InequalityInequityInequitableInequitiesUnequalInequalitiesBroaderJustice-InjusticePresentableIdentity-DifferencePresentableAgreement-DisagreementPresentableUniformity-NonuniformityYet to rateProblemUnequal income distribution within countriesExcellentRacismExcellentProhibitive cost of educationExcellentMale bias of medicineExcellentMaldistribution of foodExcellentInequitable distribution of wealthExcellentInequitable bargainingExcellentImbalance in strategic armsExcellentHuman inequalityExcellentGender inequalityExcellentDistortionary tax systemsExcellentDiscrimination against women in employmentExcellentDiscrimination against womenExcellentAntisemitismExcellentWorldwide misallocation of resourcesPresentableUnequal regional distribution of deathsPresentableUnequal property rights for womenPresentableUnequal property distributionPresentableUnequal political representationPresentableUnequal pay for womenPresentableUnequal parliamentary constituenciesPresentableUnequal opportunity for vocational trainingPresentableUnequal opportunities for media receptionPresentableUnequal opportunities for disabled personsPresentableUnequal income distribution between countriesPresentableUnequal global distribution of economic growthPresentableUnequal global distribution of basic skillsPresentableUnequal employment opportunities for womenPresentableUnequal distribution of old age pensions between men and womenPresentableUnequal distribution of fame and honoursPresentableUnequal coverage by social securityPresentableUnequal access to education among countriesPresentableSocial inequalityPresentableSexual discrimination in educationPresentableScientific racismPresentablePolitical inequalityPresentableMaldistribution of waterPresentableMaldistribution of energy consumptionPresentableLimited farm mechanizationPresentableLimited availability of education in rural areasPresentableIrresponsibility towards future generationsPresentableInternational economic injusticePresentableInstitutional economic dominationPresentableInequity in health within countriesPresentableInequities in ship owner registrationPresentableInequities in marine insurancePresentableInequitable distribution of skilled specialistsPresentableInequitable distribution of construction expertisePresentableInequitable allocation of rights to exploit sea-bed and marine resourcesPresentableInequality of life expectancy by genderPresentableInequality of employment opportunityPresentableInequality of access to education within countriesPresentableInequality induced by remote sensing systemsPresentableInequality in educationPresentableInequality in distribution of energy resources among countriesPresentableIneffective delivery of basic human resource servicesPresentableInconsistent risk evaluationPresentableInadequate working conditionsPresentableInadequate insurance against pregnancyPresentableInadequate family planning programmesPresentableInaccessibility of justicePresentableHealth inequalitiesPresentableFemale bias of medicinePresentableElitist control of construction technologyPresentableDiscriminatory international orderPresentableDiscrimination in employmentPresentableDiscrimination against women in educationPresentableDiscrimination against women executivesPresentableDeterioration of international terms of tradePresentableDeficiencies in the welfare statePresentableCredit discriminationPresentableAbuse of project-tied migrationPresentableUnfairly negotiated treatiesYet to rateUnequal promotionYet to rateUnequal opportunities for foreign studentsYet to rateUnequal mortality rates within countriesYet to rateUnequal mortality of the elderly among countriesYet to rateUnequal health benefits for womenYet to rateUnequal franchise for womenYet to rateUnequal distribution of production among countriesYet to rateUnequal distribution of livestock productionYet to rateUnequal distribution of forcesYet to rateUnequal distribution of fish catchesYet to rateUnequal distribution of fellowshipsYet to rateUndemocratic policy-makingYet to rateParental favouritismYet to rateLack of models of equalityYet to rateLack of contract powerYet to rateInequitable use of medical resourcesYet to rateInequitable education selectionYet to rateInequality-inducing effects of communications mediaYet to rateInequality in mortality ratesYet to rateInequalityYet to rateGender inequality in intelligenceYet to rateDiscrimination in social servicesYet to rateDenial of right to inherit propertyYet to rateStrategyEstablishing equal opportunity for women in employmentExcellentUsing communications media to promote equality between women and menPresentableReducing fiscal inequalityPresentableReducing disparity in distribution of wealthPresentablePromoting equality of opportunity for migrant workersPresentableImproving social services for womenPresentableImplementing land reformPresentableUsing unequal representationYet to rateUsing political inequalityYet to rateUsing international inequalityYet to rateUsing inequality of opportunityYet to rateUsing inequality in educationYet to rateUsing inequalityYet to rateUpholding significance of equalityYet to rateUnbalancing strategic armsYet to rateTrivializing equalityYet to rateSwapping debtsYet to rateStandardizing economic growth among countriesYet to rateSecuring social equalityYet to rateSecuring racial equalityYet to rateSecuring needed rights equityYet to rateSecuring minority equalityYet to rateSecuring equality of opportunity for males and femalesYet to rateRevising inequitable natural resource policyYet to rateResearching causes of unequal morbidity and mortality between countriesYet to rateReducing widening income gulf between rich and poorYet to rateReducing unequal distribution of public servicesYet to rateReducing unequal distribution of meat productionYet to rateReducing unequal development in the promotion of healthYet to rateReducing sibling inequalityYet to rateReducing sexual inequality in job promotionYet to rateReducing sexual inequality in employmentYet to rateReducing regional inequality of distribution of deathsYet to rateReducing racial inequalityYet to rateReducing political inequalityYet to rateReducing inequality-inducing effects of communications mediaYet to rateReducing inequality of