Self-controlBroaderSociability-UnsociabilityPresentableResolution-IrresolutionPresentablePatience-ImpatiencePresentableLeniency-CompulsionPresentableExcitement-InexcitabilityPresentableEnergy-ModerationPresentableProblemTotalitarianismExcellentSexual discrimination in contraceptive methodsExcellentInadequate drug controlExcellentInadequate drought controlExcellentInadequacy of pain controlExcellentFloodsExcellentConspiracy theoriesExcellentVulnerability of nuclear defence control systemsPresentableUrinary incontinencePresentableUntested use of hormonesPresentableUndue military influencePresentableUndue control of prices by intermediariesPresentableTrade in products for chemical warfarePresentableSubstance abuse during control of complex equipmentPresentableSocial dictatorshipPresentableRestrictive transnational corporation control of bulk shippingPresentableRestrictive control of marketing and distribution channels by transnational corporationsPresentableProhibitive cost of animal disease controlPresentableOpposition to population control and family planningPresentableNeighbourhood control by criminalsPresentableMonopoly of the mediaPresentableMisleading endorsement advertisingPresentableMiddleman control of rural marketingPresentableLoss of traditional forms of social securityPresentableLack of integrated pollution controlPresentableIrresponsible private control of communications mass mediaPresentableIneffective population controlPresentableInadequate weed controlPresentableInadequate water system infrastructurePresentableInadequate testing of drugsPresentableInadequate participation in the control of joint venturePresentableInadequate insurance against pregnancyPresentableInadequate disease vector controlPresentableInadequate control of weapons of mass destructionPresentableInadequate control of animal diseasesPresentableInadequate budgetary coordination within the United Nations systemsPresentableHierarchical control of market facilitiesPresentableHealth hazards of oral contraceptivesPresentableHealth hazards of artificial birth controlPresentableGovernment opposition to population controlPresentableExcessive state control of communications mass mediaPresentableExcessive government controlPresentableExcessive control of raw materials markets by transnational corporationsPresentableElitist control of productionPresentableElitist control of construction technologyPresentableDiscriminatory targeting of travellers by border control officialsPresentableDenial of right of family planningPresentableCovert transfer of strategic technologyPresentableControl of national economic sectors by transnational enterprisesPresentableBirth preventionPresentableBias in selection of political candidatesPresentableAbuse of sedation for behaviour modificationPresentableUnquestioned control by economic forcesYet to rateUnpractised dust controlYet to rateUnfamiliarity with erosion control methodsYet to rateUndue industrial controlYet to rateUndeveloped jungle pest controlYet to rateUnderutilization of biocontrolYet to rateUnchecked crab damage to cropsYet to rateSurrendered control of marketing systemsYet to rateProhibitive cost of crop treatmentYet to rateProhibitive cost of contraceptivesYet to ratePatent abuseYet to rateParental domination of children's thinkingYet to rateMonetarismYet to rateMistrust of birth controlYet to rateLocal control of resourcesYet to rateLimited control of environment by local communitiesYet to rateLack of financial controlYet to rateLack of controlYet to rateIntermittent explosive disorderYet to rateInformation overload during control of complex equipmentYet to rateInadequate motorcycle controlYet to rateInadequate management of government financesYet to rateInadequate health controlYet to rateInadequate government control of militaryYet to rateInadequate control of development projectsYet to rateFear of losing controlYet to rateFailure of disarmament and arms control effortsYet to rateExcessive computer control of social processesYet to rateBirth control misinformationYet to rateAbdication of government ministerial controlYet to rateStrategyUsing root zone wastewater treatmentExcellentUsing biological pest controlExcellentReducing individual fertilityExcellentPromoting contraceptive useExcellentDeveloping government/industry voluntary agreements to control transboundary air pollutionExcellentAdvancing conflict resolutionExcellentUsing control systemsPresentableStrengthening regional cooperation on transboundary air pollution controlPresentableStrengthening primary health care systems to control communicable diseasesPresentableStrengthening capacity to control communicable diseasesPresentableReporting achievement of targets for water-related disease controlPresentableRegulating trade in endangered speciesPresentablePublicizing family planning methodsPresentablePromoting research and development in transboundary air pollution controlPresentableManaging acute painPresentableImplementing targets for water-related disease controlPresentableExchanging information to control transboundary air