NonlocalNon-localBroaderInclusion-ExclusionYet to rateProblemInadequate relationship between transnational corporations and local industryExcellentRestricted scope of local employmentPresentableProhibitive cost of necessities in rural communitiesPresentableNeighbourhood control by criminalsPresentableLocal traditions of cultural isolationPresentableLimited relations beyond local environmentsPresentableLimited access to local decision-making bodiesPresentableLack of symbolism in local relationshipsPresentableLack of support for local commercial servicesPresentableLack of participation by local communities in democratic processesPresentableLack of local services for community leadership trainingPresentableIneffective techniques for achieving consensusPresentableInadequate transportation facilities for rural communitiesPresentableInadequate maintenance of infrastructurePresentableInaccessible administrative agenciesPresentableExchange rate volatilityPresentableExcessive dependence of local communities on outside servicesPresentableDeficient local structures for the unemployedPresentableDecline in local community spiritPresentableUnshared local innovationsYet to rateUnprofitable local politicsYet to rateUndetermined availability of capitalYet to rateUnderemphasis on local economic developmentYet to rateUncompetitive local merchandisingYet to rateUnbridled competition among government agenciesYet to rateUnavailability of local directoriesYet to rateUnavailability of local dentistsYet to rateUnappealing local businessesYet to rateScarce local cashYet to rateRestricted flow of local economyYet to rateParochial preoccupation with community problemsYet to rateOverriding of international by local concernsYet to rateLocal control of resourcesYet to rateLimited space for marketsYet to rateLimited local respect for regional and global legislationYet to rateLimited local markets for goods and servicesYet to rateLimited local demandYet to rateLimited control of environment by local communitiesYet to rateLack of participation in local welfare programmesYet to rateLack of local tractorsYet to rateLack of local industriesYet to rateInsufficient local contributorsYet to rateIneffective educational policy decisionsYet to rateFailure to adapt general initiatives to specific needsYet to rateDistrusted local politiciansYet to rateDispersion of local capital resourcesYet to rateDependency on local authoritiesYet to rateDeficiencies in national and local legal systemsYet to rateCentralized decisions on local technological innovationYet to rateArgumentative community meetingsYet to rateStrategyInstituting effective demonstration farmingExcellentImproving urban governanceExcellentDeveloping local environmental health action plansExcellentTraining in community water resources managementPresentableStrengthening role of local government for democracyPresentableStrengthening local institutions and partnerships for integrated infrastructure servicesPresentableStrengthening local governmentsPresentableStrengthening local capacity to adapt appropriate technologiesPresentableStrengthening capacity to build demographic factors into national sustainable development policiesPresentableProviding extension services to support local environmental managementPresentablePromoting democratic local governmentsPresentableMaximizing local agricultural storagePresentableManaging local agricultural resourcesPresentableInvolving women in local development programmesPresentableIncreasing effectiveness of parentingPresentableImproving local managerial skills to strengthen the basic health systemPresentableImproving existing communitiesPresentableImplementing sustainable strategies through local planningPresentableHarmonious local developmentPresentableGenerating community support for environmental health programmesPresentableEstablishing orderly economic marketing systemPresentableEstablishing community banksPresentableEnsuring local authorities use environmentally sound building materialsPresentableDeveloping own currencyPresentableDeveloping local light industryPresentableDeveloping Local Agenda 21PresentableDeveloping community leadershipPresentableDeveloping available community resourcesPresentableCreating local currency systemsPresentableCreating local contextual imagesPresentableCooperating for local sustainable rural developmentPresentableConserving nature communallyPresentableBuilding demographic factors into national policies for sustainable developmentPresentableWidening local practical expertiseYet to rateWidening local manufacturing abilitiesYet to rateVolunteering local experience dataYet to rateVisiting local historical nodesYet to rateUtilizing locally grown productsYet to rateUtilizing locally