Increase [D]IncreasedIncreasingBroaderSuperiority-InferiorityPresentablePossession-LossPresentableIncrease-DecreasePresentableProblemTelevision addictionExcellentStagnated development of agricultural productionExcellentShortage of natural resourcesExcellentProliferation of sports utility vehiclesExcellentMarginal level of family incomeExcellentLiving aloneExcellentIncreasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphereExcellentIncreasing atmospheric carbon dioxideExcellentHarmful carbon dioxide impact on agricultureExcellentExternal debt crisisExcellentAgeing of world populationExcellentUnsatisfactory retail bankingPresentableUnderpopulationPresentableTechnological underdevelopmentPresentableSocio-economic burden of militarizationPresentableRestricted growth in export marketsPresentableProliferation of automobiles and motor vehiclesPresentableMaldistribution of agricultural landPresentableLack of support for local commercial servicesPresentableIncreasing unsustainability of global developmentPresentableIncreasing public health costsPresentableIncreasing proportion of land surface devoted to urbanizationPresentableIncreasing number of step-familiesPresentableIncreasing job monotonyPresentableIncreasing income disparity due to transnational corporationsPresentableIncreasing female criminalityPresentableIncreasing drug experimentation in developing countriesPresentableIncreasing adolescent sexual activityPresentableIncrease in product transport distancesPresentableIncrease in pests and diseases through perennial irrigationPresentableIncrease in nitrous oxides in the atmospherePresentableIncrease in insurance claims for medical negligencePresentableIncrease in concentration of atmospheric water vapourPresentableIncrease in atmospheric concentration of methanePresentableIncrease in abandoned buildingsPresentableFear of increased autonomyPresentableExcessive growth of social expenditurePresentableDeclining economic productivityPresentableCompassion fatiguePresentableCatastrophic expansion of the sunPresentableUnrestricted travelYet to rateProliferationYet to rateProhibitive labour costsYet to ratePreoccupation with increasing sizeYet to rateIncreasing scepticism about the accuracy of official informationYet to rateIncreasing pace of lifeYet to rateIncreasing number of disabled personsYet to rateIncreasing lag in education against population growthYet to rateIncreasing lag in education against growth in knowledgeYet to rateIncreasing development lag against population growthYet to rateIncreased reflection of solar radiationYet to rateIncreased food consumptionYet to rateIncreased dependence on guard dogsYet to rateIncrease in operating costsYet to rateInadequate community policingYet to rateFear of increased taxationYet to rateExtreme weather eventsYet to rateDiscrimination against local community shopping facilitiesYet to rateAnimal disease due to increase in irrigation and water conservationYet to rateStrategyIncreasing international labour mobilityExcellentDeveloping agricultural biotechnologyExcellentReforming tax systemsPresentableReducing uncertainties in animal experimentationPresentableIncurring foreign public debtPresentableIncreasing reliance on private sector health servicesPresentableIncreasing global food productionPresentableIncreasing efficiency of manual farmingPresentableIncreasing amount of water for food productionPresentableImproving agricultural productivityPresentableGenerating employmentPresentableEnsuring full employmentPresentableDeveloping marginal agricultural landsPresentableUsing public environmentYet to rateUsing coalYet to rateUpgrading local soil productivityYet to rateTraining practical skillsYet to rateTraining meteorologistsYet to rateTaking timeYet to rateStudying social changesYet to rateStrengthening political willYet to rateStabilizingYet to rateSowing distrustYet to rateSeparating urban subculturesYet to rateSecuring increased consumer salesYet to rateReversing declining birth rateYet to rateReleasing additional usable landYet to rateRelaxing preoccupation with increasing sizeYet to rateRegulating historical researchYet to rateRegionalizing securityYet to rateReducing uncertaintyYet to rateReducing local energy costsYet to rateReducing illiteracy amongst childrenYet to rateProviding social awarenessYet to ratePromoting increased security in cable systemsYet to rateProducing fish in reservoirsYet to ratePopularizing heroesYet to rateMotivating cooperationYet to rateMaximizing productive plantation acreageYet to rateLifting restrictions on private schoolingYet to rateIncreasing-DecreasingYet to rateIncreasing water storage capacityYet to rateIncreasing use of resourcesYet to rateIncreasing urban murder rateYet to rateIncreasing unemploymentYet to rateIncreasing understandingYet to rateIncreasing travel opportunitiesYet to rateIncreasing transfer of industries to low-wage countriesYet to rateIncreasing tensionYet to rateIncreasing taxesYet to rateIncreasing success of human matingYet to rateIncreasing stiffnessYet to rateIncreasing share of world exportsYet to rateIncreasing seasonal crop yieldsYet to rateIncreasing scientific activitiesYet to rateIncreasing scale of farmsYet to rateIncreasing rural populationYet to rateIncreasing riskYet to rateIncreasing resistance to diseaseYet to rateIncreasing residential spaceYet to rateIncreasing reflection of solar radiationYet to rateIncreasing rate of productivity increaseYet to rateIncreasing public health costsYet to rateIncreasing provisionYet to rateIncreasing productivity of use of human resourcesYet to rateIncreasing productivity of resourcesYet to rateIncreasing productivity of marine living resourcesYet to rateIncreasing productivity of dependentsYet to rateIncreasing productivity of capitalist systemsYet to rateIncreasing production of manufactured goodsYet to rateIncreasing price of raw materialsYet to rateIncreasing predominance of supermarketsYet to rateIncreasing power generation capacityYet to rateIncreasing postal securityYet to rateIncreasing populationYet to rateIncreasing personnelYet to rateIncreasing personal incomeYet to rateIncreasing pace of lifeYet