AnticommunityAnti-communityBroaderSupport-OppositionPresentableSociability-UnsociabilityPresentableSharing-AppropriationPresentableKindness-UnkindnessPresentableAccord-DisaccordPresentableProblemDistrust of business by the communityExcellentAnti-personnel bombsExcellentAbandonment by the international communityExcellentUnadapted significance of cultural traditionPresentableUnadapted community structuresPresentableSubstance abuse by role modelsPresentableStateless nationsPresentableSpace weapons arms racePresentableRevisionism and anti-marxist crimesPresentableRejection of ritualsPresentablePersonal isolation in modern communitiesPresentableParalyzing complexity of urban structuresPresentableLack of symbolism in local relationshipsPresentableLack of sharing of community skillsPresentableLack of local services for community leadership trainingPresentableLack of community responsibilityPresentableInadequate primary health carePresentableInadequate domestic savingsPresentableInadequate community care for transient urban populationsPresentableForced participation in community activityPresentableFamily adaptation of community status quoPresentableDivisive international NGO postures on consultative relationshipsPresentableDemoralizing image of urban community identityPresentableDecline in local community spiritPresentableCommunity expertise drainPresentableBreakdown in community security systemsPresentablePsychopathyPresentableAnti-satellite arms racePresentableAnti-communismPresentableWidespread community factionalismYet to rateUnstructured community gatheringsYet to rateUnsignificant community celebrationYet to rateUnpublicized public meetingsYet to rateUnidentifiable urban neighbourhoodsYet to rateUndervaluation of community serviceYet to rateUnderutilization of popular wisdomYet to rateUncoordinated use of community propertyYet to rateUncoordinated community calendarYet to rateUncohesive business communityYet to rateUnchecked community spendingYet to rateUnavailability of community centresYet to rateSpiritual anti-truthYet to rateSocio-cultural environment degradationYet to rateShrinking community lifeYet to rateRestrictive community sizeYet to rateProhibitive construction cost of community buildingsYet to ratePolice indifference to communityYet to ratePlanned weaponsYet to rateParochial preoccupation with community problemsYet to rateOverlooked community servicesYet to rateOperating community cliquesYet to rateNeglected community uniquenessYet to rateLow community visibilityYet to rateLoss of respectYet to rateLimited community responsibility of adultsYet to rateLaws discriminating against employeesYet to rateLack of systems for achieving grassroots agreementYet to rateLack of solidarity with the poorYet to rateLack of social contactYet to rateLack of community voiceYet to rateInsufficient community holidaysYet to rateInsufficient care of community propertyYet to rateIneffective operation of community networksYet to rateIneffective community organizationsYet to rateIndiscriminate anti-trust prosecutionYet to rateIncomplete implementation of community decisionsYet to rateHaphazard community growth patternsYet to rateFrustrated past goalsYet to rateFragmented community imageYet to rateFear blocking participationYet to rateExcessive dispersion of community facilitiesYet to rateEducation breaking community tiesYet to rateDrained social urgencyYet to rateDisrupted community eventsYet to rateDispersion of local capital resourcesYet to rateDisorganized liaison with formal supportYet to rateDisconnected community initiativesYet to rateDisagreements among community market tradersYet to rateDeteriorating community identityYet to rateDemoralizing images of rural community identityYet to rateDelays in planning authorizationYet to rateDelays in community building programmesYet to rateDegraded condition of urban landscapeYet to rateDeficient communal mandateYet to rateCross border military operationsYet to rateContinuing expectation of community declineYet to rateArgumentative community meetingsYet to rateAnti-meritocracyYet to rateAnti-intellectualismYet to rateAnti-holismYet to rateAnti-foundationalismYet to rateAnti-consumerismYet to rateAnti-community attitudesYet to rateAnti-clericalismYet to rateAnti-capitalismYet to rateAbsence of traditional patterns of community lifeYet to rateStrategyExpanding social forestryExcellentEnsuring a healthy environmentExcellentTraining the communityPresentableTraining in community water resources managementPresentableTraining community health workersPresentableSupporting community based programmes for the poorPresentableRestricting use of land minesPresentableProviding community servicesPresentablePromoting community health standardsPresentablePreparing