Global Strategies & Solutions

Over the ages humans have recognised problems they face, and have devised and implemented solutions and strategies to overcome them. But what was the problem and logic behind these strategies, how were they implemented, and what were their outcomes - positive or negative, deliberate or unintended? The Global Strategies and Solutions section of the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is an ongoing attempt to record and map the relationships between any strategies and solutions that humanity actually or potentially uses, in the hopes that a better overall understanding of which would greatly enhance our ability to formulate effective strategies to global problems.

The Global Strategies and Solutions section details this problem and over 32,000 others and the 280,000 relationships between them - from Awarding prizes, Breaking down cultural isolation and Campaigning, to Wishing and Using witchcraft. The strategies presented are those recognized by over 69,000 international organizations including IGOs, NGOs and other bodies (profiled in the Yearbook of International Organizations). Some strategies may be recognized by many organizations, others may only be recognized by loose networks, movements or isolated groups of experts.

Strategy Strategy Type
Translating textbooks G: Very Specific strategies
Expanding global events access G: Very Specific strategies
Forcing settlement F: Exceptional strategies
Preserving law and order C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Coordinating physical team activities G: Very Specific strategies
Decreasing consumption C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Reducing hooliganism E: Emanations of other strategies
Systemizing trade D: Detailed strategies
Using capital B: Basic universal strategies
Inspiring heroic possibility F: Exceptional strategies
Condemning hooliganism G: Very Specific strategies
Forging brand-name merchandise G: Very Specific strategies
Managing production D: Detailed strategies
Influencing international agencies F: Exceptional strategies
Defeating economically C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Demanding awareness of mystery F: Exceptional strategies
Gaining qualifications G: Very Specific strategies
Promoting research cooperation E: Emanations of other strategies
Reducing drink driving G: Very Specific strategies
Refusing to participate B: Basic universal strategies
Allowing easy home shopping G: Very Specific strategies
Improving condition of buildings D: Detailed strategies
Developing basic curriculum materials D: Detailed strategies
Initiating rehearsal of existing customs F: Exceptional strategies
Pursuing short-term gratification B: Basic universal strategies
Pervading-Missing P: Strategy polarities
Reducing international tension E: Emanations of other strategies
Limiting entertainment possibilities G: Very Specific strategies
Reducing accident proneness E: Emanations of other strategies
Meeting housing needs C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Constructing data systems D: Detailed strategies
Reducing corporate title inflation G: Very Specific strategies
Improving dental services D: Detailed strategies
Managing culture of violence F: Exceptional strategies
Transforming productive resources G: Very Specific strategies
Determining criminal liability D: Detailed strategies
Using latin names F: Exceptional strategies
Eliciting outside technical assistance G: Very Specific strategies
Strengthening religions B: Basic universal strategies
Coordinating farm management research G: Very Specific strategies
Supplying fishery products G: Very Specific strategies
Distributing television sets G: Very Specific strategies
Being spouses E: Emanations of other strategies
Organizing institute of space law G: Very Specific strategies
Personalizing bureaucracy F: Exceptional strategies
Appealing unjust dismissal of workers G: Very Specific strategies
Reducing number of official languages G: Very Specific strategies
Developing international sustainable energy policy E: Emanations of other strategies
Maintaining international disparity in the consumption of resources F: Exceptional strategies
Neglecting prisoners F: Exceptional strategies
