ThreatThreatsThreatenedThreateningBroaderSafety-DangerPresentableMotivation-DissuasionPresentableModesty-VanityPresentableLeniency-CompulsionPresentableCourage-FearPresentableApproval-DisapprovalPresentableProblemThreatened tropical humid forest biomeExcellentThreatened taiga forest habitatsExcellentThreatened species of songbirdExcellentThreatened species of PhocidaeExcellentThreatened sand dune habitatsExcellentThreatened peatland habitatsExcellentThreatened mangrove wetland habitatsExcellentThreatened dwarf-shrubland habitatsExcellentThreatened coral reef ecosystemsExcellentVulnerability of marriage as an institutionPresentableVulnerability of human intellectPresentableVulnerability of children during armed conflictPresentableViolence as a resourcePresentableViolation of immunities of international civil servantsPresentableUnderprivileged ideological minoritiesPresentableTrade in animal products of endangered speciesPresentableThreats to public servantsPresentableThreatened xeromorphic shrubland habitatsPresentableThreatened xeromorphic dwarf-shrubland habitatsPresentableThreatened woodland habitatsPresentableThreatened wetland habitatsPresentableThreatened warm temperate rain forest habitatsPresentableThreatened urban treesPresentableThreatened tropical moist forest habitatsPresentableThreatened tropical grassland habitatsPresentableThreatened tropical dry forest habitatsPresentableThreatened treesPresentableThreatened temperate grassland habitatsPresentableThreatened swampland habitatsPresentableThreatened subpolar tundra habitatsPresentableThreatened submerged aquatic bed habitatsPresentableThreatened species of UrsidaePresentableThreatened species of ProtozoaPresentableThreatened species of ProcyonidaePresentableThreatened species of PhyseteridaePresentableThreatened species of OdobenidaePresentableThreatened species of MycophycophytaPresentableThreatened species of MustelidaePresentableThreatened species of MolluscaPresentableThreatened species of medicinal plantsPresentableThreatened species of marine mammalsPresentableThreatened species of Lynx pardinusPresentableThreatened species of llamasPresentableThreatened species of living organismsPresentableThreatened species of InsectivoraPresentableThreatened species of InsectaPresentableThreatened species of HyaenidaePresentableThreatened species of HolothuroideaPresentableThreatened species of HemichordataPresentableThreatened species of GastropodaPresentableThreatened species of FelidaePresentableThreatened species of crustaceansPresentableThreatened species of ChiropteraPresentableThreatened species of CetaceaPresentableThreatened species of CarnivoraPresentableThreatened species of Canis lupusPresentableThreatened species of AschelminthesPresentableThreatened species of ArthropodsPresentableThreatened species of AnimaliaPresentableThreatened shrubland habitatsPresentableThreatened sectsPresentableThreatened seasonal inland saline lake habitatsPresentableThreatened salt marsh habitatsPresentableThreatened reservoir habitatsPresentableThreatened rangeland habitatsPresentableThreatened rainforest habitatsPresentableThreatened polar desert habitatsPresentableThreatened permanent freshwater lake habitatsPresentableThreatened permanent brackish lake habitatsPresentableThreatened palustrine wetland habitatsPresentableThreatened natural habitatsPresentableThreatened monuments and historic sitesPresentableThreatened migratory bird speciesPresentableThreatened marine or estuarine habitats with rooted vascular bedsPresentableThreatened marine coastal habitatsPresentableThreatened littoral habitats of freshwater lakesPresentableThreatened limentic habitats of lakes and reservoirsPresentableThreatened lake habitatsPresentableThreatened island habitatsPresentableThreatened habitats of wastewater treatment areasPresentableThreatened habitats of indigenous peoplesPresentableThreatened habitats of bare sandPresentableThreatened glacial habitatsPresentableThreatened freshwater habitatsPresentableThreatened family farmsPresentableThreatened estuarine habitatsPresentableThreatened ecosystems of Mediterranean sclerophyll woodlandPresentableThreatened desert habitatsPresentableThreatened cool temperate wet forest habitatsPresentableThreatened coastal aquatic habitats