for realities of drug-resistant microbesPresentableOperating community networksPresentableMeeting community sanitation needsPresentableMaintaining community eldersPresentableLegalizing community rights to resource usePresentableImproving existing communitiesPresentableImproving community capacity for environmental educationPresentableImplementing community projectsPresentableGenerating community support for environmental health programmesPresentableFinancing health centres by the communityPresentableEstablishing free trade areaPresentableEstablishing comprehensive health centresPresentableEstablishing community banksPresentableEliminating racismPresentableDeveloping community-based environmental information systemsPresentableDeveloping community leadershipPresentableDeveloping available community resourcesPresentableCreating local currency systemsPresentableCreating community land trustPresentableCreating communityPresentableCoordinating community economic venturesPresentableConserving nature communallyPresentableArticulating community storiesPresentableAdopting community right-to-know for environmental risk reductionPresentableVisiting community membersYet to rateValuing community serviceYet to rateUtilizing community powerYet to rateUsing untapped community wisdomYet to rateUsing school children as community focal points for environmental informationYet to rateUsing roundtable processYet to rateUsing community education structuresYet to rateUsing available community expertiseYet to rateUsing anti-Americanism to unite EuropeansYet to rateUpgrading community vocational skillsYet to rateUpgrading community fire protectionYet to rateUpgrading community commercial skillsYet to rateUpgrading community access routesYet to rateUniting communitiesYet to rateUndervaluing community serviceYet to rateUndertaking public worksYet to rateUndertaking community-based participatory researchYet to rateUndertaking community consultations to prepare and adopt a Local Agenda 21Yet to rateUncovering powerful community symbolsYet to rateTraining fulltime community driversYet to rateTraining for village governanceYet to rateTraining community volunteersYet to rateTaking responsibility for community improvementsYet to rateTaking local environmental actionYet to rateSymbolizing community rolesYet to rateSustaining primal communitiesYet to rateSustaining community citizenshipYet to rateSurveying community needsYet to rateSupporting symbol creating activitiesYet to rateSupporting international community of scholarsYet to rateSupporting community-based organizationsYet to rateSupplying citizen advisory assistanceYet to rateSupplying additional community facilitiesYet to rateSupplementing community water sourcesYet to rateStudying causes of poor organization of community environmentYet to rateStructuring regular community meetingsYet to rateStructuring periodic community eventsYet to rateStructuring community saving processYet to rateStructuring community cooperativesYet to rateStrengthening urban environment community groupsYet to rateStrengthening public support for anti-corruption programmesYet to rateStrengthening inclusive community structuresYet to rateStrengthening cooperation between developing countriesYet to rateStrengthening community-based rehabilitation for urban disabledYet to rateStrengthening community interactionYet to rateStrengthening community communicationsYet to rateStrengthening community based rehabilitation for urban elderlyYet to rateStrengthening community based rehabilitation for the handicapped in rural areasYet to rateStrengthening anti-trust lawsYet to rateStrengthening anti-desertification authoritiesYet to rateStoring vital community informationYet to rateStimulating community practicesYet to rateStaging regular community clean-upsYet to rateStabilizing images of rural community identityYet to rateSoliciting community financial supportYet to rateSituating diverse community symbolsYet to rateSignalling community powerYet to rateSheltering community machineryYet to rateSharing essential community machineryYet to rateSharing community leadership toolsYet to rateSharing community facilitiesYet to rateSharing community experience of developmentYet to rateSelling local community craftsYet to rateSelecting fulltime community managersYet to rateSecuring trained community staffYet to rateRevitalizing festive community celebrationsYet to rateRevitalizing existing community buildingsYet to rateRevitalizing community structuresYet to rateRevealing community inter-relatednessYet to rateRetaining capital within local communityYet to rateRetaining available community moniesYet to rateRestructuring community decision makingYet to rateRestricting availability of community spaceYet