debt swapsYet to rateExpanding use of local construction technologiesYet to rateExpanding use of information technology for lawYet to rateExpanding use of environmentally less harmful agrochemicalsYet to rateExpanding use of biotechnology to conserve biological diversityYet to rateExpanding use of biotechnology for environmental conservationYet to rateExpanding training on the environmentally sound use of biotechnologyYet to rateExpanding integrated use of rural water supply infrastructureYet to rateExpanding functions of international agencies on environmentally sound technology transferYet to rateExpanding distribution and use of monitoring dataYet to rateExchanging information on national use of economic instrumentsYet to rateExchanging best practices for information technologyYet to rateEvaluating relevance of language formsYet to rateEstablishing rent control systemsYet to rateEstablishing land use classificationsYet to rateEnsuring water programmes use local expertiseYet to rateEnsuring sustainable use of marine living resources under national jurisdictionYet to rateEnsuring sustainable use of marine living resources of the high seasYet to rateEnsuring sustainable use of marine living resourcesYet to rateEnsuring land users implement improved land use measuresYet to rateEnsuring effective transport useYet to rateEnsuring economical usage of natural resources by industryYet to rateEnlarging resource use capabilityYet to rateEnhancing utilization of technologyYet to rateEncouraging use of virtual reality equipmentYet to rateEncouraging use of technologyYet to rateEncouraging use of computer dataYet to rateEncouraging use of biochemical weapons technologyYet to rateEncouraging rational water useYet to rateEncouraging more effective aid utilizationYet to rateEncouraging free use of propertyYet to rateEncouraging environmentally sound land use practicesYet to rateEnabling multiple media utilizationYet to rateEnabling equitable resource useYet to rateEnabling effective leisure useYet to rateEnabling domestic water useYet to rateEmphasizing reusable packagingYet to rateEmphasizing effective use of technical resourcesYet to rateElaborating national employment policiesYet to rateEffecting aid utilizationYet to rateEducating public health impact of domestic use of biomass and coalYet to rateEducating about diarrhoeal diseasesYet to rateEconomizing on use of government resourcesYet to rateDoing without adequate toolsYet to rateDocumenting use of agricultural productsYet to rateDiversifying land useYet to rateDisseminating land use informationYet to rateDiscrediting firearms useYet to rateDiscovering new possibilities for use of natural resourcesYet to rateDisciplining use of timeYet to rateDisapproving use of vulgarismsYet to rateDeveloping profitable public land use practicesYet to rateDeveloping methods of natural resource extractionYet to rateDeveloping environmentally sound technology for sustainable use of marine living resourcesYet to rateDeveloping effective pesticide policiesYet to rateDeveloping creative use of by-productsYet to rateDeveloping biotechnologies for environmentally sustainable use of mineral resourcesYet to rateDeveloping agricultural resourcesYet to rateDetermining use of public spacesYet to rateDetermining applicable technologyYet to rateDetermining applicability of technical procedures for resource extractionYet to rateDenying right of peoples to use their own languageYet to rateDemonstrating utilization of surplusesYet to rateDemonstrating profitable resource useYet to rateDemonstrating need for effective use of resourcesYet to rateDemonstrating creative space useYet to rateDemanding use of most advanced technologiesYet to rateDemanding use of best capabilitiesYet to rateDemanding innovation of natural resource useYet to rateDemanding exploitation of common resourcesYet to rateCriticizing ineffective medical techniquesYet to rateCreating imaginative vision of local resource useYet to rateCorrecting defective land use planningYet to rateCoordinating use of nuclear materialsYet to rateCoordinating use of community propertyYet to rateCooperating in the use of outer spaceYet to rateControlling use of virtual reality equipmentYet to rateControlling use of natural resourcesYet to rateControlling use of fertilizersYet to rateControlling use of computer dataYet to rateControlling use of biochemical weapons technologyYet to rateControlling public land useYet to rateCompensating developing countries for use of environmentally sound technologiesYet to rateComparing economic feasibility of aquaculture with other water resource useYet to rateCombating fraud against governmentsYet to rateClaiming intimidatory use of radioactive materialsYet to rateCampaigning against the use of pesticidesYet to rateBroadening irrigation water developmentYet to rateBalancing utilization of productionYet to rateAssuring full catch utilizationYet to rateAssessing technology utilizationYet to rateAssessing radiation for safe and effective useYet to rateAssessing potential of underutilized cropsYet to rateAssessing forest land utilizationYet to rateAssessing costs and financing to ensure sustainable land use planning and managementYet to rateAssessing commercial prospects of underutilized forest speciesYet to rateArming citizensYet to rateApplying land use policies to protect environmentally sensitive areasYet to rateApplying ethical considerations during biotechnology transferYet to rateApplying energy taxesYet to rateAdvocating use of mother tongueYet to rateAdvancing environmentally sound technology and management systemsYet to rateAdopting legislation to guide sustainable land developmentYet to rateAdjusting methodologies for resource utilizationYet to rateAbstaining from use of public archivesYet to rateAbstaining from accord on water useYet to rateAbolishing unethical veterinary practicesYet to rateAbolishing unethical use of telephone serviceYet to rateAbolishing unethical use of statisticsYet to rateAbolishing unethical use of languageYet to rateAbolishing unethical taxesYet to rateAbolishing unethical tacticsYet to rateAbolishing unethical sporting practicesYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices of radiologyYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices in the artsYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices in religionYet to rateAbolishing unethical practicesYet to rateAbolishing unethical military practicesYet to rateAbolishing unethical media practicesYet to rateAbolishing unethical insurance practicesYet to rateAbolishing unethical industrial practicesYet to rateAbolishing unethical financial practicesYet to rateAbolishing unethical entertainmentYet to rateAbolishing unethical commercial practicesYet to rateAbolishing unethical catering practicesYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectEconomics » Resource utilizationContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024