HealthBroaderSafety-DangerPresentableHealth-DiseasePresentableGoodness-BadnessPresentableConformity-NonconformityPresentableProblemUnsafe genetically modified foodExcellentPolychlorinated biphenyls as a health hazardExcellentMale bias of medicineExcellentInadequate health servicesExcellentIllness anxiety disorderExcellentHealth risks of alcohol consumptionExcellentHealth hazards of exposure to noiseExcellentHealth hazards of environmental electromagnetismExcellentHealth effects of tobacco smokingExcellentEnvironmental health hazards to childrenExcellentEmissions from combustion enginesExcellentDangers of using mobile telephonesExcellentConflicting models of healthExcellentChromium as a pollutantExcellentAntimony as a health hazardExcellentViolations of health and safety regulationsPresentableVibrations as a health hazardPresentableUnnecessary health system referralsPresentableUnhealthy human environmentPresentableUnhealthy behaviourPresentableToxic substances in the homePresentableToxic metal pollutantsPresentableSubstance abuse by physiciansPresentableRefusal to market new drugsPresentableProhibitive medical expensesPresentablePoliticization of health standardsPresentablePernicious environmental influences on healthPresentableOccupational risks and hazards of the medical professionPresentableOccupational health risksPresentableNeglect of sexual health of womenPresentableNeglect of adolescent health carePresentableNegative effects of maternityPresentableMisuse of public health fundsPresentableMisconduct of medical executivesPresentableMisallocation of resources in health servicesPresentableMicrowave radiation as a health hazardPresentableManganese as a health hazardPresentableMaldistribution of health personnelPresentableLoss of medical accreditationPresentableLead as a health hazard at workPresentableLack of sanitation in rural areasPresentableIrresponsible health professionalsPresentableInequity in health within countriesPresentableIncreasing public health costsPresentableIncrease in insurance claims for medical negligencePresentableInadequate primary health carePresentableInadequate mental health insurancePresentableInadequate medical facilitiesPresentableInadequate maternal and child health carePresentableInadequate health services following nuclear warPresentableInadequate health care in urban slumsPresentableInadequate coverage for illness abroadPresentableInaccessibility of health servicesPresentableIgnorance of women concerning primary health carePresentableHypoxiaPresentableHydrogen sulphide as a pollutantPresentableHuman disabilityPresentableHereditary diseasesPresentableHealth risks to workers in construction industryPresentableHealth risks of teenage sexPresentableHealth risks of atmospheric destructionPresentableHealth hazards to touristsPresentableHealth hazards of uraniumPresentableHealth hazards of smoking for womenPresentableHealth hazards of radiation in aircraftPresentableHealth hazards of plasticsPresentableHealth hazards of oral contraceptivesPresentableHealth hazards of mining radioactive substancesPresentableHealth hazards of irradiated foodPresentableHealth hazards of environmental pollutionPresentableHealth hazards of computer monitor screensPresentableHealth hazards of asbestosPresentableHealth hazards of artificial birth controlPresentableHealth hazards of aluminiumPresentableHealth hazards of air pollution for childrenPresentableHealth hazards in the mining industryPresentableHealth hazards from meat and meat preparationsPresentableHealth hazards from fish, crustacea and molluscsPresentableHealth hazards from dairy products and eggsPresentableHazards to human health in the natural environmentPresentableHarmful biological effects of ionizing radiationPresentableFragmentation of health servicePresentableFish stressPresentableFemale bias of medicinePresentableFailure to conform to international health standardsPresentableExternal pernicious influences on healthPresentableExcessive animal sanitary regulations in international travelPresentableEnvironmental hazards of furniture and fixtures manufacturePresentableDistortion of international trade by discriminatory formulation of health and sanitary regulations for agricultural and pharmaceutical productsPresentableDisease risks of tropical travelPresentableDenial of the right of healthPresentableDenial of health insurance to genetic groupsPresentableDenial of adequate medical care to skilled labourPresentableDehumanization of health carePresentableCultural bias in medicinePresentableCost-conscious managed health carePresentableCosmetic and health problems related to human hairPresentableCommercially sponsored health educationPresentableCircumcision as a health hazardPresentableChildren's diseasesPresentableCarbon monoxide as a health hazardPresentableBeryllium as a health hazardPresentableAir pollution from forest firesPresentableUnknown health