ImprovingBroaderImproving-ImpairingYet to rateNarrowerStrengthening comprehensive health care for womenExcellentSecuring food suppliesExcellentReforming the calendarExcellentPursuing human rightsExcellentProviding food aidExcellentPreventing occupational accidentsExcellentKeeping fitExcellentIncreasing efficiency of agricultural water useExcellentImproving urban transportExcellentImproving knowledge on ecosystem processesExcellentImproving access of rural poor to creditExcellentVaccinating for illness preventionExcellentEnsuring national economic policies support sustainable developmentExcellentEnhancing technology for agricultureExcellentEncouraging family planning schemesExcellentConserving plant genetic resourcesExcellentAdvancing environmental healthExcellentUtilizing volunteer task forcesPresentableTeaching basic literacy prowessPresentableSustaining industrial innovationPresentableSupplying family planning servicesPresentableStrengthening shelter sectorPresentableStrengthening implementation of human rightsPresentableStrengthening environmental health servicesPresentableStrategic planningPresentableStewarding fertile soil formationPresentableResolving environmental conflictsPresentableRenewing urban environmentPresentableReforming health systemsPresentableReforming educationPresentableReducing urban air pollutionPresentableReducing incidence of malnutritionPresentableProviding rapid emergency responsePresentableProviding mother/child carePresentableProviding basic educationPresentableProtecting refugeesPresentableProtecting global environmentPresentablePromoting women's economic self-reliancePresentablePromoting progress and application of information systemsPresentablePreserving gene resourcesPresentableModernizing sanitary facilitiesPresentableLegislating family sizePresentableIntegrating national energy efficiency policyPresentableIncreasing efficiency of manual farmingPresentableImproving wood preservatives to protect the environmentPresentableImproving urban healthPresentableImproving traditional child birth practicesPresentableImproving tax collectionPresentableImproving social services for womenPresentableImproving skill base of womenPresentableImproving skill base of rural womenPresentableImproving safe food preparationPresentableImproving research on links among global cyclesPresentableImproving primary educationPresentableImproving pricing efficiencyPresentableImproving patent licensing systemPresentableImproving opportunities for women's self-employmentPresentableImproving nutritional value of staple foodsPresentableImproving national chemicals management capabilitiesPresentableImproving maternity protection in employmentPresentableImproving literacy for womenPresentableImproving job security for womenPresentableImproving investment in capacity buildingPresentableImproving inter-agency regional cooperation to halt environmental degradationPresentableImproving integrated agricultural extension servicesPresentableImproving information systems on intellectual propertyPresentableImproving human rightsPresentableImproving housing for the elderlyPresentableImproving hazardous waste managementPresentableImproving forest resource managementPresentableImproving existing communitiesPresentableImproving efficiency of tradePresentableImproving effectiveness of aid for healthPresentableImproving economic development among Islamic countriesPresentableImproving data and information to combat povertyPresentableImproving consumption practicesPresentableImproving compliance with international norms for discharges from shipsPresentableImproving capacity for crop planningPresentableImproving business informationPresentableImproving agricultural productivityPresentableFostering economic cooperation among developing countriesPresentableFacilitating transfer of environmentally sound technologiesPresentableExpanding trading opportunities for developing countriesPresentableEstablishing procedures for legal redress for environmental harmPresentableEnhancing vocational training capacityPresentableEnhancing favourable trading environmentPresentableEnhancing environmental awarenessPresentableEncouraging scientists to remain in their own countriesPresentableEmploying the disabledPresentableEmbracing utopianismPresentableDeveloping transport infrastructuresPresentableDeveloping sustainable policy for public procurementPresentableDeveloping health systemsPresentableDeveloping early warning disaster systemsPresentableDeveloping appropriate educational policiesPresentableCreating geographic information systemsPresentableConserving energy in the householdPresentableConserving energyPresentableConducting agricultural researchPresentableCollecting data on waterPresentableCaring for children's healthPresentableAssuring family health carePresentableAssisting those in povertyPresentableAssessing environmental impactsPresentableApplying science sustainablyPresentableAdvancing contraceptive technologyPresentableUsing wind powerYet to rateUsing information technologyYet to rateUsing dominationYet to rateUpgradingYet to rateUpdatingYet to rateTraining public service officialsYet to rateTraining practical skillsYet to