Patterns & Metaphors

Deformed and diseased humans

Other Names:
Symbols in this class may employ representations of moderately or grossly deformed or diseased humans. A limping, or leg or foot impaired person is a prevalent image. A frail person, or a person in a wheelchair or sick-bed may be represented. A person whose back is deformed (hunchback) or more commonly, whose head or whose facial features are deformed (e.g. lepers) may be imaged. Unusual representations of skin and hair may be included in this category.
This class of symbols points to distortion, incompletion, and imperfection. It also represents what has already been rejected, or it is intended to evoke rejection. It may also indicate punishment. In the magical world of Grail literature the Loathely Damsel, and in the fairy-tale world, the frog-prince, indicate that ugliness or deformity may conceal beauty. This is somewhat the theme of Cinderella or the Ugly Duckling.<
Human body