RiskRisksRiskinessRiskyBroaderSafety-DangerPresentableRespect-DisrespectPresentableCertainty-UncertaintyPresentableProblemThreatened species of AmphibiansExcellentTheftExcellentRadiation accidentsExcellentPersonal physical insecurity of womenExcellentGenetic discriminationExcellentEnvironmental hazards of empolderment of wetlandsExcellentEmissions from combustion enginesExcellentCybercrimeExcellentCarcinogenic chemical and physical agentsExcellentVulnerability of high technology systemsPresentableUnreliability of computer softwarePresentableUnhealthy human environmentPresentableUnhealthy behaviourPresentableTravellers' enhanced risk of diseasePresentableTransport of dangerous goodsPresentableThreatened species of ReptilesPresentableThreatened species of PiscesPresentableThreatened species of MammalsPresentableThreatened species of InvertebratesPresentableThreatened species of BirdsPresentableThreatened species of AnimaliaPresentableTheft of vehiclesPresentableSonic boom generated by supersonic aircraftPresentableSlanderPresentableRoad traffic accidentsPresentableRisks of immunizationPresentableRisks in transfer of ownershipPresentableRisks in power productionPresentableRisk-aversion strategyPresentableRisk of unintentional war generated by the arms racePresentableRisk of unintentional nuclear war generated by the strategy of deterrencePresentableRisk of unintentional nuclear war due to international crisesPresentableRisk of unintentional nuclear war due to accidentsPresentableRisk of unintentional global nuclear war due to nuclear proliferationPresentableRisk of intentional nuclear warPresentableRisk of ecoaccidentsPresentableRisk of capital investmentPresentableRiskPresentableRecklessnessPresentablePoliticization of health standardsPresentablePolitical upheavalsPresentableOccupational risks and hazards of the medical professionPresentableOccupational health risksPresentableNon-surveillance of medical high risk personsPresentableNatural hazards to aircraftPresentableNationalization of foreign investmentsPresentableMultiple birthsPresentableMarine accidentsPresentableLightningPresentableLibelPresentableLack of folic acid in dietPresentableKidnappingPresentableInjurious explosionsPresentableInjurious accidentsPresentableInconsistent risk evaluationPresentableHealth risks to workers in construction industryPresentableHealth risks to workers in agricultural and livestock productionPresentableHealth risks of teenage sexPresentableHealth risks of atmospheric destructionPresentableHealth hazards of oral contraceptivesPresentableFiresPresentableErrors and risks in medical self-experimentationPresentableDishonest employeesPresentableDisease risks of tropical travelPresentableBusiness bankruptcyPresentableBad weatherPresentableAir pollution from forest firesPresentableAgricultural risksPresentableUnwillingness to risk loss of lifeYet to rateUntenable investmentsYet to rateUnretrievable documentsYet to rateUnproven new methodsYet to rateUnethical practice of geological sciencesYet to rateThreat of warYet to rateRisky rental agreementsYet to rateRisk of unintentional nuclear war from strategic misjudgementYet to rateRisk of unintentional nuclear warYet to rateRisk of contracting AIDS through lesionsYet to rateReluctance of government to invest in high-risk development initiativesYet to rateRansomYet to rateProhibitive legal costsYet to ratePolitical riskYet to rateOccupational hazards in commerce and officesYet to rateObstacles to the international transfer of corpsesYet to rateMoral risk to creditorsYet to rateInterruption riskYet to rateInsufficient farm experimentsYet to rateInadequate spread of riskYet to rateImmunosuppressive risk behaviourYet to rateHigh risk technologiesYet to rateHedging in the financial futures marketYet to rateHealth risks to workers in transport, storage and communication industriesYet to rateHealth risks to workers in service industriesYet to rateHealth risks to workers in manufacturing industriesYet to rateHealth risks to workers in electricity, gas, water and sanitary servicesYet to rateHealth risks to workers in chemical industriesYet to rateHealth risks to organ recipientsYet to rateHazards to human healthYet to rateForgery of shares and bondsYet to rateFinancial riskYet to rateExport credit risksYet to rateExcessive desire for riskYet to rateExcessive cautionYet to rateEmployment at risk through elimination of industrial pollutionYet to rateEconomic risks of subcontractorsYet to rateEconomic philosophy of controlled riskYet to rateDangerous building constructionYet to rateStrategyAdvancing environmental healthExcellentUsing vaccines to prevent communicable diseasesPresentableStrengthening national capacities for environmental health interventionsPresentableRiskingPresentableReducing risk of radiation accidentsPresentableReducing