DiseaseDiseasesDiseasedBroaderKindness-UnkindnessPresentableHealth-DiseasePresentableGoodness-BadnessPresentableExpedience-InexpediencePresentableProblemWater-borne diseasesExcellentViral plant diseasesExcellentVinyl chloride exposureExcellentUnsustainable population levelsExcellentSystemic lupus erythematosusExcellentSyphilisExcellentSymptoms of plant diseaseExcellentSjogren's diseaseExcellentPrimary fungal diseasesExcellentPlant diseasesExcellentPests and diseases of grain sorghumExcellentMercury as a pollutantExcellentLyme diseaseExcellentJuvenile macular degenerationExcellentIntellectual disability in childrenExcellentIatrogenic diseaseExcellentHuman disease and disabilityExcellentHookwormExcellentFungal plant diseasesExcellentDiseases of the respiratory systemExcellentDiabetesExcellentCoronavirus diseaseExcellentCoronary heart diseaseExcellentConflicting models of healthExcellentChronic illnessExcellentChronic alcoholismExcellentBureaucracy as an organizational diseaseExcellentBrucellosis in animalsExcellentBreast cancerExcellentAngle-closure glaucomaExcellentAlzheimer dementiaExcellentWorms as vectors of animal diseasesPresentableWilt diseases of plantsPresentableWild birds as vectors of animal diseasesPresentableWild animals as carriers of animal diseasesPresentableWeather as a factor in animal diseasePresentableWater-borne animal diseasesPresentableVon Willebrand disorderPresentableVon Economo's diseasePresentableViral diseases in animalsPresentableViral diseasesPresentableVestibular disordersPresentableVertebrate reservoirs of diseasePresentableVector-borne diseasesPresentableUrolithiasisPresentableUndulant feverPresentableUnderreported diseasePresentableType A viral hepatitisPresentableTropical diseasesPresentableTrematode diseasesPresentableTravellers' enhanced risk of diseasePresentableTick-borne diseasesPresentableTeeth disordersPresentableTay-Sachs diseasePresentableSymptoms of genito-urinary system diseasesPresentableSuperficial fungal diseasePresentableStigmatized diseasesPresentableSpruePresentableSpread of animal diseases through factory farmingPresentableSpoilage of agricultural productsPresentableSpasticityPresentableSoil-transmitted diseasesPresentableSoil-borne diseases in animalsPresentableSnail vectors of animal diseasesPresentableSmut diseases of plantsPresentableSilicosisPresentableSickle cell diseasePresentableSexually transmitted diseasesPresentableSevere acute respiratory syndromePresentableScrub typhusPresentableRodent vectors of diseasePresentableRisks of immunizationPresentableRickettsiaePresentableRheumatic feverPresentableReemerging infectious diseasesPresentableRare medical disordersPresentableProstate diseasesPresentableProhibitive cost of animal disease controlPresentablePolycystic kidney diseasePresentablePolyarteritis nodosaPresentablePollution-induced fish diseasesPresentablePollution of water by infected faecesPresentablePlant disease vectorsPresentablePests and diseases of wheatPresentablePests and diseases of vinesPresentablePests and diseases of treesPresentablePests and diseases of teaPresentablePests and diseases of sugar-beetPresentablePests and diseases of sugar canePresentablePests and diseases of rubberPresentablePests and diseases of ricePresentablePests and diseases of potatoPresentablePests and diseases of palmsPresentablePests and diseases of olivesPresentablePests and diseases of oakPresentablePests and diseases of deciduous fruitPresentablePests and diseases of cottonPresentablePests and diseases of coffeePresentablePests and diseases of cocoaPresentablePests and diseases of citrus fruitPresentablePests and diseases of chestnutPresentablePeriodontal diseasesPresentablePathogenic organismsPresentableParkinson's diseasePresentableParasitic diseases in animalsPresentableParasites of the human bodyPresentableParacoccidioidomycosisPresentablePainful bladder diseasePresentablePaget's disease of bonePresentableOtitis mediaPresentableOsteogenesis