with algal bedsPresentableThreatened broad-leaved deciduous woodland habitatsPresentableThreatened boreal habitatsPresentableThreatened aquatic habitatsPresentableThreatened animal and plant life due to radioactive contaminationPresentableThreatened and vulnerable minoritiesPresentableThreatened alpine habitatsPresentableThreatened alluvial forests habitatsPresentableThreat of birds to aircraft safetyPresentableSuppression of information concerning environmental safetyPresentableRetirement as a threat to psychological well-beingPresentableProduct extortionPresentableMilitary insecurity and vulnerabilityPresentableIntimidation in educational institutionsPresentableIntimidationPresentableInternational insecurityPresentableHate mailPresentableGlobal crisisPresentableFear of retaliation by authoritiesPresentableEnvironmental insecurityPresentableEndangered public reservesPresentableDrug-related threats to national integrityPresentableDisruption of arid zone ecosystemsPresentableDeath threats to abortion clinicsPresentableDeath threatsPresentableChildren of drug addictsPresentableArsonPresentableVulnerability of holy places during conflictYet to rateUnreported harassmentYet to rateThreatened wildlife habitats in orchards and plantationsYet to rateThreatened wildlife habitats in croplandsYet to rateThreatened waterfall habitatsYet to rateThreatened vegetated streambed habitatsYet to rateThreatened tropical extreme desert habitatsYet to rateThreatened tropical dense sward grassland habitatsYet to rateThreatened tree-dominated savanna habitatsYet to rateThreatened tidal freshwater swamp forest habitatsYet to rateThreatened tall grassland habitatsYet to rateThreatened tall dense grass steppe habitatsYet to rateThreatened subtidal algal bed habitatsYet to rateThreatened submerged sea cliff habitatsYet to rateThreatened stony desert habitatsYet to rateThreatened species of Zosterops tephropleurusYet to rateThreatened species of ZalophusYet to rateThreatened species of VombatidaeYet to rateThreatened species of ViverridaeYet to rateThreatened species of Ursus arctos nelsoniYet to rateThreatened species of UrsusYet to rateThreatened species of Tursiops truncatusYet to rateThreatened species of Trichechus manatus latirostrisYet to rateThreatened species of Tremarctos ornatusYet to rateThreatened species of ThryonomyidaeYet to rateThreatened species of TenrecidaeYet to rateThreatened species of TarsiidaeYet to rateThreatened species of TapiridaeYet to rateThreatened species of TanygnathusYet to rateThreatened species of SciuridaeYet to rateThreatened species of SalmonidaeYet to rateThreatened species of PteropodidaeYet to rateThreatened species of PsephotusYet to rateThreatened species of populous EnphraticaYet to rateThreatened species of PolytelisYet to rateThreatened species of PlatanistidaeYet to rateThreatened species of PhyllostomidaeYet to rateThreatened species of Phoxinellus handlirschiYet to rateThreatened species of PhascolarctidaeYet to rateThreatened species of PhalangeridaeYet to rateThreatened species of PetauridaeYet to rateThreatened species of PeramelidaeYet to rateThreatened species of PedetidaeYet to rateThreatened species of Panthera tigrisYet to rateThreatened species of Panthera pardus saxicolorYet to rateThreatened species of Panthera pardusYet to rateThreatened species of PantheraYet to rateThreatened species of PanYet to rateThreatened species of OchotonidaeYet to rateThreatened species of NycteridaeYet to rateThreatened species of NotoryctidaeYet to rateThreatened species of NeophemaYet to rateThreatened species of MyocastoridaeYet to rateThreatened species of MycteriaYet to rateThreatened species of MusYet to rateThreatened species of MonotremataYet to rateThreatened species of MonachusYet to rateThreatened species of MolossidaeYet to rateThreatened species of MegadermatidaeYet to rateThreatened species of MarsupaliaYet to rateThreatened species of MacroscelididaeYet to rateThreatened species of MacropodidaeYet to rateThreatened species of Lutra felinaYet to rateThreatened species of LemuridaeYet to rateThreatened species of large urban treesYet to rateThreatened species of HylobatidaeYet to rateThreatened species of HippocampusYet to rateThreatened species of Gorilla gorilla gorillaYet to