pollutionPresentableEvaluating family planningPresentableEstablishing official support for population controlPresentableDeveloping national strategies for the integrated control of communicable diseasesPresentableDeveloping national policy to control transboundary air pollutionPresentableDeveloping air pollution control technology for urban industry and transportationPresentableControlling human induced coastal erosionPresentableControlling availability of armsPresentableCombating droughtPresentableAssessing financing to reduce health risks from environmental pollution and hazardsPresentableAssessing costs and financing to control communicable diseasesPresentableAssessing costs and financing to control AIDSPresentableAdvancing contraceptive technologyPresentableAdapting indigenous pest control knowledgePresentableUsing traditional methods for water pollution controlYet to rateUsing hormones for pest controlYet to rateUsing hierarchical principle of controlYet to rateUsing birth controlYet to rateUsing abortion for population controlYet to rateUndertaking intersectoral research on pollution controlYet to rateUndertaking flood managementYet to rateUndertaking environmental management measures to control disease vectorsYet to rateUndermining government opposition to population controlYet to rateTraining in pollution control, waste treatment and disposal technologiesYet to rateTraining for economic controlYet to rateSupporting new markets for pollution controlYet to rateSupporting national programmes to monitor and control hazardous wastesYet to rateSubsidizing pollution controlYet to rateStudying use of chemicals to control pestsYet to rateStudying prevention controlYet to rateStudying biological control of pestsYet to rateStrengthening programmes to control sewage dischargeYet to rateStrengthening national poison control centresYet to rateStrengthening national food controlYet to rateStrengthening monopoly of nuclear power techniquesYet to rateStrengthening monopolistic control of new animal formsYet to rateStrengthening intersectoral cooperation to control communicable diseasesYet to rateStrengthening food control infrastructureYet to rateSecuring religious support for population controlYet to rateSecuring actual legal controlYet to rateRestricting exchange controlYet to rateResisting external influenceYet to rateReshaping societal control dynamicsYet to rateRequiring priorities for material outputsYet to rateReporting negligent quality controlYet to rateReducing information overload during control of complex equipmentYet to rateReducing foreign controlYet to rateReducing cost of animal disease controlYet to rateRedirecting capital controlYet to rateRaising public awareness of water-related disease controlYet to rateQuestioning control by economic forcesYet to ratePublishing targets for water-related disease controlYet to rateProviding technical assistance for control of communicable diseaseYet to rateProviding sufficient controlYet to rateProviding sufficient administrative controlYet to rateProviding pest controlYet to rateProviding intersectoral training on prevention and control of communicable diseasesYet to rateProviding integrated pollution controlYet to rateProviding information about national strategies to control transboundary air pollutionYet to rateProviding guidance on control technology for marine pollution from land-based sourcesYet to rateProtecting industry to maintain jobsYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of nuclear defence control systemsYet to ratePromoting natural family planningYet to ratePromoting drug controlYet to ratePlanting erosion prevention grovesYet to rateOpposing population controlYet to rateObtaining community milling controlYet to rateNationalizing liquor productionYet to rateMonitoring pollution controlYet to rateMonitoring economic control by transnational corporationsYet to rateManaging weedsYet to rateManaging production process controlYet to rateMaintaining product controlYet to rateMaintaining control of production processesYet to rateLosing controlYet to rateLimiting water controlYet to rateLimiting pest controlYet to rateLimiting monopoly control of national economiesYet to rateLimiting monopolistic control of new animal formsYet to rateLimiting control of environment by local communitiesYet to rateLegislating food control systemsYet to rateIntensifying research on mitigation and control of tropical diseasesYet to rateIncreasing water controlYet to rateIncreasing public participation in desertification controlYet to rateIncreasing industrial cooperation to control transboundary water pollutionYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of population controlYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of birth controlYet to rateIncreasing activity of transnational corporationsYet to rateIncorporating health risks analysis in national pollution control programmesYet to rateImproving weed controlYet to rateImproving water pollution control capacities in large citiesYet to rateImproving training on prevention and control of