Patterns & Metaphors

Integrating a new dimension

At the central foci of any domain the density of relationships between elements is such as to require construction of a framework in a new dimension . To avoid a purely mechanistic pattern, each element, whilst acquiring unique characteristics within the framework, should encode its earlier spatial dimensions and the rhythms of its earlier dynamics.
In every urban environment there are places so central that high-rise apartments tend to be constructed to accommodate the high population density. To avoid alienating impersonality, each apartment should have a direct connection to the ground, a private garden and the possibility of acquiring a unique identity. This may be accomplished by using stepped terraces on a housing hill.
At the central (or fashionable) foci of any organizational complex the preferred density of relationships is such as to require that many be based on a new mode of action. To avoid alienating impersonality, each group should maintain a direct connection to simpler and more fundamental modes of organizing relationships in time, whilst at the same time acquiring unique characteristics in the new framework.
At the central foci of any conceptual domain the necessary density of relationships between concepts is such as to require that many be based on a new (or meta) dimension. To avoid arid incomprehensibility, each set of concepts should maintain a direct connection to simpler and more fundamental patterns of relationship, whilst at the same time acquiring unique characteristics within the new framework.
At the central foci of any mode of awareness the density of relationships amongst perceptions and insights is such as to require that many be based on a new dimension of understanding. To avoid cold detachment, each set of insights should maintain a direct connection to simpler and more fundamental patterns of insight, whilst at the same time developing unique characteristics in the light of the new dimension.