rateTraining for jobsYet to rateTown planningYet to rateSystematizing socializationYet to rateSustaining design capabilitiesYet to rateSupporting social technologyYet to rateSupplying market informationYet to rateStrengthening water management agenciesYet to rateStrengthening technical cooperationYet to rateStrengthening research capacities for waste managementYet to rateStrengthening regulation of marine pollutionYet to rateStrengthening national economiesYet to rateStrengthening capacityYet to rateStrengthening aesthetic educationYet to rateStimulating exploitation of natural resourcesYet to rateStandardizing hospital careYet to rateSpreading riskYet to rateSentencing offendersYet to rateRevitalizing existing community buildingsYet to rateRevitalizing community structuresYet to rateResearching gas industryYet to rateReinventing elder's rolesYet to rateReforming zoosYet to rateReducing underemploymentYet to rateReducing temporal illiteracyYet to rateImproving media literacyYet to rateReducing limitation of communication by illiteracyYet to rateReducing illiteracy among indigenous peoplesYet to rateReducing geographical illiteracyYet to rateReducing cultural illiteracyYet to rateRecycling paperYet to rateRaising standardsYet to rateRaising qualityYet to rateRaising living standardsYet to ratePurifyingYet to rateProviding sufficient savings structuresYet to rateProviding sufficient manpower planningYet to rateProviding sufficient job satisfactionYet to rateProviding sufficient integrityYet to rateProviding social security servicesYet to rateProviding religionYet to rateProviding recreational facilitiesYet to rateProviding private-sector support for local communityYet to rateProviding pest controlYet to rateProviding maintenanceYet to rateProviding legal counsel for political dissidentsYet to rateProviding integrated pollution controlYet to rateProviding heroic imagesYet to rateProviding full banking servicesYet to rateProviding for impoverished disabled personsYet to rateProviding economic incentivesYet to rateProviding decent living conditionsYet to rateProviding criminal law enforcementYet to rateProviding consumer servicesYet to rateProviding community securityYet to rateProviding communication servicesYet to rateProviding broadened cultural awarenessYet to rateProviding basic needsYet to rateProviding adequate electrical supplyYet to rateProtecting consumersYet to ratePromoting values in educationYet to ratePromoting local environmental care programmesYet to ratePromoting goods exchangeYet to ratePromoting excellenceYet to ratePromoting aquacultureYet to ratePreventing crimeYet to ratePreaching religionYet to ratePlanning residential transport systemsYet to ratePlanning citiesYet to rateOrganizing community spaceYet to rateMonitoring restrictive business practicesYet to rateMonitoring industriesYet to rateModifying climateYet to rateMinimizing soil erosionYet to rateManaging wild renewable resources through local communitiesYet to rateManaging crisesYet to rateMaking country road improvementsYet to rateMaintaining use of elements of productionYet to rateMaintaining roadsYet to rateMaintaining public safetyYet to rateLeading without authorityYet to rateIntensifying existing resource useYet to rateIntegrating international policyYet to rateIntegrating human personalityYet to rateIncreasing water storage capacityYet to rateIncreasing taxesYet to rateIncreasing productivity of material resourcesYet to rateIncreasing international assessment of chemical risksYet to rateIncreasing global fundsYet to rateIncreasing farm mechanizationYet to rateIncreasing effectivenessYet to rateIncreasing basic staple foodsYet to rateIncreasing accountability of public servicesYet to rateImproving youth rolesYet to rateImproving worldwide communicationYet to rateImproving workmanshipYet to rateImproving working environmentYet to rateImproving worker cooperation with multinational enterprisesYet to rateImproving work experienceYet to rateImproving women's knowledge of family planning sourcesYet to rateImproving women's enrolment, employment and facilities at educational institutionsYet to rateImproving window industryYet to rateImproving welfare stateYet to rateImproving weightlifting techniquesYet to rateImproving weed controlYet to rateImproving water system infrastructureYet to rateImproving water pollution control capacities in large citiesYet to rateImproving water deliveryYet to rateImproving watchdog agenciesYet to rateImproving waste monitoring technologyYet to rateImproving vigilanceYet to rateImproving use of visual imagery for societal learningYet to rateImproving use of languageYet to rateImproving use of human resourcesYet to rateImproving usability of technical productsYet to rateImproving urban political machineryYet to rateImproving urban institutional arrangements and cooperationYet to rateImproving urban data systemsYet to rateImproving unsanitary conditionsYet to rateImproving understanding of decision-makers on biological principlesYet to rateImproving training programmes to help graduates get jobsYet to rateImproving training of judgesYet to rateImproving traffic rightsYet to rateImproving traffic