imperfectaPresentableOsteoarthritisPresentableOnychomycosisPresentableOnchocerciasisPresentableOccupational diseases of the voicePresentableOccupational blood diseasesPresentableNutritional blindnessPresentableNorth American blastomycosisPresentableNon-surveillance of medical high risk personsPresentableNiemann-Pick diseasePresentableNeuromuscular diseasesPresentableNeurofibromatosisPresentableNematoid plant diseasesPresentableNemaline myopathyPresentableNairobi sheep diseasePresentableMyotonic dystrophyPresentableMyotonia congenitaPresentableMucopolysaccharide diseasesPresentableMotor neurone diseasesPresentableMosquitoes as vectors of diseasePresentableMitral valve diseasesPresentableMitochondrial diseasesPresentableMigrainePresentableMetabolic diseases of musclePresentableMénière's diseasePresentableMan-made diseasesPresentableMaize pests and diseasesPresentableMad squirrel diseasePresentableLuteal cystic ovary diseasePresentableLouse-borne diseasesPresentableLiver diseasesPresentableListeriosisPresentableLifestyle diseasePresentableLeptospirosisPresentableLeprosyPresentableLegionnaire's diseasePresentableLeadership impaired by illnessPresentableKwashiorkor diseasePresentableKrabbe's diseasePresentableKissing bugs as vectors of diseasePresentableIntroduction of extraterrestrial infectious diseases and bacteriaPresentableIntractable diseasesPresentableInternational movement of animals as factor in animal diseasesPresentableInsect vectors of human diseasePresentableInsect vectors of diseasePresentableInsect vectors of animal diseasesPresentableInfectious revengePresentableInfectious necrotic hepatitisPresentableInfectious drinking waterPresentableInfectious diseases in animalsPresentableInfectious diseasesPresentableInfectious diarrhoeasPresentableInfected animal, meat and animal product shipmentsPresentableIncrease in pests and diseases through perennial irrigationPresentableInadequate disinfection of pastureland after disease outbreakPresentableInadequate disease vector controlPresentableInadequate control of animal diseasesPresentableIllnessPresentableIll-defined health conditionsPresentableIdiopathic thrombocytopenic purpuraPresentableHypoxiaPresentableHuntington's diseasePresentableHuman deficiency diseasesPresentableHorse diseasesPresentableHereditary neuromuscular diseasePresentableHereditary diseasesPresentableHeartwater diseasePresentableHeart disordersPresentableHealth hazards of plasticsPresentableHashimoto's diseasePresentableHarmful synergistic interaction of biological agentsPresentableHaemorrhagic disease of newbornPresentableHaemolytic disease of the newbornPresentableGraves' diseasePresentableGlycogen storage diseasesPresentableGland disordersPresentableGenetic defects and diseasesPresentableFungal diseases of humansPresentableFungal diseasesPresentableFowlpestPresentableFoot-and-mouth diseasePresentableFood-borne diseasesPresentableFollicular cystic ovary diseasePresentableFatty acid oxidation disordersPresentableFalse medicalizationPresentableExudative epidermitisPresentableErythemaPresentableEpizootic diseasesPresentableEpilepsyPresentableEnzootic diseasesPresentableEnvironmentally induced diseasesPresentableEnvironmental plant diseasesPresentableEndemic goitrePresentableEchinococcosisPresentableDysfunction of the adrenal glandsPresentableDwarfismPresentableDutch elm diseasePresentableDissemination of plant diseases by manPresentableDisorders of the skinPresentableDiseases of wild animalsPresentableIdiopathic illnessPresentableDiseases of the pancreasPresentableDiseases of the nosePresentableDiseases of the nervous systemPresentableDiseases of the lymphatic systemPresentableDiseases of the central nervous systemPresentableDiseases of sweat glandsPresentableDiseases of metabolismPresentableDiseases of beneficial insectsPresentableDiseases and injuries of the brainPresentableDisease-causing viral combinationsPresentableDisease vectorsPresentableDisease transmission by international travelPresentableDisease risks of tropical travelPresentableDisaster related diseasePresentableDifferences