possibilitiesYet to rateUnhygienic conditionsYet to rateUnfocused health workYet to rateUnfamiliar procedures for using public health programmesYet to rateUnequal health benefits for womenYet to rateUnderstaffed health clinicsYet to rateUnawareness of health problemsYet to rateUnawareness of health benefitsYet to rateTravel health hazardsYet to rateSusceptibility of the impoverished to drug traffickingYet to rateRestrictive medical practicesYet to rateReligious opposition to public health practicesYet to rateRefusal to accept treatment for mental illnessYet to rateRadio frequencies as a health hazardsYet to rateProfessional misconduct by nursesYet to rateOccupational hazards in commerce and officesYet to rateObstacles to the international transfer of corpsesYet to rateNeglected health practicesYet to rateNeglect of worker healthYet to rateLimited availability of health resourcesYet to rateLack of health-aide backupYet to rateLack of health insurancesYet to rateInsufficient health personnelYet to rateInsufficient health paymentsYet to rateInequitable use of medical resourcesYet to rateInadequately cooked foodsYet to rateInadequate working conditions in health and medical servicesYet to rateInadequate teaching of occupational health and safetyYet to rateInadequate supporting health documentsYet to rateInadequate resources for healthYet to rateInadequate personal hygieneYet to rateInadequate occupational health servicesYet to rateInadequate mental illness servicesYet to rateInadequate health controlYet to rateImposition of trade quotas for health reasonsYet to rateImmunosuppressive risk behaviourYet to rateHealth risks to workers in transport, storage and communication industriesYet to rateHealth risks to workers in service industriesYet to rateHealth risks to workers in manufacturing industriesYet to rateHealth risks to workers in electricity, gas, water and sanitary servicesYet to rateHealth risks to workers in chemical industriesYet to rateHealth risks to organ recipientsYet to rateHealth hazards of unpasteurized milkYet to rateHealth hazards of unpasteurized juicesYet to rateHealth hazards of modern insulating materialsYet to rateHealth hazards of kneelingYet to rateHealth hazards of cassavaYet to rateHealth hazards of aniline dyesYet to rateHealth hazards in the metals industriesYet to rateHealth hazards from fruit and vegetablesYet to rateHealth hazards from food and drinkYet to rateHealth hazards from coffee, tea, cocoa and spicesYet to rateHealth hazards from cereals and cereal preparationsYet to rateHealth disorders of athletesYet to rateHazards to human healthYet to rateFragility of maintaining basic healthYet to rateFood health standards of convenienceYet to rateDisruptive behaviour in health rehabilitation institutionsYet to rateDisputed health needsYet to rateDiseases of female reproductive organsYet to rateDependence of government income on products dangerous to healthYet to rateDenial of the right to health for indigenous populationsYet to rateDecline in government health expenditureYet to rateCurative health mindsetYet to rateCrimes committed in hospitals and health care facilitiesYet to rateCompulsory health careYet to rateComplex public health regulationsYet to rateComplex health deliveryYet to rateAldehydes as health hazardsYet to rateAirborne substances harmful to healthYet to rateAbuse of health welfare benefitsYet to rateStrategyUsing economic instruments to manage environmental health costsExcellentTackling poverty through environmental health measuresExcellentProviding reproductive health counselling for adolescentsExcellentPromoting public participation in national environmental health action plansExcellentPromoting intersectoral cooperation on environmental healthExcellentEstablishing priorities for national environmental health action plansExcellentEnsuring a healthy environmentExcellentEncouraging competition between health providersExcellentDeveloping national environmental health action plansExcellentDeveloping local environmental health action plansExcellentAssessing health impacts of climate changeExcellentAdvancing environmental healthExcellentUsing evidence-based health carePresentableUsing biotechnology to improve human healthPresentableUndertaking research on health effects of increasing ultraviolet radiationPresentableUndertaking interdisciplinary research on health effects of climate changePresentableTraining workers on environmental safety, health and welfarePresentableTraining community health workersPresentableTesting new approaches to health care planning and managementPresentableTeaching basic health practicesPresentableTeaching about sexualityPresentableSupporting traditional health carePresentableSupplying family planning servicesPresentableStrengthening primary health care systems to control communicable diseasesPresentableStrengthening preventative and curative health services for