educationYet to rateImproving trading opportunitiesYet to rateImproving tradeYet to rateImproving townsYet to rateImproving tourism infrastructureYet to rateImproving time-keepingYet to rateImproving ties with other countriesYet to rateImproving ties among observatoriesYet to rateImproving third world communicationYet to rateImproving therapeutic assistanceYet to rateImproving terms of trade, aid and lending for developing countriesYet to rateImproving tenant landlord relationsYet to rateImproving telephone systemYet to rateImproving telecommunications infrastructureYet to rateImproving technology managementYet to rateImproving technology assessment networkYet to rateImproving technological adaptationYet to rateImproving teacher/student ratioYet to rateImproving systems of international tradeYet to rateImproving systematic property upkeepYet to rateImproving system of political checks and balancesYet to rateImproving suburbiaYet to rateImproving study methodsYet to rateImproving structuresYet to rateImproving strength of initiativeYet to rateImproving strength of dollarYet to rateImproving storage facilitiesYet to rateImproving statistical methodsYet to rateImproving statistical data on nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateImproving statistical dataYet to rateImproving standard of economic managementYet to rateImproving spending patternYet to rateImproving special trainingYet to rateImproving sophistication in warfare and intelligenceYet to rateImproving solution-oriented images of the global economic situationYet to rateImproving soil managementYet to rateImproving socio-cultural factors which support population policiesYet to rateImproving socio-cultural environmentYet to rateImproving social planning for human settlementsYet to rateImproving social doctrineYet to rateImproving social circumstances of motherhoodYet to rateImproving social adequacy of menYet to rateImproving situation of youthYet to rateImproving shelterYet to rateImproving shapeYet to rateImproving sexual adequacyYet to rateImproving sewage treatment technologyYet to rateImproving sense of timeYet to rateImproving sense of personal identityYet to rateImproving security systemYet to rateImproving scientific reasoningYet to rateImproving scientific basis for decision-makingYet to rateImproving savingsYet to rateImproving satisfaction from sexual intercourseYet to rateImproving safetyYet to rateImproving safeguards against cyber crimeYet to rateImproving rural welfareYet to rateImproving rural financial networksYet to rateImproving role models for creativityYet to rateImproving road safetyYet to rateImproving riot controlYet to rateImproving rightsYet to rateImproving rice cultivation practicesYet to rateImproving results of formal schoolingYet to rateImproving research managementYet to rateImproving reliability of family clinicsYet to rateImproving reliabilityYet to rateImproving regional potentialsYet to rateImproving rail transport facilitiesYet to rateImproving race relationsYet to rateImproving quality of teacher trainingYet to rateImproving quality of aidYet to rateImproving punishment of international criminals in their own countriesYet to rateImproving public utilities in urban areasYet to rateImproving public sector working conditionsYet to rateImproving public educationYet to rateImproving public disclosureYet to rateImproving protection and preservation of cultural propertyYet to rateImproving project programmesYet to rateImproving project planningYet to rateImproving programmesYet to rateImproving productivityYet to rateImproving production capacityYet to rateImproving private propertiesYet to rateImproving prison conditionsYet to rateImproving preparedness capacity to aid displaced peoplesYet to rateImproving power of intergovernmental organizationsYet to rateImproving postal servicesYet to rateImproving postal relationsYet to rateImproving postal managementYet to rateImproving possibility imagesYet to rateImproving popularity of government leadersYet to rateImproving pollution control for offshore platformsYet to rateImproving political structureYet to rateImproving political partiesYet to rateImproving political doctrineYet to rateImproving political dialogue and reviewYet to rateImproving physical staminaYet to rateImproving personal relations between world leadersYet to rateImproving personal popularityYet to rateImproving performance qualityYet to rateImproving peace research supportYet to rateImproving particular agency relationsYet to rateImproving parent company guaranteesYet to rateImproving organizational mechanismsYet to rateImproving natural resourcesYet to rateImproving natural resource useYet to rateImproving natural environmentYet to rateImproving national staff for assessing desertificationYet to rateImproving national proceduresYet to rateImproving national inter-agency coordination on monitoring forest resourcesYet to rateImproving national governanceYet to rateImproving national creditworthinessYet to rateImproving national capacity to implement land conservationYet to rateImproving national capacities to develop and manage environmentally sound technologiesYet to rateImproving