HazardHazardsHazardousHazardousnessBroaderSafety-DangerPresentableCertainty-UncertaintyPresentableProblemVolcanic eruptionsExcellentUnsafe hazardous waste disposalExcellentUnsafe genetically modified foodExcellentUnforeseen environmental crisesExcellentToxic waste smugglingExcellentRadioactive contaminationExcellentPolychlorinated biphenyls as a health hazardExcellentOccupational hazards of benzeneExcellentIntensive farmingExcellentHealth risks of alcohol consumptionExcellentHealth hazards of exposure to noiseExcellentHealth hazards of environmental electromagnetismExcellentHealth effects of tobacco smokingExcellentHazards from cometsExcellentHazardous remnants of warExcellentEnvironmental health hazards to childrenExcellentEnvironmental hazards of solar radiationExcellentEnvironmental hazards of pesticidesExcellentEnvironmental hazards of industrializationExcellentEnvironmental hazards of exotic species introductionExcellentEnvironmental hazards of empolderment of wetlandsExcellentEnvironmental hazards from transport systemsExcellentEnvironmental hazards from textile and clothing industriesExcellentEnvironmental hazards from metalsExcellentDangers of using mobile telephonesExcellentCarcinogenic chemical and physical agentsExcellentAntimony as a health hazardExcellentAerosols as industrial hazardsExcellentWrecks and derelicts as hazardsPresentableWind shear as a hazardPresentableWater-related hazards and dangersPresentableVulnerability of crops to weatherPresentableVibrations as a health hazardPresentableUnsafe design of consumer productsPresentableUnreliability of computer softwarePresentableUncertain toxicity thresholdsPresentableTransport of dangerous goodsPresentableTransport and storage of hazardous radioactive materialPresentableToxic substances in the homePresentableToxic metal pollutantsPresentableThreatened urban treesPresentableSuppression of information concerning environmental safetyPresentableSulphur dioxide as a pollutantPresentableSolvents as an occupational hazardPresentableShift work stress as an occupational hazardPresentableRoad hazardsPresentableRisks in power productionPresentableRiskPresentablePVC as an environmental hazardPresentablePhotosensitive epilepsyPresentablePesticide hazards to wildlifePresentableOccupational risks and hazards of the medical professionPresentableOccupational hazards to workers in small industriesPresentableOccupational hazards of male workersPresentableOccupational hazards of female workersPresentableOccupational hazardsPresentableNegative effects of maternityPresentableNatural hazards to aircraftPresentableMutagenic effects of drugsPresentableMicrowave radiation as a health hazardPresentableMeteors as hazardsPresentableManganese as a health hazardPresentableLead as a health hazard at workPresentableIrresponsible genetic manipulationPresentableInsensitivity to non-immediate hazards to societyPresentableIneffective emergency relief distributionPresentableIndiscriminate economic developmentPresentableIncrease in atmospheric concentration of methanePresentableInadequate safeguards against firePresentableInadequate protection from cold weatherPresentableImproper lighting as an occupational hazardPresentableIllicit discharge of dangerous substancesPresentableHydrogen sulphide as a pollutantPresentableHeat stress at workPresentableHealth risks to workers in agricultural and livestock productionPresentableHealth hazards to touristsPresentableHealth hazards of uraniumPresentableHealth hazards of smoking for womenPresentableHealth hazards of radiation in aircraftPresentableHealth hazards of plasticsPresentableHealth hazards of oral contraceptivesPresentableHealth hazards of mining radioactive substancesPresentableHealth hazards of irradiated foodPresentableHealth hazards of environmental pollutionPresentableHealth hazards of computer monitor screensPresentableHealth hazards of asbestosPresentableHealth hazards of artificial birth controlPresentableHealth hazards of aluminiumPresentableHealth hazards of air pollution for childrenPresentableHealth hazards in the mining industryPresentableHealth hazards from meat and meat preparationsPresentableHealth hazards from fish, crustacea and molluscsPresentableHealth hazards from dairy products and eggsPresentableHazards to young people at workPresentableHazards to plantsPresentableHazards to human health in the natural environmentPresentableHazards of cosmetic usePresentableHazards of biotechnologyPresentableHazards from live animalsPresentableHazardous wastesPresentableHazardous medical use of silicon gelPresentableHazardous locations for nuclear power plantsPresentableHazardous glaciersPresentableHazardous geo-engineeringPresentableHazardous aquatic animalsPresentableHarmful biological effects of ionizing radiationPresentableGeological hazardsPresentableFireworks as a hazardPresentableExport of hazardous industriesPresentableExcessive work-related travelPresentableEnvironmental impacts of shippingPresentableEnvironmental impacts of petroleum industryPresentableEnvironmental impacts of coal miningPresentableEnvironmental impacts from miningPresentableEnvironmental hazards of sugar productionPresentableEnvironmental hazards of pharmaceutical productsPresentableEnvironmental hazards of nuclear weapons industryPresentableEnvironmental hazards of nuclear power productionPresentableEnvironmental hazards of furniture and fixtures manufacturePresentableEnvironmental hazards of decommissioned nuclear power