human value


Related Problems:
External debt
Foreign control
Foreign ownership
Foreign dictatorship
Trafficking in children for adoption
Student immobility
Inadequacy of foreign aid
Foreign military presence
Aggressive foreign policy
Migrant labour
Speculation on money markets
Disruptive foreign influence
Foreign exchange restrictions
Foreign military intervention
Discrimination against foreigners
External debt crisis
Ineffectiveness of foreign aid
Restrictions on employment of foreigners
Foreign government intervention
Inappropriate foreign investment
Harassment of journalists
Consumer boycott of foreign goods
Journalistic irresponsibility
Inadequacy of food aid
Foreign exchange reserve shortages
Recipient distortion of foreign aid
Restrictions imposed on foreign aid
Political tourism
Decline in foreign direct investment
Foreign control of natural resources
Discrimination against immigrants and aliens
Non-recognition of foreign governments
Children engendered by occupying soldiers
Nationalization of foreign investments
Legal impediments to foreign investment
Burden of servicing foreign public debt
Discrimination against foreign companies
Net outflow of capital from countries
Emotionally-determined policy-making
Self-interested government foreign policies
Corruption and mismanagement of foreign aid
Corruption and mismanagement of foreign aid
Unaccompanied foreign travel in remote places
Limited country capacity to absorb foreign aid
International aid paternalism
Adulteration of language with foreign expressions
Vulnerability of national economies to vagaries of external markets for goods and services
Crimes related to foreign relations and export trade
Foreign controls of newspaper and journal propaganda
Disruptive migration of trained personnel
Restrictions on foreign access to capital bond markets
Vulnerability of small nations to foreign intervention
Excessive anxiety on overseas lending
Vulnerability of women and children in emergencies
Tax discrimination against investment in a foreign country
Disproportionate foreign investment in indigenous industries
Ethnic discrimination in foreign language teaching
Ethnic discrimination in foreign language teaching
Policy vacuum
Uncontrolled satellite broadcasting
Reactive arthritis
Foreign currency manipulations in accounting records of transnational corporations
Government intimidation of governments
Biased media-image of foreign groups and peoples
Artificial manufacture of human hormones
Unlawful recruiting for and enlistment in foreign armed forces
Abusive traffic in immigrant workers
Dependence on foreign labour
Political contributions by agents of foreign principals
Discriminatory treatment of foreign prisoners
Failure to notify the imprisonment or death in prison of foreign nationals
Foreign bodies in the oesophagus
Refusal of entry to foreign workers' families
Unsolicited foreign humanitarian intervention
Foreign body left in wound
Government seizure of foreign nationals in foreign countries
Dependence on foreign insurance
Economic powerlessness
Foreign takeover of cities
Foreign exchange monopoly
Plasma protein abnormalities
Inadequate enforcement of foreign arbitral awards
Foreign money liabilities
Rescheduling foreign debts at market-related interest rates
Degradation of countries by tourism
Adverse environmental consequences of depressed agricultural prices
Unidentified submarine objects
Dependence of countries on foreign aid
Inadequacies of foreign consultants
Direct foreign investment by transnational enterprises as a restrictive business practice
Control of national economic sectors by transnational enterprises
Dislocation of productive units by foreign investment
Protection of company ownership
Aspirational pneumonia
Foreign bodies in body
Discrimination against foreign nationals in the military service
Exchange rate volatility
Discrimination against foreigners in legal proceedings
Annexation of territories
Extraterritorial abduction
Expulsion of foreign correspondents
Refusal of entry to visitors from foreign countries
Unequal opportunities for foreign students
Occupied territories
Greening development aid
Assessing development assistance
Restructuring foreign aid
Teaching foreign countries and cultures
Promoting equality of opportunity for migrant workers
Promoting foreign portfolio equity investment
Providing foreign aid in support of social services for the poor
Teaching foreign languages and literature
Using migrant workers
Mobilizing external resources for poverty alleviation
Establishing beneficial policies for foreign investment
Improving working conditions of foreign domestic servants