national capabilities for monitoring wastesYet to rateImproving morale of police forceYet to rateImproving mobilization of resourcesYet to rateImproving mixed-use urban redevelopmentYet to rateImproving minority self-imageYet to rateImproving military effectivenessYet to rateImproving military capabilityYet to rateImproving methodsYet to rateImproving methodology for integrated environmental auditsYet to rateImproving methodologiesYet to rateImproving mental hygieneYet to rateImproving mental healthYet to rateImproving medical scienceYet to rateImproving medical facilitiesYet to rateImproving media image of developing countriesYet to rateImproving mechanisms for the creation of liquid reservesYet to rateImproving mechanisms for balance of payments adjustmentYet to rateImproving means for community initiativeYet to rateImproving materials longevityYet to rateImproving materialsYet to rateImproving marriagesYet to rateImproving managerial efficiencyYet to rateImproving managerial competenceYet to rateImproving management toolsYet to rateImproving management techniquesYet to rateImproving management systems for highland valleysYet to rateImproving management skills of senior government officialsYet to rateImproving management skillsYet to rateImproving management of rural water supplyYet to rateImproving management of government financesYet to rateImproving management of expatriatesYet to rateImproving management informationYet to rateImproving long-term scientific assessment of the environmentYet to rateImproving long-term environmental policies, technology and risk assessmentYet to rateImproving logistics efficiencyYet to rateImproving local training possibilityYet to rateImproving local cattle stockYet to rateImproving local administrationYet to rateImproving lobbyingYet to rateImproving living environmentYet to rateImproving livestock productionYet to rateImproving lightingYet to rateImproving life saving methodsYet to rateImproving life saving devicesYet to rateImproving library servicesYet to rateImproving libertyYet to rateImproving level of national investmentYet to rateImproving legal systemsYet to rateImproving legal servicesYet to rateImproving legal rights of natural objectsYet to rateImproving leadershipYet to rateImproving lawsYet to rateImproving lateral communicationYet to rateImproving land use practices to prevent land degradation and erosionYet to rateImproving landYet to rateImproving labour productivityYet to rateImproving labour forceYet to rateImproving labour conditionsYet to rateImproving laboratory diagnostic techniquesYet to rateImproving job securityYet to rateImproving irrigation products and practicesYet to rateImproving investment performanceYet to rateImproving intra-family communicationYet to rateImproving international researchYet to rateImproving international relationsYet to rateImproving international protection of industrial propertyYet to rateImproving international monetary systemYet to rateImproving international legal procedureYet to rateImproving international environment for developmentYet to rateImproving international crisis managementYet to rateImproving international cooperation on environmental infrastructureYet to rateImproving international cooperation in reducing terrorismYet to rateImproving intergovernmental decision-making processYet to rateImproving interest in farm workYet to rateImproving inter-island information exchangesYet to rateImproving intelligenceYet to rateImproving integration of ideology into societyYet to rateImproving institutions for conservation of plant genetic resourcesYet to rateImproving institutional memoryYet to rateImproving institutional mechanisms for cost-effective debt negotiationYet to rateImproving institutional capacity for effective monitoring of complianceYet to rateImproving institutional capabilities for chemicals managementYet to rateImproving information systems for safety controlYet to rateImproving information servicesYet to rateImproving information on funding needsYet to rateImproving information on drugsYet to rateImproving information for decision making on the environmentYet to rateImproving information concerning transnational banksYet to rateImproving informationYet to rateImproving image of marriage partnershipYet to rateImproving ideological frameworksYet to rateImproving human moraleYet to rateImproving human healthYet to rateImproving human environmentYet to rateImproving housing and penning of domestic animalsYet to rateImproving housingYet to rateImproving highwayYet to rateImproving heating of buildingsYet to rateImproving health standardsYet to rateImproving health services following warYet to rateImproving health controlYet to rateImproving health conditions in slumsYet to rateImproving health careYet to rateImproving health and safetyYet to rateImproving healthYet to rateImproving hazardous waste institutionsYet to rateImproving habitsYet to rateImproving grass-roots initiativeYet to rateImproving grammatical integrityYet to rateImproving governmental decision-making machineryYet to rateImproving government supervision of contractsYet to rateImproving government publicationsYet to rateImproving