to rateRestoring rights of released prisonersYet to rateRestoring community health servicesYet to rateRestoring community damageYet to rateRespecting community of lifeYet to rateResisting community dependencyYet to rateResearching community crimeYet to rateResearching anti-social personality disordersYet to rateResearching anti-social behaviour of university studentsYet to rateResearching anti-social behaviourYet to rateRelying on community resourcesYet to rateRelocating community facilitiesYet to rateReleasing available community spaceYet to rateRelaxing parochial preoccupation with community problemsYet to rateRelating community groupsYet to rateRejuvenating community through supportive family patternsYet to rateReinterpreting community relationshipsYet to rateRehearsing wider corporate identityYet to rateReducing community rivalryYet to rateReducing community crimeYet to rateRecreating community identity systemsYet to rateRecording community beautyYet to rateRecontextualizing community rolesYet to rateRecognizing global societyYet to rateRecognizing community assetsYet to rateRe-socializing individualsYet to rateRaising community project moniesYet to ratePurifying community water supplyYet to ratePublicizing local products nationallyYet to ratePublicizing community decisionsYet to ratePublicizing community concernYet to rateProviding sufficient involvement in community affairsYet to rateProviding sufficient examples of community successYet to rateProviding sufficient anti-discrimination legislationYet to rateProviding outdoor community facilitiesYet to rateProviding local watershed planning grantsYet to rateProviding inadequate community care for transient urban populationsYet to rateProviding flexible attitudes toward community social servicesYet to rateProviding community securityYet to rateProviding community information centreYet to rateProviding community contactYet to rateProviding community careYet to rateProviding community calendarYet to rateProviding assistance to community environmental actionYet to rateProviding alternative to traditional community patternsYet to rateProviding adequate community spaceYet to rateProviding additional gathering placesYet to rateProtecting softwareYet to rateProtecting established community ritualsYet to ratePromoting total community involvementYet to ratePromoting of a community of nationsYet to ratePromoting futuric community life styleYet to ratePromoting family role in local communityYet to ratePromoting community decision-makingYet to ratePromoting community assentYet to rateProjecting significant community imagesYet to rateProclaiming community historyYet to ratePrioritizing community's budgetYet to ratePrinting colourful community folkloreYet to ratePreserving traditional lifestyleYet to ratePreserving traditional community decision-makingYet to ratePreserving community knowledgeYet to ratePreserving community identity in urban environmentsYet to ratePortraying community identityYet to ratePortraying communitarian senseYet to ratePooling community economic resourcesYet to ratePooling available resourcesYet to ratePlanning future community eventsYet to ratePlanning community programmesYet to ratePermeating community structuresYet to rateOrganizing regional council of nationsYet to rateOrganizing creative community happeningsYet to rateOrganizing community trading companyYet to rateOrganizing community trades trainingYet to rateOrganizing community task forcesYet to rateOrganizing community spaceYet to rateOrganizing community motor poolYet to rateOrganizing community maintenance centreYet to rateOrganizing community leadershipsYet to rateOperating free-netsYet to rateOpening community service opportunitiesYet to rateObtaining community mortgageYet to rateObtaining community milling controlYet to rateObjectifying community wisdomYet to rateNaming key community landmarksYet to rateMonitoring community declineYet to rateMonitoring anti-dumping trade proceduresYet to rateMaximizing local purchasing powerYet to rateMarking key community eventsYet to rateManaging wild renewable resources through local communitiesYet to rateManaging community facilitiesYet to rateMaintaining stable community orderYet to rateMaintaining needed community statisticsYet to rateMaintaining grassroots issues dialogueYet to rateMaintaining common community memoryYet to rateLocating community education spaceYet to rateLocating community classroom spaceYet to rateLiving in communityYet to rateListing community resourcesYet to rateLimiting vision of community futureYet to rateLimiting participation in neighbourhood actionYet to rateLimiting identification with communityYet to rateLimiting community responsibility of adultsYet to rateLimiting community