hazardous waste health risksYet to rateImproving technology to control communicable diseasesYet to rateImproving riot controlYet to rateImproving pollution control for offshore platformsYet to rateImproving national waste management and control policiesYet to rateImproving national quality control for seafoodYet to rateImproving laws to control long range atmospheric transport of pollutantsYet to rateImproving information systems for safety controlYet to rateImproving health controlYet to rateImproving government control of militaryYet to rateImproving drought control through appropriate technologyYet to rateImproving control of zoonosesYet to rateImproving control of mergersYet to rateImposing voluntary system of cryptographyYet to rateIdentifying oil and chemical spill control measures for emergencies in developing countriesYet to rateHumanizing methods of riot controlYet to rateHiding extent of corporation control on national policy-makingYet to rateHiding extent of control of national economies by limited number of individualsYet to rateGrounding protective lawsYet to rateFormulating future control strategies for transboundary air pollutionYet to rateForming representative control of international monetary systemYet to rateFacilitating transfer of marine pollution control technology to developing countriesYet to rateFacilitating training about transboundary air pollution controlYet to rateFacilitating access of developing countries to pollution control knowledge and technologiesYet to rateExposing elitist control of technologyYet to rateExposing elitist control of global economyYet to rateExpanding research and methodologies to control communicable diseasesYet to rateExpanding laws to control spills in waterYet to rateExercising societal controlYet to rateExchanging information on costs of control technologies for transboundary air pollutionYet to rateExchanging information on control technologies for transboundary air pollutionYet to rateEstablishing speed control systemsYet to rateEstablishing rent control systemsYet to rateEroding of political controlYet to rateEnsuring local economic sufficiencyYet to rateEnsuring effective firearms controlYet to rateEnabling local control of mass mediaYet to rateEmpowering pollution control agenciesYet to rateEliminating weapons of mass destructionYet to rateEducating in flood and river controlYet to rateDistributing computer control systemsYet to rateDiscrediting money control of marketsYet to rateDisclosing limited control of national economiesYet to rateDisclosing control by major corporations on national policy-makingYet to rateDirecting flow of property controlYet to rateDeveloping water pollution control technologiesYet to rateDeveloping tobacco controlYet to rateDeveloping technologies to control transboundary air pollutionYet to rateDeveloping quality controls for industrial systemsYet to rateDeveloping national strategies to control transboundary air pollutionYet to rateDeveloping improved controlYet to rateDeveloping human resources to control communicable diseasesYet to rateDeveloping government/industry covenants to control transboundary air pollutionYet to rateDeveloping effective biological control agents against disease transmitting vectorsYet to rateDeveloping control systemsYet to rateDetermining required power for social organizationYet to rateDemanding tightening of law enforcement during crisesYet to rateCreating regulatory instrumentsYet to rateCounteracting economic control by transnational corporationsYet to rateCoordinating air traffic control systemsYet to rateControlling weapons of mass destructionYet to rateControlling narcotic drugs and psychotropic substancesYet to rateControlling government financesYet to rateControlling flow of capitalYet to rateControlling development projectsYet to rateControlling anxietyYet to rateControlling animal diseasesYet to rateConstructing flood control wallYet to rateConstructing erosion control ditchesYet to rateConstructing check damsYet to rateConferring social controlYet to rateCondemning elitist control of productionYet to rateCombatting mind controlYet to rateChallenging globalizationYet to rateCarrying out intervention studies for communicable disease controlYet to rateAwakening responsible pet controlYet to rateAssuming crime control responsibilityYet to rateAssigning individual control of private possessionsYet to rateAssessing effects of climate change on freshwater resources and flood controlYet to rateApplying value analysisYet to rateApplying pollution control measures to nitrogen oxide emissionsYet to rateAnaesthetizingYet to rateAdapting cost-effective methods of environmental control to local conditionsYet to rateAbstaining from qualityYet to rateAbstaining from integrated pollution controlYet to rateAbstaining from controlYet to rateAbstaining from biological control of pestsYet to rateAbstaining from administrative controlYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectCybernetics » ControlIndividuation » IndividuationContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024