risk of maternal and child mortality and sicknessPresentableReducing health risks of fuel exhaustPresentableReducing health risks from environmental pollutionPresentableReducing environmental risk of cancerPresentableReclaiming wetlandsPresentablePromoting safety for older people at homePresentablePreventing traffic accidentsPresentableImproving reproductive healthPresentableHarmonizing transport of dangerous goodsPresentableEstablishing environmental health indicators for climate changePresentableEstablishing chemical risk reduction programmesPresentableEnsuring information system integrityPresentableDisseminating information on technology safety and accessibilityPresentableDeveloping social bankingPresentableDeveloping safe cigarettesPresentableDeveloping public information guidelines on chemical risksPresentableDeveloping environmental risk assessment for genetically modified cropsPresentableDeveloping chemical risk assessment capabilitiesPresentableConducting integrated environmental health risk assessmentsPresentableAssessing health risks of industry and energy productionPresentableAssessing health and environmental risks of hazardous wastePresentableAssessing financing to reduce health risks from environmental pollution and hazardsPresentableAdopting community right-to-know for environmental risk reductionPresentableUsing risk assessment techniques for decision-makingYet to rateTreating excessive fear of riskYet to rateTesting couple compatibility before marriageYet to rateTaking surveillance of medical high risk personsYet to rateTaking security risksYet to rateTaking risks in power productionYet to rateTaking risk during loading and unloadingYet to rateTaking radiation risksYet to rateTaking political riskYet to rateTaking occupational risksYet to rateTaking occupational risk to healthYet to rateTaking medically risky behaviourYet to rateTaking immunosuppressive riskYet to rateTaking high riskYet to rateTaking health risksYet to rateTaking financial riskYet to rateTaking export credit risksYet to rateTaking environmental health risksYet to rateTaking economic risksYet to rateTaking controlled riskYet to rateTaking building erection risksYet to rateSupporting adoption of chemical risk reduction procedures by enterprisesYet to rateStudying risk of diseaseYet to rateStrengthening safety procedures in the areas of risk assessmentYet to rateStrengthening programmes on chemical risk assessmentYet to rateSpreading riskYet to rateSpeculating on risksYet to rateSharing commercial riskYet to rateSetting priorities for chemicals risk reduction programmesYet to rateSecuring chemical data from industry for assessing potential risksYet to rateRisking slanderYet to rateRespecting unwillingness to risk loss of lifeYet to rateRespecting human lifeYet to rateReporting radiation risksYet to rateReducing travel risksYet to rateReducing toxic riskYet to rateReducing security risksYet to rateReducing risks of starting new industriesYet to rateReducing risks of immunizationYet to rateReducing risks of diseaseYet to rateReducing risks in power productionYet to rateReducing risk of unintentional war generated by the arms raceYet to rateReducing risk of unintentional nuclear war generated by the strategy of deterrenceYet to rateReducing risk of unintentional nuclear war generated by developments of strategic doctrineYet to rateReducing risk of unintentional nuclear war due to international crisesYet to rateReducing risk of unintentional nuclear warYet to rateReducing risk of unintentional global nuclear war due to nuclear proliferationYet to rateReducing risk of unintentional cultural mistakesYet to rateReducing risk of theftYet to rateReducing risk of slanderingYet to rateReducing risk of political upheavalYet to rateReducing risk of nationalization of overseas investmentsYet to rateReducing risk of missing documentsYet to rateReducing risk of lightning strikingYet to rateReducing risk of intentional nuclear warYet to rateReducing risk of insolvencyYet to rateReducing risk of incurring legal expensesYet to rateReducing risk of employee infidelityYet to rateReducing risk of ecoaccidentsYet to rateReducing risk of damage to stockYet to rateReducing risk of damage to premisesYet to rateReducing risk of capital investmentYet to rateReducing risk of being kidnappedYet to rateReducing risk of bad weatherYet to rateReducing risk of accidentYet to rateReducing riskYet to rateReducing political riskYet to rateReducing occupational risks and hazards of the medical professionYet to rateReducing occupational risk in the mining industryYet to rateReducing medically risky behaviourYet to rateReducing interruption riskYet to rateReducing impact of natural disastersYet to rateReducing immunosuppressive risk behaviourYet to rateReducing high risk technologiesYet to rateReducing high