development planningYet to rateLegalizing community planning decisionsYet to rateLeading community planned eventsYet to rateLaunching community women's instituteYet to rateLaunching community funds eventsYet to rateLandscaping open green spacesYet to rateJoining in community actionYet to rateInventing relational model for communityYet to rateIntroducing community art formsYet to rateIntentionalizing community phase rolesYet to rateIntentionalizing community decorYet to rateIntensifying community responseYet to rateIntensifying community consensusYet to rateIntensifying community agreementYet to rateIntegrating the international community of nationsYet to rateIntegrating rural communityYet to rateIntegrating community lifeYet to rateIntegrating community goalsYet to rateInstituting community consensus meetingsYet to rateIncreasing participation of children in integrated community management of resourcesYet to rateIncreasing neighbourhood leadershipYet to rateIncreasing identification with neighbourhood communityYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of community leverageYet to rateIncreasing community urgencyYet to rateIncreasing community protein sourceYet to rateIncreasing community ownership of water supply servicesYet to rateIncreasing community management of forestsYet to rateIncreasing community contactYet to rateImproving police responsivenessYet to rateImproving means for community initiativeYet to rateImproving coordination among anti-desertification agenciesYet to rateImproving cooperation among the scientific community, government and public on the environmentYet to rateImproving community-based rehabilitation facilitiesYet to rateImproving community street lightingYet to rateImproving community service performanceYet to rateImproving community promotionYet to rateImproving community policingYet to rateImproving community care for transient urban populationsYet to rateImproving care of community propertyYet to rateImplementing comprehensive community educationYet to rateImplementing community planning structuresYet to rateImplementing community decisionsYet to rateImplementing basic community organizationYet to rateIdentifying obstacles to community achievementYet to rateHumanizing community care structuresYet to rateHousing necessary community businessesYet to rateHosting special community visitorsYet to rateHolding socially accountableYet to rateHolding regular community retreatsYet to rateHolding corporate community workdaysYet to rateHolding community meetingsYet to rateHolding community issues seminarsYet to rateHolding community celebrationsYet to rateGuiding community monetary flowYet to rateGlobal local community planningYet to rateGenerating increased community incomeYet to rateGenerating community investment fundYet to rateGathering willing community residentsYet to rateGathering available community newsYet to rateFurnishing vital community equipmentYet to rateFunding community data bankYet to rateFostering regional international integrationYet to rateFostering inter-community interchangeYet to rateFostering common community interchangeYet to rateForming town purchasing cooperativeYet to rateForming intentional communitiesYet to rateForming engaged community forcesYet to rateFormalizing community decisionsYet to rateForging community-oriented curriculumYet to rateForging community women's rolesYet to rateForcing participation in community activityYet to rateFocusing on community problemsYet to rateFocusing community domestic activitiesYet to rateFacilitating resident pedestrian travelYet to rateExpanding contribution of scientific and technological community to international negotiations on the environmentYet to rateExpanding community talent searchYet to rateExpanding community support servicesYet to rateExpanding community data networkYet to rateExpanding community cooperativenessYet to rateExpanding basic community structuresYet to rateExhibiting varied community skillsYet to rateEvaluating poverty reduction programmesYet to rateEstablishing symbolic community leadershipYet to rateEstablishing strong citizen voiceYet to rateEstablishing spiritual community zoneYet to rateEstablishing ongoing community maintenanceYet to rateEstablishing network of community based learning centresYet to rateEstablishing local community kindergartenYet to rateEstablishing community symbolic spaceYet to rateEstablishing community sponsored farmYet to rateEstablishing community retail outletsYet to rateEstablishing community resource centreYet to rateEstablishing community made productionYet to rateEstablishing community liaisonYet to rateEstablishing community information networkYet to rateEstablishing community global decision-makingYet to rateEstablishing