available skillsYet to rateUtilizing local technical expertiseYet to rateUtilizing local raw materialsYet to rateUtilizing local power sourcesYet to rateUtilizing local industrial by-productsYet to rateUtilizing local imaginationYet to rateUtilizing local available spaceYet to rateUsing local voluntary organizationsYet to rateUsing local mechanical skillsYet to rateUsing local marketsYet to rateUsing local government management of common property resourcesYet to rateUsing local government authorityYet to rateUsing local feedback systemYet to rateUsing interdisciplinary teams with local expertise for sustainable development studiesYet to rateUsing indigenous methods to maximize local involvement in drinking water supply and sanitationYet to rateUsing available local skillsYet to rateUpgrading local soil productivityYet to rateUpgrading local rice yieldsYet to rateUpgrading local pedagogical skillsYet to rateUpgrading local market conveniencesYet to rateUpgrading community fire protectionYet to rateUpdating institutional structures for local governmentYet to rateUndertaking community consultations to prepare and adopt a Local Agenda 21Yet to rateTransmitting local cultural heritageYet to rateTranslating international chemical safety reports into local languagesYet to rateTransferring fishing technology to local communitiesYet to rateTraining local teaching staffYet to rateTraining local project leadersYet to rateTraining local health instructorsYet to rateTraining local environmental technicians to assist local communitiesYet to rateTraining local development facilitatorsYet to rateTraining for jobsYet to rateTraining community volunteersYet to rateTaking local environmental actionYet to rateSystematizing local labour personnelYet to rateSystematic model buildingYet to rateSymbolizing local leadership dynamicsYet to rateSymbolizing local economic unificationYet to rateSurveying community needsYet to rateSupporting waste reuse in small communitiesYet to rateSupporting use of local handling in provision of urban water supplyYet to rateSupporting public participation in urban environment improvement programmesYet to rateSupporting local environmentsYet to rateSupporting local developmentYet to rateSupporting industry demonstration projects on cleaner productionYet to rateSupporting development of local financial intermediariesYet to rateSupplying local teacher aidesYet to rateSupplying local industry needsYet to rateSupplying basic nutritional needsYet to rateSupplementing local fuel sourcesYet to rateSupplementing local capital baseYet to rateStructuring local government in small communitiesYet to rateStructuring local consensusYet to rateStructuring coordinated global local prioritiesYet to rateStructuring community cooperativesYet to rateStrengthening role of women in local governmentYet to rateStrengthening role of local authorities in sustainable developmentYet to rateStrengthening research to build demographic factors into local sustainable development programmesYet to rateStrengthening national and local capacity for managing rapidly growing citiesYet to rateStrengthening managerial capabilities of local water user groupsYet to rateStrengthening local understanding and sustainable use of marine living resourcesYet to rateStrengthening local researchYet to rateStrengthening local organizations responsible for land managementYet to rateStrengthening local authority capabilities on water protectionYet to rateStrengthening local associations dealing with interests of pastoralistsYet to rateStrengthening efforts to ensure communities get adequate benefits from the use of local resourcesYet to rateStrengthening community communicationsYet to rateStimulating local savings campaignYet to rateStimulating local purchase interestYet to rateStimulating local organization involvementYet to rateStimulating creative local competitionYet to rateStarting local electrical servicesYet to rateStandardizing local water purityYet to rateStabilizing community identityYet to rateSignalling local creative possibilitiesYet to rateSharing of environmental education costs by local communities with richer assisting poorer communitiesYet to rateSharing local commercial wisdomYet to rateShaping local information flowYet to rateSending chosen local representativesYet to rateSelling local fishing itemsYet to rateSelling local community craftsYet to rateSecuring local production contractsYet to rateSecuring local industry supportYet to rateSecuring local credit accessYet to rateRevitalizing local and regional economic circulationYet to rateRevitalizing existing community buildingsYet to rateRevitalizing cultural traditionsYet to rateRevealing local symbolsYet to rateRetaining capital