use of medical resourcesYet to rateReducing inequality of tradeYet to rateReducing inequality of tax treatiesYet to rateReducing inequality of social security coverageYet to rateReducing inequality of school feesYet to rateReducing inequality of school distributionYet to rateReducing inequality of rights for different racial groupsYet to rateReducing inequality of property rightsYet to rateReducing inequality of property inheritanceYet to rateReducing inequality of political representationYet to rateReducing inequality of pay for womenYet to rateReducing inequality of parliamentary constituenciesYet to rateReducing inequality of opportunities for media receptionYet to rateReducing inequality of mortality rates within countriesYet to rateReducing inequality of health within countriesYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of skilled specialistsYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of production among countriesYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of natural resources among countriesYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of livestock productionYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of fish catchesYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of fame and honoursYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of energy resources among countriesYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of agricultural productionYet to rateReducing inequality of distribution of agricultural machineryYet to rateReducing inequality of concentration of financial powerYet to rateReducing inequality of bargainingYet to rateReducing inequality of access to the lawYet to rateReducing inequality of access to foodYet to rateReducing inequality of access to education within countriesYet to rateReducing inequality of access to education among countriesYet to rateReducing inequality in mortality ratesYet to rateReducing inequality in morbidity and mortality between countriesYet to rateReducing inequality in energy useYet to rateReducing inequality in employmentYet to rateReducing inequality in educationYet to rateReducing inequality in decision makingYet to rateReducing inequality between North and SouthYet to rateReducing inequality between generationsYet to rateReducing inequality before the lawYet to rateReducing income inequality among countriesYet to rateReducing income inequalityYet to rateReducing human inequalityYet to rateReducing global inequality of distribution of family planning education and facilitiesYet to rateReducing gender-related inequality in schoolYet to rateReducing gender inequality in intelligenceYet to rateReducing discrimination in educationYet to rateReducing discrimination against the disabledYet to rateReducing dependence on international inequalityYet to rateRecognizing environmental justiceYet to rateProviding sufficient models of equalityYet to rateProviding safe drinking water for the poorYet to rateProviding fair salary scalesYet to ratePromoting foreign portfolio equity investmentYet to ratePromoting equityYet to ratePromoting equality between men and womenYet to ratePromoting equalityYet to ratePrioritizing distribution according to discerned inequitiesYet to ratePreserving unequal distribution of public servicesYet to ratePreserving social inequalityYet to ratePreserving sibling inequalityYet to ratePreserving sexual inequality in job promotionYet to ratePreserving sexual inequality in employmentYet to ratePreserving racial inequalityYet to ratePreserving political inequalityYet to ratePreserving inequality-inducing effects of communications mediaYet to ratePreserving inequality of use of medical resourcesYet to ratePreserving inequality of tradeYet to ratePreserving inequality of social security coverageYet to ratePreserving inequality of school feesYet to ratePreserving inequality of salariesYet to ratePreserving inequality of property rightsYet to ratePreserving inequality of property inheritanceYet to ratePreserving inequality of property distributionYet to ratePreserving inequality of pay for womenYet to ratePreserving inequality of parliamentary constituenciesYet to ratePreserving inequality of opportunities for media receptionYet to ratePreserving inequality of distribution of livestock productionYet to ratePreserving inequality of distribution of fish catchesYet to ratePreserving inequality of distribution of fame and honoursYet to ratePreserving inequality of bargainingYet to ratePreserving inequality of attention to women's health issuesYet to ratePreserving inequality of access to waterYet to ratePreserving inequality in employmentYet to ratePreserving inequality in educationYet to ratePreserving inequality in decision makingYet to ratePreserving inequality between generationsYet to ratePreserving inequalityYet to ratePreserving income inequality within countriesYet to ratePreserving income inequality among countriesYet to ratePreserving income inequalityYet to ratePreserving global inequality of distribution of family planning education and facilitiesYet to ratePreserving gender-related inequality in schoolYet to ratePreserving gender inequalityYet to ratePreserving dependence on international inequalityYet to ratePlanning development projectsYet to rateMobilizing equity resourcesYet to rateMatching actual and perceived riskYet to rateExploiting disparity in distribution of wealthYet to rateExploiting disparity between industrialized and developing countriesYet to rateEstablishing equity marketsYet to rateEstablishing equity fundYet to rateEnsuring equalityYet to rateEnsuring buyer's price equityYet to rateDeveloping equalityYet to rateDenying right to equality because of raceYet to rateDenying right to education for womenYet to rateDeepening concept of equalityYet to rateConcentrating investment powerYet to rateCombatting inequityYet to rateCombating discrimination in employmentYet to rateBalancing strategic armsYet to rateBalancing international quality of working lifeYet to rateBalancing international distribution of skillsYet to rateAdvocating intergenerational equityYet to rateAdvocating inequalityYet to rateAchieving gender equalityYet to rateAbstaining from models of equalityYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024