government control of militaryYet to rateImproving global transfer of fundsYet to rateImproving global communicationsYet to rateImproving germplasmYet to rateImproving general practitioners workYet to rateImproving funding of international organizations and programmesYet to rateImproving fresh waterYet to rateImproving forest managementYet to rateImproving forest information systemsYet to rateImproving foot travel networkYet to rateImproving food serviceYet to rateImproving food production systemsYet to rateImproving financing by local governmentYet to rateImproving financial reporting in the public sectorYet to rateImproving family planningYet to rateImproving family living standardYet to rateImproving facilities for workers' representativesYet to rateImproving facilities for international organization actionYet to rateImproving facilities for international nongovernmental organization actionYet to rateImproving facilities for collecting hydrological dataYet to rateImproving existing marketingYet to rateImproving exchange of information, skills, and technologiesYet to rateImproving evidence to convict known offendersYet to rateImproving equipmentYet to rateImproving environmental standardsYet to rateImproving environmental health monitoringYet to rateImproving environmental conditionsYet to rateImproving enterprise performanceYet to rateImproving employment of rural womenYet to rateImproving employment for vulnerable groupsYet to rateImproving electrical energyYet to rateImproving educative experiencesYet to rateImproving educational information servicesYet to rateImproving educational facilitiesYet to rateImproving education on land managementYet to rateImproving educationYet to rateImproving economic priority systemYet to rateImproving economic policy-makingYet to rateImproving economic performance of debtor countriesYet to rateImproving economic market intelligenceYet to rateImproving economic doctrineYet to rateImproving earnings of workersYet to rateImproving drought relief measuresYet to rateImproving drought control through appropriate technologyYet to rateImproving donor performanceYet to rateImproving domestic sanitary conditionsYet to rateImproving domestic marketYet to rateImproving domestic dwelling conditionsYet to rateImproving documentation processYet to rateImproving doctrineYet to rateImproving distribution of incomeYet to rateImproving disaster rescue and reliefYet to rateImproving disaster prevention and mitigationYet to rateImproving digestionYet to rateImproving diagnosis of resource management issuesYet to rateImproving development networksYet to rateImproving development modelYet to rateImproving development assistanceYet to rateImproving dental servicesYet to rateImproving democratic proceduresYet to rateImproving demand for primary commoditiesYet to rateImproving delivery of public awareness programmes in United Nations systemYet to rateImproving defenceYet to rateImproving decisional opportunitiesYet to rateImproving debt managementYet to rateImproving data needed for integrated environmental accountingYet to rateImproving data collection on conservation of marine living resourcesYet to rateImproving dataYet to rateImproving current mariculture harvestYet to rateImproving culturesYet to rateImproving cultural transferability of booksYet to rateImproving cultivation techniquesYet to rateImproving cultivated land systemsYet to rateImproving criminal justice systemYet to rateImproving creditworthiness of developing countriesYet to rateImproving coordination of international agencies on water managementYet to rateImproving coordination among anti-desertification agenciesYet to rateImproving coordinationYet to rateImproving cooperation on Agenda 21 follow-up among UN and financial organizations at global, regional and levelsYet to rateImproving cooperation between regional and global organizationsYet to rateImproving cooperation among the scientific community, government and public on the environmentYet to rateImproving control over government administrative processYet to rateImproving control of zoonosesYet to rateImproving control of mergersYet to rateImproving consumer safetyYet to rateImproving construction technologyYet to rateImproving constitutionsYet to rateImproving conditions of immigrant labourersYet to rateImproving conditionsYet to rateImproving condition of rural populationYet to rateImproving condition of buildingsYet to rateImproving competitiveness to support sustainable developmentYet to rateImproving community-based rehabilitation facilitiesYet to rateImproving community service performanceYet to rateImproving community self imageYet to rateImproving community policingYet to rateImproving communicationsYet to rateImproving communication between decision-makers and grassrootsYet to rateImproving committee system of decision makingYet to rateImproving commercial truckingYet to rateImproving commercial fish pondsYet to rateImproving code enforcementYet to rateImproving choice for votersYet to rateImproving children's care facilitiesYet to rateImproving children's ability to separate fantasy from realityYet to rateImproving career structures in water resources