Inequality in mortality rates
The crude death rate for the world as a whole declined from an annual average of 19.7 per 1000 population during 1950-1955 to 10.6 per 1000 during 1980-1985 and is projected to fall to 9.1 per 1000 by 1995-2000. For the developing countries, the average annual crude death rate declined from 24.4 per 1000 during 1950-1955 to 11.0 per 1000 in 1980-1985 and is projected to decline to 9 per 1000 by 1995-2000.
Each year malaria claims 1 million lives; tuberculosis 3 million; diarrheoal disease 4 million. Most of these deaths are among the vulnerable (the very young or the aged). The annual death rate from AIDS is around 100,000 in 1993 and is expected to be 400,000 by the year 2000.
By the early 1990s amongst urban populations with a high prevalence of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, adult mortality has risen and child mortality rates reverted to 1980 levels. In some African cities, eight hospital beds in 10 were occupied by AIDS patients. Asian nations could see a similar reversal of demographic gains by the end of the year 2000.