OverproductionOver-productionBroaderPower-ImpotencePresentableGoodness-BadnessPresentableFacility-DifficultyPresentableProductiveness-UnproductivenessYet to rateProblemTropical deforestationExcellentShortfalls in agricultural crop productionExcellentProtectionism in agriculture and the food production industriesExcellentOverproduction of commoditiesExcellentLack of production for domestic consumersExcellentInappropriate modernization of agricultureExcellentEnvironmental hazards of industrializationExcellentElimination of jobs by automationExcellentAgricultural overproductionExcellentWater pollution from fish productionPresentableUnstable supply of raw materialsPresentableUnderproduction of primary commoditiesPresentableUncoordinated global restructuring of productionPresentableSurplus of medical doctorsPresentableStructural rigidity in national economiesPresentableSpeech disordersPresentableRisks in power productionPresentableReduction in demand for primary commodities due to technological changePresentablePlutonium overproductionPresentableMisuse of free production zones and export enclavesPresentableMisuse of agricultural resources for production of animal feedPresentableMisuse of agricultural land for fuel productionPresentableInternationalization of capitalist productionPresentableInstability of production of food and live animalsPresentableInappropriate agricultural subsidies for chemicalized farmingPresentableInadequate production capacityPresentableEnvironmental hazards of sugar productionPresentableEnvironmental hazards of cotton productionPresentableEnvironmental hazards of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices productionPresentableEnvironmental hazards from rice productionPresentableEnvironmental hazards from fishing industryPresentableEnvironmental hazards from agricultural and pastoral activitiesPresentableElitist control of productionPresentableEffluents from animal husbandryPresentableEconomic and industrial production instabilityPresentableDeterioration of staple food productionPresentableDefective product manufacturePresentableDecline in food productionPresentableChlorofluorocarbons as an environmental hazardPresentableCannabis cropsPresentableArea disparities in book production and distributionPresentableAgricultural risksPresentableUnreliable production levelsYet to rateUnregulated ownership of the means of productionYet to rateUnfamiliar food production processesYet to rateUnequal distribution of production among countriesYet to rateUnequal distribution of livestock productionYet to rateTime consuming proceduresYet to rateProduction serving false consumption needsYet to rateLack of full cost accounting of consumer productsYet to rateInflexibility of commodity supplyYet to rateHidden environmental costs of economic productionYet to rateGrowth in size of production unitYet to rateFamily-based production patternsYet to rateDisadvantages of mechanized food production in developing countriesYet to rateDecreasing coconut productionYet to rateCrude petroleum production underdevelopmentYet to rateStrategyDeveloping agricultural biotechnologyExcellentUsing environmental management systems in industryPresentableUpdating methods of agricultural productionPresentableTackling food deficiencies caused by production shortfallsPresentableSubsidizing agricultural productionPresentableServing rural womenPresentableRecognizing micro-environments in farmingPresentablePlanning integrated food plant nutrient programmesPresentableMonitoring timber productionPresentableMonitoring steel industryPresentableMeeting biomass energy needs of the poor with re-afforestationPresentableIntroducing carbon taxesPresentableIncreasing sustainable food productionPresentableIncreasing global food productionPresentableIncreasing efficiency of symbiotic processes for sustainable agriculture productionPresentableIncreasing crop diversityPresentableIncreasing amount of water for food productionPresentableImproving food production in developing countriesPresentableGranting industrial licencesPresentableExpanding international information on cleaner productionPresentableExpanding capacity of research centres for sustainable agricultural productionPresentableEnsuring environmentally responsible productionPresentableDeveloping marginal agricultural landsPresentableDeveloping industryPresentableDeveloping cooperativesPresentableDeveloping agriculturePresentableDesigning products that serve real needsPresentableBanning growth hormones in meatPresentableAssessing impact of unsustainable production and consumption patternsPresentableAssessing health risks of industry and energy productionPresentableAchieving sustainable production and consumptionPresentableVarying procedures for allocating capital goodsYet to rateUsing production to serve consumption needsYet to rateUsing full cost accountingYet to rateUpdating methods of common productionYet to