indigenous peoplePresentableStrengthening national capacities for environmental health interventionsPresentableStrengthening intersectoral approaches to training health workersPresentableStrengthening environmental health servicesPresentableSetting objectives for national environmental health action plansPresentableSafeguarding employee healthPresentableResearching public healthPresentableResearching effects of air pollution on human healthPresentableResearching child exposure to environmental hazardsPresentableResearching adolescent sexual healthPresentableReforming pharmaceutical usage in public healthPresentableReforming health systemsPresentableReforming health policyPresentableReducing health risks of fuel exhaustPresentableReducing health risks from environmental pollutionPresentableReducing government expenditure on tertiary health facilitiesPresentableRealising economic benefits of environmental healthPresentablePublicizing family planning methodsPresentableProviding women's health centres managed by womenPresentableProviding training for urban environmental health workersPresentableProviding school-based health servicesPresentableProviding public information and education on reproduction and healthPresentableProviding population-based health servicesPresentableProviding mother/child carePresentableProviding medical relief for large-scale emergenciesPresentableProviding international health care assistancePresentableProviding health servicesPresentableProviding equal and improved health care for all childrenPresentableProtecting against human health hazards in chemical-intensive agriculturePresentableProtecting against health hazards of motherhoodPresentableProtecting against health hazards from food and drinkPresentableProtecting against health hazards from fish, crustacea and molluscsPresentableProposing a national environmental health action planPresentablePromoting worker healthPresentablePromoting women's public health issuesPresentablePromoting safe motherhoodPresentablePromoting public education on health effects of climate changePresentablePromoting good practice in health, environment and safety managementPresentablePromoting environmental health in schoolsPresentablePromoting community health standardsPresentablePreventing child exposure to environmental hazardsPresentablePreparing situation reports for national environmental health action plansPresentablePreparing health criteria on hazardous waste preventionPresentablePreparing contingency plans to mitigate the health effects of climate changePresentablePracticing industrial safetyPresentablePiloting environmental health projectsPresentableNetworking adolescent health associationsPresentableMonitoring exposure to hazardous environmental pollutantsPresentableMonitoring effects of air pollution on human healthPresentableMeeting specialized medical needsPresentableInvolving arts in primary health carePresentableInsuring healthPresentableInforming about health effects of climate changePresentableIncreasing reliance on private sector health servicesPresentableImproving urban healthPresentableImproving reproductive healthPresentableImproving local managerial skills to strengthen the basic health systemPresentableImproving health programmes to reduce infant mortalityPresentableImproving health care for the poorPresentableImproving hazardous waste management programmes to meet health and environment normsPresentableImproving effectiveness of aid for healthPresentableImproving coordination between health and related sectorsPresentableImplementing national environmental health action plansPresentableImplementing health, nutrition, education and poverty alleviation programmes for childrenPresentableImplementing environmental health strategyPresentableIdentifying vulnerable groups for health effects of climate changePresentableIdentifying key stakeholders for national environmental health action plansPresentableGenerating community support for environmental health programmesPresentableFocusing on links between primary health care and environmental programmesPresentableFinancing public health interventions with substantial externalitiesPresentableFinancing health centres by the communityPresentableFinancing essential clinical health servicesPresentableExtending health insurance coveragePresentableExpanding research and methodologies to meet primary health care needsPresentableExpanding knowledge resources on health implications of hazardous wastesPresentableEvaluating monitoring systems for health effects of climate changePresentableEvaluating family planningPresentableEvaluating cognitive effects of environmental health hazardsPresentableEstablishing regional centres for health action on climate changePresentableEstablishing primary health carePresentableEstablishing preventive health carePresentableEstablishing environmental health indicators for climate