community development corporationYet to rateEstablishing community credit unionYet to rateEstablishing community care networkYet to rateEstablishing basic community standardsYet to rateEschewing sense of community within developing countriesYet to rateErecting identifying community signsYet to rateEquipping trained community staffYet to rateEquipping local community leadershipYet to rateEquipping community work forceYet to rateEquipping community school facilityYet to rateEnsuring structured participation of eldersYet to rateEnsuring inter-community cooperationYet to rateEnsuring community safetyYet to rateEnriching community global awarenessYet to rateEnlivening regular community meetingsYet to rateEnlivening community mythologyYet to rateEnlarging community social visionYet to rateEnlarging community credit baseYet to rateEnhancing functional community environmentYet to rateEnhancing existing community fellowshipYet to rateEnhancing creative community participationYet to rateEnhancing community-tourist relationsYet to rateEnhancing community achievementYet to rateEngendering anti-crime postures in the publicYet to rateEngaging marketable community skillsYet to rateEngaging in community rivalryYet to rateEngaging competent community workersYet to rateEngaging community work forcesYet to rateEngaging community school supportYet to rateEnforcing anti-piracy lawsYet to rateEncouraging local business buyingYet to rateEncouraging community lookout alertYet to rateEncouraging community groupingsYet to rateEncouraging community cultural eventsYet to rateEncouraging community assignmentYet to rateEnacting enthusiastic transactionsYet to rateEnabling sanitary community butcheringYet to rateEnabling local community management of aquatic resourcesYet to rateEnabling effective community functionYet to rateEnabling cooperative farm practicesYet to rateEnabling community responseYet to rateEnabling community planning meetingsYet to rateEnabling community authenticityYet to rateEmulating community values in personal qualitiesYet to rateEmulating community values in clan traitsYet to rateEmpowering popular leaderYet to rateEmpowering comprehensive community meetingsYet to rateEmpowering community professionalsYet to rateEmploying local mediaYet to rateEmbodying community values in tribal virtuesYet to rateEmbodying community valuesYet to rateEmbodying communityYet to rateEliciting engagement in community structuresYet to rateEliciting community development effortYet to rateEliciting community consciousnessYet to rateDramatizing world inter-relatednessYet to rateDramatizing corporate community victoriesYet to rateDramatizing community's unique existenceYet to rateDramatizing community consciousnessYet to rateDramatizing common community initiativeYet to rateDoing without adequate community planYet to rateDoing without adequate anti-discrimination legislationYet to rateDividing individual and communityYet to rateDividing economic communityYet to rateDiversifying local economiesYet to rateDiversifying local community shopsYet to rateDistributing community news bulletinYet to rateDisseminating public events informationYet to rateDisplaying local community heritageYet to rateDisplaying local community goodsYet to rateDisplaying community symbolsYet to rateDisplaying community modelsYet to rateDispersing community facilitiesYet to rateDiscovering community water potentialYet to rateDiscovering community gatheringsYet to rateDisclosing internalized communityYet to rateDeveloping socio-physical community structuresYet to rateDeveloping shrine/community relationsYet to rateDeveloping public librariesYet to rateDeveloping new community nutritionistsYet to rateDeveloping local conservation groupsYet to rateDeveloping community tourist enterprisesYet to rateDeveloping community teaching facultyYet to rateDeveloping community singing potentialYet to rateDeveloping community power accessYet to rateDeveloping community operating regulationsYet to rateDeveloping community management schemesYet to rateDeveloping community leisure activitiesYet to rateDeveloping community guidelinesYet to rateDeveloping community detection of traffic in hazardous wastesYet to rateDeveloping community beauty standardsYet to rateDeveloping cities of the worldYet to rateDeveloping better community marketsYet to rateDeveloping awareness of community servicesYet to rateDetermining community talentsYet to rateDetermining communal rolesYet to rateDesigning model communitiesYet to rateDesigning focal community spaceYet to rateDesigning community rehabilitation planYet to rateDesigning community growth planYet to rateDesigning community cultural lifeYet to rateDesignating interior community routesYet to rateDesignating existing