Emblems of well-being (Tarot)
- Sun
Among the archetypes projected by the psyche are emblems of achievement, self-maintenance, success, happiness, fame and related states of awareness of well-being. Symbols can include a crown, a high seat, appearance before an audience, and being in the lime-light or a radiant place. In the Tarot, the related emblem is the Sun (number 19) shining on two children. There is a type of innocence and the combining of opposite polarities. At this stage, there is rigid self scrutiny as typified by the the dispersal of darkness by the angel of fire. The emblem suggests that well-being can never be a static situation, but one of growth and human development.
The Tarot emblem the Sun is placed by Kabbalists on the 30th path between foundation (Yesod) and splendour or glory (Hod).