GovernmentBroaderSafety-DangerPresentableAuthority-LawlessnessPresentableProblemUnstable governmentExcellentUnclear official directivesExcellentSex scandalsExcellentNeglect of environmental consequences of government policiesExcellentNational public debtExcellentMisuse of electronic surveillance by governmentsExcellentGovernment sanctioned killingExcellentGovernment budget deficitsExcellentExcessive governmental spendingExcellentDiscrimination in public servicesExcellentCultivation of illegal drugsExcellentCrimes against national securityExcellentVulnerability of government to lobbyingPresentableUnlawful compensation for assistance in government mattersPresentableUnethical practices of relatives of leadersPresentableUndue military influencePresentableUnaccountability of institutions degrading the environmentPresentableTrafficking in government benefit couponsPresentableToken humanitarian interventionPresentableTaxation deductions promoting unsustainable developmentPresentableState-supported international terrorismPresentableState sanctioned torturePresentableSecret lawsPresentableSecret government security vetting of job applicantsPresentableSecond class statesPresentableRape by military personnelPresentablePoliticization of public servicePresentablePolitical scandalPresentableOverthrow of governmentPresentableOverdependence on government subsidiesPresentableObsolete deliberative systemsPresentableMisuse of government surveillance of communicationsPresentableMilitary governmentPresentableLeadership impaired by illnessPresentableLanguage discrimination in politicsPresentableInflexible central governmentPresentableIndecisive multilateralismPresentableInappropriate government intervention in agriculturePresentableGovernment refusal to accept the jurisdiction of international courts of justicePresentableGovernment propagandaPresentableGovernment opposition to population controlPresentableGovernment inducement to crimePresentableGovernment harassment of human rights activistsPresentableGovernment dependence on tobacco tax revenuePresentableGovernment dependence on alcohol tax revenuePresentableGovernment complicity in illegal activitiesPresentableGovernment complicity in environmental abusePresentableGovernment barriers to international trade in servicesPresentableGhost employeesPresentableExcessive government controlPresentableEminent domainPresentableDistortion of international trade by discriminatory government and private procurement policiesPresentableDisaster unpreparednessPresentableDestabilization of governmentsPresentableDeprivation of government benefits for political purposesPresentableDecline in government expenditure on educationPresentableCrimes against government and public propertyPresentableCovert smear campaigns by governmentPresentableCounterfeit money and government securitiesPresentableCooptation of private sector initiatives by governmentPresentableCivil disobediencePresentableAvoidance of legal obligations by politiciansPresentableArrears in financial payments between government agenciesPresentableAntagonism between government agencies and officialsPresentableAbusive distribution of political patronagePresentableAbuse of state immunityPresentableAbuse of influencePresentableAbuse of government powerPresentableWithholding of informationYet to rateUnresponsive public authoritiesYet to rateUnjust allocation of government contractsYet to rateUnfulfilled government requirementsYet to rateUnderpaid civil servantsYet to rateUncoordinated government policy-makingYet to rateUnbridled competition among government agenciesYet to rateUnappealing public office positionsYet to rateTenuous government liaisonYet to rateShortage of funds for researchYet to ratePublic resentment at government policiesYet to rateProliferation of public sector institutionsYet to rateProgressive reduction in government action commitmentYet to rateOverdependence on governmentYet to rateOfficial cover-upsYet to rateMediocrity of government leadersYet to rateLost child labour due to government lawsYet to rateLack of governmental supportYet to rateLack of government initiativeYet to rateLack of a world governmentYet to rateInflexible deliberative systems of governmentYet to rateInefficient mobilization of government revenueYet to rateIneffectual government blusterYet to rateIncitement to violenceYet to rateInadequate management of government financesYet to rateInadequate government publicationsYet to rateInadequate government control of militaryYet to rateInaccessible government plansYet to rateInaccessible government agenciesYet to rateImproper collusion among officialsYet to rateGovernmental incompetenceYet to rateGovernment trainee drainYet to rateGovernment student agitatorsYet to rateGovernment restriction on exportsYet to rateGovernment resistance to institutional changeYet to rateGovernment procedural backlogYet to rateGovernment misuse of personal recordsYet to rateGovernment misrepresentation of human rights abusesYet to rateGovernment manipulation of public informationYet to rateGovernment insensitivityYet to rateGovernment hypocrisyYet to rateGovernment failure to meet