rateTesting utilization of capital goodsYet to rateTaking risks in power productionYet to rateSupporting research on traditional and sustainable production methodsYet to rateSupporting industry in building cleaner production into product designYet to rateSupporting industry demonstration projects on cleaner productionYet to rateSupporting book publishingYet to rateSupplying capital goods for productionYet to rateSupervising production processesYet to rateStudying regional steel market productionYet to rateStructuring personnel administrationYet to rateStipulating available range of production equipmentYet to rateStimulating worker interest in productionYet to rateStimulating exploitation of natural resourcesYet to rateStarting effective production proceduresYet to rateStagnating agricultural productionYet to rateStabilizing supply of raw materialsYet to rateStabilizing production of food and live animalsYet to rateStabilizing economic and industrial productionYet to rateStabilizing agricultural and livestock productionYet to rateSpecifying type of production processYet to rateSpecifying benefits and conditions in production systemsYet to rateSpecifying appropriate production enterprisesYet to rateSkilling primary producersYet to rateShaping tools of productionYet to rateSetting guidelines for cost/benefit assessment of cleaner productionYet to rateSecuring local production contractsYet to rateScheduling production in consideration of societal prioritiesYet to rateRisking health in agricultural and livestock productionYet to rateRevealing hidden environmental costs of economic productionYet to rateRestructuring production management and decision-makingYet to rateRestricting use of elements of productionYet to rateRestricting production materialsYet to rateRestricting production in primary commodities in developing countriesYet to rateRestricting accessibility of production mechanismsYet to rateResearching criminal involvement in clothes productionYet to rateRequiring skilled guidance of production systemsYet to rateRequiring production elementsYet to rateRequiring priorities for material outputsYet to rateRequiring minimum standards in food productionYet to rateRequiring engagement of production forcesYet to rateRequiring efficient extraction of raw materialsYet to rateRequiring assistance in labour organizationYet to rateReporting negligence in the food and drink production sectorYet to rateReinforcing area disparities in book production and distributionYet to rateRegulating ownership of the means of productionYet to rateRegulating output of productionYet to rateRegionalizing animal productionYet to rateReforming production techniquesYet to rateRefining organization of production forcesYet to rateReducing unequal distribution of meat productionYet to rateReducing surplus domestic animal productionYet to rateReducing shortfalls in agricultural crop productionYet to rateReducing risks in power productionYet to rateReducing protectionism in the food production industriesYet to rateReducing production of specialistsYet to rateReducing production of intractable wasteYet to rateReducing production of commoditiesYet to rateReducing production of atmosphere-destabilizing gasesYet to rateReducing productionYet to rateReducing pollution-intensive productionYet to rateReducing plutonium productionYet to rateReducing nitrogen and phosphoric pollution from animal productionYet to rateReducing methane emissions from petroleum productionYet to rateReducing measures supporting uncompetitive productionYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of production among countriesYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of livestock productionYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of agricultural productionYet to rateReducing health risks to workers in agricultural and livestock productionYet to rateReducing emissions of halogenated gasesYet to rateReducing commodity production shortfallsYet to rateReducing agricultural productionYet to rateRedirecting production imagesYet to rateRedefining production tasksYet to rateRecontextualizing productionYet to rateRe-directing production imagesYet to rateRationalizing productionYet to rateRaising crop yieldsYet to rateQuestioning adequacy of production equipmentYet to ratePublicizing services supporting sustainable production and consumptionYet to rateProvisioning supplies for productionYet to rateProviding systems for industrial productionYet to rateProviding sufficient production for domestic consumersYet to rateProviding structural stability to production processesYet to rateProviding resources for production equipment expansionYet to rateProviding new production possibilitiesYet to rateProviding input material for common productionYet to rateProviding incentives for industry to use cleaner production technologyYet to rateProviding incentive conditions for productionYet to rateProviding