Patterns & Metaphors


The interconnections between lines of relationships in a domain, namely the nodal points from which alternative relationships originate, play a central role in ensuring the viability and integrity of the overall pattern of relationships.
The interchanges in a web of public transportation services play a central role in ensuring the viability and integrity of the transportation system. They should be organized to make them accessible to regular users and to minimize the discontinuity between different modes of transport.
The arenas in which information is translated between different media in the web of public communication services play a central role in ensuring the viability and integrity of the communication system. The arenas should be organized to make them accessible to regular communications from different groups and to minimize the discontinuity between different modes of communication.
The focal, or interdisciplinary, concepts which provide interconnections between different lines of thought, play a central role in ensuring the viability and integrity of the web of conceptual relationships. Such nexuses of inter-relationships should be organized to make them relevant to ideas emanating from different schools of thought and to minimize the discontinuity between different modes of thought.
The integrative modes of awareness, which provide the necessary interconnections between particular modes of awareness, play a central role in ensuring the viability and integrity of any ordered pattern of awareness. The integrative modes should be organized to make them significant to insights emerging from different modes of awareness and to minimize the discontinuity between different modes of awareness.