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The Encyclopedia
of World Problems
& Human Potential
Search Values
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human value
Other Names:
Related Problems:
Food insecurity
Limited available land
Scarce local cash
Shortage of fresh-water
False image of scarcity
Scarce resources
Diminishing capital investment in small communities
Lack of jobs
Inadequate human resources development
Scarcity of residential land
Limited opportunities for significant work
Insufficient loan collateral
Seasonal unemployment
Dependence of communities on external planning
Shortage of natural resources
Unbridled competition for scarce resources
Scarce options for involvement in cultural activities
Aggressive uses of natural energy resources
Unbridled competition among international organizations for scarce resources
Threatened species of Papilio aristor
Scarcity of appropriate transport
Scarcity of oil resources
Scarcity of game fish
Threatened species of Phyllodactylus melanostictus
Threatened species of Lethe distans
Threatened species of Hypodryas maturna
Prohibitive cost of fertilizer
Conflicts arising from depletion of renewable resources
Competition for scarce patients
Scarcity of newsprint
Threatened species of Maculinea teleius
Unbridled competition among international NGOs for scarce resources
Scarcity of hand tools
Scarcity of animal fodder
Water insecurity
Scarce fencing material
Threatened species of Maculinea teleius burdigalensis
Scarcity of high-quality seeds
Limited availability of health resources
Substituting for scarce resources
Building skilled labour forces
Reducing rivalry among international organizations
Relieving scarcity
Relieving food scarcity
Relieving scarcity of land
Relieving scarcity of local cash
Relieving scarcity of fresh water
Relieving scarcity of residential land
Relieving scarcity of business collateral for microenterprises
Relieving scarcity of permanent employment
Competing for scarce resources
Informing individuals on life options
Competing among international organizations for scarce resources
Creating image of scarcity
Providing employment
Providing local planning resources
Relieving strain on world resources
Reducing intensity of competition for scarce resources
Using scarce petroleum resources for military purposes
Depleting natural resources
Preventing false image of scarcity
Improving access to development capital
Type Classification:
D: Destructive values