Five-fold way (Buddhism)
- Panca marga
- Pancha marga
- Five paths
- approach, the way of the hearers - [sravakayana]
- leads to realization as an [arhat]
; the enlightenment of a [pratyeka buddha]
who has followed the solitary path, perhaps when no buddha was manifest, is somewhere between that of an [arhat]
and one who has been totally enlightened; and the way of the [bodhisattvas]
, totally enlightened beings, is different again.
The five paths are: (i) [sambhara marga]
- the path of accumulation or joining a religious community; (ii) [prayoga marga]
- the path of preparation for discipleship; (iii) [darsana marga]
- the path of seeing, where an understanding of the four noble truths is developed; (iv) [bhavana marga]
- the path of meditation or cultivation where attachment to pleasures is destroyed; (v) [asaiksa marga]
- the path of no-more-learning.