in disease incidence among countriesPresentableDiarrhoea in childrenPresentableDegenerative diseasesPresentableDeficiency diseases in plantsPresentableDeath and disability from inhumane confinementPresentableDamping-off disease of plantsPresentableCushing's syndromePresentableCulicine mosquitoes as vectors of diseasePresentableCrop pests and diseasesPresentableCritical illnessesPresentableCreutzfeldt-Jakob diseasePresentableConjunctivitisPresentableCongenital abnormalitiesPresentableCompounding effect of treating genetic diseasesPresentableCoeliac diseasePresentableChildren's diseasesPresentableCharcot-Marie-Tooth diseasePresentableChagas' diseasePresentableCentral core diseasePresentableCat scratch feverPresentableCardiovascular disordersPresentableCancersPresentableBuerger's diseasePresentableBovine spongiform encephalopathyPresentableBotulismPresentableBlotch diseases in plantsPresentableBlood cell diseasesPresentableBlack sigatoka diseasePresentableBird vectors of plant diseasePresentableBird diseasesPresentableBehcet's diseasePresentableBartonellosisPresentableBacterial plant diseasesPresentableBacterial diseases in animalsPresentableBacterial diseasePresentableAutoimmune diseasePresentableArthritisPresentableArteriosclerosisPresentableArboviral diseasesPresentableAntimicrobial drug resistancePresentableAnthraxPresentableAnthracnose diseases of plantsPresentableAnopheline mosquitoes as vectors of diseasePresentableAnkylosing spondylitisPresentableAnimal diseasesPresentableAmyotrophic lateral sclerosisPresentableAlveolar hydatid diseasePresentableAllergyPresentableAirborne diseasesPresentableAirborne animal diseasesPresentableAir pressure injuriesPresentableAfrican trypanosomiasisPresentableAedes mosquitoes as vectors of diseasePresentableAddison's diseasePresentableAcquired methemoglobinemiaPresentableYellow fat diseaseYet to rateWoolsorters' diseaseYet to rateWinter vomiting diseaseYet to rateWheat threshers' diseaseYet to rateWesselsbron diseaseYet to rateWater-borne viral diseaseYet to rateVulnerability of indigenous populations to introduction of diseasesYet to ratevon Gierke's diseaseYet to rateVirus diseases in protozoaYet to rateVirus diseases in bacteriaYet to rateVesicular exanthema of swineYet to rateVector resistance to diseaseYet to rateVascular diseaseYet to rateVariant Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseYet to rateValvular diseases of heartYet to rateVaginal infectionsYet to rateUrticariaYet to rateUrine changes as symptoms of diseaseYet to rateUnreported illnessYet to rateUnrecognized animal diseasesYet to rateUnhygienic clothingYet to rateUlcerative enteritis in poultryYet to rateType D enterotoxaemia of sheepYet to rateTraumatic reticuloperitonitisYet to rateTransport tetany in ruminantsYet to rateToxaemic animal diseasesYet to rateThyrotoxicosisYet to rateThrombocytopathiesYet to rateTetralogy of FallotYet to rateTesticular dysfunctionYet to rateSymptoms of sense organ diseasesYet to rateSymptoms of respiratory system diseasesYet to rateSymptoms of nervous system diseasesYet to rateSymptoms of musculoskeletal system diseasesYet to rateSymptoms of digestive system diseasesYet to rateSymptomatic heart diseaseYet to rateSwine vesicular diseaseYet to rateSusceptibility to diseaseYet to rateStill's diseaseYet to rateSporadic bovine encephalomyelitisYet to rateSpirochaetal diseasesYet to rateSpielmeyer-Vogt diseaseYet to rateSilo-filler's diseaseYet to rateSialosisYet to rateScurvyYet to rateSclerotinia diseases of plantsYet to rateSchilder's diseaseYet to rateSarcoidosisYet to rateSandflies as vectors of diseaseYet to rateSalmon poisoning diseaseYet to rateRound heart disease in poultryYet to rateRhizobium plant diseasesYet to rateRespiratory diseases of sheep and goatsYet to rateReiter's diseaseYet to ratePyramidal diseaseYet to ratePulmonary heart diseaseYet to ratePulmonary fungal diseaseYet to ratePullorum disease in poultryYet to ratePTA deficiencyYet to rateProtozoal intestinal diseasesYet to