WastageWastefulnessWasteWastedWastesWastefulBroaderRestoration-DestructionPresentablePossession-LossPresentableImprovement-ImpairmentPresentableHealth-DiseasePresentableExpensiveness-CheapnessPresentableProblemUnsustainable energy consumptionExcellentUnsafe hazardous waste disposalExcellentUnderutilized agricultural wastesExcellentToxic waste smugglingExcellentShortage of waste landfill sitesExcellentMarine dumping of wastesExcellentInadequate management of refuseExcellentExcessive governmental spendingExcellentEducational wastageExcellentDisposal of packaging wasteExcellentWater pollution from fish productionPresentableWaste watersPresentableWaste paperPresentableWaste of waterPresentableWaste of resourcesPresentableWaste of non-renewable resourcesPresentableWaste of human resourcesPresentableWastage of highly skilled personnel in the routine maintenance of complex systemsPresentableUnnecessary personal consumptionPresentableUndercapitalized waste use schemesPresentableSolid wastesPresentableRadioactive wastesPresentablePlastic pollution of coastal zonesPresentablePlastic pollutionPresentablePaper shortagePresentableMisuse of agricultural resources for production of animal feedPresentableIntractable wastePresentableInsufficient recycling of materialsPresentableIneffectiveness of foreign aidPresentableIndustrial waste water pollutantsPresentableIndustrial air emissionsPresentableInadequate waste incinerationPresentableInadequate packaging of food productsPresentableInadequate disposal of hospital wastePresentableIllicit discharge of dangerous substancesPresentableHazardous wastesPresentableWastage of foodPresentableEnvironmental hazards of decommissioned nuclear power plantsPresentableElectronic wastePresentableDumping radioactive substancesPresentableDumping of consumer waste productsPresentableDomestic waste water pollutantsPresentableCriminal offences against the environmentPresentableCorruption and mismanagement of foreign aidPresentableCompetitive development of new weaponsPresentableWasted woman powerYet to rateWasted waiting timeYet to rateWasted timeYet to rateWaste disposal in deep wellsYet to rateUnutilized fish by-productsYet to rateUnused livestock wasteYet to rateUnreliable garbage pick-upYet to ratePig-waste pollutionYet to rateMine wastesYet to rateInefficient use of educational resourcesYet to rateInadequate waste treatmentYet to rateEnergy inefficient lifestylesYet to rateStrategyRecycling waterExcellentRecycling materialsExcellentDisposing of industrial wastesExcellentUsing treated waste water for agriculturePresentableStopping ocean dumpingPresentableShifting from energy-intensive consumptionPresentableReducing waste at sourcePresentableReducing loss and waste of food during handlingPresentableReducing industrial water pollutionPresentableReducing amount of electronic scrapPresentableReducing amount of consumer wastePresentableRecycling plasticsPresentableRecycling organic wastesPresentableRecycling nutrients in urinePresentableRecycling agricultural wastePresentableRecovering energy from wastesPresentableProviding incentives for waste reuse and recyclingPresentableProviding ideas for recycling household itemsPresentableProviding financial assistance for hazardous waste emergenciesPresentableProviding environmental infrastructure for human settlementsPresentableProviding education on hazardous waste management in government and industryPresentableProviding education materials on effects of hazardous wastePresentablePreparing health criteria on hazardous waste preventionPresentableMonitoring illegal traffic in hazardous waste at the regional levelPresentableModernizing sanitary facilitiesPresentableManaging urban wastesPresentableManaging plastic wastesPresentableManaging organic wastesPresentableMaking industry responsible for environmentally sound disposal of its hazardous wastePresentableImproving solid waste managementPresentableImproving hazardous waste management programmes to meet health and environment normsPresentableImproving hazardous waste managementPresentableImplementing code of practice on transboundary movements of radioactive wastePresentableHarmonizing transport of dangerous goodsPresentableExpanding knowledge resources on health implications of hazardous wastesPresentableEnsuring sustainable personal consumptionPresentableEnsuring safe management of radioactive wastesPresentableDumping hazardous wastesPresentableDeveloping criteria for fishing practices to minimize waste and by-catchPresentableDeveloping conventions on transboundary movement of hazardous wastePresentableDeveloping biotechnology for waste treatmentPresentableDecreasing waste packagingPresentableCreating domestic waste recycling schemesPresentableComplying with international guidelines in hazardous waste agreementsPresentableBanning exports of radioactive waste to countries which prohibit their importationPresentableBanning disposal of low level radioactive waste at seaPresentableAssisting waste and recycling in the informal sectorPresentableAssessing health and environmental risks of hazardous wastePresentableAdopting laws to prevent the illegal export or import of hazardous wastePresentableUsing variable pricing for waste management at the consumer levelYet to rateUsing surface disposal sites for wastesYet to rateUsing intermediate stores for wastesYet to