Rescheduling external debt
Providing an international framework for foreign direct investment
Providing foreign aid in support of impoverished vulnerable groups
Using foreign direct investment in emigration countries to reduce emigration
Using foreign direct investment in emigration countries to reduce emigration
Reforming foreign aid policy
Managing foreign borrowing
Endorsing permanent foreign debt settlement
Managing foreign finance
Adapting financial aid to needs of recipient countries
Training foreign armies
Taxing companies differentially
Reducing discrimination in foreign direct investment
Reducing foreign control
Creating innovative forms of biodiversity conservation to attract increased global funding
Strengthening national policies to encourage higher levels of foreign direct investment
Limiting foreign investment
Increasing aid to developing countries
Increasing aid to developing countries
Increasing aid to developing countries
Guarding formal protocol for foreign relations among states
Establishing international legal order
Administering foreign relations
Systematic model building
Providing food aid
Recognizing foreign governments
Reducing foreign controls of newspaper and journal propaganda
Protecting international trade
Refusing foreign imports
Refusing to issue foreign currency for use abroad
Accepting foreign currency abroad
Accepting foreign currency abroad
Restricting foreign access to capital bond markets
Nationalizing foreign investments
Developing foreign policies
Increasing amount of foreign currency
Reducing use of foreign programmes for media
Reducing use of foreign programmes for media
Protecting vulnerable countries against increasing foreign debt
Protecting vulnerable countries against increasing foreign debt
Reducing amount of wasted foreign aid
Reducing amount of wasted foreign aid
Dominating foreign peoples
Boycotting foreign goods
Incurring foreign public debt
Corrupting foreign aid
Paying off foreign debt
Monitoring foreign direct investment
Denying rights to foreign residents
Supporting foreign dictatorship
Undermining foreign dictatorship
Resisting foreign dictatorship
Reducing discrimination against foreign companies
Reducing tax discrimination against investment in a foreign country
Reducing ethnic and social discrimination in foreign language teaching
Displacing indigenous population by foreign settlers
Reducing displacement of indigenous populations by foreign settlers
Distorting foreign aid
Adopting a foreign child
Investing internationally
Resisting foreign ownership of land
Encouraging foreign students
Using foreign aid
Providing foreign military presence
Resisting external influence
Restricting foreign exchange
Intervening in foreign country
Tolerating foreigners
Avoiding foreign debt
Purchasing foreign resources
Seeking foreign aid
Debating foreign policy
Refusing foreign labour
Providing foreign aid
Engaging in illegal action as foreign reporter
Being a foreign reporter
Providing legal impediments to foreign investment
Reducing legal impediments to foreign investment
Restricting foreign aid
Decreasing foreign debt of vulnerable countries
Improving effectiveness of foreign aid
Stabilizing countries against foreign investment
Destabilizing governments through foreign investment
Using foreign military intervention
Intervening in government of another country
Intervening internationally
Resisting foreign military intervention
Resisting foreign government intervention
Resisting foreign intervention through tourism
Providing sufficient foreign students
Providing sufficient foreign students
Limiting country capacity to absorb foreign aid
Increasing country capacity to absorb foreign aid
Restricting food aid
Managing foreign aid
Correcting corruption and mismanagement of foreign aid
Investigating murder of foreign correspondents
Murdering reporters
Affirming positive environmental effects of foreign aid
Neutralizing negative environmental effects of foreign aid
Neutralizing negative environmental effects of foreign aid
Treating foreign prisoners
Developing foreign language teaching
Studying foreign languages
Corodinating contacts among foreign ministries
Teaching foreign languages
Conducting foreign currency exchange
Attracting foreign investors
Promoting foreign trade
Assimilating foreign students
Studying influence of foreign television
Increasing international travel
Improving basic foreign trade
Encouraging foreign investment
Using foreign exchange reserves
Managing foreign exchange reserves
Training foreign language teachers
Type Classification:
D: Destructive values