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of World Problems
& Human Potential
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human value
Related Problems:
Lack of conservation of energy by the private sector
Underutilization of solar energy
Energy dependence and vulnerability
Energy crisis
Underutilization of fuelwood energy
Inequality in distribution of energy resources among countries
Insufficient energy equipment
Inadequate facilities for the transport of electrical energy
Underutilization of wind energy
Underutilization of geothermal energy
Energy leaks
Underutilization of renewable energy resources
Insufficient diversification in energy research
Underutilization of tar sands as an energy source
Underutilization of peat as an energy source
Unexplored energy alternatives
Medium-term cyclic variations in solar radiant energy
Energy-inefficient cooking stoves
Energy inefficient lifestyles
Instability of trade in electric energy
Inadequate governmental energy conservation policies
Risks in power production
Insufficient utilization of renewable biofuels
Energy monopolies
Vulnerability to long-term climate cycles
Environmental hazards of coal energy
Congenital disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
Low energy diet
Bad impression
Inadequate waste incineration
Irrational rejection of nuclear power
Resource-intensive packaging
Protein-energy malnutrition in infants and early childhood
Misuse of agricultural land for fuel production
Long-term shortage of electric energy
Underutilization of ocean energy
Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide
Impairments of energy and drives
Impairments of energy and drives
Underdeveloped rural energy sources
Transferring energy efficient technologies
Recovering energy from domestic waste
Reducing energy consumption
Recovering energy
Using fossil fuel more efficiently
Using energy efficient lighting
Shifting from energy- to information-intensive societies
Compiling energy statistics
Developing solar power systems
Promoting renewable energy
Using wind power
Employing energy efficient design
Interconnecting energy networks
Envisioning future energy scenarios
Researching energy efficiency
Generating electricity from organic wastes
Developing international sustainable energy policy
Networking on sustainable energy
Increasing energy intensity
Recovering energy from wastes
Recovering energy from wastes
Compiling renewable energy information
Recycling building materials
Assessing urban energy production and consumption patterns
Financing energy efficiency
Strengthening education on urban energy and transportation services
Assessing transfer of energy technologies
Conserving energy in transportation
Reducing pollution from energy generation
Setting energy efficiency goals
Providing training to staff in the urban energy and transportation services
Developing national energy strategies
Researching armament - petroleum coalition
Using energy
Retrofitting energy efficient systems
Stabilizing energy use in economic growth sectors
Opposing nuclear energy generation
Providing public information on rural energy problems
Integrating energy management
Constructing low energy buildings
Collecting data on rural energy supply patterns
Promoting peaceful use of nuclear energy
Distributing energy from renewable sources
Adopting environmentally sound energy options
Exchanging experience on rural energy technologies
Assessing health risks of industry and energy production
Establishing impact assessment procedures for new industry and energy facilities
Developing solar energy traffic systems
Promoting energy efficiency in developing countries
Applying energy taxes
Meeting biomass energy needs of the poor with re-afforestation
Assessing rural energy requirements
Producing energy
Extending rural energy planning to villages and households
Energy marking of consumer goods
Shifting from energy-intensive consumption
Supporting rural energy programmes
Reducing wastage in energy distribution
Practicing corporate environmental self-assessment
Developing civil nuclear industry technology
Using solar cookers
Producing energy-efficient appliances
Increasing energy supplies
Conserving energy in the power sector
Conserving energy in industry
Implementing energy savings programmes
Educating home-owners to use renewable energy
Using wave energy
Establishing clearing houses for environmentally sound technology
Storing energy
Using methane emissions from landfill sites for energy
Conserving energy in the household
Using natural gas
Developing small-scale energy projects
Promoting good practice in health, environment and safety management
Providing information on energy industries
Pricing energy rationally
Promoting low income energy
Integrating national energy efficiency policy
Providing employment by energy restructuring
Developing free energy
Removing energy price subsidies
Reforming energy markets
Implementing environmentally sound hydropower schemes
Diversifying energy research
Protecting atomic energy systems
Determining inexpensive energy source
Establishing research proficiency in energy engineering
Transforming energy for industrial processes
Producing biofuels
Distributing available electrical energy
Designing energy storage unit
Planning development of natural resources
Recovering power from mechanical sources
Harvesting domestic fuel sources
Reducing local energy costs
Demonstrating alternative energy uses
Channelling energy resources
Providing human energy for common production
Coordinating energy expenditure in transferring goods and services
Using solar energy
Providing opposition to use of natural energy sources
Undermining opposition to use of natural energy sources
Relying on finite energy resources
Increasing amount of energy resources
Increasing long-term energy resources
Developing rural energy sources
Utilizing energy resources
Locating energy alternatives
Correcting unhealthy emotional responses to atomic energy
Promoting sustainable energy consumption
Ensuring sustainable development of energy resources
Exploring use of traditional energy alternatives
Using oil shale as an energy source
Protecting against energy dependence and vulnerability
Reducing amount of wasted energy resources
Using natural energy resources
Importing energy
Using nuclear energy
Standardizing energy consumption
Encouraging disparities in energy consumption
Reducing petroleum fuel emissions to the atmosphere
Using carbon intensive energy sources
Protecting against environmental hazards of coal energy
Protecting against environmental hazards from energy industries
Conserving energy
Improving energy supply infrastructure
Reducing inequality in energy use
Reducing inequality of distribution of energy resources among countries
Promoting utilization of renewable biofuels
Promoting utilization of renewable biofuels
Distributing energy
Restricting energy consumption
Restricting electrical energy
Reducing incidence of protein-energy malnutrition
Reducing incidence of protein-energy malnutrition
Using existing energy
Developing energy resources
Analyzing globalizing energy developments
Forecasting energy consumption
Encouraging sound energy strategies
Using atomic energy
Alternating energy
Developing geothermal resources
Transporting electrical energy
Investigating energy
Using microwave energy
Ensuring lasting energy services
Developing common energy market
Using geothermal energy
Supplying energy
Using wood as fuel
Ensuring regional energy supply security
Regionalizing energy cooperation
Disseminating energy technologies
Using electrical energy
Developing energy technologies
Evaluating research energy
Using energy resources
Using energy resources
Studying energy
Implementing new energy technology
Regulating energy mineral leasing
Using world energy resources
Advancing energy efficiency
Supplying solar energy
Developing stable international energy trade
Improving electrical energy
Increasing energy security
Diversifying energy supply
Using coal
Managing world energy resources
Developing nuclear energy
Publicizing energy supply
Adopting energy policies
Assessing energy
Type Classification:
C: Constructive values