Preparing response strategy for industrial accidents
In 1988, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), launched the Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level (APELL) programme, in cooperation with governments and industry. Its main goal is to prevent technological accidents and reduce the impact of those that occur by assisting decision makers and technical personnel to increase community awareness of hazardous installations and potential hazards and to help them develop emergency response plans by disseminating information, training, and the exchanging of information and assistance in the case of emergencies. Currently, APELL has a network of 69 national focal points. UNEP is currently working with IMO to develop specific activities on the prevention of accidents in ports. UNEP, also within the framework of APELL and together with IPCS, WHO/EURO and OECD, has produced guidelines on the role of the health sector in chemical emergency preparedness and response. They will be used by IPCS and WHO regional offices in training activities. Case studies of successful APELL implementations were to be published in 1994.