rateThreatened species of GorillaYet to rateThreatened species of FelisYet to rateThreatened species of Euastacus armatusYet to rateThreatened species of EschrichtiidaeYet to rateThreatened species of ErinaceidaeYet to rateThreatened species of ErethizontidaeYet to rateThreatened species of EmballonuridaeYet to rateThreatened species of ElephantidaeYet to rateThreatened species of ElasmidaeYet to rateThreatened species of EchimyidaeYet to rateThreatened species of DidelphidaeYet to rateThreatened species of Dicrostonyx exsulYet to rateThreatened species of Delphinapterus leucasYet to rateThreatened species of DaubentoniidaeYet to rateThreatened species of DasyuridaeYet to rateThreatened species of DasypodidaeYet to rateThreatened species of CynocephalidaeYet to rateThreatened species of CtenomyidaeYet to rateThreatened species of ChinchillidaeYet to rateThreatened species of CheloniidaeYet to rateThreatened species of Chelonia mydasYet to rateThreatened species of CercopithecidaeYet to rateThreatened species of CavidaeYet to rateThreatened species of CastoridaeYet to rateThreatened species of CallitrichidaeYet to rateThreatened species of Bison bisonYet to rateThreatened species of ArctocephalusYet to rateThreatened species of ArachnidsYet to rateThreatened species of AnomaluridaeYet to rateThreatened species of Acinonyx jubatusYet to rateThreatened species of AcinonyxYet to rateThreatened short grassland habitatsYet to rateThreatened semi-permanent deep marsh habitatsYet to rateThreatened semi-arid temperate scrub habitatsYet to rateThreatened seeded hayland habitatsYet to rateThreatened sedgeland habitatsYet to rateThreatened scrub-carr inland wetland habitatsYet to rateThreatened salt flats habitatsYet to rateThreatened raised salt marsh habitatsYet to rateThreatened permanent wet meadow habitatsYet to rateThreatened permanent river habitatsYet to rateThreatened perennial river habitats with unconsolidated shoreYet to rateThreatened perennial river habitats with unconsolidated bottomYet to rateThreatened perennial river habitats with rocky shoreYet to rateThreatened perennial river habitats with rock bottomYet to rateThreatened perennial river habitats with emergent wetlandYet to rateThreatened perennial river habitats with aquatic bedYet to rateThreatened perennial grassland habitatsYet to rateThreatened palustrine unconsolidated shore habitatsYet to rateThreatened palustrine unconsolidated bottom habitatsYet to rateThreatened palustrine rock bottom habitatsYet to rateThreatened palustrine aquatic bed habitatsYet to rateThreatened open taiga forest habitatsYet to rateThreatened occasionally inundated fresh meadow habitatsYet to rateThreatened northern and maritime taiga forest habitatsYet to rateThreatened nipa swamp habitatsYet to rateThreatened montane tropical forest habitatsYet to rateThreatened mesophytic grassland habitatsYet to rateThreatened medium grassland habitatsYet to rateThreatened marine benthic habitats with unconsolidated bottomYet to rateThreatened littoral emergent vegetation habitats of lakesYet to rateThreatened lacustrine unconsolidated shore habitatsYet to rateThreatened lacustrine unconsolidated bottom habitatsYet to rateThreatened lacustrine rocky shore habitatsYet to rateThreatened lacustrine rock bottom shoreline habitatsYet to rateThreatened lacustrine rock bottom habitatsYet to rateThreatened lacustrine aquatic bed shoreline habitatsYet to rateThreatened lacustrine aquatic bed habitatsYet to rateThreatened intertidal algal bed habitatYet to rateThreatened habitats on seeded grazing landsYet to rateThreatened habitats on natural grazing landsYet to rateThreatened habitats of tall, dense needle-leaf conifer forestsYet to rateThreatened habitats of shelterbeltsYet to rateThreatened habitats of permanent inland fresh meadowsYet to rateThreatened habitats of permanent fresh sedge habitatsYet to rateThreatened habitats of marine rocky bottomsYet to rateThreatened habitats of large riversYet to rateThreatened habitats in croplandsYet to rateThreatened gravel beach habitatYet to rateThreatened estuarine mollusc reef habitatsYet to rateThreatened estuarine intertidal vegetated bed habitatsYet to rateThreatened estuarine intertidal reef habitatYet to rateThreatened estuarine intertidal