human energy for common productionYet to rateProviding framework for resourcesYet to rateProviding for future production needsYet to rateProviding data on cropsYet to rateProviding continuity of productionYet to rateProviding capital resources for productionYet to rateProtecting agriculture and the food production industriesYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of agriculture to declines in productionYet to rateProtecting against natural gas production environmental hazardsYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from meat productionYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from field crop productionYet to ratePromoting innovationYet to ratePromoting independent audiovisual productionYet to ratePromoting environmental certification schemesYet to rateProjecting directions of common productionYet to rateProducing plutoniumYet to rateProducing fish in reservoirsYet to rateProcuring production materialsYet to ratePreventing production of hazardous wastesYet to ratePreserving inequality of distribution of livestock productionYet to ratePreparing materials for productionYet to ratePreparing inventories in developing countries on hazardous waste productionYet to ratePotentializes resource production dynamicYet to ratePosting production techniquesYet to ratePlacing orders for materialsYet to ratePlacing demand upon common productionYet to rateOrganizing assembly production unitsYet to rateOptimizing production for export and domestic marketsYet to rateObserving new production meansYet to rateNationalizing liquor productionYet to rateMonitoring tobacco productionYet to rateMonitoring pollution-intensive productionYet to rateMonitoring livestock productivityYet to rateMonitoring industriesYet to rateMonitoring food productionYet to rateMonitoring farming productionYet to rateMonitoring engineering industryYet to rateMonitoring chemical industryYet to rateModerating agricultural production planYet to rateMobilizing shelter production by commercial sectorYet to rateMaximizing investments in industrial productionYet to rateManaging water resources for sustainable rural developmentYet to rateManaging tropical production forestsYet to rateManaging production process controlYet to rateManaging productionYet to rateManaging land useYet to rateManaging employeesYet to rateMaking available production facilitiesYet to rateMaintaining use of elements of productionYet to rateMaintaining production systemsYet to rateMaintaining control of production processesYet to rateLocalizing production accountabilityYet to rateLimiting production capacityYet to rateLimiting food productionYet to rateLicensing productionYet to rateLegally controlling production of children per coupleYet to rateInterfering with free productionYet to rateIntensifying use of industrial equipmentYet to rateIntegrating cleaner production policies in industry operationsYet to rateInitiating production planningYet to rateInitiating cash items productionYet to rateInitiating application of production processesYet to rateInforming production management patternsYet to rateIncreasing production of manufactured goodsYet to rateIncreasing production efficiencyYet to rateIncreasing local production outletsYet to rateIncreasing food production to reduce rural povertyYet to rateIncreasing energy suppliesYet to rateIncreasing developing countries' ability to participate in biotechnology productionYet to rateIncreasing cooperation among enterprises on cleaner production technologyYet to rateIncreasing agricultural productionYet to rateIncluding cleaner production guidelines in industry training programmesYet to rateImproving production capacityYet to rateImproving operating structures for productionYet to rateImproving livestock productionYet to rateImproving food production systemsYet to rateImproving environmental auditing of production costsYet to rateImproving animal productionYet to rateImplementing production instrumentsYet to rateHumanizing production techniquesYet to rateHolding tools of productionYet to rateHeightening efficiency of industrial processesYet to rateHarnessing tools of productionYet to rateHalting production of atmosphere-destabilizing gasesYet to rateGlobalizing food sourcingYet to rateGenerating productionYet to rateGenerating electricity from organic wastesYet to rateFurnishing production forcesYet to rateFormulating occupational rolesYet to rateFixing scope of capital investments in productionYet to rateExploring feed crop productionYet to rateExpanding public information on cleaner productionYet to rateExpanding databases on production and consumption patternsYet to rateExpanding current skill baseYet to rateEvaluating production trendsYet to rateEvaluating production systemsYet to rateEstablishing production standardsYet to rateEstablishing community made productionYet to rateEstablishing assembly products industryYet to rateEstablishing