- Forgery
- Illegal copying
Using or stealing someone else's works without permission of the author or owner, or stealing someone's works or goods. This may be accomplished by attacking a ship or aircraft; infringing on copyrights or business rights; reproducing art or trading goods, without due authorization.
Piracy was first known as violent robbery on the high seas. For two thousand years, Phoenicians, Greeks, Moors, Vikings, and pirates from many other nations attacked and robbed ships often with the support of the ships' own rulers. Air piracy emerged in the 20th century as hijackers diverted airlines for ransom, asylum, or political publicity. Piracy in the media mushroomed as high technology enabled cheap photocopying of books, reproductions of fine art, dubbing of music tapes, and copying computer software without royalty payments or permission of the authors. Piracy in brand name consumer goods is currently prevalent.
Piracy of media allows people, who could not otherwise afford it, the access to information and arts on a massive scale.
Piracy violates copyright laws, depriving authors and publishers a just return on their investment and a means to profitably sustain their creative work.