IllegalityIllegalIllegallyIllicitBroaderConsent-RefusalPresentableChastity-IndecencyPresentableProblemUnethical practices in politicsExcellentUnethical practices in forestryExcellentUnethical commercial practicesExcellentUnavailability of legal informationExcellentToxic waste smugglingExcellentSubstance abuseExcellentMilitarization of childrenExcellentIllicit drug traffickingExcellentIllegal induced abortionExcellentCultivation of illegal drugsExcellentCriminalization of euthanasiaExcellentUnfit legal defendantsPresentableUnethical sporting practicesPresentableUnethical practices of regulatory inspectorsPresentableUnethical practices of priesthoodPresentableUnethical practices of engineeringPresentableUnethical practices of accountantsPresentableUnethical practices in the legal systemPresentableUnethical practices in religionPresentableUnethical practices in educationPresentableUnethical practices by police forcesPresentableUnethical intellectual practicesPresentableUnethical financial practicesPresentableUnethical consumption practicesPresentableUnethical construction practicesPresentableUnderground pressPresentableUnderground economyPresentableUncontrolled immigrationPresentableUncertain toxicity thresholdsPresentableTrafficking in illegal firearmsPresentableTelephone buggingPresentableSecurities and commodities exchange violationsPresentableSecret armiesPresentableRestrictive legal practicesPresentablePoliticization of health standardsPresentablePoachingPresentableOveruse of industrial subsidiesPresentableOveruse of chemicals to control pestsPresentableOutmoded legal systemsPresentableMoney launderingPresentableMale bias of lawPresentableLegal impediments to marriagePresentableLegal impediments to foreign investmentPresentableLegal havensPresentableLegal contract system reduced to individual needsPresentableLack of legal aid facilitiesPresentableJournalistic irresponsibilityPresentableIrresponsible scientific and technological activityPresentableInternational trade in endangered speciesPresentableInsider dealingPresentableIndeterminacy of deathPresentableImproper financing of political partiesPresentableIllicit trade in prescribed drugsPresentableIllicit discharge of dangerous substancesPresentableIllegitimate political regimesPresentableIllegal tropical timber tradePresentableIllegal occupation of unoccupied propertyPresentableIllegal movement across frontiersPresentableIllegal marriagePresentableIllegal long-distance telephone callsPresentableIllegal ivory tradePresentableIllegal international arms shipmentsPresentableIllegal exports of nuclear materialsPresentableIllegal exportsPresentableGovernment complicity in illegal activitiesPresentableExport of banned pesticidesPresentableExecution of unethical ordersPresentableExcessive burden on the poor due to legal delaysPresentableDiscrimination against women in the legal professionPresentableDiscrimination against juveniles in judicial proceedings due to protective legislationPresentableDenial of right of complaintPresentableDeforestation in time of warPresentableCultural discrimination in the administration of justicePresentableCriminal offences against the environmentPresentableCounterfeit money and government securitiesPresentableComputer piracyPresentableClandestine propaganda broadcastingPresentableAvoidance of legal obligations by politiciansPresentableAdulteration of illicit drugsPresentableAbusive traffic in immigrant workersPresentableAbusive exemption from legal requirementsPresentableAbuses of legal immunity of intergovernmental organizationsPresentableAbuse of authorityPresentableUnnecessary verbosity of legal documentsYet to rateUnlawful government actionYet to rateUnethical professional practicesYet to rateUnethical practices relating to developmentYet to rateUnethical practices of governmentYet to rateUnethical practices of environmentalistsYet to rateUnethical practices in the service sectorYet to rateUnethical practices in manufacturingYet to rateUnethical practices in communicationYet to rateUnethical practice of anthropologyYet to rateUnethical media practicesYet to rateUnderutilization of legal rightsYet to rateUnderground trade in ancient manuscriptsYet to rateUnclear legal responsibilityYet to rateUnclear legal holdingsYet to rateUnchanging legal precedent undermines accountabilityYet to rateStatutory instabilityYet to rateSimplistic concept of familiesYet to rateRestrictions on news coverage of legal affairsYet to rateRefusal to accept treatment for mental illnessYet to rateProhibitive legal costsYet to rateOwnership as a basis for land allocationYet to rateOfficial protection for offendersYet to rateObstruction of international criminal investigationsYet to rateMisuse of the lawYet to rateMisguided legal adviceYet to rateLegal prevaricationYet to rateLegal inconsistencyYet to rateLack of national legal provision for international nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateLack of international legal provision for nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateIrresponsible expertsYet to rateIneffective monitoring of illegal activityYet to rateInadequate legal protection for agricultural workersYet to rateInadequate legal counsel for political dissidentsYet to rateInadequate