Sharing-AppropriationBroaderPossession*complexYet to rateNarrowerUsurpationYet to rateUntransposedYet to rateUntransferabilityYet to rateUnsociableYet to rateUnsharedYet to rateUnrepresentativeYet to rateUnpaidYet to rateUnmarketableYet to rateUnengagingYet to rateUnderparticipationYet to rateUndercuttingYet to rateUndemocraticYet to rateUncorporateYet to rateTraffickingYet to rateTheftYet to rateSurrenderedYet to rateSupportYet to rateSubjugationYet to rateSubjectionYet to rateSpoilageYet to rateSeizureYet to rateRobberyYet to rateRevivalYet to rateRequisitioningYet to rateRemissionYet to rateRedemptionYet to rateRavishmentYet to rateRapacityYet to rateRacketeeringYet to ratePrivatizationYet to ratePredatoryYet to ratePossession [C]Yet to ratePlagiarismYet to ratePiracyYet to ratePillageYet to ratePeddlingYet to ratePartnershipYet to rateParticipationYet to rateOverspendingYet to rateOverpaymentYet to rateOvercompensationYet to rateNonrestitutionYet to rateNonrepatriationYet to rateNonparticipatoryYet to rateNoncooperationYet to rateMuggerYet to rateMisallocationYet to rateMercantilismYet to rateMarauderYet to rateMaldistributionYet to rateLossYet to rateLiberationYet to rateKidnappingYet to rateInvolvementYet to rateImpoverishmentYet to rateFraudYet to rateForeclosureYet to rateExtortionYet to rateExpropriationYet to rateEvictionYet to rateEnsnareYet to rateEnslavementYet to rateEndowmentYet to rateDistressYet to rateDispossessionYet to rateDisaccordYet to rateDevotionYet to rateDespoliationYet to rateDepredationYet to rateDemocracyYet to rateDeliveranceYet to rateDedicationYet to rateCurtailmentYet to rateCooperativenessYet to rateCooperationYet to rateConfiscationYet to rateCompensationYet to rateCommunityYet to rateCommunionYet to rateCommunicationYet to rateCommercializationYet to rateCommendabilityYet to rateColonizationYet to rateCharityYet to rateCartelYet to rateBurglaryYet to rateBirthrightYet to rateBereavementYet to rateAssociationYet to rateArrogationYet to rateAnticommunityYet to rateAcquisitionYet to rateAccordYet to rateAbductionYet to rateProblemFearExcellentUndemocratic social systemsPresentableLoss of informationPresentableUnwillingness to risk loss of lifeYet to rateSense of impermanenceYet to rateMaldistribution of private automobilesYet to rateLoss of respectYet to rateDishonourYet to rateDisagreeable personal conditionsYet to rateDesacralization of lifeYet to rateDeclineYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(P) Value polaritiesSubjectCommerce ยป PropertyContent qualityPresentableย PresentableLanguageEnglishLast updateOct 16, 2021