within local communityYet to rateRestructuring skill base of populationYet to rateRestructuring pluralistic local communitiesYet to rateRestricting scope of local employmentYet to rateRestricting availability of local business capitalYet to rateRestoring local historical sitesYet to rateRestocking local fish pondsYet to rateResponding to local needsYet to rateResolving local conflictsYet to rateResolving conflict through emphasis on local issuesYet to rateResearching local sourcesYet to rateResearching local anaesthesiaYet to rateReprimanding misconduct in local government officeYet to rateReporting negligence in local governmentYet to rateRelieving scarcity of local cashYet to rateReleasing local powerYet to rateReleasing local polityYet to rateReleasing local money flowYet to rateReleasing local information channelsYet to rateReleasing local artistic skillsYet to rateRegulating local governmentYet to rateRegularizing local citizen contactYet to rateRegistering local votersYet to rateRegenerating local distribution networksYet to rateReforming local authority legislationYet to rateReducing use of foreign programmes for mediaYet to rateReducing loss of common open spacesYet to rateReducing local expensesYet to rateReducing local energy costsYet to rateRecovering product for local consumptionYet to rateRecovering local polity formsYet to rateRecovering local cultural giftsYet to rateRecognizing local initiativesYet to rateRecognizing communal interestsYet to rateRecognizing channels of local decision-makingYet to rateRebuilding local residential unitsYet to rateRaising neighbourhood local concernsYet to rateRaising local trading revenueYet to rateRaising local learning levelYet to ratePublicizing unique local advantagesYet to ratePublicizing local products nationallyYet to ratePublicizing local demonstration projectsYet to ratePublicizing current local consensusYet to rateProviding trained local manpowerYet to rateProviding technology and training for local environmental information servicesYet to rateProviding technical advice for institutional cooperation in local communitiesYet to rateProviding sufficient symbolism in local relationshipsYet to rateProviding sufficient support for local commercial servicesYet to rateProviding sufficient participation in local politicsYet to rateProviding sufficient local leadershipYet to rateProviding sufficient local jobsYet to rateProviding sufficient local commercial servicesYet to rateProviding sufficient local authority planningYet to rateProviding sufficient capital reservesYet to rateProviding local watershed planning grantsYet to rateProviding local water sourcesYet to rateProviding local structures for the unemployedYet to rateProviding local schoolsYet to rateProviding local planning resourcesYet to rateProviding local passenger trainsYet to rateProviding local fuel resourcesYet to rateProviding local enforcementYet to rateProviding local craft marketYet to rateProviding local communities with environmental know-howYet to rateProviding local communications meansYet to rateProviding local commercial trainingYet to rateProviding local bread supplyYet to rateProviding increased local employment to reduce povertyYet to rateProviding increased local employmentYet to rateProviding incentives to local authorities to recycle wastesYet to rateProviding financial incentives to landowners for biodiversity conservationYet to rateProviding basic needsYet to rateProviding basic local accountabilityYet to ratePromoting participatory local organizationYet to ratePromoting local tourist venturesYet to ratePromoting local researchYet to ratePromoting local marketing venturesYet to ratePromoting local manufactureYet to ratePromoting local lifeYet to ratePromoting local business visibilityYet to ratePromoting local business expansionYet to ratePromoting local business enterprisesYet to ratePromoting family role in local communityYet to ratePromoting best value in local authoritiesYet to rateProducing quality local fruitsYet to rateProducing local dramatizationYet to rateProducing local consumer productsYet to rateProclaiming community historyYet to ratePrivatizing municipal servicesYet to ratePreserving traditional rights to natural resourcesYet to ratePreserving local produce condimentsYet to ratePreserving common past heritageYet to ratePreparing national and local environmental quality standardsYet to ratePolling local opinionYet to ratePlanning local neighbourhood lifeYet to ratePlanning local actionYet to ratePlanning community programmesYet to ratePersonifying local wisdomYet to ratePermeating local structureYet to rateParticipating as local communities in democratic processesYet to rateOverriding local concernsYet to rateOutsourcing