legal counsel for minoritiesYet to rateInadequate illegal drug seizuresYet to rateInadequacy of international legal procedureYet to rateIllicit export of works of artYet to rateIllegality of nuclear weaponsYet to rateIllegal search without warrantYet to rateIllegal private theatre clubsYet to rateFailure to legally rehabilitate victims of miscarriage of justiceYet to rateDiscrimination against foreigners in legal proceedingsYet to rateDenial of rights of inanimate objectsYet to rateDenial of legal representationYet to rateDelay in administration of justiceYet to rateDeficiencies in national and local legal systemsYet to rateDeficiencies in international lawYet to rateDeceptive misuse of researchYet to rateCriminalization of drug useYet to rateConflict concerning legal custody of childrenYet to rateComplex legal proceduresYet to rateCoercive legislationYet to rateBiased appointment of judgesYet to rateAttraction of the forbiddenYet to rateStrategyStrengthening legal status of plant genetic resources for agriculturePresentableResearching legal aspects of biodiversity protectionPresentableProtecting traditional knowledgePresentableProposing legal controls on parenthoodPresentableMonitoring illegal traffic in hazardous waste at the regional levelPresentableLegalizing community rights to resource usePresentableImplementing environmental legal agreementsPresentableImplementing code of practice on transboundary movements of radioactive wastePresentableEstablishing procedures for legal redress for environmental harmPresentableDumping hazardous wastesPresentableDeveloping computer lawPresentableControlling availability of armsPresentableCombatting illegal immigrationPresentableAdopting laws to prevent the illegal export or import of hazardous wastePresentableUsing verbosity in legal documentsYet to rateUsing research as a cover for illegal activityYet to rateUsing products illegallyYet to rateUsing physics illegallyYet to rateUsing legal remediesYet to rateUsing legal loopholesYet to rateUsing insurance illegallyYet to rateUsing illicit narcotic drugsYet to rateUsing illegal labourYet to rateUsing illegal fungicidesYet to rateUsing illegal activitiesYet to rateUsing communication systems illegallyYet to rateUsing chemistry illegallyYet to rateUpholding structural maintenance of conferred legal powersYet to rateUpholding common acceptance of conferred legal powersYet to rateUpdating outmoded concepts in legal systemsYet to rateUndertaking illegal religious practicesYet to rateUndertaking illegal military activityYet to rateUndertaking illegal activity in the interests of the environmentYet to rateUndertaking covert military operationsYet to rateTrying illegallyYet to rateTravelling illegallyYet to rateTrafficking in illicit labourYet to rateTrafficking in illegal aliensYet to rateTrafficking drugsYet to rateTrading in shares illegallyYet to rateTrading in art outside the lawYet to rateTrading illegallyYet to rateTolerating illegal activityYet to rateTeaching legal medicineYet to rateTapping phones illegallyYet to rateTaking legal citizen actionYet to rateTaking illegal trade union actionYet to rateTaking illegal government actionYet to rateSupporting legal selfhelpYet to rateStriking illegallyYet to rateStrengthening legal requirements for environmental impact assessmentsYet to rateStrengthening developing country capacities to prevent illegal traffic in dangerous productsYet to rateStrengthening capacity to detect illegal trafficYet to rateStabilizing legal judgementsYet to rateSimplifying legal proceduresYet to rateSimplifying legal languageYet to rateShipping arms illegallyYet to rateSetting up information systems to detect illegal traffic in hazardous wasteYet to rateSetting legal boundariesYet to rateSetting boundaries for citizen libertiesYet to rateSetting behavioural mind-set concerning legality of activitiesYet to rateSeeking legal opinionYet to rateSecuring actual legal controlYet to rateSanctifying preambulatory statement to legal constitutionYet to rateSanctifying derivative commentary to legal constitutionYet to rateRunning illegal political regimesYet to rateRunning illegal industriesYet to rateRisking incurring legal expensesYet to rateReviewing popular feeling on judicial mattersYet to rateReviewing personal status lawsYet to rateReviewing national legal systemsYet to rateReviewing legal judgementYet to rateRevealing illegal activities of the churchYet to rateRestricting news coverage of legal affairsYet to rateRestricting legal practicesYet to rateRestating legal verdictYet to rateResearching legal aspects of businessYet to rateResearching corporate crimeYet to rateRepresenting residents legal claimsYet to rateReporting legal property statusYet to rateReporting legal malpracticeYet to rateRenting property illegallyYet to rateRemoving legal prejudice towards informal-sector activitiesYet to rateRemanding case on appealYet to rateRehearsing collective legal traditionYet to rateRegulating legal flexibilityYet to rateReformulating legal opinion on basis of social implicationsYet to rateReforming local authority legislationYet to rateReforming legal systemsYet to rateReducing risk of incurring legal expensesYet to rateReducing protectionism in legal servicesYet