changePresentableEstablishing comprehensive health centresPresentableEstablishing a timeframe for national environmental health action plansPresentableEducating about women's healthPresentableDeveloping safe cigarettesPresentableDeveloping regional health policy for climate changePresentableDeveloping regional environmental health action plansPresentableDeveloping preventive policies for health impacts of climate changePresentableDeveloping national strategies for the integrated control of communicable diseasesPresentableDeveloping national health policy for climate changePresentableDeveloping medical informaticsPresentableDeveloping indicators for assessing health programmesPresentableDeveloping human resources to meet primary health care needsPresentableDeveloping health systemsPresentableDeveloping health statisticsPresentableDeveloping health policy for climate changePresentableDeveloping financial strategies for national environmental health action plansPresentableDeveloping environmental health action plansPresentableDeveloping early warning public health information systems for climate changePresentableDeveloping and sharing health care information and expertisePresentableDefining environmental healthPresentableDecentralizing government health servicesPresentableCreating environmental health standardsPresentableCorrecting inefficiency of health programmesPresentableCoordinating health development aidPresentableControlling HIV/AIDS spread by health servicesPresentableContaining health costsPresentableConsulting vulnerable groups on laws to protect their healthPresentableConducting surveys on the health and nutrition of womenPresentableConducting integrated environmental health risk assessmentsPresentableCollecting data on state of ecosystems and human healthPresentableCaring for children's healthPresentableAssuring family health carePresentableAssigning authority for national environmental health action plansPresentableAssessing urban health and environmental conditionsPresentableAssessing health risks of industry and energy productionPresentableAssessing health and environmental risks of hazardous wastePresentableAssessing financing to reduce health risks from environmental pollution and hazardsPresentableAssessing costs and financing to meet primary health care needsPresentableAssessing costs and financing to improve urban healthPresentableAssessing cost and benefits of different development policies for human and environmental healthPresentableAdvancing nutritionPresentableAdopting health impact assessment proceduresPresentableAdapting health policy for climate changePresentableAdapting health needs to climate changePresentableAccrediting private sector health servicesPresentableUsing unused health facilitiesYet to rateUpgrading commercial animal healthYet to rateUndermining religious opposition to public health practicesYet to rateTreating childhood diseasesYet to rateTransferring experienced health professionals to key sectorsYet to rateTraining mental health workersYet to rateTraining local health instructorsYet to rateTraining indigenous health professionalsYet to rateTraining health workersYet to rateTesting animal health productsYet to rateTaking occupational risk to healthYet to rateTaking measures to mitigate the health effects of increasing ultraviolet radiationYet to rateTaking health risksYet to rateTaking environmental health risksYet to rateSupporting national health improvement programmesYet to rateStudying mental healthYet to rateStudying health impact of radioactive waste disposalYet to rateStudying causes of general poor healthYet to rateStrengthening science and technology to improve urban healthYet to rateStrengthening intersectoral cooperation on health programmesYet to rateStrengthening institutions supporting improved health of vulnerable groupsYet to rateStrengthening health servicesYet to rateStrengthening comprehensive health careYet to rateStrengthening capacity to meet primary health care needsYet to rateStandardizing dental health care deliveryYet to rateSafeguarding public healthYet to rateRisking health in transport, storage and communication industriesYet to rateRisking health in agricultural and livestock productionYet to rateReviewing advances in medical technologyYet to rateRestricting availability of health resourcesYet to rateRestoring community health servicesYet to rateResisting public health practicesYet to rateResearching disaster medicineYet to rateRehabilitating health servicesYet to rateRegulating tobaccoYet to rateRegulating doctorsYet to rateRegionalizing environmental healthYet to rateReducing unequal development in the promotion of healthYet to rateReducing smoking with health incentivesYet to rateReducing occupational risks and hazards of the medical professionYet to rateReducing occupational risk in the mining industryYet to rateReducing inequality of health within countriesYet to