community spaceYet to rateDesignating community recreation spacesYet to rateDesignating capable community hostsYet to rateDeploying community leaders abroadYet to rateDemonstrating small scale farmingYet to rateDemonstrating community serviceYet to rateDemonstrating community resurgenceYet to rateDemonstrating community investment planYet to rateDemonstrating community corporatenessYet to rateDemonstrating adequate rural community dwellingsYet to rateDefining liberties within community orderYet to rateDecreasing residential care for juvenile criminal offendersYet to rateDeclaring moratorium on export of anti-personnel land minesYet to rateCultivating skills in community responsibilityYet to rateCreating Western CommunityYet to rateCreating usable community propertyYet to rateCreating transatlantic communityYet to rateCreating subregional communityYet to rateCreating ordered community pathwaysYet to rateCreating nonprofit financial institutions for sustainable developmentYet to rateCreating local community consensusYet to rateCreating interregional communityYet to rateCreating inclusive community guildsYet to rateCreating futuric community symbolsYet to rateCreating corporate visionYet to rateCreating community youth participationYet to rateCreating community symbol systemYet to rateCreating community storyYet to rateCreating community ritualsYet to rateCreating community eventsYet to rateCreating attractive community spaceYet to rateCreating American UnionYet to rateCorrecting anti-social personality disordersYet to rateCoordinating use of community propertyYet to rateConstructing public buildingsYet to rateConstructing community access routesYet to rateConducting regular community workshopsYet to rateConducting regular community forumsYet to rateConducting community researchYet to rateConducting community enrichment tripsYet to rateCommissioning community servicesYet to rateCollectivismYet to rateClearing land minesYet to rateChecking community spendingYet to rateChanging anti-community attitudesYet to rateCatalyzing community work projectsYet to rateCatalyzing community promotion networkYet to rateCatalyzing community interactionYet to rateCatalyzing community groupsYet to rateCatalyzing community food productionYet to rateCarrying out anti-malarial programmesYet to rateCaring for community offspringYet to rateBuilding modern community facilitiesYet to rateBuilding effective community ownershipYet to rateBuilding community supportYet to rateBuilding community social fabricYet to rateBuilding community meeting placeYet to rateBuilding community irrigation systemYet to rateBroadening issues of community relevanceYet to rateBroadening corporate community activitiesYet to rateBroadening community trade skillsYet to rateBroadening community cultural experienceYet to rateBroadcasting major community achievementsYet to rateBeautifying neighbourhood living environmentYet to rateAwakening motivation in local communityYet to rateAwakening conscious communityYet to rateAwakening community rural greatnessYet to rateAugmenting community learning resourcesYet to rateAssuring community cleanlinessYet to rateAssuming vital community rolesYet to rateAssessing potential community benefitsYet to rateAssessing community water demandYet to rateArticulating basic community needsYet to rateApplying economic tools at the local level of biodiversity conservationYet to rateApplying community growing skillsYet to rateAnti-imperialist propagandizingYet to rateAnnouncing important community eventsYet to rateAnalysing community relationsYet to rateAnalysing community problemsYet to rateAnalysing community opinionYet to rateAffirming existing community talentsYet to rateAffirming destinal community roleYet to rateAffirming all phases of community lifeYet to rateAdopting community right-to-know programmes on chemical risk based on international guidelinesYet to rateActivating purposeful communityYet to rateActivating local community nodesYet to rateAcquiring community owned implementsYet to rateAcknowledging community eldersYet to rateAccelerating extensive community promotionYet to rateAccelerating community building programmeYet to rateAbstaining from uplifting community imagesYet to rateAbstaining from structures for community careYet to rateAbstaining from sharing of community skillsYet to rateAbstaining from community urgencyYet to rateAbstaining from community planning in company townsYet to rateAbstaining from community developmentYet to rateAbstaining from community consensusYet to rateAbstaining from community achievementYet to rateAborting community effortsYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSociety ยป CommunitiesContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024