Disorganized liaison with formal support
- Unfacilitated community relationship to authorities
- Unformalized authority relations
Both informal and formal efforts at liaising with support agencies may be unable to effect desired community improvement.
One of the basic contacts with the larger society is the group of trained young people who have left to work and live in other places, as local communities no longer produce all the jobs and services that are needed. The people remaining at home rely on these relatives to secure benefits and services for the town. Their efforts as spokesmen may often unsuccessful prove as they become overwhelmed with urban complexities or simply become preoccupied by their better life. Such informal representation, although it has a great deal of moral persuasion, has very little objective accountability.
As part of their struggle to take charge of their own affairs rather than continuing to rely on outside agencies, communities may be motivated to choose other representatives. These new official advocates are however often met by a multitude of requests and demands, making it difficult for them to be consistent channels for external support.