to rateReducing legal impediments to international investigationsYet to rateReducing legal impediments to foreign investmentYet to rateReducing legal discrimination in favour of offendersYet to rateReducing legal discrimination against menYet to rateReducing legal costsYet to rateReducing illegal research assistance for studentsYet to rateReducing fallibility of the legal systemYet to rateReducing discrimination against foreigners in legal proceedingsYet to rateReducing delay in administration of justiceYet to rateReducing costs of legal aidYet to rateRecruiting legal expertsYet to rateRecovering illegal private profitYet to rateRecognizing legal validity of symbolic substantiationYet to rateRecognizing legal validity of pragmatic experienceYet to rateRecognizing legal validity of guardianshipYet to rateRecognizing legal validityYet to rateRaising legal questionsYet to rateProviding sufficient national legal provision for international nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateProviding sufficient legal representationYet to rateProviding sufficient legal recourseYet to rateProviding sufficient legal aid facilitiesYet to rateProviding sufficient international legal provision for nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateProviding services illegallyYet to rateProviding regulatory mechanisms of governmentYet to rateProviding necessary legal structureYet to rateProviding legal support for social stabilityYet to rateProviding legal security of tenure for housing tenantsYet to rateProviding legal recognition of minority opinionYet to rateProviding legal impediments to international investigationsYet to rateProviding legal impediments to foreign investmentYet to rateProviding legal impedimentsYet to rateProviding legal framework for use of nuclear powerYet to rateProviding legal defenceYet to rateProviding legal counsel for political dissidentsYet to rateProviding legal consistencyYet to rateProviding legal basis for accountabilityYet to rateProviding legal assistance for foreignersYet to rateProviding legal assistanceYet to rateProviding legal advice for consumersYet to rateProviding institutional and legal support on land tenure for farmersYet to rateProviding inadequate legal counsel for political dissidentsYet to rateProviding illegal state aidYet to rateProviding illegal financingYet to rateProviding illegal expertiseYet to rateProviding illegal entertainmentYet to rateProviding illegal accommodationYet to rateProviding foundation to codified social rulesYet to rateProviding flexible legal systemYet to rateProviding familiarity with legal rightsYet to rateProviding compulsory legal requirementsYet to rateProviding common legal framework for allYet to rateProtecting individual legal rightsYet to rateProtecting acquired legal rights of womenYet to ratePromoting publically regulated prostitutionYet to rateProhibiting dumping of hazardous wastesYet to rateProducing illegal nuclear weaponsYet to ratePreventing unlawful trafficking in taxable objectsYet to ratePreventing unlawful rewarding of public servantsYet to ratePreventing legal equivocationYet to ratePreventing illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substancesYet to ratePreventing illegal international traffic of toxic chemicalsYet to ratePreventing illegal international traffic in hazardous wastesYet to ratePreventing illegal excavationYet to ratePreventing illegal border tradeYet to ratePreventing arbitrary executionsYet to ratePresenting judicial insightsYet to ratePreparing legal documentationYet to ratePracticing illegal medicineYet to ratePiracyYet to rateOperating underground pressYet to rateOperating underground economyYet to rateObtaining legal status for natural populationsYet to rateObtaining funds illegallyYet to rateObstructing legallyYet to rateNegotiating conflicts concerning legal custody of childrenYet to rateMoving illegally across frontiersYet to rateMonitoring illegal activityYet to rateMonitoring biotechnology regulationsYet to rateModernizing legal frameworkYet to rateMeeting necessary legal requirementsYet to rateManufacturing illegallyYet to rateManufacturing illegal technologyYet to rateManaging legal systemsYet to rateMaking regional assessments of illegal traffic in dangerous productsYet to rateMaking illegal telephone callsYet to rateMaking illegal repairsYet to rateMaking final legal judgementYet to rateMaking economic agreements for biodiversity conservationYet to rateMaintaining library of legal materialsYet to rateMaintaining legal baseYet to rateLegally controlling production of children per coupleYet to rateInnovating policies for legal reformYet to rateInfiltrating legal system on religious groundsYet to rateInducing abortion illegallyYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of legal systemYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of legal professionYet to rateIncorporating local legal bodyYet to rateImproving legal systemsYet to rateImproving legal servicesYet to rateImproving legal rights of natural objectsYet to rateImproving legal counsel for minoritiesYet to rateImproving international legal procedureYet to rateImproving international cooperation in reducing terrorismYet to rateImproving cooperation to prevent