managementYet to rateImproving car ferry docksYet to rateImproving capacity of developing countries to organizeYet to rateImproving capacity for national developmentYet to rateImproving capabilityYet to rateImproving busy thoroughfare pavementsYet to rateImproving businessYet to rateImproving biomass technologiesYet to rateImproving basic foreign tradeYet to rateImproving basic environment patternsYet to rateImproving basic education for the poorYet to rateImproving basic crop careYet to rateImproving basic cattle stockYet to rateImproving bankingYet to rateImproving availability of informationYet to rateImproving assistanceYet to rateImproving arrangement of housing with respect to common landYet to rateImproving architecture and designYet to rateImproving animal welfareYet to rateImproving animal productionYet to rateImproving animal husbandryYet to rateImproving animal feed productsYet to rateImproving allocation of resourcesYet to rateImproving airline industryYet to rateImproving air transport serviceYet to rateImproving agricultural capitalYet to rateImproving advantages of home-working employeesYet to rateImproving administration systemsYet to rateImproving administration of aidYet to rateImproving administrationYet to rateImproving adequate building conditionsYet to rateImproving adequacyYet to rateImproving accessible services routeYet to rateImproving access to technologyYet to rateImproving access to informationYet to rateImproving access to export financeYet to rateImproving access to development capitalYet to rateImproving accessYet to rateImproving ability to writeYet to rateImproving ability to respond to minority concernsYet to rateImproving ability to resolve problems realisticallyYet to rateImproving ability to identify potential water supply sourcesYet to rateImproving ability to compromiseYet to rateImproving ability to bear witnessYet to rateImproving ability of professionals to report on institutional mismanagementYet to rateImproving abilityYet to rateIdentifying highly able studentsYet to rateHarmonizing standardsYet to rateHarmonizing rules of originYet to rateFostering regional international integrationYet to rateFostering intelligence for humanityYet to rateForecasting weatherYet to rateFacilitating transfer of privately-owned environmentally sound technologyYet to rateFacilitating goods transport systemYet to rateExpanding programmes on marine environmental qualityYet to rateExhibiting varied community skillsYet to rateEstablishing skills exchangesYet to rateEstablishing regional financial clearing systemsYet to rateEstablishing international legal orderYet to rateEnsuring land users implement improved land use measuresYet to rateEnsuring decent living standardsYet to rateEnsuring civil defenceYet to rateEnhancing security during social strifeYet to rateEnhancing political integrationYet to rateEnhancing personal appearanceYet to rateEnhancing local product valueYet to rateEnhancing decision-making proceduresYet to rateEnhancing creative community participationYet to rateEnhancing community-tourist relationsYet to rateEnhancing basic physical designYet to rateEncouraging rational water useYet to rateElaborating national employment policiesYet to rateDisseminating land use informationYet to rateDisseminating favourable public imageYet to rateDisciplining children's conductYet to rateDeveloping tourismYet to rateDeveloping societyYet to rateDeveloping small-scale fisheriesYet to rateDeveloping provision of household servicesYet to rateDeveloping pipe systemsYet to rateDeveloping new social innovationsYet to rateDeveloping new skillsYet to rateDeveloping new recycling technologiesYet to rateDeveloping medical educationYet to rateDeveloping management educationYet to rateDeveloping local health plansYet to rateDeveloping high quality servicesYet to rateDeveloping equipped hotel facilitiesYet to rateDeveloping education materialsYet to rateDeveloping critical judgementYet to rateDeveloping architectural artYet to rateDeveloping agricultural resourcesYet to rateDegrading the environmentYet to rateDegrading landscapesYet to rateCultivating landYet to rateCreating international organizationsYet to rateCreating constituency suffrageYet to rateCoordinating mapping servicesYet to rateControlling weapons of mass destructionYet to rateControlling animal diseasesYet to rateConserving waterYet to rateCommunicating with employeesYet to rateCommunicating data on decision-makingYet to rateCollecting environmental data automaticallyYet to rateCaring for the blindYet to rateBuilding self esteemYet to rateBroadcasting in the public interestYet to rateAssisting tax administratorsYet to rateAssessing biotechnologies for improving yields for aquatic speciesYet to rateAltering landscapeYet to rateAdvancing computer simulationYet to rateAdvancingYet to rateAcknowledging failureYet to rateRelatedStrengtheningYet to rate ReferenceLehrer, R N: The Management of Improvement: concepts organization, strategySDGMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(A) Abstract fundamental strategiesSubjectDevelopment ยป ReformContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateJan 29, 2025