
Irresponsible experts

Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Other Names:
Unethical practices of consultants
Professional malpractice by consultants
Consulting fraud
Misuse of consultant status
Overcharging by consultants
Criminal involvement by consultants
Consulting scandals
Intimidation of consultants
Corrupt consultants
Illegal expertise
Unfair consultant investigations
High cost of consultants
Hysterical over-reaction by experts

The conditions under which external experts are hired to give advice are such that usually they are responsible neither to the host country nor to the host organization for their recommendations, should they prove to be totally incorrect. Often they may be unfamiliar with the special conditions of the country to which they are called and are unable to remain there long enough to acquire such experience (partly for fear of being by-passed in their parent institutions, partly because the salaries demanded are exorbitant by host country standards). Those who do remain long enough tend to live among the social elite, associating mainly with other foreigners, and remaining aloof from their opposite numbers in the host country who live in humbler surroundings. To the extent that they are highly specialized, they are not particularly concerned to reach agreement with other experts in order to provide coherent recommendations taking into account the insights deriving from a variety of disciplines. Thus advice which is technically correct may in effect be economically catastrophic.


Russians have complained that, after the breakup of the Soviet Union, they were flooded with foreign advisors and consultants who charged high fees and then left without having made any significant contribution.

Social Activity Professions
Information Expertise
Commerce Purchasing, supplying
Societal Problems Crime
Societal Problems Corruption
Societal Problems Maltreatment
Societal Problems Irresponsibility
Research, Standards Investigations
Health Care Mental health
Law Legality
Innovative change Change
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
17.06.2018 – 20:19 CEST