illegal transboundary movements of dangerous productsYet to rateImmigrating illegallyYet to rateHonouring business cooperativesYet to rateHonouring basic legitimacy of conferred legal powersYet to rateHelping prevent illegal excavationYet to rateHarmonizing legal terminologyYet to rateHarbouring illegal aliensYet to rateGrowing narcotic cropsYet to rateGoverning illegallyYet to rateGiving legal adviceYet to rateForming legal opinionYet to rateExtracting natural resources illegallyYet to rateExtending effective legal assistanceYet to rateExposing violation of right of legal reviewYet to rateExposing scandal in the legal professionYet to rateExporting illegallyYet to rateExploiting fallibility of the legal systemYet to rateExpanding use of information technology for lawYet to rateExpanding rights education among womenYet to rateExercising legal rightsYet to rateExercising authority illegallyYet to rateExchanging legal materialsYet to rateExchanging information on illegal transboundary movements of dangerous productsYet to rateExchanging information on illegal transboundary movement of hazardous wasteYet to rateEstablishing legal aid societiesYet to rateEstablishing international legal orderYet to rateEstablishing equal access to legal processesYet to rateEnsuring right of NGOs to initiate legal action to protect the public interestYet to rateEnsuring legal servicesYet to rateEnsuring legal accountabilityYet to rateEnsuring equal access to legal redress for environmental harmYet to rateEngaging in legal prevaricationYet to rateEngaging in illegal sporting practicesYet to rateEngaging in illegal political activityYet to rateEngaging in illegal multinational commerceYet to rateEngaging in illegal intellectual activityYet to rateEngaging in illegal government practicesYet to rateEngaging in illegal action as foreign reporterYet to rateEnforcing the law illegallyYet to rateEmpowering legal baseYet to rateEmpowering customary articulations of the lawYet to rateEmpowering citizens to challenge pollutersYet to rateEmploying people illegallyYet to rateEmigrating illegallyYet to rateEliminating unnecessary verbosity of legal documentsYet to rateEducating for illegal purposesYet to rateDrawing legal conclusionsYet to rateDistributing illegal technologyYet to rateDisseminating legal informationYet to rateDiscriminating on the legal age of consentYet to rateDischarging substances illegallyYet to rateDeveloping legal ethicsYet to rateDeveloping alert systems to detect illegal traffic in dangerous productsYet to rateDetaining illegallyYet to rateDetailing legal directivesYet to rateDenying right to legal aidYet to rateDenying legal representationYet to rateDemanding safe legal abortionYet to rateDemanding protective legalityYet to rateDemanding common statement of social codesYet to rateDelivering general legal aidYet to rateDefining legal modes of citizen engagementYet to rateDecriminalizing illegal immigrantsYet to rateCreating structural adjustments for biodiversity conservationYet to rateCreating regulatory instrumentsYet to rateCovering-up scandal in the legal professionYet to rateCovering up illegal activityYet to rateCorrecting mismanagement of legal systemYet to rateCorrecting legal interpretationYet to rateConducting illegal veterinary practiceYet to rateConducting illegal professional practiceYet to rateConducting illegal international businessYet to rateCompiling financial legal resourcesYet to rateCombatting traffickingYet to rateCombatting illicit traffic in cultural propertyYet to rateClearing forest illegallyYet to rateCharging legal costsYet to rateChanging legal precedentYet to rateChallenging legitimacy of public authorityYet to rateCampaigning to reduce the age of consentYet to rateCampaigning to raise legal age of marriageYet to rateBuilding illegallyYet to rateBuilding environmental capacity in governmentsYet to rateBroadening legal definition of the family structureYet to rateAvoiding legal obligationsYet to rateAttracting illegal activityYet to rateAssuring local legal entityYet to rateArticulating utopian intention for legal systemYet to rateArticulating system of derived legal powersYet to rateArticulating lawYet to rateArticulating communal legal structuresYet to rateArming groups illegallyYet to rateApplying legal precedentYet to rateApplying legal fines for criminal offencesYet to rateApplying affordable standardsYet to rateAlternating legal servicesYet to rateAdvancing legal scienceYet to rateAdvancing legal educationYet to rateAdopting laws to prevent illegal import of dangerous productsYet to rateAcquiring legal roadbed ownershipYet to rateAcknowledging legal errorsYet to rateAccumulating additional legal dataYet to rateAccounting for unique legal issuesYet to rateAbstaining from national legal provision for international nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateAbstaining from legal representationYet to rateAbstaining from legal recourseYet to rateAbstaining from legal engineeringYet to rateAbstaining from legal aid facilitiesYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices in the legal systemYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectLaw » LawLaw » LegalityContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024