Patterns & Metaphors

Activity nodes

As a framework of relationships is articulated, nodes emerge at the points of convergence of the principal relationships. Such nodes provide loci for processes vital to the self-organizing dynamics of the domain as a whole.
As a local community grows, community facilities emerge randomly, thus failing to reinforce each other or the vitality of the community as a whole. This may be remedied by concentrating mutually supportive facilities at activity nodes (such as small public squares distributed evenly throughout the community) on which the network of pathways naturally converge.
As an organizational complex develops, facilitative nodes emerge randomly, thus failing to reinforce each other or the vitality of the group or network as a whole. This may be remedied by concentrating mutually supportive network facilities at activity nodes (such as meetings organized regularly to serve different interest groups) on which the network of relationships naturally converge.
As a specialized conceptual domain develops, facilitative methods emerge randomly, thus failing to reinforce each other or the interest of the domain as a whole. This may be remedied by deliberately grouping mutually supportive methods in relation to the key concepts (such as those providing a focus for alternative perspectives within the domain) on which the network or conceptual relationships naturally converge.
As a specialized mode of awareness develops, facilitative key insights emerge randomly thus failing to reinforce each other or the integrity of that mode. This may be remedied by consciously associating mutually supportive insights in relation to the principal perceptions (such as those providing a focus for alternative perceptions within that mode) on which the network of insights naturally converge.