OverworkOver-workOverworkedBroaderResearch-DiscoveryPresentableProduction-ReproductionPresentableExertion-FatiguePresentableAction-InactionPresentableAccomplishment-NonaccomplishmentPresentableProblemStrikesExcellentLack of job satisfactionExcellentExcessive hours of workExcellentCompetitiveness in educationExcellentWork addictionPresentableSubstance abuse at workPresentableShift work stress as an occupational hazardPresentableSexual harassment in the workplacePresentableOverworkPresentableMalingeringPresentableLead as a health hazard at workPresentableLack of payment for houseworkPresentableLack of child care for working parentsPresentableJob fatiguePresentableInhibited field workPresentableInequality of employment opportunityPresentableIneffective university faculty membersPresentableIncreasing job monotonyPresentableInadequate living and working conditions of immigrant labourersPresentableInadequate conditions of work in the textile industryPresentableInadequate conditions of work and employment of public service personnelPresentableHeat stress at workPresentableHealth hazards of computer monitor screensPresentableHazards to young people at workPresentableExcessive work-related travelPresentableEvasion of workPresentableDrug abuse at workPresentableDependence on unpaid female labourPresentableDenial of right to workPresentableDeclining agricultural workPresentableCombined stresses as occupational hazardsPresentableCold as an occupational hazardPresentableCardiac conditions in work environmentPresentableAvoidance of workPresentableAlienation from workPresentableAbsenteeismPresentableWorktime limits to educationYet to rateViolence in the work placeYet to rateViolation of dignity of human workYet to rateUnregulated outdoor workYet to rateUnpredictable work scheduleYet to rateUnorganized work methodsYet to rateUnfruitful relationship between work and societyYet to rateUnfocused health workYet to rateUnderworked staffYet to rateUnavailability of casual jobsYet to rateSmoking in work placesYet to rateShifting site of employmentYet to rateResignation to permanent joblessnessYet to rateRefusal of work permitsYet to rateOccupational diseasesYet to rateLoss of the significance of workYet to rateLimited opportunities for significant workYet to rateLimited image of employabilityYet to rateLack of returnee jobsYet to rateIncreasing pace of lifeYet to rateGender stereotyping of employmentYet to rateFarm-bound labour forceYet to rateDirty occupationsYet to rateDifficulty of youth transition from school to workYet to rateDeregulated labour marketYet to rateDehumanizing working conditionsYet to rateCostly uniformsYet to rateAttractiveness of overseas workYet to rateStrategyUtilizing volunteer task forcesPresentableSupporting participation of women in work forcePresentableStrengthening shelter sectorPresentableReconciling professional and family lifePresentablePromoting worker healthPresentablePreventing drug and alcohol misuse in the work placePresentableNegotiating flexible remuneration for workPresentableIntegrating value of women's unpaid work in resource accounting systemsPresentableGenerating employmentPresentableEvangelizingPresentableEstablishing working standardsPresentableEnsuring full employmentPresentableEnhancing scientific and technological researchPresentableDeveloping work place smoking policiesPresentableConducting a periodic review of United Nations system efforts to integrate environment and developmentPresentableWorking hardYet to rateValidating women's workYet to rateUsing seasonal fluctuations in workYet to rateUsing food-for-work programmesYet to rateUsing compulsory labourYet to rateUsing cheap constructionYet to rateUsing animalsYet to rateUpgrading work force effectivityYet to rateUnbalancing international quality of working lifeYet to rateTraining for jobsYet to rateSupporting biographical activityYet to rateStaging scheduled work eventsYet to rateStaging inclusive work daysYet to rateStabilizing labour forceYet to rateStabilizing availability of workYet to rateScheduling volunteer work projectsYet to rateScheduling ongoing repair workYet to rateSafeguarding adequate livelihoodYet to rateReviewing workYet to rateRetiringYet to rateResearching workYet to rateResearching clerical workYet to rateRequiring quality of technical workYet to rateRequiring natural resources for workYet to rateRejecting possibility of workYet to rateReintegrating work, play and learningYet to rateRegulating worker safetyYet to rateReducing work stressYet to rateReducing work demandsYet to rateReducing malingeringYet to rateRedefining workYet to rateRationalizing work forceYet to rateProviding work structureYet to rateProviding work force organizationYet to rateProviding work forceYet to rateProviding workYet to rateProviding sufficient workYet to rateProviding sufficient discipline in workYet to rateProviding regular workYet to rateProviding new work opportunities for womenYet to rateProviding information on labour availabilityYet to rateProviding excuses at workYet to rateProviding basic work skillsYet to rateProviding accessible workYet to rateProtecting right to workYet to ratePromoting