Bias in selection of political candidates
- Oligarchic political control of elections
Political candidates in countries with sophisticated political systems and in countries with state control are usually nominated by a party. Although this may be done with some reference to public consensus ('primaries'), certain initial requirements may exclude many potential candidates. Candidates with more money may be able to promote themselves better, and where campaigning is very costly, independent candidates may find it impossible to enter the contest. In a single party election, party members who comply best with general party doctrine are more likely to be nominated than those with more independent views.
In the USA, for example, the acting backgrounds of Richard Nixon (amateur) and Ronald Reagan (professional) gave them a telegenic artfulness before it gave them capacity at governance. So too with John Kennedy's reputed 'charisma'. Thus cosmetics play an initial role in candidate selection in the USA. Kennedy and Rockefeller money has been conspicuously spent in the political campaigns of members of those families, and other millionaires have bought themselves or others political offices.
Choice of political candidates solely by popular referendum is one of the greatest dangers to a democracy as it opens the way for demagogues and liars to sway the populace with empty rhetoric and promises. The use of wealth in order to represent the interests of wealth is as legitimate as it is democratic.