commitmentsYet to rateGovernment dominated jobsYet to rateGovernment delaying tacticsYet to rateGovernment complacencyYet to rateGovernment bias in wage bargainingYet to rateFailure of government to apologize for errorsYet to rateExcessive waiting times in government facilitiesYet to rateEndorsement of false government claimsYet to rateElitist ruling classesYet to rateDrug abuse by government officialsYet to rateDisloyalty to governmentYet to rateDependence of government revenue on substance abuseYet to rateDependence of government income on products dangerous to healthYet to rateDeliberate ignorance during policy-makingYet to rateDecline in government social programmesYet to rateDecline in government health expenditureYet to rateDecline in government expenditure on primary educationYet to rateDecline in government expenditureYet to rateCriticism of official institutionsYet to rateConflict between government and the news mediaYet to rateComplicity with evilYet to rateComplexity of government assistanceYet to rateComplex government bureaucracyYet to rateCollusion between academics and government authoritiesYet to rateBroken government promisesYet to rateBiased government informationYet to rateArrears in payment of government financial commitmentsYet to rateAbusive deregulationYet to rateAbuse in government policyYet to rateAbdication of government ministerial controlYet to rateStrategyQuestioning government environmental policyExcellentDeveloping government/industry voluntary agreements to control transboundary air pollutionExcellentStrengthening role of local government for democracyPresentableStrengthening local governmentsPresentableReducing government secrecyPresentableReducing government regulationsPresentableReducing government expenditure on tertiary health facilitiesPresentableProviding transparency in governmentPresentableProviding education on hazardous waste management in government and industryPresentableIntegrating national energy efficiency policyPresentableGoverningPresentableEstablishing global governmental responsibilityPresentableDeveloping sustainable policy for public procurementPresentableDeveloping corporate governance within businessPresentableDecentralizing government health servicesPresentableCampaigning for world parliamentPresentableUsing local government management of common property resourcesYet to rateUsing local government authorityYet to rateUsing government powerYet to rateUsing government interventionYet to rateUsing government blusterYet to rateUsing dirty tricks politicsYet to rateUpdating institutional structures for local governmentYet to rateUndermining resistance to governmentYet to rateUndermining government opposition to private initiativeYet to rateUndermining government opposition to population controlYet to rateUnbalancing government revenue and expenditureYet to rateTightening state responsibility for youth offendersYet to rateThrowing out governmentYet to rateTaking illegal government actionYet to rateTaking government action against regimes with hostile policiesYet to rateTaking government actionYet to rateSupporting government researchYet to rateSupporting government costsYet to rateStructuring local government in small communitiesYet to rateStrengthening role of women in local governmentYet to rateStrengthening role of village government for rural developmentYet to rateStrengthening government administrative and financial systemsYet to rateStabilizing governmentsYet to rateSpending government incomeYet to rateSpending by governmentYet to rateSoliciting government financial aidYet to rateSimplifying government regulationsYet to rateSimplifying government bureaucracyYet to rateSetting limits to government authorityYet to rateSecuring government subsidiesYet to rateSatisfying existing government standardsYet to rateRevitalizing governmentYet to rateRestricting government ability to undertake new initiativesYet to rateRestricting financial support for unsound developmentYet to rateRestricting distribution of confidential government informationYet to rateResponding to legitimate protests by governmentYet to rateResisting government intervention in the private sectorYet to rateResisting government intervention in societyYet to rateResisting governmentYet to rateResisting foreign government interventionYet to rateRequiring active governmentYet to rateReprimanding misconduct in local government officeYet to rateReporting negligence in local governmentYet to rateReporting negligence by governmentYet to rateReporting government spendingYet to rateReorienting government policiesYet to rateRemoving government subsidiesYet to rateRemoving government barriers to international trade in servicesYet to rateRelieving government paralysisYet to rateRelieving democratic government paralysisYet to rateRegulating local governmentYet to rateRegulating labour marketYet to rateRegulating government activitiesYet to rateRegionalizing government authoritiesYet to rateReducing waiting times in government facilitiesYet to rateReducing vilification by governmentYet to rateReducing susceptibility of electorate to government lyingYet to rateReducing