rateUsing criteria for safe management of solid wasteYet to rateUrging industry to publish information on their management of hazardous wasteYet to rateUrging countries to dispose of their own waste in their own territoryYet to rateUpgrading status and skills of managers in waste management agenciesYet to rateTreating wastesYet to rateTreating waste with chemical processesYet to rateTreating waste water for safe reuseYet to rateTreating waste by incinerationYet to rateTreating waste biologicallyYet to rateTreating industrial wastes at sourceYet to rateTransferring technology for safe management and disposal of radioactive wasteYet to rateTraining in waste reuse and recycling for urban managersYet to rateTraining in pollution control, waste treatment and disposal technologiesYet to rateTraining in monitoring and controlling pollution caused by wasteYet to rateTesting waste water contaminationYet to rateTeaching benefits and civic duty for waste reuse and recycling at schoolYet to rateTaking measures for environmentally sound disposal of hazardous waste in developing countriesYet to rateSupporting waste reuse in small communitiesYet to rateSupporting national programmes to monitor and control hazardous wastesYet to rateSupporting investment in waste reuse and recyclingYet to rateSupporting international codes for the safe management and disposal of radioactive wasteYet to rateSupporting industry training programmes on waste managementYet to rateStudying health impact of radioactive waste disposalYet to rateStrengthening research centres on hazardous waste managementYet to rateStrengthening research capacities for waste managementYet to rateStrengthening national capacity for safe treatment and disposal of wasteYet to rateStrengthening international guidelines for the safe reuse of wasteYet to rateStrengthening developing country capacity to manage waste from nuclear programmesYet to rateStrengthening cradle-to-grave environmental impact assessment of hazardous wasteYet to rateStrengthening cooperation on monitoring effects of hazardous waste managementYet to rateStoring wastesYet to rateStoring nuclear waste in ocean wellsYet to rateStoring intractable wasteYet to rateStoring hazardous wastesYet to rateSetting waste management goalsYet to rateSetting up tracking systems for movements of hazardous wasteYet to rateSetting up information systems to detect illegal traffic in hazardous wasteYet to rateSetting national standards for industrial effluents and solid wastesYet to rateSeparating components of urban solid wasteYet to rateScheduling accumulated waste disposalYet to rateSaving paperYet to rateRunning residential waste undergroundYet to rateReviewing management of solid wastes and sewageYet to rateReturning radioactive waste to the supplier for safe storage or disposalYet to rateRespecting decisions of other countries on safe management of radioactive wasteYet to rateResearching safe management and disposal of high-level radioactive wasteYet to rateResearching management of hazardous wasteYet to rateResearching impact of waste minimization on consumersYet to rateReprocessing spent nuclear fuelYet to rateReporting on key aspects of waste management and disposalYet to rateRegulating transboundary movement and disposal of wasteYet to rateReducing wasteYet to rateReducing wastage in energy distributionYet to rateReducing production of intractable wasteYet to rateReducing organic waste content in landfillYet to rateReducing methane emissions from landfill sitesYet to rateReducing food wasteYet to rateReducing domestic waste water pollutantsYet to rateReducing amount of wastewaterYet to rateReducing amount of wasted woman powerYet to rateReducing amount of wasted waiting timeYet to rateReducing amount of wasted timeYet to rateReducing amount of wasted foreign aidYet to rateReducing amount of wasted energy resourcesYet to rateReducing amount of waste of resources on armaments researchYet to rateReducing amount of waste of resources invested in obsolete armamentsYet to rateReducing amount of waste gasesYet to rateReducing amount of wastage of development aidYet to rateReducing amount of wastage in governmental budgets and appropriationsYet to rateReducing amount of undercapitalized waste use schemesYet to rateReducing amount of solid wastesYet to rateReducing amount of organic wastesYet to rateReducing amount of nuclear wasteYet to rateReducing amount of liquid wastesYet to rateReducing amount of impurities in waste waterYet to rateReducing amount of hazardous waste for disposalYet to rateReducing amount of educational wastageYet to rateReducing amount of dangerous wasteYet to rateReducing amount of agricultural waste productsYet to rateRecycling special wastesYet to rateRecycling packagingYet to rateRecycling municipal waste water and solid wasteYet to rateRecycling industrial wastesYet to rateRecycling animal waste productsYet to rateRecovering energy from domestic wasteYet to rateReclaiming land with solid wasteYet to rateRaising standards of waste treatmentYet to ratePublishing information on companies which generate hazardous wasteYet to rateProviding waste management information to global information systemsYet to rateProviding training on low-cost waste collection and disposal optionsYet to rateProviding public information on waste issuesYet to rateProviding public