plantsPresentableEnvironmental hazards of cotton productionPresentableEnvironmental hazards of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices productionPresentableEnvironmental hazards of coal energyPresentableEnvironmental hazards of chlorine-bleached paper productsPresentableEnvironmental hazards from tobacco and tobacco manufacturesPresentableEnvironmental hazards from timber industriesPresentableEnvironmental hazards from the construction industryPresentableEnvironmental hazards from rice productionPresentableEnvironmental hazards from plastic materialsPresentableEnvironmental hazards from petroleumPresentableEnvironmental hazards from paper and printing industriesPresentableEnvironmental hazards from mineral exploitation of seabed resourcesPresentableEnvironmental hazards from loggingPresentableEnvironmental hazards from hydropowerPresentableEnvironmental hazards from fishing industryPresentableEnvironmental hazards from electromagnetic pulsesPresentableEnvironmental hazards from coal conversion plantsPresentableEnvironmental hazards from chemicalsPresentableEnvironmental hazards from agricultural and pastoral activitiesPresentableEnvironmental hazards constraining scientific researchPresentableEnvironmental hazard from leather manufacturersPresentableEnvironmental degradation by road trafficPresentableElectronic wastePresentableDust as an occupational hazardPresentableDoom-mongeringPresentableDisease risks of tropical travelPresentableDangerous substancesPresentableDangerous sporting activityPresentableDangerous countriesPresentableConflicting standards for protection against chemical occupational hazardsPresentableCombined stresses as occupational hazardsPresentableCold as an occupational hazardPresentableCircumcision as a health hazardPresentableChlorofluorocarbons as an environmental hazardPresentableCarbon monoxide as a health hazardPresentableBureaucratic inactionPresentableBiological agents as occupational hazardsPresentableBeryllium as a health hazardPresentableWildlife pollution hazardYet to rateUnethical practice of the life sciencesYet to rateUnethical practice of geological sciencesYet to rateUnethical practice of anthropologyYet to rateTravel health hazardsYet to rateSusceptibility of the impoverished to drug traffickingYet to rateRadio frequencies as a health hazardsYet to rateOccupational hazards of vegetable dustsYet to rateOccupational hazards of paintersYet to rateOccupational hazards in commerce and officesYet to rateMined international waterways as shipping hazardsYet to rateMeteorites as hazardsYet to rateLack of international policy on specific issuesYet to rateInadequately cooked foodsYet to rateHealth hazards of unpasteurized milkYet to rateHealth hazards of unpasteurized juicesYet to rateHealth hazards of modern insulating materialsYet to rateHealth hazards of kneelingYet to rateHealth hazards of cassavaYet to rateHealth hazards of aniline dyesYet to rateHealth hazards in the metals industriesYet to rateHealth hazards from fruit and vegetablesYet to rateHealth hazards from food and drinkYet to rateHealth hazards from cereals and cereal preparationsYet to rateHazards to human healthYet to rateHazards of being a black motoristYet to rateHazardous school laboratoriesYet to rateEnvironmental hazards of vibrationYet to rateEnvironmental hazards of rubber manufacturesYet to rateEnvironmental hazards of metal manufacturesYet to rateEnvironmental hazards of footwear manufactureYet to rateEnvironmental hazards of artificial resinsYet to rateEnvironmental hazards from petroleum refineriesYet to rateEnvironmental hazards from chemicals and petrochemicals industriesYet to rateDependence on taking pilgrimageYet to rateAldehydes as health hazardsYet to rateStrategyAdvancing environmental healthExcellentStrengthening capacity to control communicable diseasesPresentableResearching exposure to environmental hazardsPresentableResearching child exposure to environmental hazardsPresentableReducing health risks from environmental pollutionPresentableReducing environmental risk of cancerPresentableProviding financial assistance for hazardous waste emergenciesPresentableProviding education on hazardous waste management in government and industryPresentableProviding education materials on effects of hazardous wastePresentableProtecting against human health hazards in chemical-intensive agriculturePresentableProtecting against health hazards of motherhoodPresentableProtecting against health hazards from food and drinkPresentableProtecting against health hazards from fish, crustacea and molluscsPresentableProtecting against environmental hazards from loggingPresentableProtecting against environmental hazards from chemicalsPresentablePreventing child exposure to environmental hazardsPresentablePreparing health criteria on hazardous waste preventionPresentableMonitoring illegal traffic in hazardous waste at the regional levelPresentableMonitoring exposure to hazardous environmental pollutantsPresentableMaking industry responsible for environmentally sound disposal of its hazardous wastePresentableLinking environmental hazards to childhood asthmaPresentableImproving hazardous waste management programmes to meet health and environment normsPresentableImproving hazardous waste managementPresentableHarmonizing transport of dangerous goodsPresentableExpanding knowledge resources on health implications of hazardous wastesPresentableEvaluating cognitive effects of environmental health