ratePredisposition to illnessYet to ratePott's diseaseYet to ratePorcine enteroviral encephalomyelitisYet to ratePompe's diseaseYet to ratePolycythaemiaYet to ratePlummer's diseaseYet to ratePityriasis rubraYet to ratePick's diseaseYet to ratePhenylketonuriaYet to ratePests and diseases of capsicumYet to ratePeripheral vascular diseaseYet to ratePellegrini-Stieda diseaseYet to ratePelizaeus-Merzbacher diseaseYet to ratePathologies of civilizationYet to ratePasteurella antipestifer infectionYet to ratePartial immunity of wild animals to certain animal diseasesYet to rateOsteochondritis dissecansYet to rateOllier diseaseYet to rateOedema disease in swineYet to rateOedemaYet to rateOccupational hazards of paintersYet to rateOccupational diseasesYet to rateNutritional myopathies in swineYet to rateNutritional marasmusYet to rateNon-recognition of health problems by the medical professionYet to rateNervous system diseases caused by parasitesYet to rateNavicular diseaseYet to rateMycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosisYet to rateMurray Valley encephalitisYet to rateMosquito-borne diseasesYet to rateMite-borne diseasesYet to rateMicrobial diseasesYet to rateMetabolic disease of the kidney in animalsYet to rateMcArdle's diseaseYet to rateMarek's diseaseYet to rateMarble spleen disease of pheasantsYet to rateMaple syrup urine diseaseYet to rateLymphoproliferative disease in turkeysYet to rateLumpy skin disease of cattleYet to rateLittle's diseaseYet to rateLipid metabolic diseasesYet to rateLip diseaseYet to rateLimb disordersYet to rateLetterer-Siwe diseaseYet to rateLeaf blistersYet to rateKyasanur forest diseaseYet to rateKümmell's diseaseYet to rateKidney disordersYet to rateKahler's diseaseYet to rateJuvenile osteochondrosis of spineYet to rateJuvenile osteochondrosis of hipYet to rateJuvenile osteochondrosisYet to rateJoseph diseaseYet to rateIntestinal disordersYet to rateIntentional infecting with diseaseYet to rateInflammatory diseasesYet to rateInflammation of lacrimal glands and ductsYet to rateInfectious mononucleosisYet to rateInfectious bursal disease of chickensYet to rateInfantile muscular atrophyYet to rateIneffective inoculation for viral diseasesYet to rateInadequate health controlYet to rateInadequate disinfection measures for humans during animal disease outbreaksYet to rateImposition of trade quotas for health reasonsYet to rateIllness requiring hormone replacement therapyYet to rateIgnorance concerning diseaseYet to rateHypertrophic pulmonary osteo-arthropathyYet to rateHypertrophic osteopathyYet to rateHydatidiform moleYet to rateHyaline membrane diseaseYet to rateHumans as vectors of diseaseYet to rateHuman disease vectorsYet to rateHodgkin's diseaseYet to rateHigh-mountain disease of cattleYet to rateHereditary metabolic diseasesYet to rateHereditary endocrine disordersYet to rateHereditary disorders of the central nervous systemYet to rateHepatolenticular degenerationYet to rateHenoch - Schönlein purpuraYet to rateHealth risks to organ recipientsYet to rateHaemolytic diseasesYet to rateGlässer's diseaseYet to rateGenetic susceptibility to diseaseYet to rateGaucher's diseaseYet to rateFusarium diseases in plantsYet to rateFordyce's disease of the mouthYet to rateFoot diseases and disabilitiesYet to rateFlies as vectors of diseaseYet to rateFlea-borne diseasesYet to rateFeline respiratory disease complexYet to rateFat cow syndromeYet to rateFarmer's lung disease in cattleYet to rateFailure in disease notificationYet to rateFacial paralysisYet to rateFabry diseaseYet to rateEye diseases and disordersYet to rateEuropean blastomycosisYet to rateEpidemic keratoconjunctivitisYet to rateEnzootic calcinosisYet to rateEnteric diseases in foalsYet to rateEnteric diseasesYet to rateEncephalomyocarditis virus disease of pigsYet to rateDystonia musculorum deformansYet to rateDukes-Filatow diseaseYet to rateDisorders of the tongueYet to rateDisorders of the sense organsYet to rateDisorders of the pericardiumYet to