to rateIncreasing out-of-town shoppingYet to rateIncreasing operating costsYet to rateIncreasing numbersYet to rateIncreasing number of votersYet to rateIncreasing number of single person householdsYet to rateIncreasing number of geostationary satellite orbitsYet to rateIncreasing number of adoptable childrenYet to rateIncreasing North - South tradeYet to rateIncreasing nobilityYet to rateIncreasing national populationYet to rateIncreasing national assetsYet to rateIncreasing municipalization of landYet to rateIncreasing military strengthYet to rateIncreasing military efficiencyYet to rateIncreasing mechanizationYet to rateIncreasing marketable crop yieldYet to rateIncreasing market capacityYet to rateIncreasing local respect for regional and global legislationYet to rateIncreasing local milk outputYet to rateIncreasing local meat sourceYet to rateIncreasing local demandYet to rateIncreasing loan collateralYet to rateIncreasing limitationsYet to rateIncreasing land vehiclesYet to rateIncreasing land supply by fiscal meansYet to rateIncreasing labour forceYet to rateIncreasing job monotonyYet to rateIncreasing intervals between pregnanciesYet to rateIncreasing international travelYet to rateIncreasing international tradeYet to rateIncreasing individual responsibilityYet to rateIncreasing indirect taxationYet to rateIncreasing independence of the disabledYet to rateIncreasing incomeYet to rateIncreasing in valueYet to rateIncreasing impact of violent newsYet to rateIncreasing human physical heightYet to rateIncreasing health costsYet to rateIncreasing groundwater resourcesYet to rateIncreasing government regulationsYet to rateIncreasing government action commitmentYet to rateIncreasing goodsYet to rateIncreasing global fundsYet to rateIncreasing genetic erosionYet to rateIncreasing forest productivityYet to rateIncreasing food crop productivityYet to rateIncreasing fishing industry revenueYet to rateIncreasing fisheries catchYet to rateIncreasing financial resourcesYet to rateIncreasing farm mechanizationYet to rateIncreasing exposureYet to rateIncreasing export earningsYet to rateIncreasing enforceability of international standardsYet to rateIncreasing energy suppliesYet to rateIncreasing energy securityYet to rateIncreasing employment in caring professionsYet to rateIncreasing efficiency of labour useYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of past effortsYet to rateIncreasing dowryYet to rateIncreasing direct taxationYet to rateIncreasing demand for primary commodities due to technological changeYet to rateIncreasing demand for meat and egg productsYet to rateIncreasing demand for distribution of economic goodsYet to rateIncreasing defence budgetsYet to rateIncreasing death rateYet to rateIncreasing cultivated produce exportYet to rateIncreasing crop profit marginYet to rateIncreasing contribution of marine living resources to food security in developing countriesYet to rateIncreasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphereYet to rateIncreasing competitiveness of rural attractionsYet to rateIncreasing competitiveness of business practicesYet to rateIncreasing competition from low-wage countriesYet to rateIncreasing community urgencyYet to rateIncreasing commercial facilitiesYet to rateIncreasing combined use of surface and groundwaterYet to rateIncreasing church-school involvementYet to rateIncreasing chemical risk research by industry in developed countriesYet to rateIncreasing business activityYet to rateIncreasing available living unitsYet to rateIncreasing available landYet to rateIncreasing available harvesting potentialYet to rateIncreasing available cultivated acresYet to rateIncreasing availability of therapeutic substances of human originYet to rateIncreasing availability of renewable basic materialsYet to rateIncreasing autonomy of urban waterYet to rateIncreasing atmospheric carbon dioxideYet to rateIncreasing antisocial behaviourYet to rateIncreasing annual acreage yieldYet to rateIncreasing amount of urban landYet to rateIncreasing amount of labourYet to rateIncreasing amount of housingYet to rateIncreasing amount of fresh-waterYet to rateIncreasing amount of foreign currencyYet to rateIncreasing amount of energy resourcesYet to rateIncreasing amount of cultivable landYet to rateIncreasing amount of available natural resourcesYet to rateIncreasing amount of animal proteinYet to rateIncreasing amountYet to rateIncreasing aidYet to rateIncreasing agricultural productionYet to rateIncreasing activity of transnational corporationsYet to rateIncreasing achievement visionsYet to rateIncreasing accuracy of official informationYet to rateIncreasing access to goodsYet to rateIncreasing access to foreign travel in remote placesYet to rateImproving reliability of rainfallYet to rateImproving natural resource useYet to rateImproving interface between fundamentally different societiesYet to rateIgnoring plight of disadvantaged peopleYet to rateFormalizing technical training structuresYet to rateForcing repatriationYet to rateFocusing on increasing sizeYet to rateFarming fishYet to rateExtracting natural resourcesYet to rateExtending agricultural water usageYet to rateExposing to outside influencesYet to rateExpanding world tradeYet to rateExpanding consumer choiceYet to rateExchanging adult educatorsYet to rateEstablishing scholarship loan fundYet to rateEnsuring competent radiometryYet to rateEngaging in rivalryYet to rateEnabling increased market complexityYet to rateDeveloping rural energy sourcesYet to rateDeveloping private investmentYet to rateDepleting natural resourcesYet to rateDecreasing rate of productivity increaseYet to rateDecreasing incentives for agricultural outputYet to rateControlling riseYet to rateCompeting for exportsYet to rateBuilding up local productionYet to rateBroadening systematic purchasing powerYet to rateAssisting increased parental employmentYet to rateAssessing marine biological effects of increased ultraviolet radiationYet to rateAdvocating for lesbiansYet to rateAcquiring increased farm landYet to rateAccumulating capitalYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateFeb 28, 2022