risk quantitative investmentsYet to rateReducing health risks to workers in transport, storage and communication industriesYet to rateReducing health risks to workers in agricultural and livestock productionYet to rateReducing health risks of teenage sexYet to rateReducing health risksYet to rateReducing fire riskYet to rateReducing financial riskYet to rateReducing export credit risksYet to rateReducing experimental farming riskYet to rateReducing economic risks of subcontractorsYet to rateReducing delays in delivery of goods and servicesYet to rateReducing coitus as a cancer riskYet to rateReducing building erection risksYet to rateReducing aviation risksYet to rateReducing agricultural risksYet to ratePublishing materials about adolescent sexualityYet to ratePublicizing healthYet to rateProviding risk loansYet to rateProviding public information on the benefits and risks of technologyYet to rateProviding health risk data on alternatives to restricted chemicalsYet to rateProviding adequate unloading siteYet to rateProtecting against medical experimentation on socially vulnerable groupsYet to rateProtecting against environmental hazards of empolderment of wetlandsYet to ratePreventing animal extinctionsYet to ratePlanning for the unexpectedYet to ratePhasing out and replacing chemicals posing unacceptable risksYet to rateMonitoring toxic chemicals during their entire life cycleYet to rateMonitoring risk management systemsYet to rateMonitoring employment at risk through elimination of industrial pollutionYet to rateMinimizing risks from storage of outdated chemicalsYet to rateMatching actual and perceived riskYet to rateManaging interest rate riskYet to rateManaging exchange riskYet to rateMaking consistent risk evaluationYet to rateLocating coastal sewage outfalls to avoid environmental risksYet to rateIntegrating risk assessmentYet to rateInsuring against risk of interruptionYet to rateInforming about unsafe nuclear missilesYet to rateInforming about transmission of AIDS by breastfeedingYet to rateIncreasing technical training on chemical risk management in developing countriesYet to rateIncreasing riskYet to rateIncreasing international exchange of chemical risk assessment reportsYet to rateIncreasing international assessment of chemical risksYet to rateIncreasing chemical risk research by industry in developed countriesYet to rateIncorporating health risks analysis in national pollution control programmesYet to rateImproving training on prevention and control of hazardous waste health risksYet to rateImproving long-term environmental policies, technology and risk assessmentYet to rateImproving information systems on toxic chemicalsYet to rateImproving information systems for safety controlYet to rateImproving capacity to assess hazardous waste risksYet to rateHumanizing risksYet to rateGlobalizing risk assessmentYet to rateExchanging information on safe handling and risk management for biotechnologyYet to rateExchanging information on programmes to reduce toxic chemical riskYet to rateEstablishing venture capital fundsYet to rateEndangering with awareness of high riskYet to rateEncouraging risk-takingYet to rateDiscouraging behaviours carrying negative externalitiesYet to rateDisclosing by industry of chemical risks and emergency responseYet to rateDeveloping risk assessment techniques for wetland biodiversity managementYet to rateDetermining acceptable riskYet to rateDenying risk-takingYet to rateDefining health risksYet to rateDampening desire for riskYet to rateCreating risk of unintentional global nuclear war due to nuclear proliferationYet to rateCreating awareness of the benefits and risks of biotechnologyYet to rateCounselling in situations of risk of premature birthYet to rateCoordinating chemical risk reduction programmesYet to rateConserving endangered species of mammalsYet to rateConserving endangered species of invertebratesYet to rateConserving endangered species of fishYet to rateConserving endangered species of birdsYet to rateConserving endangered species of amphibiaYet to rateConserving endangered predatory animalsYet to rateConducting ecotoxicological studies to assess chemical risk to the environmentYet to rateCampaigning against warYet to rateAvoiding engineering failureYet to rateAvoiding capital riskYet to rateAverting risksYet to rateAssisting developing countries to strengthen chemical risk assessment capabilitiesYet to rateAssessing riskYet to rateAssessing multi-hazard risks of settlementsYet to rateAssessing health risksYet to rateAnalysing economic vulnerabilityYet to rateAlleviating flood risksYet to rateAdopting community right-to-know programmes on chemical risk based on international guidelinesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems ยป HazardsContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024