rateReducing health risks to workers in transport, storage and communication industriesYet to rateReducing health risks to workers in agricultural and livestock productionYet to rateReducing health risks of teenage sexYet to rateReducing health risksYet to rateReducing discriminatory use of health facilitiesYet to rateRecognizing health problemsYet to rateReallocating government spending on healthYet to ratePublishing materials about adolescent sexualityYet to ratePublicizing healthYet to rateProviding youth with better health educationYet to rateProviding technical support on health of vulnerable groups to governments and organizationsYet to rateProviding physical infrastructure for health care deliveryYet to rateProviding physical fitness programmesYet to rateProviding loans to public health authoritiesYet to rateProviding information on mental healthYet to rateProviding immediate health careYet to rateProviding health risk data on alternatives to restricted chemicalsYet to rateProviding health information and education to vulnerable groupsYet to rateProviding health informationYet to rateProviding health educationYet to rateProviding grassroots health careYet to rateProviding fair health policyYet to rateProviding effective support to improve human healthYet to rateProviding animal health careYet to rateProtecting human healthYet to rateProtecting environmental health from effects of genetic recombinationYet to rateProtecting against travel health hazardsYet to rateProtecting against toxic metals as health hazardsYet to rateProtecting against health hazards of radioisotopesYet to rateProtecting against health hazards in the metals industriesYet to rateProtecting against health hazardsYet to rateProtecting against hazards to human health in the natural environmentYet to rateProtecting against hazards to human healthYet to rateProsecuting misconduct of public health officersYet to ratePromoting voluntary surgical contraceptionYet to ratePromoting public health careYet to ratePromoting preventative health education for womenYet to ratePromoting physical healthYet to ratePromoting mental healthYet to ratePromoting international health strategiesYet to ratePromoting infant healthYet to ratePromoting health policiesYet to ratePromoting health for older migrantsYet to ratePromoting health educationYet to ratePromoting health careYet to ratePromoting healthYet to ratePromoting evangelization through sickness and sufferingYet to ratePromoting dental health researchYet to ratePromoting child healthYet to ratePromoting adolescent healthYet to rateProducing TV and radio programmes for environmental awarenessYet to rateProducing animal health policiesYet to ratePrioritizing healthYet to ratePreserving inequality of attention to women's health issuesYet to ratePreparing health education curriculumYet to ratePreparing environmental guidelines for safe discharge of wasteYet to ratePreaching religionYet to ratePoliticizing health standardsYet to rateOvercoming health care dependencyYet to rateOffering environmental health studies for young peopleYet to rateNetworking among interested health agenciesYet to rateNeglecting personal healthYet to rateMonitoring adverse effects of hazardous wastesYet to rateModelling cost and effectiveness of alternative health strategiesYet to rateMobilizing health servicesYet to rateMobilizing financial resources for healthYet to rateMeeting primary health care needs in rural areasYet to rateMaximizing health care opportunitiesYet to rateManaging health careYet to rateMaintaining senior nutritional healthYet to rateMaintaining international commitment to improving human healthYet to rateMaintaining healthy ecosystemsYet to rateLimiting public health subsidiesYet to rateLimiting health knowledgeYet to rateLimiting access to health servicesYet to rateLabelling health food productsYet to rateInvesting in healthYet to rateInstalling local health servicesYet to rateInitiating effective oral hygieneYet to rateInforming public about adverse impacts of chemicalsYet to rateInforming about womens health hazardsYet to rateIncreasing public health costsYet to rateIncreasing health knowledgeYet to rateIncreasing health costsYet to rateIncreasing efficiency of use of available health careYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of health educationYet to rateIncreasing availability from biotechnology of materials for improving healthYet to rateIncorporating health risks analysis in national pollution control programmesYet to rateImproving training on prevention and control of hazardous waste health risksYet to rateImproving rural healthYet to rateImproving rehabilitation health care servicesYet to rateImproving personal healthYet to rateImproving mental healthYet to rateImproving management capability for medical careYet to rateImproving human healthYet to rateImproving health standardsYet to rateImproving