government regulatory responsibilitiesYet to rateOrganizing local talent resourcesYet to rateOrganizing local seminarsYet to rateOrganizing local marketingYet to rateOrganizing local commercial opportunitiesYet to rateOrganizing local commercial expertiseYet to rateOrganizing local commercial activityYet to rateOrganizing creative local involvementYet to rateOrganizing community task forcesYet to rateOrganizing community leadershipsYet to rateOrganizing catalogue of local abilitiesYet to rateOpening local produce storeYet to rateOpening local commercial enterprisesYet to rateOffering purchasable local souvenirsYet to rateOffering environmental health studies for young peopleYet to rateObtaining necessary local supportYet to rateNumbering all local homesYet to rateNetworking local authoritiesYet to rateNeglecting local governmentYet to rateMotivating local concernYet to rateMobilizing local construction talentYet to rateMaximizing use of local natural resourcesYet to rateMaximizing local tourist attractionsYet to rateMaximizing local purchasing powerYet to rateMaximizing local pricing advantageYet to rateMaximizing local information flowYet to rateMaximizing local business potentialYet to rateMarketing locally produced goodsYet to rateMarketing local-image productsYet to rateMarketing local agriculture produceYet to rateManufacturing local craft productsYet to rateManufacturing basic local goodsYet to rateManaging wild renewable resources through local communitiesYet to rateManaging communitiesYet to rateMaking local industry profitableYet to rateMaking local clothing accessoriesYet to rateMaking available local classroomsYet to rateMaintaining local physical assetsYet to rateMaintaining healthy ecosystemsYet to rateLinking local consultantsYet to rateLinking local and global commonsYet to rateLimiting relations beyond local environmentsYet to rateLimiting number of local decision-making bodiesYet to rateLimiting local respect for regional and global legislationYet to rateLimiting local markets for goods and servicesYet to rateLimiting local malaria sourcesYet to rateLimiting local economyYet to rateLimiting local demandYet to rateLimiting control of environment by local communitiesYet to rateLimiting availability of local servicesYet to rateLimiting availability of local commercial resourcesYet to rateLegitimizing local servicesYet to rateLaunching small service industriesYet to rateLaunching local construction enterprisesYet to rateLandscaping open green spacesYet to rateInvolving local populationsYet to rateInvolving local people in water managementYet to rateInvolving local people in raising public awareness on the environmentYet to rateInvolving local communities in contingency planning on environmental hazardsYet to rateInvolving indigenous peoples in planning national policiesYet to rateInvesting in skills of local peopleYet to rateIntensifying supplementary local trainingYet to rateIntensifying participation in local accountability structuresYet to rateIntensifying local global relevanceYet to rateIntegrating public informationYet to rateIntegrating local planning in education curricula in small islandsYet to rateIntegrating local industry within its regionYet to rateInstalling local health servicesYet to rateInstalling local generating systemYet to rateInitiating local seed exchange networksYet to rateInforming local communities about hazardous installationsYet to rateIncreasing salaried local jobsYet to rateIncreasing reservoir of technical abilities for local developmentYet to rateIncreasing productivity of local investmentsYet to rateIncreasing municipalization of landYet to rateIncreasing local respect for regional and global legislationYet to rateIncreasing local production outletsYet to rateIncreasing local milk outputYet to rateIncreasing local meat sourceYet to rateIncreasing local market visibilityYet to rateIncreasing local literacy standardsYet to rateIncreasing local human interactionYet to rateIncreasing local demandYet to rateIncreasing local commercial activityYet to rateIncreasing local autonomy of government biodiversity conservation programmesYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of local unityYet to rateIncreasing coastal zone management capabilities at the local levelYet to rateIncreasing civic awarenessYet to rateIncreasing availability of local servicesYet to rateIncreasing access to local decision-making bodiesYet to rateIncreasing access to local authoritiesYet to rateIncorporating local legal bodyYet to rateIncluding resource recovery in local authority waste management plansYet to rateIncluding local populations in solutions to problemsYet to rateIncluding environmental management in activities of local