
Protecting against environmental hazards due to economic development

Protection means ensuring both the variation in air, water, and soil conditions across a bioregion and the variation in effects of different substances emitted. All discharges, no matter where they are located in a region, will be equally affected by the criteria. Ensuring protection also means that governments will not transfer its pollution problems onto other jurisdictions or bioregions, nor should governments relax standards in order to attract industry. Criteria must ensure acceptable ambient environmental conditions all across states and bioregions.
Societal Problems Protection
Societal Problems Hazards
Economics Economic
Environment Environment
Development Development
Type Classification:
E: Emanations of other strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 1: No PovertyGOAL 2: Zero HungerGOAL 3: Good Health and Well-beingGOAL 4: Quality EducationGOAL 5: Gender EqualityGOAL 6: Clean Water and SanitationGOAL 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGOAL 10: Reduced InequalityGOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGOAL 13: Climate ActionGOAL 14: Life Below WaterGOAL 15: Life on LandGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong InstitutionsGOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal