SecurityBroaderSafety-DangerPresentableProsperity-AdversityPresentableHope-HopelessnessPresentableCertainty-UncertaintyPresentableStability-ChangeablenessYet to rateProblemProhibitive cost of business securityExcellentPersonal physical insecurity of womenExcellentCrimes against national securityExcellentWater insecurityPresentableUnequal coverage by social securityPresentableSocial insecurityPresentableSecret government security vetting of job applicantsPresentablePreoccupation with security structuresPresentablePhysical insecurity of refugees and asylum-seekersPresentableOffences against human securityPresentableMishandling of national security informationPresentableMilitary insecurity and vulnerabilityPresentableLoss of traditional forms of social securityPresentableLack of a world food security systemPresentableIntimidation in educational institutionsPresentableInternational police infiltration by criminalsPresentableInternational insecurityPresentableInsecurity through unilateral structural disarmamentPresentableInsecurity of Western marriagesPresentableInsecurity of mobile telephone communicationPresentableInsecurity of employmentPresentableInsecurity and vulnerability of nuclear weapon statesPresentableInsecurityPresentableInappropriate foreign investmentPresentableInadequate social security for migrantsPresentableInadequate mechanisms for securing sufficient food suppliesPresentableHarbouring national security offendersPresentableExtrajudicial courts and tribunalsPresentableEscape from official detentionPresentableEnvironmental insecurityPresentableEconomic insecurityPresentableDrug-related threats to national integrityPresentableDenial of the right to social security in capitalist systemsPresentableCargo insecurityPresentableBreakdown in community security systemsPresentableUntrained security personnelYet to rateUnfair social security entitlementsYet to ratePsychological stress of urban environmentYet to rateLoose school securityYet to rateInsecurity of social eventsYet to rateFear of personal insecurityYet to rateFalse sense of securityYet to rateExaggerated concern for national securityYet to rateDiscriminatory financial security requirementsYet to rateStrategySafeguarding telecommunications securityExcellentProviding environmental securityExcellentPeace-keepingExcellentMaking safer citiesExcellentEstablishing policy to ensure global food securityExcellentReforming the United Nations Security CouncilPresentableProviding securityPresentableMonitoring food securityPresentableMaintaining global securityPresentableLegalizing community rights to resource usePresentableInstituting effective domestic securityPresentableImproving social services for womenPresentableImproving job security for womenPresentableDeveloping early warning disaster systemsPresentableCreating drought preparedness programmes stressing food securityPresentableAssisting women refugeesPresentableWithholding information on social security entitlementsYet to rateUsing international insecurityYet to rateUsing insecurityYet to rateUsing economic insecurityYet to rateThreatening national securityYet to rateThreatening international peace and securityYet to rateTaking security risksYet to rateSuppressing information by security classificationYet to rateStudying social security systemsYet to rateStudying crimes against national securityYet to rateStrengthening safeguards on movement of nuclear-weapons grade materialsYet to rateStagnating in social securityYet to rateSeeking securityYet to rateSafeguarding digitized information securityYet to rateResearching social securityYet to rateResearching bilateral relations of small statesYet to rateResearching alternate security arrangementsYet to rateRequiring financial securityYet to rateRelaxing preoccupation with security structuresYet to rateRegionalizing securityYet to rateReducing threats to human securityYet to rateReducing security risksYet to rateReducing racial discrimination by security forcesYet to rateReducing inequality of social security coverageYet to rateReducing financial security requirementsYet to rateReducing environmental threats to national securityYet to rateReducing drug-related threats to national integrityYet to rateReducing cost of social securityYet to rateRecognising security issues in biodiversity conservationYet to rateQuestioning security of social structureYet to rateProviding sufficient security plansYet to rateProviding social security servicesYet to rateProviding social security for disabled personsYet to rateProviding social security entitlementsYet to rateProviding security of resourcesYet to rateProviding security of leadershipYet to rateProviding security from future crop uncertaintyYet to rateProviding security for social eventsYet to rateProviding security for nuclear weapon statesYet to rateProviding security for land-locked countriesYet to rateProviding personal protectionYet to rateProviding personal physical securityYet to rateProviding national securityYet to rateProviding military securityYet to rateProviding legal security of tenure for housing tenantsYet to rateProviding international security for small statesYet to rateProviding information on social security entitlementsYet to rateProviding for retired staffYet to rateProviding European securityYet to rateProviding emotional securityYet to rateProviding economic securityYet to rateProviding community securityYet to rateProtecting propertyYet to rateProtecting privacyYet to rateProtecting human intellect from environmental threatsYet to ratePromoting increased security in cable systemsYet to ratePromoting alternative securityYet to rateProfessionalizing securityYet to ratePreserving traditional forms of social securityYet to ratePreserving inequality of social security coverageYet to rateOrganizing regional council of nationsYet to rateNegotiating multilateral safeguard systemsYet to rateMonitoring contraceptive failureYet to rateMeasuring human securityYet to rateInflating cost of social securityYet to rateIncreasing security of land tenureYet to rateIncreasing postal securityYet to rateIncreasing energy securityYet to rateIncreasing contribution of marine living resources to food security in developing countriesYet to rateIncreasing access to protection and security servicesYet to rateImproving social protection of farmersYet to rateImproving security systemYet to rateImproving job securityYet to rateImproving crop securityYet to rateFurnishing age securityYet to rateFocusing on security structuresYet to rateFinancing social securityYet to rateEstablishing internal security agencyYet to rateErosion of social securityYet to rateEnsuring regional energy supply securityYet to rateEnsuring greater international securityYet to rateEnsuring cultural securityYet to rateEnhancing security during social strifeYet to rateEnhancing personal security of old peopleYet to rateEnhancing global security through communicationYet to rateEngaging in rivalry between security servicesYet to rateEngaging in crimes against national securityYet to rateDeveloping national early warning systems for foodYet to rateDeveloping insurance industry securityYet to rateDeveloping improved port securityYet to rateDeveloping financial security marketsYet to rateDenying right to social security in capitalist systemsYet to rateDenying right to social securityYet to rateDenying right to securityYet to rateDenying right to economic securityYet to rateDelegating international security responsibilitiesYet to rateDefining offences against the security of humanityYet to rateConstructing accessible security facilityYet to rateCombining labour flexibility with economic securityYet to rateAssuring individual environmental securityYet to rateAdvocating global securityYet to rateActivating local security aidesYet to rateAccumulating national security informationYet to rateAccelerating transfer of biotechnology to increase food security in developing countriesYet to rateAbstaining from social security for farmersYet to rateAbstaining from security plansYet to rateAbstaining from international securityYet to rateAbstaining from emotional securityYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024