authoritiesYet to rateImproving public utilities in urban areasYet to rateImproving public understanding of scientific reports on local sustainable development issuesYet to rateImproving local training possibilityYet to rateImproving local language proficiencyYet to rateImproving local cattle stockYet to rateImproving local capability for growing oilseed cropsYet to rateImproving local administrationYet to rateImproving income of rural communitiesYet to rateImproving financing by local governmentYet to rateImproving coordination among public, NGOs, indigenous people and local communitiesYet to rateImproving community-based rehabilitation facilitiesYet to rateImproving community promotionYet to rateImproving administration of local governmentYet to rateImplementing local engagement meansYet to rateImplementing local business activityYet to rateImmunizing local staffYet to rateIdentifying local needsYet to rateHonouring local talent abilitiesYet to rateHighlighting global local newsYet to rateHelping local authorities modernize managementYet to rateHeightening public awareness eventsYet to rateHarvesting local tree varietiesYet to rateHarmonizing local standardsYet to rateGuiding local creative talentYet to rateGridding local power structuresYet to rateGlobal local community planningYet to rateGiving attention to maintenance of local infrastructureYet to rateGenerating community investment fundYet to rateGenerating broad-based local supportYet to rateGenerating additional local fundsYet to rateGathering willing community residentsYet to rateFurthering local agricultural enterprisesYet to rateFreeing up relations beyond local environmentsYet to rateFreeing up availability of local business capitalYet to rateForming local development associationYet to rateFormalizing technical training structuresYet to rateFocusing on community problemsYet to rateFocusing local elder interchangeYet to rateFocusing local application endeavoursYet to rateFocusing capacity building on local communitiesYet to rateFinding local entertainment siteYet to rateFinancing local governmentYet to rateFacilitating rapid local communicationYet to rateFacilitating local movementsYet to rateFacilitating local life styleYet to rateFacilitating development of rural workers organizationsYet to rateExtracting local responseYet to rateExtending local preschool careYet to rateExtending local information structuresYet to rateExtending local food supplyYet to rateExtending local curriculum baseYet to rateExtending local artisan competenceYet to rateExposing local government scandalYet to rateExploring unused local resourcesYet to rateExploring alternative natural resource endowmentsYet to rateExpanding useful local skillsYet to rateExpanding use of local construction technologiesYet to rateExpanding regional-local awarenessYet to rateExpanding local school enrolmentYet to rateExpanding local marketable servicesYet to rateExpanding local industrial baseYet to rateExpanding local imagesYet to rateExpanding local hospitality structuresYet to rateExpanding local contextual imaginationYet to rateExpanding local classroom spaceYet to rateExpanding local business areaYet to rateExpanding local artisans productivityYet to rateExpanding local agricultural demonstrationsYet to rateExpanding information exchange among local authoritiesYet to rateExpanding chemical safety research programmes at the local levelYet to rateExpanding basic local sustenanceYet to rateExhibiting varied community skillsYet to rateExhibiting local skill achievementsYet to rateExchanging local imagesYet to rateEvaluating local manufactureYet to rateEstablishing symbolic community leadershipYet to rateEstablishing product quality measuresYet to rateEstablishing local washing facilitiesYet to rateEstablishing local recycling centresYet to rateEstablishing local produce exchangeYet to rateEstablishing local participation opportunitiesYet to rateEstablishing local monitoring groupYet to rateEstablishing local medical clinicYet to rateEstablishing local grinding millYet to rateEstablishing local delivery networkYet to rateEstablishing local continuing educationYet to rateEstablishing local community kindergartenYet to rateEstablishing local clinicsYet to rateEstablishing community retail outletsYet to rateErecting local shrinesYet to rateErecting local industrial buildingsYet to rateEquipping trained community staffYet to rateEquipping local youthYet to rateEquipping local residentsYet to rateEquipping local repair facilitiesYet to rateEquipping local paraprofessional corpsYet to rateEquipping local health personnelYet to rateEquipping local factory workersYet to rateEquipping local community leadershipYet to rateEquipping disciplined local