state-supported violence against citizensYet to rateReducing government delay in response to symptoms of problemsYet to rateReducing government corruptionYet to rateReducing government commitment to multilateralismYet to rateReducing government action commitmentYet to rateReducing delay in government reimbursementsYet to rateReducing amount of government propagandaYet to rateRedesigning governmentYet to rateReallocating government spending on healthYet to rateRationalizing government economic managementYet to rateQuickening individual conviction to corporate governanceYet to rateQuestioning previous government actionYet to rateProviding world governmentYet to rateProviding sufficient governmental supportYet to rateProviding social security servicesYet to rateProviding regulatory mechanisms of governmentYet to rateProviding government subsidiesYet to rateProviding government leadership role in world affairsYet to rateProviding government forums on public issuesYet to rateProviding government contractsYet to rateProviding flexible central governmentYet to rateProviding enterprise grantsYet to rateProtesting unsound public spendingYet to rateProtesting government policiesYet to rateProtesting government interference in the national economyYet to rateProtesting excessive government interferenceYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of government to lobbyingYet to rateProsecuting offences against governmentYet to rateProsecuting government misconductYet to ratePrivatizing municipal servicesYet to ratePreventing unlawful governmentYet to ratePreventing government equivocationYet to ratePreserving government ability to adaptYet to ratePreserving confidence in government leadersYet to ratePreparing earth constitutionYet to ratePracticing official deceptionYet to ratePetitioning township government loanYet to ratePaying back government loansYet to rateOutsourcing government regulatory responsibilitiesYet to rateOpening government dialogueYet to rateObtaining necessary government assistanceYet to rateObtaining effective government liaisonYet to rateObstructing government functionYet to rateNeglecting local governmentYet to rateMonitoring management and sale of government propertyYet to rateMonitoring government policymaking for national environmental action plansYet to rateMonitoring government involvement in human rights violationsYet to rateMonitoring decline in government expenditureYet to rateManaging communitiesYet to rateMaking secret government agency agreementsYet to rateMaking coherent government policyYet to rateMaintaining regular government contactsYet to rateMaintaining official secrecyYet to rateMaintaining government secrecy concerning nuclear weapons testingYet to rateLying in the government interestYet to rateLocalizing state government contactsYet to rateLimiting government supportYet to rateLearning required government proceduresYet to rateLearning practical government approachesYet to rateKeeping private losses privateYet to rateIssuing currencyYet to rateInvesting in healthYet to rateInvestigating government sanctioned murderYet to rateIntervening in government of another countryYet to rateIntegrating economic issues in all government decision-makingYet to rateInforming multi-levelled government officialsYet to rateInfluencing government policyYet to rateIncreasing local autonomy of government biodiversity conservation programmesYet to rateIncreasing government regulationsYet to rateIncreasing government funding of researchYet to rateIncreasing government commitment to multilateralismYet to rateIncreasing government action commitmentYet to rateIncreasing government / industry cooperation on waste minimizationYet to rateIncreasing environmental sensitivity within government policiesYet to rateIncreasing efficiency of mobilization of government revenueYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of governmentYet to rateIncreasing amount of qualified government officialsYet to rateIncreasing access to governmentYet to rateImproving public utilities in urban areasYet to rateImproving popularity of government leadersYet to rateImproving national policiesYet to rateImproving management skills of senior government officialsYet to rateImproving management of government financesYet to rateImproving government supervision of contractsYet to rateImproving government publicationsYet to rateImproving government control of militaryYet to rateImproving financing by local governmentYet to rateImproving financial reporting in the public sectorYet to rateImproving efficiency of government monopoliesYet to rateImproving cooperation among the scientific community, government and public on the environmentYet to rateImproving administration of local governmentYet to rateImposing voluntary system of cryptographyYet to rateImposing government abortionsYet to rateIgnoring sexual infidelity of government rulersYet to rateHonouring public property managed by government agencyYet to rateHonouring government financial commitmentsYet to rateHolding government accountableYet to rateGovernment forcing of economic developmentYet to rateGovernment