rateDisorders of the myocardiumYet to rateDisorders of the endocardiumYet to rateDiseases of upper respiratory tractYet to rateDiseases of tooth pulp and periapical tissuesYet to rateDiseases of thymus glandYet to rateDiseases of the upper digestive systemYet to rateDiseases of the spleenYet to rateDiseases of the spinal cordYet to rateDiseases of the salivary glandsYet to rateDiseases of the reproductive organsYet to rateDiseases of the ovaryYet to rateDiseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissuesYet to rateDiseases of the mouth and jawYet to rateDiseases of the male reproductive organsYet to rateDiseases of the guttural pouchesYet to rateDiseases of the genito-urinary systemYet to rateDiseases of the earYet to rateDiseases of the digestive systemYet to rateDiseases of the corneaYet to rateDiseases of the blood circulation systemYet to rateDiseases of the anterior uvea in animalsYet to rateDiseases of sebaceous glandsYet to rateDiseases of retinaYet to rateDiseases of Organs in the bodyYet to rateDiseases of oesophagusYet to rateDiseases of nerves and peripheral gangliaYet to rateDiseases of nailYet to rateDiseases of musculoskeletal system in animalsYet to rateDiseases of male genital organsYet to rateDiseases of gallbladderYet to rateDiseases of female reproductive organsYet to rateDiseases of cervixYet to rateDiseases of breastYet to rateDiseases of blood and blood-forming organsYet to rateDiseases and injuries of boneYet to rateDisease reservoirsYet to rateDisease of the glomerulusYet to rateDisease and injury from exposure to weatherYet to rateDiseaseYet to rateDifficulty in identifying carriers of animal diseasesYet to rateDi Guglielmo's diseaseYet to rateDemyelinating diseases of the nervous systemYet to rateDeleage's diseaseYet to rateDegenerative heart diseaseYet to rateDeficiency diseasesYet to rateDeep pectoral myopathy of turkeysYet to rateCytomegalic inclusion diseaseYet to rateCystinosisYet to rateCrimean-Congo haemorrhagic feverYet to rateCost disease of personal servicesYet to rateCoronaviral encephalomyelitis of swineYet to rateCongenital metabolic diseasesYet to rateCongenital disorders of amino-acid metabolismYet to rateCongenital anomalies of liverYet to rateCongenital anomalies of cranium and face bonesYet to rateConfusion of symptoms in animal diseasesYet to rateCombined immunodeficiency disease in animalsYet to rateCold haemolytic disease in animalsYet to rateCoagulation disordersYet to rateChronic pseudo-obstruction syndromeYet to rateChronic pelvic inflammatory diseaseYet to rateChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseYet to rateChristmas diseaseYet to rateChondrodystrophyYet to rateChanges in blood as symptoms of diseaseYet to rateChancroid venereal diseaseYet to rateCerebral leukodystrophyYet to rateCerebral degenerative diseasesYet to rateCardiovascular collapseYet to rateCardio-pulmonary disease due to tortureYet to rateCapillary diseasesYet to rateCanine distemperYet to rateCancers linked with virusesYet to rateCanavan diseaseYet to rateCaisson diseaseYet to rateBrill-Symmers diseaseYet to rateBowen's diseaseYet to rateBovine viral diarrhoeaYet to rateBotrytis diseases in plantsYet to rateBornholm diseaseYet to rateBorder diseaseYet to rateBlue babyYet to rateBinswanger diseaseYet to rateBig head disease in animalsYet to rateBielschowsky-Jansky diseaseYet to rateBeech bark disease complexYet to rateBecker's diseaseYet to rateBanti's diseaseYet to rateAortic valve diseasesYet to rateAnimal disease due to increase in irrigation and water conservationYet to rateAndersen's diseaseYet to rateAmyotonia congenitaYet to rateAmyloidosisYet to rateAkabane disease of animalsYet to rateAgranulocytosisYet to rateAfrican green monkey diseaseYet to rateAdenoviral follicular conjunctivitisYet to rateStrategyImmunization against diseaseExcellentUsing vaccines to prevent communicable diseasesPresentableUsing epidemiological monitoring to anticipate spread of communicable diseasesPresentableTreating mental