hazardsPresentableDumping hazardous wastesPresentableDeveloping conventions on transboundary movement of hazardous wastePresentableComplying with international guidelines in hazardous waste agreementsPresentableAssessing health and environmental risks of hazardous wastePresentableAssessing financing to reduce health risks from environmental pollution and hazardsPresentableAdopting laws to prevent the illegal export or import of hazardous wastePresentableUsing careful fishing methodsYet to rateUrging industry to publish information on their management of hazardous wasteYet to rateTaking measures for environmentally sound disposal of hazardous waste in developing countriesYet to rateSuppressing information concerning environmental hazardsYet to rateSupporting national programmes to monitor and control hazardous wastesYet to rateStudying hazards to female workersYet to rateStrengthening research centres on hazardous waste managementYet to rateStrengthening cradle-to-grave environmental impact assessment of hazardous wasteYet to rateStrengthening cooperation on monitoring effects of hazardous waste managementYet to rateStoring hazardous wastesYet to rateStandardizing hazard communication terminologyYet to rateSetting up tracking systems for movements of hazardous wasteYet to rateSetting up information systems to detect illegal traffic in hazardous wasteYet to rateSeparating components of urban solid wasteYet to rateResearching management of hazardous wasteYet to rateResearching crop hazardsYet to rateReporting social hazardsYet to rateReporting hazards to soilsYet to rateReporting hazards to minority culturesYet to rateReporting hazards to ecological systemsYet to rateReporting groundwater pollution hazardsYet to rateReducing toxic riskYet to rateReducing pollution hazards of industrial researchYet to rateReducing occupational risks and hazards of the medical professionYet to rateReducing occupational risk in the mining industryYet to rateReducing impact of natural disastersYet to rateReducing environmental degradation by automobilesYet to rateReducing amount of hazardous waste for disposalYet to rateRedirecting development to less hazard prone areasYet to rateReceiving dangerous cargoYet to rateReaching consensus on environmental hazardsYet to ratePublishing information on companies which generate hazardous wasteYet to ratePublicizing healthYet to rateProviding public information on hazardous waste issuesYet to rateProtesting industrial pollutionYet to rateProtecting island populationsYet to rateProtecting against water-related hazards and dangersYet to rateProtecting against travel health hazardsYet to rateProtecting against toxic metals as health hazardsYet to rateProtecting against road hazardsYet to rateProtecting against railway environmental hazardsYet to rateProtecting against pesticide hazards to wildlifeYet to rateProtecting against occupational risks and hazardsYet to rateProtecting against natural hazards to aircraftYet to rateProtecting against natural gas production environmental hazardsYet to rateProtecting against meteors as hazardsYet to rateProtecting against meteorites as hazardsYet to rateProtecting against health hazards of radioisotopesYet to rateProtecting against health hazards in the metals industriesYet to rateProtecting against health hazardsYet to rateProtecting against hazards to human health in the natural environmentYet to rateProtecting against hazards to human healthYet to rateProtecting against hazards of biotechnologyYet to rateProtecting against hazards of agricultural chemicalsYet to rateProtecting against hazards in daily lifeYet to rateProtecting against hazards from cometsYet to rateProtecting against hazardous travelYet to rateProtecting against hazardous siting of dwellingsYet to rateProtecting against hazardous rental accommodationYet to rateProtecting against hazardous remnants of warYet to rateProtecting against hazardous productsYet to rateProtecting against hazardous geo-engineeringYet to rateProtecting against hazardous combinations of substancesYet to rateProtecting against geological hazardsYet to rateProtecting against fire hazardsYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards of pharmaceutical productsYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards of new species introductionYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards of empolderment of wetlandsYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from transport systemsYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from textile and clothing industriesYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from paper and printing industriesYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from minesYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from meat productionYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from manufacturing industriesYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from industryYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from food processing industriesYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from field crop productionYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from energy industriesYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from chemicals and petrochemicals industriesYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from animalsYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards from agricultural and pastoral activitiesYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards due to economic developmentYet to rateProhibiting dumping of hazardous wastesYet to rateProducing environmentally sound computing equipmentYet to ratePreventing production of hazardous wastesYet to ratePreventing natural hazardsYet to ratePreventing illegal international traffic in hazardous wastesYet to ratePreventing exposure to environmental hazardsYet to ratePreparing inventories in developing countries on hazardous waste productionYet to ratePreparing guidelines on the design of potentially hazardous activitiesYet to ratePreaching religionYet to rateNotifying hazards of strong toxic substancesYet to rateMonitoring exposure to hazardsYet to rateMonitoring compliance violations of hazardous waste export/import lawsYet to rateMonitoring adverse effects of hazardous wastesYet to rateMitigating volcanic disastersYet to rateMitigating geological hazardsYet to rateLinking environmental hazards to endocrine disruptionYet to rateLinking environmental hazards to childhood neurodevelopmentYet to rateLinking environmental hazards to childhood cancerYet to rateInvolving local communities in contingency planning on environmental hazardsYet to rateInvestigating potentially hazardous products wastesYet to rateInforming local communities about hazardous installationsYet to rateInforming about womens health hazardsYet to rateInforming about hazardous weatherYet to rateIncreasing support for hazardous waste research in developing countriesYet to rateIncreasing research on cost-effective alternatives for hazardous processesYet to rateIncreasing public participation in hazardous waste managementYet to rateIncreasing international cooperation centres on hazardous waste managementYet to rateImproving training on prevention and control of hazardous waste health risksYet to rateImproving hazardous waste institutionsYet to rateImproving coordination of policy on hazardous wasteYet to rateImproving capacity to assess hazardous waste risksYet to rateImproving capacities to monitor the transboundary movements of hazardous wastesYet to rateImplementing international conventions on hazardous wasteYet to rateIdentifying hazards and dangersYet to rateIdentifying environmental hazardsYet to rateIdentifying best available technology for hazardous waste managementYet to rateIdentifying and preparing profiles on hazardous wastesYet to rateExpanding use of environmentally less harmful agrochemicalsYet to rateExpanding research on environmentally sound management of hazardous wasteYet to rateExpanding international information exchange on hazardous wasteYet to rateExpanding hazardous waste research in developing countriesYet to rateExchanging information on illegal transboundary movement of hazardous wasteYet to rateEstablishing regulations requiring environmentally sound management of hazardous wastesYet to rateEstablishing inventories of hazardous wasteYet to rateEstablishing hazardous waste treatment centresYet to rateEstablishing facilities in each country to handle its own hazardous wastesYet to rateEstablishing databases on populations exposed to hazardous wasteYet to rateEstablishing a globally harmonized hazardous chemical classification systemYet to rateEnsuring safe export of hazardous wasteYet to rateEnsuring military applies environmental norms for hazardous waste treatmentYet to rateEnsuring compatibility of agreements on hazardous wasteYet to rateEliminating unnecessary health hazardsYet to rateEducating about national hazardous waste managementYet to rateDocumenting occupational hazardsYet to rateDocumenting hazards to human healthYet to rateDisposing of hazardous wasteYet to rateDeveloping industry-based institutions on hazardous waste handlingYet to rateDeveloping guidelines for identifying hazardous wasteYet to rateDeveloping community detection of traffic in hazardous wastesYet to rateDeveloping brown field sitesYet to rateDeveloping appropriate methods for identifying hazardous wastesYet to rateCooperating with industry in identifying and cleaning-up hazardous waste disposal sitesYet to rateControlling transboundary movement of hazardous wasteYet to rateControlling hazardous industriesYet to rateConducting training on hazardous waste management technology in developing countriesYet to rateConducting research on the health effects of hazardous wastes in developing countriesYet to rateConducting environmental audits to assess hazardous waste management in industryYet to rateCombining treatment/disposal facilities for hazardous waste in small and medium-sized enterprisesYet to rateClassifying dangerous social researchYet to rateClassifying dangerous occupationsYet to rateCampaigning against the export of toxic materialsYet to rateCampaigning against hazardous waste disposalYet to rateBanning hazardous waste exports to countries lacking safe handling capabilityYet to rateAvoiding travelling hazardsYet to rateAssessing riskYet to rateAssessing multi-hazard risks of settlementsYet to rateAssessing hazardous waste management needs of small and medium-sized enterprisesYet to rateAssessing effectiveness of existing information systems on hazardous wasteYet to rateAdopting safety standards for hazardous waste managementYet to rateAdopting policies for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wasteYet to rateAdopting national programmes to reduce hazardous wasteYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems ยป HazardsContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024