work ethicYet to ratePromoting observance of international labour standardsYet to ratePromoting a spirituality of workYet to rateProhibiting smoking in public placesYet to ratePreventing drug taking at workYet to ratePreserving significance of workYet to ratePaying for workYet to rateOrganizing work campsYet to rateOrganizing systematic work forcesYet to rateOrganizing special work projectsYet to rateOrganizing regular work projectsYet to rateOrganizing regular work daysYet to rateOrganizing international voluntary work campsYet to rateOrganizing corporate work effortsYet to rateOrganizing community task forcesYet to rateOrchestrating day's work assignmentsYet to rateOperating temporary work businessYet to rateNegotiating remuneration for labourYet to rateNeglecting workYet to rateMaximizing massive work powerYet to rateLooking for workYet to rateLightening female workloadYet to rateLaying out work premisesYet to rateIssuing work permitsYet to rateIntentionalizing work day participationYet to rateInstigating outside work projectsYet to rateInitiating new workYet to rateInitiating industrial work experienceYet to rateIncreasing land vehiclesYet to rateIncreasing incomeYet to rateIncluding unpaid productive work in satellite national accountsYet to rateImproving working environmentYet to rateImproving work incentivesYet to rateImproving work experienceYet to rateImproving interest in farm workYet to rateImproving general practitioners workYet to rateImproving conditions of immigrant labourersYet to rateImproving acoustical treatment in workplacesYet to rateImplementing work reformYet to rateImplementing community planning structuresYet to rateHolding work protestsYet to rateHelping churches plan their workYet to rateGuaranteeing minimum wageYet to rateGaining work permitYet to rateFree-lancingYet to rateForming worker organizationsYet to rateForming residential work corpsYet to rateForming inclusive work groupsYet to rateFocusing volunteer work effortsYet to rateFinancing socially useful workYet to rateFacilitating daily work competenceYet to rateExpanding employment imagesYet to rateEvaluating minimum compensation for workYet to rateEvaluating flexible wage scalesYet to rateEstablishing practical work experiencesYet to rateEstablishing joint trade union/employer policies for the work environmentYet to rateEstablishing assembly products industryYet to rateEquipping community work forceYet to rateEnlisting work forceYet to rateEnhancing local businessesYet to rateEnhancing available work positionsYet to rateEngaging community work forcesYet to rateEncouraging team work opportunitiesYet to rateEncouraging functional flexibility in employmentYet to rateEnabling productive work schemeYet to rateEnabling new work opportunitiesYet to rateEliminating abusive child labourYet to rateDisseminating latin cinematographic workYet to rateDevising work study plansYet to rateDeveloping new approaches to workYet to rateDeveloping building codesYet to rateDeveloping attitudes of service in workYet to rateDeveloping apathy to workYet to rateDetermining work tasks prioritiesYet to rateDesigning work orientation programmesYet to rateDesigning work efficiency evaluationsYet to rateDesigning job descriptionsYet to rateDenying right to workYet to rateDenying right to reasonable work hoursYet to rateDenying right to favourable work conditionsYet to rateDenying right of equal pay for equal workYet to rateDemonstrating special work projectsYet to rateDemonstrating modern work practicesYet to rateDemanding equitable conditions of workYet to rateDelimiting work forcesYet to rateDecreasing travel to workplaceYet to rateDecreasing job monotonyYet to rateDeclaring employmentYet to rateCultivating new employable skillsYet to rateCreating year round workYet to rateCreating meaningful workYet to rateCreating fruitful relationship between work and societyYet to rateCreating effective work forcesYet to rateCreating corporate care eventsYet to rateCreating comprehensive work projectYet to rateCreating artistic workYet to rateCoordinating research work in ecumenical theologyYet to rateCoordinating activitiesYet to rateControlling employee absenteeismYet to rateConducting staff auditYet to rateConducting periodic cleanup workYet to rateCombatting sexual harassment in the workplaceYet to rateChanging workYet to rateCatalyzing corporate work daysYet to rateCatalyzing community work projectsYet to rateAvoiding work injuriesYet to rateAvoiding workYet to rateAssuring consistent work opportunitiesYet to rateAssuring available workYet to rateAssigning neighbourhood work tasksYet to rateAir conditioning officesYet to rateAdministering employment patternsYet to rateAdapting work to an ageing workforceYet to rateAdapting productive work to the needs of the personYet to rateAccepting possibility of workYet to rateAbstaining from work force mobilityYet to rateAbstaining from skilled work in rural areasYet to rateAbstaining from skilled workYet to rateAbstaining from discipline in workYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocial activity » WorkContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024