illnessPresentableTreating cardiovascular diseasesPresentableStudying micronutrient deficienciesPresentableStudying crop pests and diseasesPresentableStrengthening primary health care systems to control communicable diseasesPresentableStrengthening capacity to control communicable diseasesPresentableResearching opportunistic diseasesPresentableReporting achievement of targets for water-related disease controlPresentableReducing prevalence of schistosomiasisPresentableMonitoring water related disease transmissionPresentableMonitoring illnessPresentableImproving diagnostic techniques to prevent diseasePresentableImplementing targets for water-related disease controlPresentableEstablishing early warning systems for water-related diseasesPresentableEducating about safe sex practicesPresentableDeveloping national strategies for the integrated control of communicable diseasesPresentableControlling water-borne diseasesPresentableControlling transboundary effects of water-related diseasePresentableControlling sexually transmitted diseases amongst young peoplePresentableConducting epidemiological studies linking chemical exposure and diseasesPresentableAssessing costs and financing to control communicable diseasesPresentableUsing preventative strategies to reduce occupationally derived diseasesYet to rateUsing human disease and disabilityYet to rateUndertaking environmental management measures to control disease vectorsYet to rateUndermining vector resistance to diseaseYet to rateUndermining drug resistanceYet to rateTreating tooth diseases regularlyYet to rateTreating social diseasesYet to rateTreating sexually transmitted diseasesYet to rateTreating rheumatic diseasesYet to rateTreating plant diseaseYet to rateTreating infectious and parasitic diseasesYet to rateTreating human deficiency diseasesYet to rateTreating foot diseasesYet to rateTreating diseases of the skinYet to rateTreating diseasesYet to rateTreating degenerative diseaseYet to rateTreating deficiency diseasesYet to rateTreating childhood diseasesYet to rateTransmitting diseaseYet to rateTeaching cardiologyYet to rateTeaching about diseaseYet to rateSurveying animal diseasesYet to rateSupporting people with genetic defectsYet to rateStudying zoonotic bacterial diseasesYet to rateStudying worms as vectors of animal diseasesYet to rateStudying wild animals as carriers of animal diseasesYet to rateStudying weather as a factor in animal diseaseYet to rateStudying water-borne diseasesYet to rateStudying virus diseases in bacteriaYet to rateStudying viral plant diseasesYet to rateStudying viral diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying venereal diseasesYet to rateStudying vector-borne diseasesYet to rateStudying vector resistance to diseaseYet to rateStudying urinary system diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying unrecognized diseasesYet to rateStudying trophoblastic diseaseYet to rateStudying stigmatized diseasesYet to rateStudying soil-transmitted diseasesYet to rateStudying skin diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying sexually transmitted diseasesYet to rateStudying risk of diseaseYet to rateStudying reproductive system diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying post-harvest diseases of cropsYet to rateStudying plant vectors of plant diseaseYet to rateStudying plant diseasesYet to rateStudying plant disease vectorsYet to rateStudying pests of plantsYet to rateStudying pests and diseases of treesYet to rateStudying pathogenic virusesYet to rateStudying pathogenic organismsYet to rateStudying parasitic diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying organizational diseasesYet to rateStudying occupational diseasesYet to rateStudying neoplastic diseasesYet to rateStudying nematoid plant diseasesYet to rateStudying mycoplasmal diseasesYet to rateStudying microbial diseasesYet to rateStudying metabolic diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying metabolic diseaseYet to rateStudying man-made