teacherYet to rateEnsuring water programmes use local expertiseYet to rateEnsuring rapid local serviceYet to rateEnsuring project plans include indigenous practicesYet to rateEnsuring participation with local communitiesYet to rateEnsuring local values preservationYet to rateEnsuring local repair expertiseYet to rateEnsuring local participation in coastal zone managementYet to rateEnsuring local emergency medical facilitiesYet to rateEnsuring local economic sufficiencyYet to rateEnsuring constant local reinvestmentYet to rateEnsuring adequate local representationYet to rateEnsuring adequate local government servicesYet to rateEnlisting untapped local talentYet to rateEnlarging local consensus networkYet to rateEnlarging community credit baseYet to rateEnhancing local social environmentYet to rateEnhancing local recreation capacitiesYet to rateEnhancing local product valueYet to rateEnhancing local credit systemsYet to rateEnhancing local businessesYet to rateEnhancing ethnic tradition appreciationYet to rateEngaging global-local citizenshipYet to rateEngaging concerned local residentsYet to rateEncouraging local teacher developmentYet to rateEncouraging local fiscal abilitiesYet to rateEncouraging local developmentYet to rateEncouraging local craft abilitiesYet to rateEncouraging local commercial enterprisesYet to rateEncouraging local business buyingYet to rateEncouraging local authoritiesYet to rateEnabling role of local folkYet to rateEnabling local tax provisionYet to rateEnabling local political voiceYet to rateEnabling local marketing tailorsYet to rateEnabling local global participationYet to rateEnabling local control of mass mediaYet to rateEnabling local community management of aquatic resourcesYet to rateEnabling local business developmentYet to rateEnabling local appliance repairYet to rateEnabling cooperative farm practicesYet to rateEmpowering popular leaderYet to rateEmpowering local residentsYet to rateEmpowering flow of goodsYet to rateEmploying local peopleYet to rateEmploying local mediaYet to rateEmploying local learning assistantsYet to rateEmploying competent local artisansYet to rateEmbodying trans-local presenceYet to rateEliciting qualified local leadersYet to rateEliciting active parent participationYet to rateEducating local care forceYet to rateDramatizing local possibilitiesYet to rateDrafting local geo-social mapYet to rateDivulging local wisdomYet to rateDiversifying local production patternsYet to rateDiversifying local economiesYet to rateDiversifying local community shopsYet to rateDistributing community news bulletinYet to rateDisseminating environmental knowledge using local customsYet to rateDisposing of local sewer wastesYet to rateDisplaying local community heritageYet to rateDisplaying local community goodsYet to rateDisplaying local art formsYet to rateDiscerning prioritized local issuesYet to rateDiscerning employable local talentsYet to rateDeveloping training materials for local governmentYet to rateDeveloping trained local personnelYet to rateDeveloping skilled local educatorsYet to rateDeveloping qualified local teachersYet to rateDeveloping local water reservesYet to rateDeveloping local sustaining networksYet to rateDeveloping local raw materialsYet to rateDeveloping local product resourcesYet to rateDeveloping local preventive medicineYet to rateDeveloping local preschool complexYet to rateDeveloping local medical resourcesYet to rateDeveloping local information centersYet to rateDeveloping local industrial baseYet to rateDeveloping local health plansYet to rateDeveloping local conservation groupsYet to rateDeveloping local commercial enterprisesYet to rateDeveloping local business prowessYet to rateDeveloping local agro industryYet to rateDeveloping community detection of traffic in hazardous wastesYet to rateDeveloping better community marketsYet to rateDesigning local product publicityYet to rateDesigning local learning structuresYet to rateDemonstrating local residents talentYet to rateDemonstrating local possibilitiesYet to rateDemonstrating local farming expertiseYet to rateDemonstrating local craft skillsYet to rateDemonstrating local careYet to rateDemonstrating deliberative systems locallyYet to rateDelegating sustainable development to appropriate levelYet to rateDeclaring local intuitionYet to rateDecentralizing government activitiesYet to rateCurtailing local property destructionYet to rateCultivating quality local workmanshipYet to rateCultivating local wild plantsYet to rateCreating outlet for local harvestYet to rateCreating local youth coreYet to rateCreating local skilled artisansYet to rateCreating local resident authoritiesYet to rateCreating local repair servicesYet to rateCreating local