Symptoms of musculoskeletal system diseasesSymptoms referable to limbsSymptoms referable to jointsNarrowerSepsisExcellentCrampsPresentableTransient paralysis of limbYet to rateSoreness of jointsYet to ratePeculiar gaitYet to rateMuscular weaknessYet to rateMuscle tensionYet to rateHydrathrosesYet to rateBruisingYet to rateArthralgiaYet to rateAggravated byDisorders of joints and ligamentsYet to rateDiseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissuesYet to rateRelatedIll-defined health conditionsPresentableDisharmonies of the Spleen in the bodyPresentablePattern of Wind penetrating the medidiansYet to rateValueSymptomYet to rateDiseaseYet to rateReferenceBlakeslee, Berton: The Limb-Deficient ChildSDGMetadataDatabaseWorld problemsType(E) Emanations of other problemsSubjectMedicine » DiagnosisMedicine » Locomotive, integumentary systemMedicine » PathologyContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateNov 3, 2022