information on hazardous waste issuesYet to rateProviding incentives to local authorities to recycle wastesYet to rateProviding incentives to improve the marketability of recyclable wastesYet to rateProviding emergency waste disposalYet to rateProviding adequate waste processingYet to rateProtesting against packaging wasteYet to rateProhibiting dumping of hazardous wastesYet to rateProhibiting dumping food products as wasteYet to rateProducing consumer wasteYet to ratePreventing water related disease transmission from waste water irrigationYet to ratePreventing wasteYet to ratePreventing production of hazardous wastesYet to ratePreventing illegal international traffic in hazardous wastesYet to ratePreserving human resourcesYet to ratePreparing waste minimization guidelinesYet to ratePreparing inventories in developing countries on hazardous waste productionYet to ratePreparing guidelines on waste management for unserved low-income areasYet to ratePreparing environmental guidelines for safe discharge of wasteYet to ratePreparing best practice guides for waste recyclingYet to ratePreaching religionYet to ratePlanning and constructing of new waste treatment facilitiesYet to rateOvercoming barriers to waste tradeYet to rateOrganizing household refuse pick-upYet to rateMonitoring industrial waste water pollutantsYet to rateMonitoring dumping of consumer waste productsYet to rateMonitoring dumping food products as wasteYet to rateMonitoring domestic waste water pollutantsYet to rateMonitoring compliance violations of hazardous waste export/import lawsYet to rateMonitoring adverse effects of hazardous wastesYet to rateMinimizing generation of radioactive wasteYet to rateMaximizing waste reuseYet to rateMarketing compostYet to rateManaging wastesYet to rateManaging toxic waste dumpsYet to rateLandfilling wastesYet to rateInvesting part of waste disposal cost in waste minimizationYet to rateInvestigating potentially hazardous products wastesYet to rateIntegrating waste management with other basic servicesYet to rateIntegrating waste managementYet to rateInstalling waste treatment systemsYet to rateInforming about techniques for the safe disposal of wasteYet to rateIndustrializing wasteYet to rateIncreasing support for hazardous waste research in developing countriesYet to rateIncreasing public participation in hazardous waste managementYet to rateIncreasing public involvement in the collection of wasteYet to rateIncreasing international cooperation centres on hazardous waste managementYet to rateIncreasing government / industry cooperation on waste minimizationYet to rateIncorporating waste minimization strategies in national development plansYet to rateIncluding waste minimization principles and practices in school curriculaYet to rateIncluding waste minimization measures in procurement policiesYet to rateIncluding resource recovery in local authority waste management plansYet to rateIncluding resource needs, waste management and conservation in settlement policyYet to rateIncinerating wastesYet to rateImproving waste monitoring technologyYet to rateImproving training on prevention and control of hazardous waste health risksYet to rateImproving operation and maintenance of waste treatment facilitiesYet to rateImproving national waste management and control policiesYet to rateImproving national incentives for waste managementYet to rateImproving national capabilities for monitoring wastesYet to rateImproving institutional capacity on waste management planning and service deliveryYet to rateImproving hazardous waste institutionsYet to rateImproving current waste reuse operationsYet to rateImproving coordination of waste management programmes in the United Nations systemYet to rateImproving coordination of policy on hazardous wasteYet to rateImproving capacity to assess hazardous waste risksYet to rateImproving capacities to monitor the transboundary movements of hazardous wastesYet to rateImplementing waste recycling programmesYet to rateImplementing waste management policies for waste reuse and recyclingYet to rateImplementing international conventions on hazardous wasteYet to rateIdentifying low-cost options for waste managementYet to rateIdentifying best available technology for hazardous waste managementYet to rateIdentifying and preparing profiles on hazardous wastesYet to rateHalting bureaucratic wasteYet to rateGenerating electricity from organic wastesYet to rateGenerating biogas for fuelYet to rateFunding research on waste reuse and recyclingYet to rateFinding waste management solutions for densely populated areas and small islandsYet to rateFinancing waste management services in deprived areasYet to rateFinancing waste disposalYet to rateFacilitating transfer of waste reuse and recycling technologyYet to rateFacilitating transfer of waste reduction technologyYet to rateFacilitating transfer of waste management technologyYet to rateFacilitating transfer of industrial waste treatment technologyYet to rateExtending waste management services to the unserved urban poorYet to rateExpanding waste management services to unserved areasYet to rateExpanding waste collection and disposal servicesYet to rateExpanding research on environmentally sound management of hazardous wasteYet to rateExpanding public participation in solid waste managementYet to rateExpanding public