recreational areasYet to rateCreating local manufacturing businessYet to rateCreating local ladies' clubYet to rateCreating local global vocational missionYet to rateCreating local drama performanceYet to rateCreating local consumer awarenessYet to rateCreating local community consensusYet to rateCreating local communications networkYet to rateCreating local capital marketsYet to rateCreating local apprenticeship positionsYet to rateCreating imaginative vision of local resource useYet to rateCreating global-local contextYet to rateCreating global local polity modelsYet to rateCreating geographical identityYet to rateCreating equipped local facultyYet to rateCreating corporate care eventsYet to rateCreating contemporary local imageYet to rateCreating coherent local infrastructure solutionsYet to rateCreating attractive local environmentYet to rateCovering-up local government scandalYet to rateCoordinating local recreation planYet to rateCoordinating local postal exchangeYet to rateCoordinating local needsYet to rateCoordinating local expertiseYet to rateCoordinating local business growthYet to rateCoordinating local authorityYet to rateCooperating between local NGOs and authorities on sustainable development programmesYet to rateConverting foreign debt into local currenciesYet to rateConvening international consultations to support local authoritiesYet to rateContinuing communal wisdomYet to rateConstructing public buildingsYet to rateConstructing local service centresYet to rateConstructing local cooperative facilityYet to rateConstructing adequate local buildingsYet to rateConcretizing local global dynamicYet to rateCommunicating local mythologyYet to rateCollecting information on sustainable strategies of local authoritiesYet to rateClaiming local responsibilityYet to rateChecking minor vandalismYet to rateCentralizing local commercial servicesYet to rateCentralizing local capital resourcesYet to rateCapitalizing available local resourcesYet to rateBuilding up local productionYet to rateBuilding local farming skillsYet to rateBuilding local consensus formsYet to rateBuilding demographic factors into local programmes for sustainable developmentYet to rateBuilding common local concernYet to rateBroadening local schooling baseYet to rateBroadening local news coverageYet to rateBroadening local citizen responsibilityYet to rateBreaking down local traditions of cultural isolationYet to rateBoosting local wholesale pricesYet to rateBeautifying local home sitesYet to rateBalancing local nutrition intakesYet to rateAwakening motivation in local communityYet to rateAugmenting current local manufacturingYet to rateAssuring local legal entityYet to rateAssuring local apprentice opportunitiesYet to rateAssisting professional local government administratorsYet to rateAssigning exemplary families to local communitiesYet to rateAssessing local knowledge of forestsYet to rateAssessing local health needsYet to rateArranging local teacher supportYet to rateAppreciating local wisdomYet to rateApplying economic tools at the local level of biodiversity conservationYet to rateAnalysing specific local needsYet to rateAmplifying local recreational activitiesYet to rateAdvocating dispersion of local capital resourcesYet to rateAdvancing local employment skillsYet to rateAddressing failure to include local populations in solutions to problemsYet to rateAdapting procedures in overseas affiliates to local ecological conditionsYet to rateAdapting cost-effective methods of environmental control to local conditionsYet to rateActualizing local curriculum consultationYet to rateActivating municipal politicsYet to rateActivating local security aidesYet to rateActivating local community nodesYet to rateActivating local bureaucratic systemsYet to rateActivating basic local relationsYet to rateAcquiring revolving local capitalYet to rateAcquiring local companiesYet to rateAchieving local unityYet to rateAccelerating local retail tradeYet to rateAccelerating local monetary flowYet to rateAbstaining from using local funding channelsYet to rateAbstaining from symbolism in local relationshipsYet to rateAbstaining from support for local commercial servicesYet to rateAbstaining from participation in local politicsYet to rateAbstaining from participation by local communities in democratic processesYet to rateAbstaining from local leadership role modelsYet to rateAbstaining from local information systemsYet to rateAbstaining from local employmentYet to rateAbstaining from local authority planningYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices in local governmentYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSociety ยป LocalContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024