diseasesYet to rateStudying mammal vectors of diseaseYet to rateStudying lung diseaseYet to rateStudying liver diseasesYet to rateStudying lifestyle diseasesYet to rateStudying intractable diseasesYet to rateStudying international movement of animals as factor in animal diseasesYet to rateStudying insect vectors of plant diseasesYet to rateStudying insect vectors of diseaseYet to rateStudying insect vectors of animal diseasesYet to rateStudying infectious diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying infectious and parasitic diseasesYet to rateStudying illnesses of unknown causeYet to rateStudying illnesses due to contaminated foodsYet to rateStudying iatrogenic diseaseYet to rateStudying humans as vectors of diseaseYet to rateStudying human vectors of plant diseaseYet to rateStudying human vectors of animal diseasesYet to rateStudying human disease vectorsYet to rateStudying human disease and disabilityYet to rateStudying hereditary metabolic diseasesYet to rateStudying hereditary diseasesYet to rateStudying heart diseasesYet to rateStudying genetic defects and diseasesYet to rateStudying fungal plant diseasesYet to rateStudying foot diseases and disabilitiesYet to rateStudying eye diseases and disordersYet to rateStudying extraterrestrial infectious diseases and bacteriaYet to rateStudying epizootic diseasesYet to rateStudying enzootic diseasesYet to rateStudying environmentally induced diseasesYet to rateStudying environmental plant diseasesYet to rateStudying enteric diseasesYet to rateStudying endocrine diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying endemic diseaseYet to rateStudying domestic animals as vectors of animal diseaseYet to rateStudying diseases of the spineYet to rateStudying diseases of the skinYet to rateStudying diseases of the sense organsYet to rateStudying diseases of the reproductive organsYet to rateStudying diseases of the nervous systemYet to rateStudying diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissuesYet to rateStudying diseases of the mouth and jawYet to rateStudying diseases of the lymphatic systemYet to rateStudying diseases of the intestinesYet to rateStudying diseases of the genito-urinary systemYet to rateStudying diseases of the earYet to rateStudying diseases of the digestive system in animalsYet to rateStudying diseases of the digestive systemYet to rateStudying diseases of the circulation systemYet to rateStudying diseases of the central nervous systemYet to rateStudying diseases of the breastYet to rateStudying diseases of senses in animalsYet to rateStudying diseases of respiratory system in animalsYet to rateStudying diseases of nervous system in animalsYet to rateStudying diseases of musculoskeletal system in animalsYet to rateStudying diseases of female reproductive organsYet to rateStudying diseases of blood and blood-forming organsYet to rateStudying diseases of beneficial insectsYet to rateStudying diseases associated with herpes virusesYet to rateStudying disease vectorsYet to rateStudying disease transmission by international travelYet to rateStudying disease due to hormone deficiencyYet to rateStudying disease and injury from exposure to weatherYet to rateStudying degenerative diseasesYet to rateStudying deficiency diseases in plantsYet to rateStudying deficiency diseasesYet to rateStudying compound diseaseYet to rateStudying circulatory system diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying chronic diseasesYet to rateStudying children's diseasesYet to rateStudying cerebrovascular diseaseYet to rateStudying causes of overpopulationYet to rateStudying cattle diseasesYet to rateStudying cardiovascular diseasesYet to rateStudying bird diseasesYet to rateStudying bacterial diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying bacterial diseaseYet to rateStudying animal vectors of diseaseYet to rateStudying animal diseasesYet to rateStudying alcoholism as a diseaseYet to rateStudying airborne diseasesYet to rateStudying acute diarrhoeal diseaseYet