human value


Other Names:
Related Problems:
Nutritional deficiencies
Unbalanced growth
Imbalance of power
Sectoral imbalances
Environmental stress of natural systems
Unbalanced food usage
Imbalance of payments
Unbalanced social life
Soil infertility
Fiscal and trade imbalances
Regional imbalance of power
Imbalance in strategic arms
Imbalanced research activity
Regional maldistribution of industry
Imbalance in world food economy
Imbalance in the human sex ratio
Unbalanced industrial distribution
Outmoded education system
Faltering structural adjustment in the world economy
Imbalanced distribution of knowledge
Burdensome cost of religious ceremonies
Spatial imbalance of human settlements
Imbalance of conventional armed forces
Uneven economic recovery
Imbalance in city sizes within a country
Ignored social needs of developing countries
Imbalance in international trade patterns
International imbalance in shipping fleets
Unequal global distribution of economic growth
Unbalanced urban population density gradients
International imbalance in the quality of life
Unfair social representation in military forces
Unequal global distribution of basic skills
Regional disparities
Imbalance in distribution of political awareness
Inadequate working conditions
Imbalance between urbanization and industrialization
Imbalance in economic relationships among countries
Negative ecological impact of overpopulation
International economic injustice
Vulnerability of land-locked countries
Government budget deficits
Media globalitis
Structural imbalances among and within the three largest market economies
Imbalances in the distribution of the costs and benefits of economic integration
Government non-payment of agreed financial contributions to international organizations
Global warming
Imbalance in trade of cultural products between countries
Imbalances in population growth
Disruption of internal balance of the human body
Deliberate unbalancing of sex ratio of births
Unbalanced family diets
Human deficiency diseases
Imbalance between capital and technical assistance
Deteriorating balance between financial assistance and structural adjustment
Lack of relationship between education and available jobs
Chemical imbalances in the brain
Rural-urban income differential
Vestibular disorders
Imbalances in the dry bulk shipping industry
Imbalance in professional wage scales
Imbalance between agricultural exports and imports
Imbalance in variation of shipbuiliding
Imbalance in distribution of industrial processes
Amino-acid imbalances
Trace element imbalance in the human body
Unbalanced application of communications technology
Adverse effect of transnational corporations on balance of payments
Imbalance between growth of labour force and urban population
Creative accounting
Inadequate mechanism for balance of payments adjustment
Imbalance in shipbuilding industry distribution
Imbalance in personal development
Compiling energy statistics
Using materials balance accounting
Changing gender roles
Identifying sustainable consumption patterns
Maintaining balance of nature
Maintaining balance of nature
Balancing distribution of skills between private and public sector
Balancing the land bio-dynamically
Reducing economic imbalances among industrial countries
Promoting good practice in health, environment and safety management
Balancing private and public sector roles
Ensuring compatibility between multilateral environmental agreements and World Trade Organization rules
Growing balanced diet
Ensuring equitable access to international environmental funds
Balancing power
Balancing student daily diets
Determining indigenous food balance
Encouraging balanced meal planning
Balancing local nutrition intakes
Supplying basic nutritional needs
Balancing external trade
Maintaining balance
Balancing depletion and replacement rates of natural resources
Maintaining balance of labour forces
Revealing imbalances in priorities for resource consumption
Demanding political balance
Maintaining social balance
Honouring power balance
Supporting inclusive equilibriums
Balancing social processes
Balancing family socio-dynamics
Initiating balanced expectations
Initiating balanced expectations
Making equitable agreements
Balancing sexual desire between partners
Reframing negative responses
Fertilizing soils
Coordinating macroeconomic policies of governments
Evening out economic recovery
Providing social mix in military forces
Balancing interpretations of multilateral principles
Balancing payments
Balancing national budget
Balancing national budget
Using imbalance of power
Using imbalance of payments
Studying occupational diseases
Negotiating conflicting claims concerning off-shore territorial waters
Balancing growth
Unbalancing growth
Balancing sectors
Balancing food usage
Balancing social life
Unbalancing social life
Unbalancing development
Balancing development
Balancing strategic arms
Unbalancing strategic arms
Balancing research activity
Unbalancing research activity
Unbalancing regional industrial activity
Balancing regional industrial activity
Balancing world food economy
Balancing world food economy
Balancing human sex ratio
Unbalancing human sex ratio
Balancing educational curricula
Unbalancing educational curricula
Unbalancing economies
Balancing economies
Balancing distribution of knowledge
Unbalancing distribution of knowledge
Balancing celebrational expenditures
Distributing human settlements
Balancing conventional armed forces
Balancing conventional armed forces
Balancing city sizes within a country
Unbalancing city sizes within a country
Balancing economic and social planning
Unbalancing economic and social planning
Unbalancing international trade patterns
Balancing international shipping fleets
Unbalancing international shipping fleets
Balancing international economic activity
Balancing urban population density gradients
Balancing urban population density gradients
Balancing urban population density gradients
Balancing international distribution of skills
Unbalancing international distribution of skills
Unbalancing regional development within countries
Balancing regional development within countries
Balancing political awareness
Unbalancing political awareness
Balancing international quality of working life
Balancing international quality of working life
Balancing urbanization and industrialization
Unbalancing economic relationships among countries
Balancing economies between industrialized and developing countries
Unbalancing economies between industrialized and developing countries
Unbalancing economies between industrialized and developing countries
Unbalancing economies between industrialized and developing countries
Unbalancing government revenue and expenditure
Balancing international and domestic coverage in the news
Unbalancing international and domestic affair coverage in the news
Balancing distribution of the costs and benefits of economic integration
Balancing disbursements of multilateral agencies and official contributions
Improving system of political checks and balances
Improving mechanisms for balance of payments adjustment
Balancing understanding
Balancing supply
Balancing student exchange
Balancing student exchange
Helping correct imbalances
Type Classification:
D: Destructive values