human value


Other Names:
Reducing energy consumption
Reducing materials throughput
Creating global sustainability
Reducing methane emissions from landfill sites
Conserving energy in transportation
Decreasing population mobility
Improving wood preservatives to protect the environment
Reducing methane emissions from animal husbandry
Containing health costs
Reducing methane emissions from wetlands
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Reducing transport emissions
Reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations
Reducing methane emissions from petroleum production
Reducing atmospheric methane concentrations
Decreasing atmospheric nitrous oxide concentrations
Decreasing consumption
Reducing emissions of halogenated gases
Decreasing travel to workplace
Reducing methane emissions from rice fields
Decreasing waste packaging
Decreasing transport demand
Decreasing required manual labour
Decreasing human contact contamination
Decreasing agricultural crop losses
Decreasing vandalism
Decreasing vandalism
Campaigning against of supermarkets
Reducing number of automobiles and motor vehicles
Reducing fish yields
Reducing church attendance
Undermining resistance to charitable giving
Relieving strain on world resources
Avoiding unwanted decrease
Reducing amount of electronic scrap
Decreasing skilled expertise
Decreasing population
Decreasing biodiversity
Decreasing consumer choice
Decreasing ecological diversity
Decreasing land
Decreasing land
Decreasing land
Decreasing voters
Decreasing number of adoptive parents
Decreasing number of adoptable children
Decreasing genetic diversity of animals
Decreasing agricultural growth
Decreasing transference of skills
Decreasing diversity of biological species
Decreasing genetic diversity in cultivated plants
Decreasing residential care for juvenile criminal offenders
Correcting plant genetic defects
Decreasing rural depopulation
Decreasing number of disabled persons
Reducing emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
Decreasing pace of life
Decreasing job monotony
Decreasing mechanization
Decreasing scale of farms
Decreasing operating costs
Decreasing public health costs
Decreasing low-income population
Decreasing out-of-town shopping
Decreasing size
Decreasing animal genetic defects
Decreasing economic value of labour
Decreasing reflection of solar radiation
Decreasing requirements for aged persons
Decreasing need for policing
Decreasing demand for meat and egg products
Decreasing competition for export markets
Decreasing rate of productivity increase
Decreasing number of single person households
Decreasing foreign debt of vulnerable countries
Decreasing antisocial behaviour
Decreasing incentives for agricultural output
Decreasing television watching
Decreasing sensitivity to personal pain
Lowering death rate
Reducing disruptive behaviour in schools
Type Classification:
D: Destructive values