to rateStrengthening intersectoral cooperation to control communicable diseasesYet to rateSpreading plant diseasesYet to rateRisking diseaseYet to rateResearching parasitic diseaseYet to rateResearching diseasesYet to rateReporting animal diseasesYet to rateReducing symptoms in animal diseasesYet to rateReducing risks of diseaseYet to rateReducing predisposition to illnessYet to rateReducing incidence of infectious diseases in animalsYet to rateReducing incidence of infectious and parasitic diseasesYet to rateReducing diseases of affluenceYet to rateReducing cost of animal disease controlYet to rateRaising public awareness of water-related disease controlYet to ratePublishing targets for water-related disease controlYet to ratePublicizing disease-causing apparelYet to rateProviding technical assistance for control of communicable diseaseYet to rateProviding intersectoral training on prevention and control of communicable diseasesYet to rateProviding assistance for foot diseases and disabilitiesYet to rateProtesting compulsory immunizationYet to rateProtecting against plant diseasesYet to ratePreventing water-related disease transmission in recreational waterYet to ratePreventing water-related disease transmission from aquacultureYet to ratePreventing water related disease transmission from waste water irrigationYet to ratePreventing oral diseasesYet to ratePreventing introduction of plant diseasesYet to ratePreventing eye diseasesYet to ratePreventing human diseaseYet to ratePreventing dental diseaseYet to ratePreventing cardiovascular diseaseYet to rateOvercoming human diseaseYet to rateOvercoming disability of the footYet to rateIsolating agents carrying infectious diseasesYet to rateInvestigating global skin diseasesYet to rateIntensifying research on mitigation and control of tropical diseasesYet to rateIntensifying disease prevention programmeYet to rateInforming about sexually transmitted diseasesYet to rateIncreasing resistance to diseaseYet to rateImproving technology to control communicable diseasesYet to rateImproving reporting of man-made diseasesYet to rateIdentifying target populations most needing improved health and disease protectionYet to rateIdentifying carriers of animal diseasesYet to rateHumanizing diseaseYet to rateHealing illnessYet to rateFighting parasitic diseaseYet to rateFighting against virus diseasesYet to rateExpanding research and methodologies to control communicable diseasesYet to rateEliminating potential disease carriersYet to rateEliminating infectious disease spreadYet to rateEliminating guinea worm diseaseYet to rateEliminating disease-breeding wasteYet to rateEliminating disease transmission sourcesYet to rateEducating adults on prevention of communicable diseasesYet to rateEducating about diarrhoeal diseasesYet to rateDeveloping plant cultivars more resistant to stress from diseaseYet to rateDeveloping human resources to control communicable diseasesYet to rateDeveloping health indicatorsYet to rateDeveloping effective biological control agents against disease transmitting vectorsYet to rateDestroying pests and diseases of treesYet to rateCorrecting hereditary disordersYet to rateCorrecting gastrointestinal disordersYet to rateCorrecting eye disordersYet to rateCorrecting disorders of the musculo-skeletal systemYet to rateCorrecting blood disordersYet to rateControlling vector borne diseaseYet to rateControlling tropical diseasesYet to rateControlling livestock diseasesYet to rateControlling hydatid diseasesYet to rateControlling disease vectorsYet to rateControlling diseaseYet to rateControlling animal diseasesYet to rateControlling agricultural pestsYet to rateCombatting sexually transmitted diseasesYet to rateCarrying out intervention studies for communicable disease controlYet to rateCampaigning specific disease eradicationYet to rateBreeding disease-resistant plantsYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectMedicine » PathologyContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024