health services following warYet to rateImproving health for urban poorYet to rateImproving health controlYet to rateImproving health conditions in slumsYet to rateImproving health and safetyYet to rateImproving healthYet to rateImproving environmental health monitoringYet to rateIdentifying target populations most needing improved health and disease protectionYet to rateIdentifying financial requirements and options to meet primary health care needsYet to rateIdentifying effects of nitrogen oxide emissions on human healthYet to rateIdentifying dangerous health programmesYet to rateIdentifying behaviour dangerous to healthYet to rateHealing the spiritYet to rateHealing illnessYet to rateGlobalizing health policiesYet to rateGiving attention to sexual health of womenYet to rateGiving attention to rural healthYet to rateGiving attention to personal healthYet to rateFreeing up public health subsidiesYet to rateFreeing up availability of health resourcesYet to rateFostering debate on mental health issuesYet to rateExtending preventive health servicesYet to rateExpressing concerned with healthYet to rateExposing crimes committed in hospitals and health care facilitiesYet to rateExpanding tripartite cooperation to improve safety, health and environmentYet to rateExpanding training of health research scientistsYet to rateEvaluating environmental health programmesYet to rateEstablishing inclusive health structuresYet to rateEstablishing health care networkYet to rateEstablishing extended health careYet to rateEstablishing appropriate health care industry standardsYet to rateEquipping local health personnelYet to rateEnvisioning future health scenariosYet to rateEnsuring home health requirementsYet to rateEnforcing public health ordinancesYet to rateEncouraging dental health practicesYet to rateEnabling farm animal healthYet to rateEnabling common health methodsYet to rateEliminating unnecessary health hazardsYet to rateEliminating harmful traditional practices affecting health of women and childrenYet to rateEducating public health impact of domestic use of biomass and coalYet to rateEducating public healthYet to rateDrafting national environmental health action plansYet to rateDocumenting hazards to human healthYet to rateDisseminating international health dataYet to rateDisplaying suitable health practicesYet to rateDeveloping relevant health learning materialsYet to rateDeveloping physical medicineYet to rateDeveloping oral health serviceYet to rateDeveloping national public health servicesYet to rateDeveloping mental health servicesYet to rateDeveloping local health plansYet to rateDeveloping international health strategiesYet to rateDeveloping health indicatorsYet to rateDeveloping health educationYet to rateDeveloping health care policyYet to rateDeveloping environmental health manpowerYet to rateDeveloping effective health training policiesYet to rateDeveloping comprehensive health servicesYet to rateDeveloping appropriate health technologiesYet to rateDepoliticizing health standardsYet to rateDelivering quality health services to ethnically diverse populationsYet to rateDefining health risksYet to rateDefining health conditionsYet to rateDecreasing public health costsYet to rateCreating regional mental health associationsYet to rateCreating partnerships for health servicesYet to rateCreating information exchange networks to improve urban healthYet to rateCreating bioinformaticsYet to rateCounselling about sexual issuesYet to rateCoordinating local preventive health programmesYet to rateCoordinating health care planningYet to rateConvening meetings on health services for vulnerable groupsYet to rateConducting research on the health effects of hazardous wastes in developing countriesYet to rateConducting epidemiological studiesYet to rateCommunicating comprehensive health awarenessYet to rateCollecting international health service dataYet to rateCaring for healthYet to rateBuilding comprehensive health facilityYet to rateBroadening health servicesYet to rateAssessing resident health statusYet to rateAssessing local health needsYet to rateAssessing impact of environmental training programmes on productivity, health, safety and environmentYet to rateAssessing health risksYet to rateAssessing health programmesYet to rateAssessing health costs of climate changeYet to rateAssessing effects of climate change on freshwater resources and flood controlYet to rateAssessing costs of health care technologiesYet to rateArranging district medical servicesYet to rateApplying veterinary medicineYet to rateAdvancing nonacute health careYet to rateAchieving health for allYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices of health servicesYet to rateAbolishing unethical practice of health professionalsYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectHealth care » HealthContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024