Reporting achievement of targets for water-related disease control
Article 7 of the Draft Protocol on Water and Health (1999) to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (1992), states: (1) The Parties shall each collect and evaluate data on: (a) Their progress towards the achievement of the targets referred to in article 6, paragraph 2; (b) Indicators that are designed to show how far that progress has contributed towards preventing, controlling or reducing water-related disease; (2) The Parties shall each publish periodically the results of this collection and evaluation of data. The frequency of such publication shall be established by the Meeting of the Parties; and (3) The Parties shall each ensure that the results of water and effluent sampling carried out for the purpose of this collection of data are available to the public.
Article 7(4) continues: On the basis of this collection and evaluation of data, each Party shall review periodically the progress made in achieving the targets referred to in article 6, paragraph 2, and publish an assessment of that progress. The frequency of such reviews shall be established by the Meeting of the Parties. Without prejudice to the possibility of more frequent reviews under article 6, paragraph 2, reviews under this paragraph shall include a review of the targets referred to in article 6, paragraph 2, with a view to improving the targets in the light of scientific and technical knowledge.