animal protein productionYet to rateEstablishing accountability within the workforceYet to rateEnsuring profitable wood industryYet to rateEnsuring competent production of consumer goodsYet to rateEnsuring availability of basic reservesYet to rateEnriching production techniquesYet to rateEngineering common productionYet to rateEncouraging voluntary initiatives for cleaner productionYet to rateEncouraging individual production effortsYet to rateEnabling maximum possible productionYet to rateEnabling group clothing productionYet to rateDiversifying local production patternsYet to rateDistributing surplus domestic animal productionYet to rateDisrupting economiesYet to rateDisplacing manpower with information technologyYet to rateDiscerning trends in production forcesYet to rateDiscerning production methodsYet to rateDirecting refinement of production toolsYet to rateDirecting implements to measure productionYet to rateDeveloping technological industriesYet to rateDeveloping production processesYet to rateDeveloping measures for safe production of dangerous materialsYet to rateDeveloping goat industryYet to rateDeveloping environmentally sound alternatives for harmful production processesYet to rateDeveloping diversified wood productionYet to rateDeveloping biotechnology for production of fertilizersYet to rateDetermining types of production mechanismsYet to rateDetermining resource cost factors in productionYet to rateDetermining quantity and quality of productionYet to rateDetermining practicality of equipment for production needsYet to rateDetermining practicable output as a factor of production resourcesYet to rateDetermining labour cost factors in productionYet to rateDetermining equipment depreciation cost factors in productionYet to rateDetermining effectiveness of production instrumentsYet to rateDestabilizing economic and industrial productionYet to rateDesigning ownership and production prioritiesYet to rateDesigning economic goods and servicesYet to rateDescribing need for production schemesYet to rateDemonstrating new production unitsYet to rateDemanding technical processing of raw materialsYet to rateDemanding improved production methodsYet to rateDelaying delivery of goodsYet to rateDefining time factors in industryYet to rateDefining economic goodsYet to rateDefining arena of engagement of production processesYet to rateDecreasing incentives for agricultural outputYet to rateDeciding effectiveness of industrial equipmentYet to rateCreating production schedulesYet to rateCreating investment plan for scheduling productionYet to rateCreating industrial standardsYet to rateCreating flexible production systemsYet to rateCreating context for specialized skills in productionYet to rateCoordinating scripture translation productionYet to rateCoordinating production systemsYet to rateCoordinating production planningYet to rateCoordinating manufacture of productsYet to rateCoordinating agricultural productionYet to rateCooperating with industry on guidelines of conduct for cleaner productionYet to rateControlling owners of production systemsYet to rateContinuing development of production operationsYet to rateConfining production systemsYet to rateCondemning elitist control of productionYet to rateConcealing environmental costs of economic productionYet to rateCommercializing agricultural productsYet to rateChallenging relevance of production skillsYet to rateCatalyzing responsible productionYet to rateCatalyzing community food productionYet to rateBuilding up local productionYet to rateBeginning milk production farmYet to rateBanning production of weapons-grade nuclear materialsYet to rateBalancing utilization of productionYet to rateAssuring necessary credit levels to maintain productionYet to rateAssuring development of means of productionYet to rateAssuring available funds to maintain productionYet to rateAssuring adequate goodwill to maintain productionYet to rateAssessing urban energy production and consumption patternsYet to rateAssessing technologies for food productionYet to rateArticulating organization of production forcesYet to rateApplying technologies for improved food productionYet to rateAllowing production maintenanceYet to rateAllowing for depletions to maintain productionYet to rateAllocating finance for productionYet to rateAlleviating area disparities in book production and distributionYet to rateAdvertising to raise fundsYet to rateAdvancing food production and processingYet to rateAdapting environmental policies to changes in production and tradeYet to rateAchieving cleaner productionYet to rateAccelerating rural land productionYet to rateAccelerating commercial farm productionYet to rateAbstaining from production for domestic consumersYet to rateAbstaining from productionYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectIndustry ยป ProductionContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024