algal bed habitatsYet to rateThreatened dead forested wetlands habitatsYet to rateThreatened creek habitatsYet to rateThreatened cool temperate giant coniferous rainforest habitatsYet to rateThreatened coastal splash zone habitatYet to rateThreatened cliff habitatsYet to rateThreatened bush-dominated savanna habitatsYet to rateThreatened annual grassland habitatsYet to rateThreatened alpine and high polar tundra habitatsYet to rateThreatened alkaline bog habitatsYet to rateThreat to parliamentary immunityYet to rateThreat of warYet to rateOffensive microwave weaponsYet to rateFear of reprisalsYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia lewisiiYet to rateDisapprovalYet to rateDeliberate invention of new threatsYet to rateCrimes against lifeYet to rateStrategyStrengthening participation of women in sustainable development programmesPresentableImproving consultation mechanisms on disputes concerning sustainable developmentPresentableIdentifying areas where sustainability is threatened by demographic factorsPresentableUsing threats of protectionism to open marketsYet to rateUndertaking demographic case studies in threatened areasYet to rateThreatening workers' representativesYet to rateThreatening waterfowlYet to rateThreatening vulnerable minoritiesYet to rateThreatening vulnerable countriesYet to rateThreatening votersYet to rateThreatening survival of marriageYet to rateThreatening shrines and sanctuariesYet to rateThreatening retaliationYet to rateThreatening public servantsYet to rateThreatening public safetyYet to rateThreatening police reprisalsYet to rateThreatening official reprisalsYet to rateThreatening national securityYet to rateThreatening national integrityYet to rateThreatening military interventionYet to rateThreatening international peace and securityYet to rateThreatening independence of professionalsYet to rateThreatening ideological movements and minoritiesYet to rateThreatening global catastropheYet to rateThreatening extinctionYet to rateThreatening commercial reprisalsYet to rateThreatening citizenryYet to rateThreatening aircraft safetyYet to rateThreateningYet to rateStoring genes of threatened peoplesYet to rateSecedingYet to rateReporting threatsYet to rateRemoving parliamentary immunityYet to rateReducing threats to public servantsYet to rateReducing threats to independence of professionalsYet to rateReducing threats to ideological movementsYet to rateReducing threats to human securityYet to rateReducing threats against votersYet to rateReducing threat to the survival of marriageYet to rateReducing threat of warYet to rateReducing threat of retaliationYet to rateReducing threat of police reprisalsYet to rateReducing threat of official reprisalsYet to rateReducing threat of commercial reprisalsYet to rateReducing threat of birds to aircraft safetyYet to rateReducing physical threats against shrinesYet to rateReducing military threats to vulnerable countriesYet to rateReducing incidence of warYet to rateReducing incidence of threatYet to rateReducing incidence of death threatsYet to rateReducing environmental threats to national securityYet to rateReducing drug-related threats to national integrityYet to rateProtecting threatened sectsYet to rateProtecting threatened and vulnerable minoritiesYet to rateProtecting human intellect from environmental threatsYet to ratePoisoning food as sabotageYet to ratePersecuting religious sectsYet to rateOpposing external threatsYet to rateMonitoring water quality threatened by toxic materials storage sitesYet to rateMinimizing threatYet to rateMaking violent political threatsYet to rateMaking death threatsYet to rateInventing new threatsYet to rateIdentifying mountain areas threatened by pollutionYet to rateHarrassing the pressYet to rateEliminating threats to peaceYet to rateDisclosing threats to public safetyYet to rateDeterring through threat of public exposureYet to rateConserving endangered species of fishYet to rateConserving endangered equidsYet to rateClaiming intimidationYet to rateAvoiding global catastropheYet to rateAssisting developing countries to prevent threats to the marine environmentYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems » VulnerabilityContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024