information on waste minimizationYet to rateExpanding international information exchange on hazardous wasteYet to rateExpanding information networks on clean technology and waste minimizationYet to rateExpanding hazardous waste research in developing countriesYet to rateExchanging information on illegal transboundary movement of hazardous wasteYet to rateEvaluating effectiveness of waste recycling techniquesYet to rateEstablishing regulations requiring environmentally sound management of hazardous wastesYet to rateEstablishing inventories of hazardous wasteYet to rateEstablishing international clearing house for information on waste management and disposalYet to rateEstablishing hazardous waste treatment centresYet to rateEstablishing facilities in each country to handle its own hazardous wastesYet to rateEstablishing exchange programmes for waste management staffYet to rateEstablishing environmentally sound land-based waste disposal alternatives to sea dumpingYet to rateEstablishing databases on populations exposed to hazardous wasteYet to rateEnsuring safe export of hazardous wasteYet to rateEnsuring military applies environmental norms for hazardous waste treatmentYet to rateEnsuring full cost recovery from waste generatorsYet to rateEnsuring environmentally sound waste processingYet to rateEnsuring environmentally safe storage sites for radioactive wasteYet to rateEnsuring compatibility of agreements on hazardous wasteYet to rateEncouraging wasteYet to rateEmphasizing waste prevention and minimization in waste management programmesYet to rateEliminating disease-breeding wasteYet to rateEducating about national hazardous waste managementYet to rateDumping toxic wasteYet to rateDisposing of wastesYet to rateDisposing of waste in salt minesYet to rateDisposing of local sewer wastesYet to rateDisposing of household refuseYet to rateDisposing of hazardous wasteYet to rateDeveloping waste monitoring methodologyYet to rateDeveloping solid waste disposal technologiesYet to rateDeveloping plans for the management and disposal of human wasteYet to rateDeveloping national goals for the sustainable management of wastesYet to rateDeveloping laws for waste managementYet to rateDeveloping industry-based institutions on hazardous waste handlingYet to rateDeveloping guidelines for identifying hazardous wasteYet to rateDeveloping effective technologies for treating wasteYet to rateDeveloping community detection of traffic in hazardous wastesYet to rateDeveloping brown field sitesYet to rateDeveloping appropriate methods for identifying hazardous wastesYet to rateDesigning waste disposal areasYet to rateCooperating with industry in identifying and cleaning-up hazardous waste disposal sitesYet to rateConverting sewage waste into compostYet to rateConverting garden waste into compostYet to rateControlling transboundary movement of hazardous wasteYet to rateConstructing waste stabilization pondsYet to rateConstructing modern public toiletsYet to rateConducting training on hazardous waste management technology in developing countriesYet to rateConducting research on the health effects of hazardous wastes in developing countriesYet to rateConducting research on critical problems of waste management and disposalYet to rateConducting environmental audits to assess hazardous waste management in industryYet to rateConditioning radioactive wasteYet to rateCompiling data on waste managementYet to rateCombining treatment/disposal facilities for hazardous waste in small and medium-sized enterprisesYet to rateCollecting wastesYet to rateCollecting organic wasteYet to rateCollecting discarded objectsYet to rateCleaning up pollutionYet to rateCarrying out pilot projects to demonstrate waste minimization practices and technologiesYet to rateCampaigning on solid waste managementYet to rateCampaigning against unnecessary outdoor lightingYet to rateCampaigning against the export of toxic materialsYet to rateCampaigning against hazardous waste disposalYet to rateBuilding waste disposal systemYet to rateBanning hazardous waste exports to countries lacking safe handling capabilityYet to rateAssessing national programmes for waste reuse and recyclingYet to rateAssessing hazardous waste management needs of small and medium-sized enterprisesYet to rateAssessing environmental impact of wasteYet to rateAssessing environmental effects of national waste management policiesYet to rateAssessing effectiveness of waste minimization measures and technologiesYet to rateAssessing effectiveness of existing information systems on hazardous wasteYet to rateAssessing approaches for extending waste management servicesYet to rateAppropriating waste management technologiesYet to rateApplying measures for waste disposal costs to be paid by the waste generatorsYet to rateApplying hygienic waste disposalYet to rateAnalysing wasteYet to rateAdopting sustainable sanitation policyYet to rateAdopting safety standards for hazardous waste managementYet to rateAdopting policies for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wasteYet to rateAdopting national programmes to reduce hazardous wasteYet to rateAccumulating nuclear reactor wasteYet to rateAbstaining from integrating solid waste managementYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems ยป WasteContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024