
Imbalance in strategic arms

Other Names:
Unequal strategic arms capability
International strategic instability
Missile gap

In the military confrontation between superpowers, due to the ease with which information on the military capability of one power may be misrepresented by the other in an effort to obtain resources to develop its own capability. Any evidence of inequality of capability becomes a threat to international peace and security and may gravely disturb the balance of power.


The INF treaty bans intermediate-range missiles from the countries of NATO and the former Warsaw Pact, while the rest of the world can still deploy them. The most ambitious notion is a worldwide Missile Non-Proliferation Treaty. It is clearly anomalous that nuclear, chemical and biological weapons - which is to say, the most feared missile warheads - are all controlled by international treaties, whereas the likeliest delivery means, the missiles themselves, are not. The problem with all these schemes is that none appears to be negotiable.

Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
Problem Type:
D: Detailed problems
Date of last update
06.01.2021 – 20:34 CET