financing of nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateFulfilling government road planYet to rateFostering necessary government relationsYet to rateFormulating domestic macroeconomic policiesYet to rateFinancing local governmentYet to rateExposing secret government agency agreementsYet to rateExposing scandal in governmentYet to rateExposing local government scandalYet to rateExposing immoral public policyYet to rateExposing historical necessity for democratic governmentYet to rateExposing government treacheryYet to rateExposing government secrecy concerning nuclear weapons testingYet to rateExposing government links to organized crimeYet to rateExposing government dishonestyYet to rateEstablishing transparency agenciesYet to rateEstablishing government liaison systemYet to rateEnsuring just allocation of government contractsYet to rateEnsuring government assistance to religious authoritiesYet to rateEnsuring government apologize for errorsYet to rateEnsuring competent governmentYet to rateEnsuring basic functional government approachesYet to rateEnsuring adequate local government servicesYet to rateEnhancing village/government dialogueYet to rateEngaging in illegal government practicesYet to rateEndorsing government claimsYet to rateEmpowering government leaderYet to rateEliminating arrears among government agenciesYet to rateEconomizing on use of government resourcesYet to rateDominating government policy-makingYet to rateDominating civilian governmentYet to rateDistrusting governmentYet to rateDistorting international trade as a result of government participationYet to rateDiscrediting false government claimsYet to rateDisclosing illness of government leadersYet to rateDiscerning possible government supportYet to rateDeveloping training materials for local governmentYet to rateDeveloping training materials for governmentYet to rateDeveloping historic cohesion of governmentYet to rateDeveloping government/industry covenants to control transboundary air pollutionYet to rateDeveloping government policyYet to rateDeveloping government intelligence servicesYet to rateDeveloping government competenceYet to rateDeveloping fair system of governmentYet to rateDeveloping codes of conduct for public servantsYet to rateDenying right to participate in government for womenYet to rateDenying government responsibility for errorsYet to rateDemanding political balanceYet to rateDelivering available government programsYet to rateDecentralizing government activitiesYet to rateCreating educational policyYet to rateCreating democratic governmentYet to rateCovering-up scandal in governmentYet to rateCovering-up local government scandalYet to rateCorrupting government officialsYet to rateCorrupting government leadersYet to rateCorrecting mistaken identification of government with peopleYet to rateCorrecting government mismanagementYet to rateCorrecting government misconductYet to rateCoordinating government policy-makingYet to rateCoordinating government actionYet to rateCoordinating external government relationsYet to rateConverting outmoded public buildingsYet to rateControlling government financesYet to rateControlling government covert operationsYet to rateContacting relevant government agenciesYet to rateConstructing government housingYet to rateConstraining governmentYet to rateConsidering the environment when planning government spendingYet to rateCondemning sexual infidelity of government rulersYet to rateCondemning government support for undemocratic regimesYet to rateCondemning government insincerityYet to rateComplementing private investment with public investmentYet to rateCombining public and private sector resources in biodiversity conservationYet to rateCombating fraud against governmentsYet to rateClaiming intimidation of public officialsYet to rateClaiming government intimidationYet to rateChecking power of government bureaucracyYet to rateChallenging mediocrity of government leadersYet to rateChallenging government impotenceYet to rateBroadening decisional scope of governmentYet to rateBringing government closer to the peopleYet to rateBribing government officersYet to rateBreaking government promisesYet to rateBorrowing by governmentYet to rateBalancing national budgetYet to rateAuthorizing expenditure of government fundsYet to rateAuditing government contractsYet to rateAssisting professional local government administratorsYet to rateArticulating representative decisionYet to rateAppropriating machinery of government by elitesYet to rateAgreeing executive authority for implementation of collective willYet to rateAdministering government practicesYet to rateAdhering to government ordersYet to rateAddressing government failure to mobilize support against problemsYet to rateAbstaining from world governmentYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices of governmentYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices in local governmentYet to rateAbolishing unethical behaviour by government leadersYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectGovernment ยป GovernmentContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024